Sleep/Wake Electroencephalography Across the Lifespan
• Electroencephalography • Sleep • Neonate • Infant
Patterns of sleep across the lifespan
Young Adult
Deeper sleep (N3) is primarily seen in the first 2 sleep cycles, and often is the dominant sleep stage early in the night. With each sleep cycle, the REM duration usually increases and the later portion of the night is spent alternating between stage N2 and REM. During a typical night sleep, a young adult spends 75% to 80% in NREM and 20% to 25% in REM sleep. NREM sleep is usually divided into stage N1 (2%–5% of total sleep time [TST]), N2 (45%–55% of TST), and N3 (18%–23% of TST).1–4
Development of organized sleep/wake states and subsequent evolution to a circadian sleep/wake cycle is a major developmental accomplishment of a neonate. Age-appropriate sleep ontogeny is a sensitive marker of central nervous system development in this age group. As opposed to the well-defined sleep pattern of the young adult, infants have cycles composed of quiet sleep, active sleep (the physiologic precursor of REM sleep), and wakefulness. Cycle duration is variable, in the range 50 to 300 minutes, and the initial descent into sleep is most commonly into active sleep. The EEG/polygraphic characteristics of these sleep stages are discussed later. By age 3 months, infants start to develop a circadian rhythm and, by age 4 months, sleep is usually concentrated during the nighttime hours.1,4,5
There are more limited studies of sleep/wake changes in this age group. During the first 2 to 3 years, sleep becomes consolidated in a long nocturnal sleep period, usually about 10 to 12 hours in duration. Typically, the child initially has two naps, a short one in the morning and a longer one in the afternoon. Gradually the morning nap is abandoned and then, usually by age 4 to 5 years, sleep is consolidated into a single nocturnal sleep period. At age 1 year, REM sleep occupies approximately 33% of TST. This proportion decreases to the adult value (20%–25%) by about age 4 to 5 years. Initially, the sleep cycle duration is about 60 minutes, but lengthens to the adult value (90 minutes) by about age 5 years. Between the ages of 5 and 10 years, less prominent changes are noted. During these years, the single nocturnal sleep period shortens to 9.5 to 11 hours, the percentage of N3 sleep decreases modestly, and naps are unusual.6
Older Adult
As noted earlier, one of the biggest changes in sleep in the elderly is the decrease in stage N3 sleep. Healthy elderly without primary sleep problems spend less than 10% of their TST in N3, compared with 25% to 35% in young adults. Older adults had an average of 27 arousals per hour of sleep compared with young adults who averaged 10 per hour of sleep. Sleep efficiency (TST/time in bed) in older adults is typically around 80% compared with young adults who average greater than 90%. Older healthy adults average 18% of REM sleep time compared with 20% to 25% in younger adults.1–35 Sleep among elders is characterized by increased number and duration of awakenings, decreased sleep efficiency, with an increase in wake time after sleep onset.
A recently published meta-analysis studied age-related changes in sleep architecture among 65 studies of all-night polysomnography (PSG) or actigraphy done on 3577 healthy subjects, aged 5 years to 102 years.5 The results of this study, summarized here, reinforce many of the observations outlined earlier. With increasing age, there is a gradual reduction in the TST. However, this trend in school-aged children was present only with recordings during school nights, suggesting that the reduction in TST during school-age years reflects externally imposed sleep restrictions. There is a small but significant increase in sleep latency (the time an individual takes to fall asleep) of about 10 minutes from age 20 to 80 years. The percentage of stage N1 sleep increases during adulthood, likely reflecting greater sleep disruption. From ages 5 to 60 years, there is a significant increase in the percentage of stage N2 sleep, which is likely caused by the marked decrease of stage N3 sleep. Infants may spend 50% of TST in REM sleep and, by age 4 to 5 years, the percentage of TST spent in REM approaches the adult values of 20% to 25%. The latency of REM sleep increases with age. Neonates preferentially enter active sleep (the precursor of REM sleep). By the age of 6 months, an infant immediately enters REM sleep approximately 20% of the time. By age 2 years, sleep-onset REM sleep is rare and the usual latency to REM sleep is 60 minutes. The percentage of TST spent in stage N3 or slow wave sleep decreases with increasing age. In young children, stage N3 sleep can account for 40% of TST and usually reduces to 15% to 25% by the teenage years.5
EEG patterns across the lifespan
Term Neonate to Age 3 Months
Wakefulness and active sleep
In the term neonate, similar EEG patterns are seen in both wakefulness and active sleep. Active sleep is usually characterized by a low-voltage irregular pattern, with continuous 25 to 50 μV theta and less than 25 μV lower-amplitude delta activity. A second pattern is sometimes seen in the initial descent into sleep and is termed a mixed pattern, which is similar to the low-voltage pattern described earlier but has higher-amplitude delta activity (Fig. 1). Differentiating wakefulness from active sleep in a neonate is not possible from EEG patterns alone. Active sleep, considered to be the precursor of adult REM sleep, characteristically has irregular respiration, increased heart rate variability, and frequent body and eye movements.7,8 The loss of muscle tone is less consistently identified than in adult REM sleep and often the technologist’s report of the patient’s eyes being closed is the strongest confirmation of sleep state.
Quiet sleep
Two patterns are seen during quiet sleep in the term infant: trace alternant and high-voltage slow. The trace alternant pattern can be seen from birth up to 46 weeks’ gestational age and is characterized by symmetric bursts of delta activity (50–300 μV) lasting a few seconds with a similar duration of lower-amplitude mixed frequencies (25–50 μV). By 44 weeks’ gestational age, the EEG of quiet sleep predominantly shows the high-voltage slow pattern with high-voltage (50–200 μV) theta and delta activity (Fig. 2).7,8

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