Effects of Hormones and Hormone Therapy on Cardiovascular Health in Women

Direct effects

Indirect effects

Arterial vasodilatation

Lowers cholesterol

Improves vascular tone

Decreases insulin resistance

Inhibits smooth muscle proliferation

Inhibits platelet aggregation

Inhibits endothelial dysfunction

Improves fibrinolysis and activates coagulation

Facilitates angiogenesis

Exerts antioxidant effects

While estrogen exerts several favorable effects on the vasculature of young healthy individuals, aging limits its ability to confer these favorable effects. Atherosclerotic coronary arteries have fewer estrogen receptors than normal coronary arteries, and thus less NO release leads to unfavorable effects on the vasculature [7, 16]. The effects of hormone therapy on the vasculature are complex. Hormone therapy exerts both pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory effects in addition to both activating coagulation and improving fibrinolysis [17].

There is evidence to suggest pro-atherogenic effects of estrogen in atherosclerotic vessels, which can lead to plaque destabilization and CVD events. Estrogen induces matrix metalloproteinases, which can weaken the fibrous caps of plaques and thus lead to plaque destabilization and rupture. Unlike statins, estrogen cannot inhibit progression of atherosclerosis in the presence of advanced atherosclerotic lesions [6].

Effects of Menopause on Cardiovascular Risk Factors

In addition to the increased risk of CVD, which comes with postmenopausal changes in sex hormone levels, menopause is also associated with a higher incidence of cardiac risk factors including diabetes, hypertension, obesity, dyslipidemia, and other co-morbidities. The lipid profile is adversely affected during menopause; total cholesterol, LDL, and triglycerides are increased while HDL is decreased. Insulin and glucose metabolism is impaired, as evidenced by increased insulin resistance in postmenopausal women. Postmenopausal women tend to have more abdominal obesity due to body fat redistribution, which is associated with alterations in the lipid profile and glucose metabolism. These women are predisposed to the metabolic syndrome, which can be defined as having central obesity, impaired fasting glucose, hyperlipidemia, and elevated blood pressure [21]. The pro-coagulant effects of estrogen can become predominant as fibrinogen, factor VII activity, antithrombin III, and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) are increased after menopause [21] (Table 16.2).

Table 16.2
Effects of menopause on cardiac risk factors

Cardiac risk factors after menopause

Lipid profile

Increased total cholesterol level

Decreased High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol level

Increased triglyceride level

Blood pressure

Increased prevalence of hypertension

Diabetes mellitus

Increased prevalence (insulin resistance increases)

Obesity* (e.g., BMI ≥30 kg/m2)

Increased prevalence

Central obesity (waist circumference >35 in.)

Increased prevalence

Body fat is redistributed into the abdomen, which can lead to impaired glucose tolerance

Metabolic syndrome

Increased prevalence

Adapted with permission from Shaw et al. [59]

* Obesity increasing in the last decade such that ∼ 25 % of women are now obese with a body mass index (BMI) ≥30 kg/m2. Additionally, women generally engage in less leisure-time physical activity and exhibit a greater functional decline in their postmenopausal years

Evidence for the Association Between Menopause and CHD

The Framingham study provides supporting evidence for the association between postmenopausal status and CHD. An analysis of a cohort of 2,873 women followed for 24 years revealed the incidence of cardiovascular disease in age matched men under 60 years was twice that of same age women. Among postmenopausal women up to the age of 55 years, cardiovascular disease was twice that of premenopausal women, with 70 cardiovascular events occurring in postmenopausal women compared to 20 events in premenopausal women. When analyzing the risk of stroke, MI, and congestive heart failure (CHF), however, the number of events was smaller. Premenopausal and postmenopausal women experienced 9 and 39 events respectively, a difference that does not meet statistical significance [23]. In the Nurses Health study, a prospective cohort of 35,616 healthy, naturally postmenopausal women, a younger age at menopause was associated with a higher risk of CHD [24].

These adverse effects on the cardiovascular system may be seen sooner in women who smoke and thus undergo natural menopause at an earlier age [2]. Women who smoke typically reach menopause 2 years earlier than non-smokers [25].

Women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) are predisposed to CHD and may suffer from adverse cardiovascular events, given the associated endocrine and metabolic abnormalities such as insulin resistance, glucose intolerance, lipid abnormalities, hypertension, and increased levels of plasminogen activator inhibitor [26]. In premenopausal women with coronary risk factors undergoing coronary angiography for suspected myocardial ischemia, disruption of the ovulatory cycle characterized by hypoestrogenemia of hypothalamic origin, was also associated with angiographic coronary artery disease [27].

The risk of CHD differs in women undergoing menopause prematurely by bilateral oophorectomy. Several studies have shown increased CHD risk among females who underwent surgical menopause. Women who underwent bilateral oophorectomy and did not use estrogen replacement therapy were found to be at increased risk of CHD when compared to age-matched controls in the Nurses’ Health Study (risk ratio 2.2) [28]. In a study by Rosenberg et al., the relative risk of developing a myocardial infarction increased with decreasing age at bilateral oophorectomy [29].

The Multi-ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA), a multicenter, longitudinal cohort study involving 3,213 men and 3,601 women, found that early menopause was a strong predictor of CHD and stroke (twofold increased risk), regardless of traditional CVD risk factors in the population-based sample of multiethnic US women [30].

Prevention and Treatment of CHD in Postmenopausal Women

Lifestyle modification with a focus on risk factor reduction should be the first step in the prevention of CHD [21]. Women should be encouraged to stop smoking. The risk of CHD is two to four times greater in women who smoke [2, 31]. Diet should be modified to include less saturated fat intake. Weight should be controlled through both diet and physical activity. In women with established hypertension, appropriate antihypertensive therapy should be given [21, 32].

In the past, hormone therapy (HT) was believed to be beneficial for women’s hearts and was routinely prescribed for CHD prevention in the postmenopausal years. In the Postmenopausal Estrogen/Progestin Interventions (PEPI) trial, a randomized clinical trial published in 1995, postmenopausal women, ages 45–64 years, receiving either estrogen alone or in combination with a progestin, were observed to have a reduction in LDL, increased HDL levels, and lower fibrinogen levels. Unopposed estrogen has been most effective at increasing HDL cholesterol (HDL-C), however it is associated with endometrial hyperplasia, thus limiting its use to women without a uterus. A conjugated equine estrogen (CEE) with cyclic micronized progesterone (MP) used in women with a uterus still showed a favorable effect on HDL-C without the risk of endometrial hyperplasia [33]. To explain the risks and benefits of HT, the mechanisms of action should be considered.

HT Effects on the Cardiovascular System

HT decreases inflammatory markers and can lower levels of cell adhesion molecule E-selectin in menopausal women. Reduced inflammatory markers and adhesion molecules result in less collagen deposition and vascular remodeling, which can then retard or inhibit atheroma development [21, 34]. Some observational studies and the WHI estrogen therapy (ET) trial have suggested that long term HT is associated with less accumulation of coronary artery calcium and therefore slower development of atherosclerosis [35]. The recent Kronos Early Estrogen Prevention Study (KEEPS), a 4 year randomized, double blinded, placebo controlled clinical trial involving 727 healthy women aged 42–58 (mean age, 52) within 3 years of the onset of menopause, evaluated the effects of menopausal hormone therapy on subclinical atherosclerosis. Women received low dose oral or transdermal estrogen and cyclic monthly progesterone. A nonsignificant trend of less accumulation of coronary artery calcium was seen in the hormone therapy arm of the study. There was also no significant difference in the rate of progression of carotid intima media thickness between the treatment and placebo groups. However, the trial demonstrated very little progression of coronary calcium in these newly menopausal women in general, so the statistical power to see a significant difference over 4 years was very limited [36, 37].

HT Effects on Lipids and the Lipoprotein Profile

HT reduces total cholesterol levels by 5–10 % within 3 months of use [21]. Oral estrogen lowers LDL through the upregulation of apolipoprotein B100 receptors, especially in the liver. It also increases clearance of lipoproteins and chylomicron remnants from the circulation. HDL is increased by estrogen via a decrease in its catabolism by hepatic lipase. Androgenic progestins such as medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) can reverse the positive effects of estrogen on HDL [21]. While oral estrogen increases triglycerides, transdermal preparations decrease triglyceride production by avoiding first pass hepatic effect [38]. The results of KEEPS provide further evidence for the differing effects of HT depending on the route of administration. Due to its first pass liver metabolism, oral estrogen was associated with a significant reduction in LDL cholesterol and an increase in HDL cholesterol, triglyceride, and C-reactive protein levels. Transdermal estradiol, on the other hand, was associated with a neutral effect on lipids [36, 37].

HT Effects on the Metabolism of Glucose and Insulin

The effects on glucose and insulin metabolism may also depend on the preparation of estrogen. Oral 17-β estradiol has been shown to decrease insulin resistance while alkylated estrogens such as ethinyl estradiol and conjugated equine estrogens have been associated with a rise in insulin levels and impaired glucose tolerance. The effects of estrogen on glucose and insulin metabolism may be modified with the addition of a progestin. Strongly androgenic progestins have been associated with increased insulin resistance, whereas non-androgenic progestins have little adverse effect [21]. Transdermal estradiol was thought to have fairly neutral effects on glucose and insulin metabolism, however, in the recent Kronos Early Estrogen Prevention Study (KEEPS), there was an unexpected significant improvement in insulin resistance with transdermal estrogen, which was not seen with oral estrogen [36, 37].

HT Effects on the Coagulation System

HT has complex effects on the coagulation system, affecting both coagulation and fibrinolysis. Oral estrogen can increase thrombogenesis, which is usually seen around the time of initiation of HT. It is thought that initiation of estrogen therapy causes a transient imbalance between coagulation and fibrinolysis, favoring the pro-coagulant effects. This increased risk of thrombogenesis is reduced as the procoagulant and fibrinolytic effects come back into balance with each other. Transdermal administration of estrogen may avoid adverse pro-coagulant effects [21].

HT Effects on Blood Pressure

HT plays a complex role on blood pressure. With high doses of an oral contraceptive pill, there is risk of developing hypertension. Oral estrogen has been associated with increased plasma renin activity and plasma aldosterone [2]. On the other hand, the overall effects of HT on blood pressure are beneficial. Estrogen appears to elicit a reduction in resistance to blood flow and increase vessel elasticity, which may reduce the risk of coronary artery vasospasm or atherogenesis [21]. Recently, the KEEPS found no adverse effect on blood pressure, either systolic or diastolic, from either form of estrogen therapy [36, 37]. These findings were in contrast to the WHI findings with higher doses of estrogen.

Postmenopausal Hormone Therapy

Most women will live a third of their life after menopause, therefore it is important to be aware of the symptoms and available treatment options associated with estrogen loss [2]. Hormone therapy (HT) utilizes estrogen, with or without the addition of progestin. Estrogen can be given continuously in the form of tablets, skin patches, gels, subcutaneous implants, or intranasal sprays. Both natural estrogens and synthetic derivatives are available for HT. Systemic estrogen therapy (ET) has been proven to be the most effective treatment for vasomotor symptoms. Growing observational evidence is showing that transdermal ET may be associated with less risk of deep vein thrombosis, stroke, and MI [39, 40]. Transdermal preparations of estradiol also have the advantage of avoiding first pass hepatic effect, and thus may provide potential benefit to women with hypothyroidism or low libido. In women with a uterus, combination estrogen and progestin is necessary to avoid adverse effects of unopposed estrogen on the endometrium that can lead to endometrial cancer. Therefore, estrogen is typically combined with a progestin and is referred to as estrogen plus progestin therapy (EPT). Treatment may be cyclic, with daily estrogen and 12–14 days of progestin each month, or continuous-combined with both daily estrogen and low dose progestin [38].

Menopausal hormone therapy continues to have a clinical role in the management of vasomotor symptoms. For healthy women younger than 60 years and within 10 years of menopause, HT seems to be associated with low cardiovascular risk. If started on HT, women should use the lowest effective dose for the shortest duration of time to achieve treatment goals of relieving debilitating hot flashes and night sweats. Studies have shown that, for many women, low doses relieve vasomotor symptoms as effectively as standard doses. The need for continuing therapy should be assessed at least annually [38].

Contraindications of HT include breast or endometrial cancer, cardiovascular disease, thromboembolic disorders, and active liver or gallbladder disease. In women with contraindications to HT, alternatives to treat bothersome night sweats and hot flashes include lifestyle modifications (i.e. reducing body temperature, maintaining a healthy weight, smoking cessation, relaxation techniques, and acupuncture), non-prescription medications including vitamin E, soy products, and non-hormonal prescription medications, which include clonidine, paroxetine, venlafaxine, and gabapentin [38].

Primary and Secondary Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease

Given multiple potentially beneficial effects of estrogens on the cardiovascular system, there was a lot of expectation for the protective effects of postmenopausal hormone therapy for CVD prevention in women [17]. Due to the compelling evidence of cardioprotection by estrogen, the Coronary Drug Project, a randomized clinical trial funded in 1965 by the National Heart Institute, was designed to examine the benefits of estrogen in men who were at high risk of a heart attack [41]. Since optimal doses of estrogen for men were not known, men received a high dose of 2.5 mg of estrogen daily. Prevention of heart attacks was not seen, and the study was stopped early due to higher mortality among men receiving estrogen therapy.

Although the Coronary Drug Project had been terminated early, postmenopausal women in general practice continued to be treated with estrogen based on epidemiologic studies showing reduced rates of CHD among users of estrogen therapy [15].

Data from Observational Studies

Several observational studies involving postmenopausal women showed a lower risk of cardiovascular events and of all-cause mortality in women taking hormone therapy [15]. The Nurse’s Health Study (NHS), the largest and longest prospective cohort study of women’s health, showed a beneficial effect of menopausal hormone treatment (HT) on CVD events. The study began in 1976 and included 121,700 female nurses between the ages of 30 and 55 years. Participants were asked about postmenopausal hormone use and cardiovascular risk factors. After 20 years, the study suggested that women who took estrogen had a relative risk of death from CHD of 0.47 compared with non-users. Mortality due to stroke was also reduced with a relative risk of 0.68 [42]. A meta-analysis including observational studies conducted until 2000 revealed an overall benefit to using HT in terms of CVD mortality (relative risk [RR] 0.75) and coronary artery disease (CAD) incidence (RR 0.74). This benefit was not as obvious after adjusting for socioeconomic and major risk factors [6, 43].

Since HT was believed to be beneficial for women’s cardiovascular health, several large, randomized clinical trials were conducted to “prove” the benefit of HT to any remaining physicians who were not prescribing it for that purpose. For this reason, it has been a surprise that the major randomized trials designed to prove the cardiac benefits of HT failed to do so.

Data from Randomized Controlled Trials

Randomized controlled trials were focused on delineating the effectiveness of hormone therapy on the prevention of cardiovascular disease. These trials did not occur until three decades after the Coronary Drug Project. Results from three large randomized clinical trials, which significantly influenced clinical care for women, were the Heart and Estrogen/Progestin Replacement Study (HERS) [44], the Estrogen Replacement and Atherosclerosis (ERA) trial [45], and the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) trial [5, 46].

Secondary Prevention

The HERS study [44], published in 1998, was the first large-scale randomized clinical outcome trial to evaluate the effects of HT on secondary prevention of CHD in 2,763 postmenopausal women. Participants, with a mean age of 66.7 years and documented existing coronary artery disease, were randomly assigned to take either placebo or combination hormone therapy (noncyclic conjugated equine estrogens [CEE] 0.625 mg + medroxyprogesterone acetate 2.5 mg) and followed for 4.1 years. There was no difference in the primary outcome of nonfatal myocardial infarction (MI) and coronary death between the hormone and placebo arms. A post-hoc time trend analysis of the data showed a significant time trend suggesting an excess of coronary events among hormone-treated women during the first year after the randomization (hazard ratio 1.52), with a trend toward fewer events at 3–5 years of follow up.

Given the decreased risk of coronary events at 3–5 years of follow-up in the HERS study, women were followed for an additional 2.7 years in an open-label, event surveillance study, HERS II. In HERS II, women remained on their original drug assignments. At the end of the study, hormone therapy failed to reveal a decreased risk of coronary events in women with established CHD, even after adjusting for potential confounders such as aspirin therapy, statin use, smoking, etc [47, 48].

The results from the Estrogen Replacement and Atherosclerosis (ERA) trial were reported in 2000. ERA was a randomized angiographic end-point trial comparing the effects of estrogen therapy (ET) and combination hormone therapy (HT) to placebo in postmenopausal women with pre-existing coronary artery disease. The trial also failed to show a benefit in women receiving ET and HT on the progression of atherosclerosis. This lack of benefit occurred despite the fact that women receiving HT in this study had a significant increase in HDL cholesterol and a decrease in LDL cholesterol [45].

The conclusion from these studies was that there was no long-term difference between women receiving HT and those receiving placebo and that postmenopausal hormone therapy should not be used for the sole purpose of secondary prevention of CHD in women with a history of established coronary artery disease [19, 49]. Since women enrolled in HERS and ERA had established coronary artery disease, the results of these studies may not directly apply to the use of hormone therapy in healthy postmenopausal women [50].

Primary Prevention

For many years, hormone therapy was thought to play a role in the primary prevention of CHD in “healthy” women. In order to study this hypothesis, a large, randomized trial, the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI), was designed to compare HT with placebo in postmenopausal women [5]. The WHI included 16,608 healthy women, ages 50–79 years, with an intact uterus and no pre-existing coronary artery disease. Subjects were randomized to receive either conjugated equine estrogen (0.625 mg/day) with medroxyprogesterone acetate (2.5 mg/day) or placebo. The trial had several different arms, including an estrogen plus progestin arm (EPT) and an estrogen-only arm (ET) for women post hysterectomy (~10,739 women). In May 2002, after a mean follow up of 5.2 years, the study was stopped prematurely due to a 26 % increased risk of invasive breast cancer and excessive CVD events in the EPT group during the first year and nearly a 30 % increased risk of coronary events, mainly nonfatal myocardial infarctions. A 41 % increased risk of stroke and a doubled risk of venous thromboembolism was also seen [49]. Controversy erupted when investigators felt compelled to send letters to women participating in the trial stating that those in the EPT group had experienced an increased risk of breast cancer, heart attacks, strokes, and blood clots during the early portion of the trial. At the same time, however, investigators stated that only 1 % of study participants had experienced adverse events and that the data was very preliminary. They pointed out the early detriment seen with HT in the HERS trial disappeared after the first year.

The estrogen only arm of the study, however, showed no significant effect of HT on CVD risk. Overall CVD risk was estimated to be increased by eight cases per 10,000 women per year in the combined therapy group while the risk was estimated to be decreased by three cases per 10,000 women per year in the estrogen only group [35]. Women in the ET arm of the WHI also demonstrated no increased risk of breast cancer. The WHI trial was actually terminated early (in 2002) after finding a small but significant increase in cardiovascular events and other adverse outcomes in the hormone therapy group. The early termination of the WHI trial created much controversy regarding the role of HT and its effects on cardiovascular health in women. The trial changed the practice of prescribing HT for postmenopausal women. Many women had their hormone therapy discontinued at that time.

The aforementioned trials showed that menopausal hormone therapy did not prevent incidence or recurrence of CVD in women and increased their risk of stroke. Taken together, the cumulative data of HERS, ERA, and WHI supported the concept that HT should not be used in the prevention of cardiovascular disease and redirected focus on established preventative lifestyle and medical therapies such as smoking cessation, heart healthy diet, physical activity, weight management, as well as control of hypertension and hypercholesterolemia [47].
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Jul 10, 2016 | Posted by in CARDIOLOGY | Comments Off on Effects of Hormones and Hormone Therapy on Cardiovascular Health in Women

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