Chapter 14
Focused cardiac ultrasound
Gabriele Via1, Anthony Dean2,3, Gabriele Casso1, Brian Bridal Løgstrup4 and Guido Tavazzi5
1Cardiac Anesthesia and Intensive Care, Cardiocentro Ticino, Lugano, Switzerland. 2Division of Emergency Ultrasonography, Dept of Emergency Medicine, University of Pennsylvania Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA, USA. 3Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, Guatemala City, Guatemala. 4Dept of Cardiology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark. 5University of Pavia, Anesthesia, Intensive Care and Pain Therapy, Anesthesia and Intensive Care, Emergency Dept, Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, Pavia, Italy.
Correspondence: Gabriele Via, Cardiac Anesthesia and Intensive Care, Cardiocentro Ticino, Via Tesserete 48, 6900 Lugano, Switzerland. E-mail:
FoCUS is a targeted, simplified, cardiac US examination that is rapidly expanding in use in the management of critically ill patients. Performed by the clinician at the point of care, it provides essential information on the pathophysiology of shock, haemodynamic instability in trauma and nonshockable cardiac arrest syndromes. A growing body of evidence supports its use in a number of critical settings, including pre-hospital and austere/remote scenarios, emergency medicine, perioperative and intensive care, and respiratory and acute cardiac care. When integrated into the clinical diagnostic workup, FoCUS narrows the differential diagnosis (when not providing the conclusive diagnosis) and hastens and guides timely treatment. A detailed overview of the principles, aims, technique, applications, pitfalls and limitations of FoCUS is provided.
Cite as: Via G, Dean A, Casso G, et al. Focused cardiac ultrasound. In: Laursen CB, Rahman NM, Volpicelli G, eds. Thoracic Ultrasound (ERS Monograph). Sheffield, European Respiratory Society, 2018; pp. 184–205 [].
The use of FoCUS is becoming widely accepted as a tool to aid clinical decision making, especially in critical care, emergency medicine, anaesthesia and acute cardiac care. In these settings where cardiovascular/respiratory compromise may be challenging and rapidly evolving, FoCUS has the potential to provide crucial pathophysiological information. In this chapter, the concept, aims, technique and clinical applications of FoCUS are described, with an emphasis on its technique, how it relates to formal comprehensive echocardiography and its limitations.
Definition, aims and limitations
FoCUS represents a targeted application of echocardiography that is rapidly expanding in use in emergency and critical care medicine. It is a clinician-performed cardiac US test frequently based on standardised scanning protocols. It is performed by appropriately trained clinicians to obtain information needed in the management of unstable patients for time-sensitive clinical decision making [1, 2]. The primary goals of FoCUS are an understanding of the cardiovascular physiology/pathophysiology of the patient and the mitigation of diagnostic uncertainty. Furthermore, when FoCUS findings are sufficiently conclusive, they may allow a definitive diagnosis. If they do not, they may narrow the differential diagnosis, thereby accelerating the diagnostic/therapeutic process with potential savings in time, clinical resources and costs.
Although most commonly conducted at the bedside by noncardiologists using highly mobile or even portable US machines, FoCUS can be performed by any appropriately trained clinician regardless of his or her specialty, with any US machine capable of obtaining the necessary information [1, 2]. It can be performed within the hospital, as well as in any out-of-hospital setting in which unstable or emergently ill patients are being cared for. Such settings include hospital wards, emergency departments, operative theatres, intensive care units, pre-hospital and inter-hospital transport, and remote and austere environments.
FoCUS is targeted based on the clinical evaluation; it is informed by the clinical evaluation, and seeks to complement and augment it. Examples of typical questions to be addressed by FoCUS include: Why is this patient hypotensive/dyspnoeic? Might this patient benefit from volume resuscitation? Is major right ventricle (RV) systolic dysfunction responsible for the shock state of this patient? Another important distinction between FoCUS and the traditional echocardiographic examination is that many critical care and emergency sonologists are trained in LUS, allowing them to integrate this skill with their cardiac US evaluation. Currently, LUS is not a component of most echocardiology protocols, and the majority of echocardiologists are not trained or experienced in its use. Indeed, FoCUS represents the cardiac US application within a broader critical US praxis, which includes (as indicated by the patient’s clinical condition) evaluation of the lungs, pleural spaces, abdominal cavity and vascular system, and is frequently augmented by the use of US to guide invasive procedures [3]. Outside the emergency/critical care context, evidence also suggests an emerging role for FoCUS in the screening of cardiac disease in specific high-risk populations [1, 4].
Table 1 provides a detailed summary of how FoCUS differs from traditional comprehensive echocardiography.
Table 1. Major features of FoCUS, representing substantial differences compared with comprehensive echocardiography
Feature | Further information |
Performed at the point of care | FoCUS is performed at the point of care by the clinician attending the patient. |
Focused | FoCUS is not an exhaustive cardiac investigation, nor does it aim necessarily at a definitive diagnosis. It provides pathophysiological insight on relevant clinical issues that require a rapid response. Even in situations in which a diagnosis is not made, FoCUS frequently narrows the differential diagnosis, embodying the concept of “mitigation of diagnostic uncertainty”. |
Problem-based, goal-directed | FoCUS is problem oriented and targeted, based on the clinical condition of the patient. For this reason, it is frequently referred to as goal-directed. |
Time sensitive | FoCUS is time sensitive, consistent with the short time frame of the patient’s illness. For example, in a patient with sudden cardiovascular instability, the time frame for evaluating the cause of shock might be a matter of seconds, whereas in the same patient with gradual decompensation, the evaluation of evidence of left ventricular failure might occur over a longer period. |
Generally follows a specific protocol | Parts or all of the FoCUS examination may be defined by protocol. While every FoCUS examination is individualised to the patient’s clinical condition and may vary based on the training and experience of the sonologist, in managing time-sensitive critical conditions (such as cardiopulmonary arrest) it is frequently useful to follow scientifically established protocols [5–8]. As such the FoCUS examination can easily be integrated with other resuscitation protocols, such as the Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) protocol, although there are currently no data to demonstrate that use of FoCUS in this setting improves survival. |
Provides mainly qualitative/semi-quantitative data | FoCUS collects a series of mainly qualitative/semi-quantitative findings that are interpreted in light of the clinical context. |
Limited in scope, number of views and echocardiographic modalities used | FoCUS is often limited in scope in that it frequently uses a limited number of transthoracic views and US modalities (two-dimensional and M-mode), and addresses an evidence-based restricted list of targets. |
Examination in which there should be a low threshold for further testing | With its defined and limited focus, and as a single component of the ongoing diagnostic/therapeutic evaluation of the critically ill, it is appropriate that FoCUS frequently triggers additional testing, mostly comprehensive echocardiography. In contrast to FoCUS performed as a screening tool for cardiac disease in asymptomatic populations, FoCUS performed in the critically ill generally has a high specificity for severe cardiovascular derangements but less sensitivity. It is therefore used mainly as a rule-in tool. Whenever the information about cardiovascular abnormalities provided by FoCUS is insufficient for the immediate or definitive care of patients, they should be referred for a comprehensive echocardiographic examination as soon as possible. |
Can be repeated or expanded as often as is indicated | FoCUS can be repeated or expanded as often as is indicated by the patient’s clinical condition. It is frequently used to assess the response to therapeutic interventions, and may be modified by the evolving clinical picture. |
There is clear evidence that noncardiology clinicians can be proficient in the skills required for FoCUS [1, 9–14]. The learning curve for FoCUS is shorter (and steeper) than that of comprehensive echocardiography, so that training programmes can be relatively short compared with those required for expertise in comprehensive echocardiography [1, 15]. However, given the heterogeneity of FoCUS literature in the training protocols, there are no data that precisely define and quantify the training and experience needed for competence in FoCUS, and the recommendations vary. The core components of a FoCUS training programme should be a theoretical part, hands-on training and image-interpretation training. According to several scientific bodies, there is general agreement that a brief introductory course, followed by the execution of at least 50–60 examinations performed under appropriate proctorship represents an adequate training for competency in the most basic FoCUS examination (evaluation for pericardial effusion, tamponade, acute intravascular volume depletion, acute RV failure, left ventricle (LV) systolic dysfunction and gross valvular abnormalities) [1, 2, 16–19].
It is important that clinicians are mindful that the test characteristics of FoCUS are different from those of comprehensive echocardiography, in the same way that portable and nonportable chest radiographs, chest CT and pulmonary CT angiograms all have different test characteristics. In particular, the training and experience of a clinical sonologist are often limited in comparison with those of imaging specialists, and the limitations of FoCUS in the context of the management of critically ill patients mean that it yields more limited information. For these reasons, the FoCUS practitioner in the critical care setting should have a low threshold for obtaining a comprehensive echocardiogram (as well as other diagnostic tests) in cases where findings are ambiguous or unclear, or where the clinical context suggests that the patient’s condition may be due to cardiac pathology that is not obtainable from the FoCUS examination (e.g. chronic heart disease, valvular disease). Recognition of specific limitations (e.g. frequently mechanical ventilation, or the immediate post-cardiac surgery setting) and of technical limitations of the US equipment is a component of FoCUS expertise. A clear definition of the FoCUS goals, purview and limitations is an important part of any FoCUS training curriculum. Conversely, traditional imaging specialists should be aware that the intensivist’s familiarity with the patient’s clinical condition, the integration of US evaluation of the lungs and other organ systems with the FoCUS examination, and the ability to perform the examination in real-time, concurrent with changes in the patient’s condition, may confer advantages on FoCUS over a comprehensive echocardiographic evaluation.
A final limitation that should be noted is that FoCUS is widely used in clinical settings outside those of traditional echocardiography (e.g. trauma, resuscitation and intensive care in general), and is frequently integrated into the US examination of other body areas. Discussion of the extensive uses of FoCUS in these settings is beyond the scope of this chapter.
FoCUS technique and equipment
A FoCUS examination does not require the execution of all the views of a comprehensive echocardiographic examination. A limited number of views (figure 1 and table 2) usually suffices to allow confirmation of findings [1]. Those most commonly used in the FoCUS examination are the subcostal long-axis (SLAX, also named subcostal four-chamber (S4CH)), subcostal inferior vena cava (SIVC), parasternal long-axis (PLAX), parasternal midpapillary short-axis (PSAX) and apical four-chamber (A4CH). The SLAX view is particularly useful in patients with chronic lung disease, or in mechanically ventilated patients. Whenever possible, a combination of views should be obtained, although this may not be possible in the critical setting. Ideally, each target structure as well as abnormal findings should be visualised in at least two different planes or views, provided the patient’s clinical status allows it.

Figure 1. Suggested standard set of views for FoCUS, with corresponding anatomical sections and planes. If compatible with the clinical scenario, a systematic approach going through all of these views is recommended. The upper left panel depicts where the probe is located on the patient’s chest in order to obtain the FoCUS views. For each of the five FoCUS views, the remaining panels provide a schematic description of: probe orientation (indicated on the torso image in each part), US cross-section through the heart (upper right on each part), anatomical plane (left on each part) and corresponding cardiac US view obtained (lower right on each part). The five views are: 1) subcostal long axis (SLAX, also named subcostal four-chamber (S4CH)), 2) subcostal inferior vena cava (SIVC), 3) apical four-chamber (A4CH), 4) parasternal long axis (PLAX) and 5) parasternal short axis (PSAX) (in this image, the midpapillary level is shown, but the left ventricle (LV) from apex to base can be scanned). For a better understanding of the US images of the heart obtained with each view, the arrow on the torso pictures indicates the orientation of the marker on the probe (yellow dot in the picture), while the yellow line on the margin of the US sector cutting the heart and of the anatomical plane picture indicates the side corresponding to the probe’s indicator, e.g. for A4CH, the probe indicator (yellow dot) is oriented on the left side of the patient, and the left-sided structures of the heart (LV and left atrium (LA)) are represented in the anatomical plane and in the US image on the side of the sector highlighted by the yellow line. RV: right ventricle; RA: right atrium; IVC: inferior vena cava; AscAo: ascending aorta; IVS: interventricular septum.
Table 2. Suggested FoCUS views standard set, representing the minimum data set for a complete FoCUS examination
Subcostal long-axis (SLAX; also named subcostal four-chamber (S4CH)) |
Subcostal inferior vena cava (SIVC) longitudinal and transverse |
Apical four-chamber (A4CH) |
Parasternal long-axis (PLAX) |
Parasternal short-axis (PSAX) |
Recommendations regarding the most useful cardiac views in FoCUS are contradictory. In the critically ill nonventilated patient, the PLAX view seems to be the most easily obtained [20]. However, the SLAX and A4CH views offer several advantages: 1) they allow simultaneous visualisation of all cardiac chambers, providing the information required to screen for chronic cardiac disease (the advised preliminary target of each FoCUS examination; see later section), 2) especially in cardiac arrest scenario, the SLAX view is the most easily accessible one, and in the challenging mechanically ventilated patients it can be the only viable one, and 3) the SLAX view, with minimal probe manipulation, also quickly provides sonographic access to the inferior vena cava (IVC) (i.e. through the SIVC view). In extreme situations with the greatest time sensitivity, the two combined subcostal views may provide sufficient initial minimal information (although the FoCUS examination should be completed as soon as the clinical picture permits).
A systematic approach, going through multiple views in a protocolised fashion, is recommended to increase the accuracy of FoCUS [1]. The assumption is that going through most or all views of a FoCUS examination in a standardised way increases its screening capabilities for the various abnormalities and decreases the likelihood of missing findings or parts of the examination in clinically chaotic and stressful environments, such as in cardiopulmonary resuscitation. An example of FoCUS protocol for cardiac arrest, Focused Echocardiography Evaluation in Life support (FEEL), is described in figure 2 [5]. The echocardiographic modalities applied in FoCUS are represented by two-dimensional (2D) mode and motion mode (M-mode), as current evidence does not support the use of Doppler-based techniques in this setting [1]. When available and if compatible with time restraints of the clinical scenario, ECG-gated acquisition during a FoCUS examination may be helpful for better timing of cardiac events.

Figure 2. The Focused Echocardiography Evaluation in Life support (FEEL) protocol. This is a widely used protocol-based FoCUS approach that is designed to be integrated within the Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) protocols in cardiac arrest. FoCUS is performed if nonshockable rhythms are detected, and in an ACLS-conforming manner: only after five cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) cycles, during the 10-s interval of the pulse check, and without interfering with resuscitation manoeuvres. VF: ventricular fibrillation; VT: ventricular tachycardia; PEA: pulseless electrical activity; EMD: electromechanical dissociation; ETCO2: end-tidal CO2.
FoCUS can be performed with any US machine capable of 2D cardiac imaging, from a full functionality platform to pocket-sized and hand-carried devices. The latter use a simpler technology and thus present relevant technical and diagnostic limitations in comparison with high-end US machines. When cardiac US was performed comparing experienced operators with high-end machines and with portable devices, results varied according to the targets of the examination considered, ranging from a good agreement [21, 22] to significant superiority of stationary high-end machines [23]. Several factors may potentially affect the quality and interpretation of the FoCUS information obtained with such highly portable devices, especially in situations in which suboptimal patient echogenicity poses a challenge: smaller and lower resolution of the screen, an intrinsic lack of complex image enhancement and artefact reduction capabilities, and the possibility of limited acquisition modifications [24]. Awareness of portable US machine limitations by FoCUS practitioners is extremely important: the ability to undertake a careful assessment of image quality and reliability should be part of any FoCUS competency-based training [1, 24].
FoCUS findings and patterns
FoCUS includes the assessment of a narrow list of evidence-based detectable targets [1, 19] (table 3). While there are numerous modalities used in comprehensive echocardiographic examinations to measure cardiac function and anatomy, many of these are time consuming and require training beyond that of the usual critical care or emergency sonologist. However, there are a few metrics that are relatively easy to assess, and with a trained eye these can often be rapidly evaluated by visual estimation with a degree of accuracy that is sufficient for critical clinical decision making [1, 9].
Table 3. Recommended targets of the FoCUS examination
Signs of chronic heart disease |
Moderate to severe left ventricular systolic dysfunction |
Moderate to severe right ventricular systolic dysfunction |
Severe hypovolaemia |
Pericardial effusion, tamponade |
Findings of severe valve disease |
Large intracardiac masses |
Each FoCUS examination should systematically search for these pathological cardiac US signs (see text for details). The screening for signs of chronic cardiac disease is an essential preliminary step, as it allows interpretation of subsequent findings in the correct light. |
With appropriate training, visual pattern recognition of these findings (either in isolation or combination) can be learned relatively rapidly [1, 9–11]. Development of adequate visual pattern recognition skills usually requires review of large numbers of normal and pathological video clips, which is an important component of a training programme. The goal is to identify distinctive sonographic features that are associated with common and significant cardiocirculatory disease. This process is facilitated by the fact that, in many cases, “the sicker the patient, the grosser the FoCUS findings”. A description of these patterns is provided in table 4. Figure 3 provides examples of common FoCUS patterns in shock, some of which are also found as reversible causes of PEA.
Table 4. FoCUS patterns in emergency/critical care
1. Acute LV systolic dysfunction | LV global hypokinesia (visual estimation) No signs of chronic LV disease ±Regional wall motion abnormalities |
2. Acute RV systolic dysfunction | RV dilation RV hypokinesia (visual+reduced TAPSE) No signs of chronic RV disease ±Systolic septal dyskinesia (pressure overload) ±Diastolic septal dyskinesia (volume overload) |
3. Acute biventricular systolic dysfunction | LV global hypokinesia RV hypokinesia (visual+reduced TAPSE) No signs of chronic RV or LV disease |
4. Severe hypovolaemia | Small LV end-diastolic and end-systolic size (hyperdynamic LV) Small RV size, hyperdynamic RV Small, collapsing IVC (spontaneous respiration) Small IVC (mechanical ventilation) |
5. Pericardial effusion | Anechoic/hypoechoic pericardial free space |
6. Tamponade | Pericardial effusion Signs of compression (collapse: RA systolic, RV diastolic, LA systolic, LV diastolic) IVC plethora |
7. Cardiac standstill | Complete absence of cardiac wall motion (regardless of any valve motion) |
8. Suspected severe acute valve dysfunction | Abnormal valve motion (AV cusps flail, MV leaflet flail, prolapse, restriction) And/or leaflet/cusps anatomical gaps And/or mass(es) on leaflets/cusps |
9. Suspected chronic cor pulmonale | RV dilation RV hypokinesia (visual+reduced TAPSE) RV hypertrophy and RA dilation ±Septal dyskinesia |
10. Suspected chronic LV dysfunction (dilated cardiomyopathy) | LV and LA dilation LV global hypokinesia ±Regional wall motion abnormalities |
11. Suspected chronic LV dysfunction (hypertrophic cardiomyopathy) | LV marked hypertrophy LA dilation ±LV global hypokinesia ±Regional wall motion abnormalities |
12. Suspected chronic valve disease | Abnormal valve thickening Abnormal valve motion (AV cusps restricted motion, MV leaflet restricted motion, MV flail/prolapse) LA dilation±LV dilation or hypertrophy LV global hypokinesia |
Common FoCUS patterns in adult cardiac arrest and shock scenarios are shown. Common patterns in shock are represented by acute left ventricle (LV) systolic dysfunction, acute right ventricle (RV) systolic dysfunction, biventricular failure, severe hypovolaemia and tamponade (patterns 1–4 and 6). Common cardiac arrest findings when electromechanical dissociation occurs are also represented by dramatic acute LV systolic dysfunction, acute RV systolic dysfunction, severe hypovolaemia and tamponade (patterns 1–3 and 6). Cardiac standstill is another typical finding in cardiac arrest pulseless electrical activity/asystole rhythms. Patterns 8–12 (suspected pre-existing chronic heart disease, suspected valvular disease) should trigger comprehensive echocardiography referral within an appropriate time frame, as their evaluation may go beyond FoCUS competency. TAPSE: tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion; IVC: inferior vena cava; RA: right atrium; LA: left atrium; AV: aortic valve; MV: mitral valve. Reproduced and modified from [1] with permission. |

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