Endovascular Treatment of Tibial Vessels

Endovascular Treatment of Tibial Vessels

Charlie C. Cheng

Faisal Z. Cheema

Grant T. Fankhauser

Michael B. Silva Jr.


The battle of endovascular therapy versus open surgical therapy for the treatment of pathologic processes in all vascular beds continues, but we are beginning to see the end. We have moved from the philosophy that only open revascularization provides effective and durable results to the growing consensus that more minimally invasive endovascular procedures can be performed safely, with reduced risk and with a level of effective clinical improvement and durability that is acceptable. Continued success requires close follow-up and repeat intervention judiciously applied when clinically warranted. In our practice and many others, open surgical procedures are reserved for failures of endovascular therapy.


Intermittent Claudication

Patients with intermittent claudication (IC) are treated by risk factor modification and optimal medical therapy that include antiplatelet and statin therapy. A trial of cilostazol and supervised exercise is recommended. These therapies have been shown to improve walking distance. Patients are reassured that they are at limited risk of limb loss, approximately 2% to 3% at 5 years (Fig. 39.1). However, 25% of IC patients will see deterioration in their clinical course, usually during the first year after diagnosis; the best predictor of this decline is the initial ABI. Patients with an initial ABI of less than 0.50 have a hazard ratio of more than 2 compared with patients with an ABI higher than 0.50. Patients who present initially with low ankle pressures or patients who return with unabated, severe, lifestyle-limiting symptoms that have not adequately responded to nonoperative measures are considered for intervention (Fig. 39.2).

Figure 39.1 Natural history of lower extremity atherosclerotic peripheral arterial disease.

Critical Limb Ischemia

Patient who present initially with rest pain, or who progress from claudication to rest pain, is associated with a significant risk of limb loss without intervention. Similarly, patients who present with nonhealing wounds of the feet, dry gangrene, or necrotizing infection require an expeditious workup to plan a revascularization that will reestablish in-line blood flow to the foot. In case of tissue loss with infection, an immediate decision regarding the need for operative debridement or amputation prior to revascularization must be made. In case of severe sepsis with hemodynamic instability or evidence of multisystem organ failure, patients may require amputation prior to revascularization. However, if a patient with systemic toxicity from the infection responds rapidly to administration of IV antibiotics, revascularization prior to debridement may minimize tissue loss (Fig. 39.3).

Diabetic Foot

PVD is common among patients with diabetes. IC is twice as common among diabetic patients as among nondiabetic patients. An increase in HgbA1C by 1% can result in more than a 25% risk of PAD. Major amputation rates are five to ten times higher in

diabetics than nondiabetics. Because of these causal relations, the American Diabetes Association recommends ABI screening every 5 years in patients with diabetes. Insulin-dependent diabetic patients may have calcified walls of the medium and small arteries that can falsely elevate the segmental pressures of the leg. In this situation, digital pressures of the toes can be accurately measured and a pressure higher than 30 mm Hg is predictive of healing after local amputation and debridement.

Figure 39.2 Management pathway for peripheral arterial disease (PAD).

Figure 39.3 Management pathway for patients with critical limb ischemia (CLI).

Figure 39.4 Critical limb ischemia with tissue loss.

On presentation, a careful physical examination is important to plan for appropriate treatment (Fig. 39.4). The overlying cellulitis is assessed, and any possible underlying abscess is examined by palpation for crepitus or detection of drainage of purulent fluid. Cellulitis should not be confused with dependent rubor caused by severe ischemia in patients with PAD. The presence of an abscess requires immediate drainage prior to revascularization.

In infections with only cellulitis and no underlying soft tissue involvement, patients are treated with IV antibiotic therapy. If the cellulitis does not resolve in several days, there may not be adequate antibiotic coverage and the presence of deep tissue infection is considered. The choice of the antibiotics used and the foot need to be reevaluated; reimaging the foot may be necessary.

The cause of persistent cellulitis and nonhealing infection is usually underlying deep infection or osteomyelitis. Other patients may present with gangrene, open joint or exposed bone, or abscess. In these patients, surgical debridement is required in addition to antibiotic therapy. Small open wounds can be treated with simple debridement, but often there is deep tissue involvement that is not visible on the surface. To remove all nonviable tissue and wide drainage, amputation may be required. If there is extensive infection of the foot with gas, calf pain, or systemic sepsis, the patient may require amputation as an initial therapy. After surgical debridement, patients are treated with aggressive wound care using dressing changes and continued, broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy until intraoperative culture sensitivities are finalized and allow for the use of targeted antimicrobials. Wounds are evaluated closely for persistent infection that may require additional surgical intervention. In patients with adequate arterial circulation, the wound can be closed secondarily after resolution of the infection.

All patients with evidence of concomitant arterial occlusive disease are considered for lower extremity revascularization with open bypass surgery or endovascular stenting or angioplasty to optimize wound healing and limb salvage.


There are fewer areas in medicine today in which treatment algorithms are changing more rapidly than in arterial occlusive disease. Currently, the decision for revascularization is based on the risks for the surgical intervention balanced against the expected
benefits, including the durability of the treatment and options for further intervention if there is recurrence of symptoms. Rapid advances in endovascular techniques and devices have made the therapeutic decision making process increasingly complex; opinions about which therapies should be used first are varied. In an effort to characterize patients and their lesions and provide guidance about open versus endovascular alternatives, the Trans-Atlantic Inter-Society Document on Management of Peripheral Arterial Disease (TASC) was written and published in January 2000. As practice patterns matured, a second TASC II document was released later in the decade, in 2007. These documents provided classifications of aortoiliac and femoropopliteal disease and strategies for their treatment (Tables 39.1 and 39.2). TASC II recommendations state the following:

Table 39.1 TASC II Classification for Aortoiliac PAD


  • Unilateral or bilateral stenosis of CIA
  • Unilateral or bilateral single short (≤3 cm) stenosis of EIA

  • Short (≤3 cm) stenosis of infrarenal aorta
  • Unilateral CIA occlusion
  • Single or multiple stenosis totaling 3–10 cm involving the EIA not extending into the CFA
  • Unilateral EIA occlusion not involving the origins of internal iliac or CFA

  • Bilateral CIA occlusions
  • Bilateral EIA stenoses 3–10 cm long not extending into the CFA
  • Unilateral EIA stenosis extending into the CFA
  • Unilateral EIA occlusion that involves the origins of internal iliac and/or CFA
  • Heavily calcified unilateral EIA occlusion with or without involvement of origins of internal iliac and/or CFA

  • Infrarenal aortoiliac occlusion
  • Diffuse disease involving the aorta and both iliac arteries requiring treatment
  • Diffuse multiples stenosis involving the unilateral CIA, EIA, and CFA
  • Unilateral occlusions of both CIA and EIA
  • Bilateral occlusions of EIA
  • Iliac stenoses in patients with AAA requiring treatment and not amenable to endograft placement or other lesions requiring open aortic or iliac surgery
CIA, common iliac artery; EIA, external iliac artery; CFA, common femoral artery; AAA, abdominal aortic aneurysm.
Reprinted with permission from Norgren L, Hiatt WR, Dormandy JA, et al. Inter-Society Consensus for the management of Peripheral arterial disease (TASC II). J Vasc Surg. 2007;45(Suppl S):S5–S67.

Endovascular therapy is the treatment of choice for type A lesions and surgery is the treatment of choice for type D lesions. Endovascular treatment is the preferred treatment for type B lesions and surgery is the preferred treatment for good-risk patients with type C lesions. The patient’s comorbidities, fully informed patient preference, and the local operator’s long-term success rates must be considered when making treatment recommendations for type B and type C lesions.

Arguably, as long as endovascular intervention does not negatively affect a patient’s option to have an open surgery in the event of restenosis or reocclusion, endovascular
intervention can be attempted for even complex lesions. We routinely treat TASC A through D lesions with endovascular techniques as our initial management strategy.

Table 39.2 TASC II Classification for Femoropopliteal PAD


  • Single stenosis ≤10 cm in length
  • Single occlusion ≤5 cm in length

  • Multiple lesions (stenoses or occlusions), each ≤5 cm
  • Single stenosis or occlusion ≤15 cm not involving the infrageniculate popliteal artery
  • Single or multiple lesions in the absence of continuous tibial vessels to improve inflow for a distal bypass
  • Heavily calcified occlusion ≤5 cm in length
  • Single popliteal stenosis

  • Multiple stenoses or occlusions totaling >15 cm with or without heavy calcification
  • Recurrent stenoses or occlusions that need treatment after two endovascular interventions

  • Chronic total occlusions of CFA or SFA (>20 cm, involving the popliteal artery)
  • Chronic total occlusions of popliteal artery and proximal bifurcation vessels
CFA, common femoral artery; SFA, superficial femoral artery.
Reprinted with permission from Norgren L, Hiatt WR, Dormandy JA, et al. Inter-Society Consensus for the management of Peripheral arterial disease (TASC II). J Vasc Surg. 2007;45(Suppl S):S5–S67.

Preoperative Planning

Optimal medical management remains the foundation of treatment in all patients with vascular disease (Table 39.3). Lifestyle modifications with risk factor reduction include exercise, healthy diet, exercise, and smoking cessation. Optimal medical therapy involves strict blood glucose and hypertension control with antiplatelet and statin therapies. Patients with IC are often adequately treated with lifestyle medication and optimal medical therapy since these treatments lead to slow progression of disease with low risk of amputation or limb loss. However, in patients with lifestyle-limiting claudication, rest

pain, or tissue loss there may be compelling reasons to intervene. For the claudicants it is to enhance quality of life while allowing for more effective exercise activity; for those with critical limb ischemia intervention is imperative given their higher risk of limb loss or amputation. Open surgical lower extremity bypass in infrainguinal arterial disease has resulted in excellent outcomes for many years. But, there are qualifiers. Although the cumulative life-table patency rates of infrapopliteal vessels is 47% at 5 years, many patients do not have acceptable venous conduit and the use of suboptimal conduit results in lower patency rates. Five-year patency rates below 25% are sometimes seen in patients with prosthetic graft material. In addition, the 30-day mortality for all patients undergoing infrainguinal arterial revascularization for threatened limbs can be as high as 6%, with major complication rates ranging from 20% to 50%.

Table 39.3 Optimal Medical Management of PAD

Disorder Recommended Pharmacologic Agent Purpose of Cardiovascular Risk Reduction Class of Recommendations Level of Evidence Comments
Dyslipidemia Statin Statin therapy, with target LDL <100 mg/dL I B  
    Statin therapy, with target LDL <70 mg/dL II B High-risk patients with multiple and/or poorly controlled risk factors: DM, continued tobacco abuse, metabolic syndrome (TG ≥200 mg/dL + HDL ≤40 mg/dL + non-HDL ≥130 mg/dL), acute coronary syndrome
  Gemfibrozil May be useful in PAD pts with low HDL, normal LDL high TG II C Gemfibrozil reduces risk of nonfatal MI or cardiovascular death by 22% in CAD patients with low HDL; effects on PAD unknown
Hypertension   140/90 mm Hg in nondiabetics, 130/80 mm Hg in DM and CRI I A Reduces risk of MI, CHF, cardiovascular death and stroke
  Beta blocker Effective, not contraindicated I A Reduces risk of MI and death in CAD patients; does not impair walking distance
  ACE inhibitors Reasonable in symptomatic PAD to decrease risk of cardiovascular events IIa B In patients with symptomatic PAD, ramipril reduces risk of MI, stroke, or vascular death by ≈25%
    May be used in asymptomatic PAD to decrease risk of cardiovascular events IIb C No evidence for efficacy of ACE inhibitors in patients with asymptomatic PAD
Diabetes   Proper foot care; skin lesions, ulcerations should be addressed urgently in all diabetic patients with lower extremity PAD I B  
    HbA1c < 7% IIa C Can be effective to reduce microvascular complications, potentially improve cardiovascular outcome
Atherosclerosis ASA 75–325 mg PO qd reduces risk of MI, stroke and vascular death I A Reduces risk of events by 26–32%
  Clopidogrel 75 mg PO qd, effective alternative to ASA to reduce risk of MI, stroke, vascular death I B Reduces risk of events by 23.8%
Smoking   Clinicians to advise smoking cessation, offer medical therapy I B Physician’s advice with frequent follow-up: 1-year success rate, 5%. Without physician’s interventions: 1-year success rate, 0.1%. With nicotine replacement: 1-year success rate, 16%. With bupropion: 1-year success rate, 30%
CHF, congestive heart failure; CRI, chronic renal insufficiency; MI, myocardial infarction.
Hirsch AT, Haskal ZJ, Hertzer NR, et al. ACC/AHA 2005 Practice Guidelines for the management of patients with peripheral arterial disease (lower extremity, renal, mesenteric, and abdominal aortic): A collaborative report from the American Association for Vascular Surgery/Society for Vascular Surgery, Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions, Society for Vascular Medicine and Biology, Society of Interventional Radiology, and the ACC/AHA Task Force on Practice Guidelines (Writing Committee to Develop Guidelines for the Management of Patients With Peripheral Arterial Disease): endorsed by the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation; National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; Society for Vascular Nursing; TransAtlantic Inter-Society Consensus; and Vascular Disease Foundation. Circulation. 2006;II3:e463–e654.

While long-term results may be less durable, endovascular intervention for patients with lower extremity arterial disease continue to grow in popularity. Recent improvements in guidewire, catheter, stent, atherectomy technology, and catheter-based skills and device alternatives, have transformed the treatment of lower extremity peripheral arterial disease from a primarily open surgical bypass modality to one where endovascular treatment is typically attempted first and may be all that is required. Indeed, many interventionists who treat critical limb ischemia consider endovascular therapy as the first line of treatment in all levels, including infrapopliteal lesions involving tibial vessels. Although it has generally been reported that endovascular patency rates have been lower, limb salvage rates appear similar compared to open surgical bypass patients. In a meta-analysis of open surgical bypass of infrapopliteal arteries, the 1- and 3-year limb salvage rates were 89% and 82%, respectively. This is similar to the limb salvage rates achieved by endovascular treatments of infrapopliteal lesions, 86% and 82%. This is likely that patients with critical limb ischemia require the revascularization be patent long enough for wound healing.

When performing endovascular interventions, certain principles should be followed. First, at least one good distal outflow artery is preserved, so that open surgical bypass to the outflow artery can be performed if endovascular procedure failed. Second, the initially patent arterial segment should not be damaged during intervention. This can avoid unnecessary more distal bypass than would have been required. Third, important collateral circulation should be preserved. This allows patients to return to baseline clinical status if the treated arterial segments reocclude. When these principles are followed, recurrent arterial disease usually does not jeopardize future bypass options.

Key advantages of endovascular procedures include the ability to perform the procedure with the patients under sedation and local anesthesia without the need for general or spinal anesthesia. Perioperative complication rates are significantly reduced compared with open surgical bypasses. Endovascular treatment modalities can be performed without the need for acceptable conduits. The use of percutaneous access avoids the needs for lower extremity incisions, thereby eliminating wound complications. After percutaneous access, most patients are able to ambulate and return to preoperative functional status earlier. Endovascular interventions do not compromise future open bypass surgical options if there is restenosis or recurrence of symptoms.


Vascular Access

The most common complications from endovascular intervention occur at the vascular access site. These include groin hematoma, arterial occlusion, pseudoaneurysm, and arteriovenous fistula. Therefore, meticulous technique used for vascular access is of upmost importance. At our institution, we have adopted three confirmatory steps to ensure safe percutaneous access. (1) Real-time ultrasound guidance is used in all patients to access the contralateral common femoral artery with a 4-Fr micropuncture kit (Fig. 39.5). The ultrasound is used to image the groin vasculature from the distal external iliac artery to the common femoral bifurcation. The common femoral artery is
assessed for any wall calcification or plaque (Fig 39.6A

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Jun 15, 2016 | Posted by in CARDIAC SURGERY | Comments Off on Endovascular Treatment of Tibial Vessels

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