Fig. 10.1
Upper left and right; LV D-shape and LV mitral filling pattern (LV relaxation disturbance) in a patient (age of 40 years) with pressure overloaded RV due to PAH. Lower left and right; right ventricular filling pattern (relaxation disturbance) in a patient with DCM (45 years old). E early diastolic filling velocity, A atrial diastolic filling velocity

Fig. 10.2
Septal motion during inspiration and expiration in a patient with pulmonary hypertension
Another clinical picture similar to right heart failure, that is caused by ventricular interaction, is when the pericardium is involved with either rapid fluid collection or pericardial stiffness, cardiac tamponade or pericardial constriction, respectively. In tamponade, the rise in intrathoracic and intra-pericardial pressures above RV pressure makes its filling and ejection very sensitive to respiration especially during inspiration. If this condition is ignored, it eventually reduces LV filling and ejection during inspiration until blood pressure reduction >10 mmHg and lack of a palpable arterial pulse produce the clinical picture of pulsus paradoxus. Similar ventricular interaction disturbances with flow velocity variations with respiration can be seen with massive left pleural effusion and, to a lesser extent, in constrictive pericarditis.
Patients with right heart failure may be managed using a combination of imaging modalities. This chapter presents the advantages and applications of ultrasound. Unlike for the LV, however, the classic metrics for assessing the status of the failing RV, volume and systolic function, cannot be measured accurately from two-dimensional (2D) echocardiograms. To compensate, a multiplicity of methods has been developed for evaluating RV status using Doppler and innovative approaches for 2D echo. In addition, three-dimensional (3D) echo imaging and analysis is increasingly available, and provide a more comprehensive view that helps to unite the information obtained from multiple 2D views and Doppler measurements (Fig. 10.3). As a result there are many metrics at hand from which the most appropriate can be selected and applied.

Fig. 10.3
Reconstruction of the heart of a normal subject from multiple two-dimensional echo images by the piecewise smooth subdivision surface method. The anatomy illustrated is that of the left ventricle (LV), right ventricle (RV), left atrium (LA), and right atrium (RA)
RV Volume and Other Dimensions
Visualization of the Right Ventricle
To evaluate the RV it is often necessary to adjust the technique from an adult cardiology laboratory’s usual “LV-centric” approach. When the RV is dilated, the sector width in current ultrasound equipment is too narrow to contain both ventricles. Therefore the view must be centered on the RV to ensure that the RV is completely visualized [3].
The LV maintains its ellipsoid geometry in both volume and pressure overload (Fig. 10.4) [4]. In contrast the RV does not remodel along a shape continuum [5]. Patients with heart failure due to idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy may exhibit transition to a more spherical shape in both ventricles (Fig. 10.5). RV shape in pulmonary hypertension (PH) is characterized by septal flattening or curvature reversal on short axis images [6]. More recent studies have shown that the RV may also exhibit bulging at the base with tilting of the tricuspid annulus and/or bulging at the apex without central rounding in response to volume or pressure overload (Figs. 10.6 and 10.7) [5, 7, 8].

Fig. 10.4
The left ventricle retains its ellipsoidal shape in the face of hemodynamic overload. (From Grossman W, Carabello BA, Gunther S, Fifer MA. Ventricular wall stress and the development of cardiac hypertrophy and failure. Perspectives in Cardiovasc Res 7:1–18. 1983)

Fig. 10.5
Reconstruction of the left (red) and right (blue) ventricles of a patient with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy and heart failure (left ventricular ejection fraction 17 %, RV ejection fraction 12 %) showing the spherical shape adopted by the left ventricle. See Fig. 13.3 for comparison with the reconstruction of a normal subject’s ventricles

Fig. 10.6
Reconstruction of the right (RV) and left (LV) ventricles in a patient with pulmonary artery hypertension illustrating the bulging at the base (BB) and apex

Fig. 10.7
Reconstruction of the left (red) and right (blue) ventricles of a patient with repaired tetralogy of Fallot and wide open pulmonary regurgitation showing the basal bulge and tricuspid annular tilt as well as rounding of the apex
To capture these shape changes additional, nonstandard views may be needed to fully visualize the RV patients with dilated RVs [3, 9]. Truncation of the parasternal short axis view may cause the RV to appear crescent shaped when actually it is often triangular in cross section (Fig. 10.8). Truncation of apical views may conceal the apical bulging (Fig. 10.9), an indicator of RV dysfunction [8]. For a good discussion of technique in imaging the RV, see Horton et al. [10].

Fig. 10.8
(a) Truncation of the right ventricle (blue) in the parasternal short axis view may give the false impression of a crescent shape when the image is centered on the left ventricle (red). (b) Care in visualizing the entire right ventricle (blue) shows its true shape to be triangular (arrow)

Fig. 10.9
Representative four-chamber apical views in end systole showing the right ventricular apical angle in an individual with normal pulmonary pressures (a), patient with mild to moderate pulmonary hypertension (b), and a patient with severe pulmonary hypertension (c). A significant degree of right ventricular hypertrophy is noted in both (b and c) cases. (From Lopez-Candales A, Dohi K, Iliescu A, Peterson RC, Edelman K, Bazaz R. An abnormal right ventricular apical angle is indicative of global right ventricular impairment. Echocardiography 2006;23:361–368)
RV Volume
Visual Assessment
In clinical practice, visual assessment is performed to gauge RV size relative to that of the LV. The advantages are its simplicity and avoidance of measurement variability. Normally the RV is only two-thirds the size of the LV in the apical four-chamber view, the LV forms the apex of the heart, and the LV is round in short axis views throughout the cardiac cycle. Deviations from this pattern may indicate RV dilatation but careful examination of multiple views is recommended for confirmation of the diagnosis because the apparent size of the RV varies with the angle of the plane (Fig. 10.10) [3]. In the presence of LV dilatation the RV should be compared to additional anatomic landmarks.

Fig. 10.10
Diagram showing the recommended apical four-chamber (A4C) view with focus on the right ventricle (RV)(1*), and the sensitivity of right ventricular size with angular change (2, 3) despite similar size and appearance of the left ventricle (LV). The lines of intersection of the A4C planes (1*, 2, 3) with a mid left ventricular short axis are shown above and corresponding A4C views below. (From Rudski LG, Lai WW, Afilalo J, et al. Guidelines for the echocardiographic assessment of the right heart in adults: A report from the American Society of Echocardiography. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2010;23:685–713)
Quantitation from Two-Dimensional Echocardiography
Much research has gone into attempting to find a method for quantifying RV volume. These efforts have been frustrated by the complex shape of the RV. The LV can be compared to an ellipsoid of revolution not only in normal hearts but also in patients with volume or pressure overload (Fig. 10.4). This uniformity of shape enables accurate measurement of its volume from a single view. In contrast, the RV has resisted easy comparison to a geometric reference model. The models that have been tried fall into three types. Both the multiple slice and area–length methods were originally applied to contours traced from biplane contrast ventriculograms. The third type utilizes the formula V = AL, where A is the area in one view and L spans the length of the RV in the other view; this formula computes the volumes of numerous geometric figures ranging from a prism to a crescent [11, 12]. However the subcostal views that are required may be obtainable in only 52 % of children older than 5 years [13].
Other limitations of 2D echocardiography for RV volume quantification are difficulty in locating and acquiring views that yield the maximal area and long axis length measurements, and RV remodeling in response to the hemodynamic overload. As a consequence of the shape change, a given model may better fit diseased hearts than normal subjects, resulting in variable accuracy. For example, the observation that error in RV volume determination by both ellipsoidal approximation and multiple slice methods was significantly higher in normal subjects compared to patients with congenital heart disease [13] may be attributable to RV remodeling to a more ellipsoid shape in the latter. It is therefore not surprising that RV volume measurement from 2D echocardiograms has proven inaccurate in comparison with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) [13, 14]. In addition, the dearth of clear anatomic landmarks in the RV reduces reproducibility in volume determination because it is so difficult to locate and image the same anatomical image planes on serial studies. The problem is exacerbated when the RV dilates because this chamber may change position and rotate within the thorax [15]. For a good discussion of 2D echo methods and their limitations the reader is referred to Jiang et al. [16].
Quantitation from Three-Dimensional Echocardiography
Three-dimensional (3D) echocardiography enables accurate analysis of RV volume by avoiding the need to match the RV to a geometric reference figure. Instead the RV is analyzed in its entirety, and even pathologically misshapen ventricles can be measured accurately, even those in congenital heart defects.
Volumetric 3D Echo. Most commonly 3D echocardiography refers to acquisition of a volume of image data using a matrix array transducer. The image data are viewed and the RV endocardial contour is delineated in multiple parallel, evenly spaced planes, the area of each contour is multiplied by the interplane distance, and the products are summed to provide a true multiple slice analysis of volume (Fig. 10.11). Studies have shown excellent accuracy for RV volume measurement from 3D echo image data when compared with MRI or with direct volume measurement [17–20].

Fig. 10.11
Offline analysis of real-time three-dimensional echocardiographic data using disk summation algorithm for right ventricular (RV) volume calculations at end diastole. Top left, Four-chamber view of RV. Top right, Two-chamber view of RV perpendicular to four-chamber view. Bottom left, Series of short axis slices were used to trace RV endocardial borders to derive RV volumes and ejection fraction (EF). Tricuspid annulus, apex, interventricular septum, and free wall in other panels were used as references for measurements of RV indexes. Bottom right, Cine short axis image displayed in this panel to add to four- and two-chamber views as references for border identification and tracing. (From Lu X, Nadvoretskiy V, Bu L, et al. Accuracy and reproducibility of real-time three-dimensional echocardiography for assessment of right ventricular volumes and ejection fraction in children. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2008;21:84–89)
The RV is usually “sliced” into short axis views, like the LV. As for MRI or computed tomography, image quality is poorer due to partial volume effects at the first and last slices where the RV wall is nearly tangential to the image plane. As a result, the apex and basal limit of the RV may be difficult to delineate. Some investigators have attempted to solve the problem by using alternate slice orientations [21, 22]. Another approach is to utilize information from orthogonal views to assist in delineating the endocardium, e.g., by tracing the short axis contours with guidance from one or two long axis views [23].
A limitation of current matrix array transducers is that the sector width does not allow imaging of the RV in its entirety in a significant proportion of adult patients within the single apical scan that is most commonly employed to acquire the image data [24]. This disadvantage is particularly present when the RV is enlarged, the very situation where quantification of RV function is important.
The biggest source of variability derives from delineating the endocardium, which is particularly difficult in heavily trabeculated RVs at end systole. One area of previous controversy has been resolved by an MRI study, which recommended tracing the contour outside rather than around the trabeculations to maximize reproducibility (Fig. 10.12) [25]. Another issue is the definition of end systole. Because of the RV’s peristaltic pattern of contraction the timing of minimum chamber area varies from region to region and from slice to slice [26]. One approach is to select the time at which minimum chamber area occurs in the greatest number of views. Another approach is to select this time point from the four-chamber view; application of its systolic interval to the entire RV has been shown to provide a highly accurate measurement of end-systolic volume [27]. Volume analysis by 3D echo is more reproducible than by 2D echo [18].

Fig. 10.12
Assessment of right ventricular volume using two different protocols for analyzing the short axis view from a multiphase steady-state free precision magnetic resonance imaging sequence in end systole (left) and end diastole (right) obtained in a patient with an atrially switched transposition of the great arteries. Top, Inclusion of trabeculations and papillary muscles in the ventricular cavity. Bottom, Exclusion of trabeculations and papillary muscles from the ventricular cavity. LV left ventricle. (From Winter MM, Bernink FJP, Groenink M, et al: Evaluating the systemic right ventricle by CMR: The importance of consistent and reproducible delineation of the cavity. J Cardiovasc Magn Res 10:40, 2008)
3D Analysis of Multiple 2D Views. A 3D reconstruction of the RV surface can be generated by analyzing multiple 2D views acquired while tracking the spatial location and orientation of the view planes [28, 29]. The RV endocardial surface is reconstructed after tracing the images, and volume is computed from the 3D surface. An advantage of this approach is the use of freehand scanning, so that views providing optimal image quality are acquired. As for multiple slice analysis of volumetric data sets, multiple views must be traced. Several methods have been validated for 3D reconstruction of the RV from manually traced borders. The method of Jiang et al. was based on deforming a spherical template to fit traced borders (Fig. 10.12) [30]. Buckey et al. swept the RV from a single fixed transducer location in angular increments that defined a series of wedges whose volumes were computed and summed to determine RV volume [31]. The piecewise smooth subdivision surface (PSSS) method fits a model mesh to traced borders (Fig. 10.3) [32]. The PSSS method is the only method shown to reproduce the 3D shape of the LV and RV with anatomical accuracy [33].
Despite these methods’ demonstrated accuracy for measuring RV volume, clinical application has been discouraged by the labor required to trace the RV border in multiple images. In a comparison of accuracy when volume is measured using the multiple slice method from 2 to 16 slices, Chen et al. found 8 slices to be the “optimum choice for accurate and convenient measurement” of mass as well as volume [34]. Since analysis must be performed at both end diastole and end systole, the effort is nearly prohibitive for clinical application. Indeed one author opined that an “easily applicable, real-time, three-dimensional assessment of right ventricular volume is the Holy Grail of cardiographic assessment” [35].
Current Commercial 3D Echo Products for RV Analysis. Development of methods for automatically delineating the RV endocardial contour was slowed behind that of the LV by the heavier trabeculation of the RV compared to the LV, and by the diverse shape abnormalities adopted as the RV remodels in response to hemodynamic overload. Tomtec Imaging Systems (Unterschleissheim, Germany) markets a product that employs semiautomated analysis of volumetric 3D echo data sets (Fig. 10.13); its accuracy and reproducibility have been extensively validated by comparison with MRI [17, 18, 20, 24].

Fig. 10.13
Reconstruction of the RV using commercially available analysis software. After the user traces the endocardial contour (green) in three orthogonal views at end diastole and at end systole, the right ventricle is automatically delineated in all remaining time points through the cardiac cycle. (Reproduced with permission from Tomtec Imaging Systems GmbH, Unterschleissheim, Germany)
An alternative approach to reducing the workload of manual tracing is to utilize knowledge of the expected shape of the RV and of the range of shapes that it can adopt in disease processes. The method marketed by VentriPoint, Inc. (Seattle, WA) generates PSSS surface reconstructions from user-entered points at anatomic landmarks (Fig. 10.14) and does not require whole borders be traced. Its accuracy has been verified by comparison with MRI [36, 37].

Fig. 10.14
The Ventripoint method. (a) Reconstruction of the right ventricle showing the points entered by the user at anatomic landmarks as colored spheres. The green contours represent sharp edges in the surface at the tricuspid and pulmonary annuli and around the insertion of the right ventricle into the interventricular septum. (b) Verification that the right ventricle was adequately interrogated by the images: the intersections of each image plane with the reconstructed surface produces a contour (yellow). (c) Reconstructions of a patient’s right ventricle at end diastole (mesh) and end systole (solid surface) shown overlaid for assessment of regional right ventricular wall motion. (d) Overlay of the reconstructed surface on the image. (From Dragulescu A, Grosse-Wortmann L, Fackoury C, et al. Echocardiographic assessment of right ventricular volumes after surgical repair of Tetralogy of Fallot: Clinical validation of a new echocardiographic method. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2011;24:1191–1198)
RV Function
Global RV Function
Because of the inaccuracy in volume measurement [13, 14], assessment of RV ejection fraction (EF) based on two-dimensional (2D) echocardiography is not recommended [3]. Before 3D echo became as available as it is today, RV global function was estimated using surrogate parameters based on a single 2D view. The apical four-chamber view is used due to the predominantly longitudinal contractile pattern of the RV [38, 39], which lacks the LV’s middle layer of circumferential fibers. The most commonly used parameters are fractional area change (FAC), the 2D equivalent of the RV EF, and tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE) [40], which measures the RV’s longitudinal contraction. TAPSE can be assessed by M-mode, 2D echo, tissue Doppler, or speckle tracking echo, and is discussed below (see “Tricuspid Annular Plane Systolic Excursion”).
FAC is computed as the percent change in the area of the RV between end diastole and end systole. FAC correlates more closely with RV EF than either longitudinal or transverse contraction in PH patients, probably because FAC is an area metric and therefore integrates contributions from both [41, 42]. The normal mean is 49 % [3]. The disadvantage of the FAC is its failure to consider the function of the RV outflow tract (RVOT). Because akinesis of the RV outflow track is associated with a poor prognosis in repaired tetralogy of Fallot [43], some advocate measuring FAC from a modified short axis view that includes the outflow tract (Fig. 10.15) [44].

Fig. 10.15
Evaluation of the right ventricular systolic function using modified short axis view. The long axis view of aorta must be shown from modified short axis view. AO aorta, RA right atrium, RVOT right ventricular outflow tract, TOF tetralogy of Fallot
Regional RV Function
Analysis in 2D. Very few of the geometric models developed for 2D images of the LV can be applied to the RV due to their assumptions regarding the right ventricular shape. For example radial coordinate systems cannot be applied to short axis views of the RV because the septal and free walls meet at an acute angle, except in severe PH with inversion of septal curvature. Rectangular coordinate systems do not fit the RV’s triangular or crescent-shaped long or short axis contours either. In contrast, the centerline method has been successfully applied for measuring regional RV function in both long axis and short axis views because it does not rely on geometric assumptions about RV shape; the centerline method has been applied to projection as well as tomographic imaging modalities (angiograms, echo images, and MRI) [45–48]. This method was used to identify a pattern of regional RV dysfunction peculiar to acute pulmonary embolism (Fig. 10.16) [49].

Fig. 10.16
(a) Schematic diagram of the apical four-chamber view from a transthoracic two-dimensional echocardiogram. Qualitative wall motion scores were assigned at four locations of the right ventricular free wall (shaded areas). (b) Segmental right ventricular free wall excursion (mean ± 1 SEM) by centerline analysis as a function of right ventricular free wall segment. Centerline excursion in patients with acute pulmonary embolism (PE) was near normal (p = NS versus normal), p greater than 0.03 versus primary pulmonary hypertension (PPH) at the apex (hatched area), but abnormal at the mid-free wall and base (p < 0.02 versus normal). Centerline excursion in patients with primary pulmonary hypertension was reduced compared with that in normal subjects in all segments (p < 0.03). LV left ventricle, RV right ventricle. (From McConnell MV, Solomon SD, Rayan ME, et al: Am J Cardiol 78(4):469–473, 1996; redrawn for publication in Sheehan FH. Ventricular shape and function. In: Otto CM, ed. Clinical Echocardiography. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company, 2007)
Like the LV the RV may develop regional hypokinesis due to coronary occlusion, and a more proximal occlusion of the right coronary artery produces a larger wall motion defect in experimental studies. In the RV, however, the size of the dyskinetic segment is excessive for the size of the infarction [50]. Despite severe free wall dysfunction, global RV function recovers early after occlusion due to stiffening of the free wall. Clinically most patients recover regardless of whether the right coronary artery is reperfused [51]. For assessment of ischemic heart disease a road map for visual assessment of regional function has been developed that reflects the perfusion territories of the left and right coronary arteries (Fig. 10.17) [3].

Fig. 10.17
Segmental nomenclature of the right ventricular walls, along with their coronary supply. Ao Aorta, CS coronary sinus, LA left atrium, LAD left anterior descending artery, LV left ventricle, PA pulmonary artery, RA right atrium, RCA right coronary artery, RV right ventricle, RVOT right ventricular outflow tract. (From Rudski LG, Lai WW, Afilalo J, et al. Guidelines for the echocardiographic assessment of the right heart in adults: A report from the American Society of Echocardiography. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2010;23:685–713)
Analysis in 3D. Most of what we know about 3D regional RV function derives from MR tagging studies, which have documented the regional heterogeneity of RV wall motion [52, 53], confirmed the greater long axis than short axis shortening [38, 39], quantified torsion [54], and evaluated functional abnormality in a few disease conditions [38, 55].
Investigators have developed a multiplicity of methods for assessing regional RV function from 3D images using MRI or echocardiography, and a multiplicity of segmentation models dividing the RV into 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, or 12 regions [26, 48, 53, 55–58]. Some analyzed multiple short axis views, dividing the RV free wall geometrically into circumferential regions (superior, middle, inferior), vertical regions (apical, mid, basal), or both [48, 57, 58]. Others followed the tripartite model of the RV [59, 60] and calculated regional EFs or wall motion after using anatomic landmarks to subdivide the RV volume into inlet, apical or trabecular, and outlet portions (Fig. 10.18) [26, 56, 61]. However the normative data from the tripartite model vary widely, with two studies finding relatively reduced function in the apical region, and the third study showing a higher EF in the apical region than in the inlet and outflow regions. The studies varied in the software source, imaging modality (3D echo vs. MRI), and age of the normal subjects; nevertheless the discrepant results suggest that the model is difficult to apply reproducibly, perhaps due to the requirement for identification of anatomic landmarks in the images.

Fig. 10.18
Tripartite model of the right ventricle illustrating division into inflow, outflow, and apical regions. (From Calcutteea A, Chung R, Lindqvist P, Hodson M, Henein MY. Differential right ventricular regional function and the effect of pulmonary hypertension: three-dimensional echo study. Heart. Jun 2011;97(12):1004–1011)
The centersurface method measures RV wall motion from 3D surface reconstructions along vectors orthogonal to the endocardium at end diastole (Fig. 10.19) [58]. It is a 3D analog of the centerline method developed for analysis of 2D image data, and displays the same flexibility for defining regions of interest. Analysis of wall motion in patients with repaired tetralogy of Fallot showed that a larger number of regions than the three defined by the tripartite model are needed to characterize the heterogeneity of RV regional function [58].

Fig. 10.19
Reconstruction of the right ventricle (blue) of a patient illustrating the direction of motion measured by the centersurface method from an inferior view. Anatomic landmarks are the aortic valve (AoV), left ventricle (LV), mitral valve (MV), and tricuspid valve (TV). The basal bulge (BB) is also indicated. (From Morcos M, Sheehan FH. Regional right ventricular wall motion in Tetralogy of Fallot: A three-dimensional analysis. Intl J Cardiovasc Imag. 2013;in press)
In summary, the methodology for measuring regional RV function is still in development. A number of models for segmenting the RV into regions have been proposed, but it is unclear which will prove most informative for a given disease condition.
The RV’s sensitivity to pressure and volume overload mandates hemodynamic examination. Doppler echocardiography has proved a very powerful tool for assessing such disturbances and therefore plays an important role in early diagnosis. Doppler techniques also provide additional metrics of RV function.
Pulmonary Hypertension
As the RV tolerates badly a long-standing increased afterload, assessing pulmonary pressures and their early changes is of great importance. By using continuous wave Doppler technique to measure the peak retrograde pressure drop across the tricuspid valve (tricuspid regurgitation velocity), applying the modified Bernoulli equation, and adding right atrial pressure (RAP), peak systolic pulmonary artery pressure (sPAP) can be estimated. A multiview approach should be used to secure the clearest tricuspid regurgitation velocity profile (Fig. 10.20).

Fig. 10.20
Color and peak continuous wave Doppler signals illustrating tricuspid regurgitation from different projections. The peak tricuspid regurgitation velocity (lower right) in this patient is 4 m/s; the peak pressure gradient between the right ventricle and right atrium is 64 mmHg. A4CH apical four chamber, PLAX parasternal long axis
Although transtricuspid regurgitation peak gradient is currently the most accurate measure of PA systolic pressure it has its limitations. It tends to underestimate the severity of PH in patients [62] with elevated RAP, e.g., due to a stiff right ventricle and raised end-diastolic pressure [63]. Also, it tends to underestimate the PA pressure in patients with significant tricuspid regurgitation, even in the absence of obvious organic tricuspid valve disease. Finally, the transtricuspid pressure drop by continuous wave Doppler can be accurately recorded in approximately 50–70 % of patients, hence the need for an alternative similarly accurate marker for PH assessment (Fig. 10.21) [64]. In the remaining cases the pulmonary regurgitant velocity curve can be useful in measuring the early and late diastolic pressure drops that reflect the mean and end-diastolic PA pressures (Fig. 10.22) [65].

Fig. 10.21
Tricuspid regurgitation with peak gradient of 4 m/s measured with continuous wave Doppler giving a peak pressure gradient of 64 mmHg

Fig. 10.22
Pulmonary regurgitation with a peak early diastolic (marked +1 in figure) of 18 mmHg and late diastolic pressure gradient (marked +2 in figure) of 4 mmHg measured with continuous wave Doppler
Estimation of RAP is an ongoing topic of discussion and a number of measures [3] as well as a fixed value of 7 or 10 mmHg in patients without right heart failure have been proposed [66, 67]. Inferior vena cava diameter and collapsibility with inspiration have also been found to correlate with RAP and are probably the most commonly used [68], but have limited value in the presence of mechanical ventilation or hypovolemia [69]. The ratio of E from tricuspid flow to e′ from RV free wall (E/e′) using tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) can also be used to estimate the RAP.
Pulmonary artery acceleration time (PAcT) has been shown to be related to both pulmonary pressures and pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR), and a cutoff value of less than 90 ms identifies patients having a PVR more than 3 Wood units with high sensitivity and specificity (Fig. 10.23) [70]. However PAcT is less reliable at higher heart rates and not useful for detecting an optimal flow signal when the outflow tract is dilated.

Fig. 10.23
Pulmonary artery acceleration time in a normal subject (right, mean 131 ms) and in pulmonary arterial hypertension with elevated pulmonary vascular resistance (left, mean 50 ms). Acceleration time is measured as the time from onset to peak velocity on the pulmonary artery flow measured with pulsed Doppler in a central position of the pulmonary artery within the pulmonary valves
Furthermore, a prolonged isovolume relaxation time (IVRT) from pulsed TDI (>75 ms corrected for heart rate) accurately identified patients with sPAP > 40 mmHg, a marker that has proved the best in predicting patients with raised pulmonary artery pressure (Fig. 10.24) [71]. However increased RV IVRT is not specific for PH as it also increases with increased wall thickness in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and ischemic heart disease [72, 73].

Fig. 10.24
Pulsed tissue Doppler-based myocardial velocities in normal subject (left) and in patient with pulmonary hypertension (right). Right ventricular (RV) isovolumic relaxation time (IVRT) is measured from the end of systole (s′) to the onset of early diastole (e′)
The myocardial performance (or Tei) index is a non-volumetric method using the sum of isovolumic time intervals (relaxation and contraction) in relation to RV ejection time. This index has been shown to be useful in determining both RV function and pulmonary hemodynamics and can be assessed using both conventional Doppler and tissue Doppler [74].
All these methods are complementary in identifying patients with PH.
Mechanisms of Pulmonary Hypertension
The next question that should be answered is the cause of the raised PA pressure. The guidelines for diagnosing PH classify it into four levels; with level 4 caused by pre-capillary pathologies and level 1 due to post-capillary hypertension [75]. Pre-capillary PH is defined as a mean PAP ≥ 25 mmHg and pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP) ≤ 15 mmHg. Post-capillary PAH is defined as mean PAP ≥ 25 mmHg and PCWP >15 mmHg. The pre-capillary PH can be caused by (1) idiopathic forms of pulmonary arterial hypertension, (2) lung diseases with and without hypoxia, (3) collagen vascular diseases, (4) HIV-AIDs, (5) chronic thromboembolism, or (6) unclear or multifactorial reasons, whereas the post-capillary type is caused by various forms of left heart disease and venooclusive pathology. In both types cardiac output at rest can be normal or reduced.
Post–capillary pulmonary hypertension (left heart dysfunction). In post-capillary hypertension, whether due to valve disease or LV dysfunction, RV function may be preserved in patients with mild to moderate disease. It is only when left atrial pressure or PCWP rises significantly, as a result of increased LV stiffness or significant mitral or aortic valve diseases, that RV dysfunction is seen [76, 77]. It may take time for the increased left atrial pressure to affect the pulmonary pressures and for the RV to develop a restrictive filling pattern. This process can easily be determined and followed up closely by Doppler echocardiography [78].
Patients with well-established raised left atrial pressure (restrictive LV filling pattern) usually present with raised RV systolic pressure, assessed by tricuspid regurgitation velocities, with values exceeding 35 mmHg but rarely as high as in pre-capillary PH [77, 79]. In such patients, long-standing post-capillary PH may result in irreversibly raised pulmonary pressure but also increased PVR and stiff pulmonary circulation, defined as reactive or combined pre- and post capillary PH [80, 81].
Doubling RV afterload (from 25 to 50 mmHg) has been shown to reduce its EF by approximately 10 %. The RV can tolerate even moderate degrees of PH but eventually the tricuspid annulus dilates and secondary tricuspid regurgitation develops which itself, if significant, adds to the clinical deterioration by further decreasing RV stroke volume and increasing diastolic pressures and fluid retention.
Pre–capillary pulmonary hypertension (pulmonary vascular disease). The most common cause of RV dysfunction in this scenario is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD, see Chap. 18). Long-standing COPD may result in various degrees of RV hypertrophy with systolic and diastolic dysfunction, but it rarely causes PH at rest [82]. Systemic sclerosis (scleroderma) is another parenchymal or pulmonary arterial venous disease that causes PAH and LV and RV subendocardial fibrosis and dysfunction [83]. Severe cases may present with significant PH associated with poor clinical outcome [84]. Finally, other parenchymal fibrotic diseases such as cystic fibrosis may also involve the RV myocardium and cause significant systolic and diastolic dysfunction even in the absence of PH [85]. Patients with end-stage cystic fibrosis may present with a picture resembling cardiac tamponade as a result of the increased intrathoracic pressure. Although RV function in most lung diseases may appear to be normal at rest, RV function at fast heart rates needs to be determined.
The most common pulmonary vascular disease that affects the RV is pulmonary embolism which represents an acute increase in afterload. As for the left heart, acute changes in the pulmonary circulation at any level are poorly tolerated. A small pulmonary embolism may be compensated for but a massive one can be fatal [86] (see Chap. 9). The RV systolic pressure will acutely increase, its cavity dilates, and systolic function deteriorates rapidly [87].
Specific Hemodynamic Patterns of Pre- and Post-capillary Pulmonary Hypertension
In addition to the investigations mentioned above, assessment of PVR is necessary when PH is suspected [88, 89]. A number of equations have been developed over the years for estimating PVR (Table 10.1) with varying sensitivities and specificities.
Table 10.1
Hemodynamic measurements using Doppler echocardiography
Estimation | Formula | Abnormal level |
sPAP (mmHg) | 4 × TRPG 2 + RAP | >36 mmHg |
mPAP (mmHg) | sPAP × 0.61 + 2 | |
4 × PREDG 2 + RAP | >25 mmHg | |
79–0.45 × (PAcT) | ||
dPAP (mmHg) | 4 × PRLDG 2 + RAP | >15 mmHg |
PVR (WU) | TRPG/PA VTI × 10 + 0.16 [91] | |
mPAP (sPAP × 0.61 + 2) − PCWP/CO (LVOT) [92] | >3 WU
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