Echocardiographic Imaging for Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement

Transcatheter aortic valve replacement has become an accepted alternative to surgery for patients with severe, symptomatic aortic stenosis who are inoperable or are at high surgical risk. Recent trials support the use of transcatheter aortic valve replacement also in patients at intermediate risk, and ongoing trials are assessing appropriateness in other patient groups. The authors review the key anatomic features integral to the transcatheter aortic valve replacement procedure and the echocardiographic imaging required for preprocedural, intraprocedural, and postprocedural assessment.


  • The imager is an essential member of the Heart Team for the TAVR procedure.

  • Echocardiography is the imaging modality of choice for the assessment of aortic valve morphology and function.

  • Echocardiography is a valuable adjunctive imaging modality for planning prior to transcatheter aortic valve replacement.

  • Echocardiography is an essential imaging tool for intraprocedural guidance and postprocedural assessment of transcatheter aortic valve replacement.

Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) is now a class I recommendation for treatment of prohibitive-risk and high–surgical risk patients with severe, symptomatic aortic stenosis (AS). TAVR currently has a class IIa recommendation for patients at intermediate surgical risk, but given the large randomized trials showing noninferiority to surgical aortic valve replacement, TAVR may be an appropriate alternative in this population as well. TAVR volumes continue to increase as indications for use expand. In this article, we review the anatomic features integral to the TAVR procedure and the echocardiographic imaging required for preprocedural, intraprocedural, and postprocedural assessment.

Anatomic Perspective

Characterization of the aortic root complex, consisting of the aortic valve, aortic annulus, sinuses of Valsalva, and sinotubular junction, is critical for planning and success of TAVR. The normal aortic valve has three leaflets supported by the aortic sinuses: left, right, and noncoronary. The right coronary leaflet rests on the muscular part of the interventricular septum, the noncoronary leaflet is adjacent to the membranous septum and the anterior mitral leaflet, and the left coronary leaflet is continuous with the anterior mitral leaflet (aortomitral curtain) and muscular interventricular septum ( Figure 1 ). Between the semilunar hinge lines of the leaflets are the fibrous interleaflet trigones or triangles. The anatomic aortic annulus is defined as the semilunar lines of attachment of the aortic valve leaflets to the aortic sinuses. However, measurement of the aortic annulus relevant to transcatheter heart valve (THV) sizing is performed at the most ventricular (basal) hinge points of the leaflets, referred to as the ventricular ring. More than half the circumference of this ring is formed by the base of the interleaflet triangles; this plane is thus the “virtual” annulus. The coronary arteries arise at a variable distance from the base of left and right coronary cusps. The left coronary ostium is frequently in the posterior part of the left sinus, and the right coronary ostium is somewhat anterior and superior in the right sinus. The lower position of the left coronary increase its risk for obstruction by a calcified aortic leaflet. Also, the atrioventricular bundle then courses on the top of the muscular septum under the membranous septum, where it divides into the left and right bundles ( Figure 1 ) and thus is at risk for damage with TAVR depending in part on the depth of THV implantation. The atrioventricular bundle then courses on the top of the muscular septum under the membranous septum.

Figure 1
Conduction system. The aortic valve node is typically located on the floor of the right atrium just posterior (post) and inferior to the membranous septum ( blue shaded region ). The atrioventricular (A-V) node and bundle then courses on the top of the muscular septum under the membranous septum, where it divides into the left and right bundles. ant , Anterior; IVS , interventricular septum; LM , left main coronary artery; RCA , right coronary artery.

One important anatomic variation is the bicuspid aortic valve, which was an exclusion criterion for early TAVR trials and may be associated with worse procedural outcomes compared with trileaflet valves. Anatomic differences compared with the trileaflet valve include a larger and more circular annulus, larger sinus of Valsalva and ascending aorta, and more eccentric annular calcification, which may contribute to greater degrees of post-TAVR paravalvular aortic regurgitation (PAR) and a higher incidence of post-TAVR conduction abnormalities. The Bicuspid TAVR Registry has recently shown good success rates in these patients using new-generation transcatheter valves. Improved preprocedural sizing using multislice computed tomography (MSCT) as well as implantation techniques may mitigate these complications. Bicuspid valves were classified by Sievers and Schmidtke as type 0, no raphe; type 1, with one raphe (most commonly seen between the left and right coronary cusps); and type 2, with two raphes. Type 1 bicuspid aortic valve anatomy with left and right cusp fusion may have better post-TAVR outcomes compared with other anatomic variants.

Preprocedural Imaging with Echocardiography

The current American Heart Association (AHA)/American College of Cardiology (ACC) and European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging valvular heart disease guidelines discuss the importance of the heart team approach to the management of complex valvular heart disease. An important part of that team is the cardiovascular imaging specialist. Throughout the development of the TAVR procedure for severe, symptomatic AS, echocardiographic imaging has played an essential role in the preprocedural assessment of patients, intraprocedural guidance, and postprocedural follow-up. As indications for both surgical aortic valve replacement and TAVR continue to evolve, echocardiography may play an even more important role in patient diagnosis and management. In this section we review the role of echocardiography in the selection of patients for TAVR.

Morphology of the Aortic Valve

Distinguishing bicuspid from tricuspid aortic valve is essential before TAVR. Although multiple imaging modalities can assess the morphology of the aortic valve and root, the diagnosis of bicuspid aortic valve is typically made using echocardiography. The short-axis views of the valve in systole should image a typical “fish-mouth” appearance of valve opening and absence of opening at the raphe. Systolic doming from the long-axis view may be another clue of a bicuspid valve. In patients with good-quality transthoracic images who do not have dense calcification, diagnostic sensitivity and specificity for identification of a bicuspid valve are >70% and >90%, respectively, but diagnostic uncertainty may remain in 10% to 15% of patients after echocardiography. In the setting of calcification with reduced leaflet excursion in systole, the abnormal motion of the two cusps may not be appreciated, and color Doppler may be helpful in distinguishing immobile trileaflet aortic valves without commissural fusion from bicuspid valves with fusion; color Doppler flow in all three commissures should be seen with trileaflet valves.

In addition to determining the number of cusps, the location and severity of calcium are important aspects of morphologic assessment. The prognostic importance of valve calcium by echocardiography has long been recognized, but MSCT has become the primary imaging modality for quantification of calcium burden. Ectopic calcification of the left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) is predictive of PAR. In addition, in patients with low flow, the severity of calcification may help distinguish those patients with true severe AS from those patients with pseudosevere AS. Sex-specific criteria have been established, with aortic valve calcium cutoffs for severe AS of ≥1,275 arbitrary units in women and 2,065 arbitrary units in men. Interestingly, aortic valve calcium is also lower in women after indexing to body size or annular area, consistent with findings of increased fibrosis in women.

Assessment of Severity of AS

Echocardiography is used to assess valve morphology and severity of stenosis, as well as the cardiac response to AS, including left ventricular (LV) remodeling and function, mitral valve regurgitation, and pulmonary hypertension. Recent updates to the American Society of Echocardiography and European Society of Echocardiography guidelines, as well as an associated letter to the editor, review the echocardiographic parameters and acquisition recommendations. These parameters can be divided into flow-dependent measurements and flow-independent measurements and are summarized in Table 1 .

Table 1
Standard echocardiographic parameters used to assess the severity of AS
Mild Moderate Severe
Valve anatomy
  • Mild leaflet calcification or thickening with reduction in systolic motion

  • Mild to moderate leaflet calcification of a bicuspid or trileaflet valve with some reduction in systolic motion or

  • Rheumatic valve changes with commissural fusion

  • Severe leaflet calcification or congenital stenosis with severely reduced leaflet opening

Quantitative parameters (flow dependent)
Peak velocity (m/sec) 2.0–2.9 3–3.9 ≥4
Mean gradient (mm Hg) <20 20–39 ≥40
Quantitative parameters (flow independent)
Doppler index >0.5 0.26–0.5 ≤0.25
AVA (cm 2 ) >1.5 1.1–1.5 ≤1.0
AVA index (cm 2 /m 2 ) >0.85 0.61–0.85 ≤0.6

Indexing valve area is particularly important in smaller patients with height < 135 cm (65 in), BSA < 1.5 m 2 , or body mass index < 22 kg/m 2 .

The greatest error in the aortic valve area (AVA) calculation is the squared LVOT diameter measurement. There are important caveats about the measurement of the LVOT diameter in the setting of AS ( Figure 2 , Table 2 ).

  • LVOT diameter should be measured at early to mid-systole (when the elliptical LVOT is more circular) from the image that provides the largest diameter.

  • LVOT diameter should be measured from the inner edge to inner edge from where the anterior (right coronary) cusp meets the ventricular anteroseptum, to the posterior “virtual annulus” where the posterior interleaflet triangle meets the anterior mitral leaflet. Avoid measuring the ectopic calcium as a border of the LVOT.

  • LVOT diameter measured below the aortic annulus underestimates catheter-derived AVA. This may be particularly true in the setting of a sigmoid septum.

  • AVA calculated with LVOT diameter measured at the level of the aortic annulus is more accurate and reproducible.

  • Because the greatest error in AVA calculation is the squared LVOT diameter measurement, using the ratio of V LVOT /V AS jet or VTI LVOT /VTI aortic valve can be a good indicator of AVA. A Doppler velocity index of ≤0.25 indicates severe stenosis.

Figure 2
Transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiographic optimization of LVOT measurement. Simultaneous biplane imaging from transthoracic (A,B) as well as transesophageal (C,D) imaging shows that an appropriately centered aortic valve in the long-axis view ( A or C ) will image the right coronary cusp (RCC) hinge point anteriorly ( B or D ) and the interleaflet trigone (between the left coronary cusp [LCC] and noncoronary cusp [NCC]) posteriorly. The maximum sagittal plane LVOT diameter ( yellow arrow ) should be measured from the inner edge to inner edge of the RCC hinge point/septal border to the posterior trigone/anterior mitral leaflet border. Importantly, the LVOT diameter measurement should avoid including ectopic calcium on the anterior mitral valve leaflet.

Although echocardiographic guidelines recommend a single diameter measurement of the LVOT to calculate AVA, planimetry of the aortic valve and LVOT area by real-time three-dimensional (3D) methods has been shown to be accurate and reproducible and to compare favorably with MSCT. Some studies suggest that using a direct area measurement of the LVOT in the continuity equation may yield a more accurate measurement of AVA. However, Clavel et al. compared the two methods for calculating AVA: the hybrid multislice computed tomographic planimetered LVOT in the continuity equation and the standard echocardiographic continuity equation. Compared with echocardiographic AVA, the hybrid method did not improve the correlation with transvalvular gradient, concordance between gradient and AVA, or prediction of mortality. Importantly, thresholds for excess mortality differed between techniques: AVA ≤ 1.0 cm 2 for the echocardiographic method versus ≤1.2 cm 2 for the hybrid method. These findings and other outcomes studies using the echocardiographic method for calculating AVA support the continued use of standard linear LVOT dimension to measure AVA and to guide management as recommended by current guidelines.

Because small-sized patients may not require the same amount of cardiac output as larger patients, the American Society of Echocardiography recommends indexing the valve area to body surface area (BSA), particularly in smaller patients with height < 135 cm (65 in), BSA < 1.5 m 2 , or body mass index < 22 kg/m 2 . The ACC guidelines use an indexed AVA of ≤0.6 cm 2 /m 2 to define severe AS. Importantly, indexing to BSA may not be appropriate in obese patients.

Some investigators have suggested that using an indexed cut-off of <0.5 cm 2 /m 2 may not only reduce inconsistent measurements with unindexed values, but lower indexed AVA cut-offs may also improve the prediction of outcomes.

Low-Gradient, Severe AS

As many as 40% of patients with AS may have discordant Doppler hemodynamics with low mean gradient (<40 mm Hg) in the setting of severely reduced valve area (≤1.0 cm 2 ). Many of these patients have low flow, currently defined as a stroke volume index of <35 mL/m 2 . Current AHA/ACC guidelines have subdivided the severe, symptomatic AS group of patients (stage D) into three separate categories: high-gradient AS (stage D1); low-flow, low-gradient AS with reduced ejection fraction (EF; stage D2); and low-gradient AS with normal EF (stage D3). Figure 3 shows the suggested approach to these subgroups of severe symptomatic AS.

Figure 3
Classification and characterization of the different types of AS according to AVA, gradient, LVEF, and flow. Classification of types of AS, including only the categories associated with symptoms and/or depressed LVEF. It does not include stage C1 (i.e., patients with high-gradient AS, no symptoms, and preserved LVEF). Question mark indicates stage labels or indications for aortic valve replacement (AVR) that are proposed but are not included in the guidelines and will need to be further tested and validated. AVAi , Indexed AVA; MG , mean gradient; RCT , randomized controlled trial; SVi , stroke volume index.
Reproduced with permission from Clavel et al.

Classic low-flow, low-gradient (mean gradient < 40 mm Hg) AS (AVA ≤ 1 cm 2 ) with reduced EF (<50%; stage D2 in the ACC/AHA guidelines) is often associated with coronary artery disease but may have intrinsic disease of the myocardium or afterload mismatch related to severe stenosis. Because valve area has been shown to be flow dependent, multiple studies have used low-dose dobutamine stress echocardiography to increase the transvalvular flow rate while avoiding myocardial ischemia. The protocol for this test is described in the American Society of Echocardiography updated guidelines.

The D3 category of low-gradient, severe AS with normal EF is also known as “paradoxical AS.” Because velocity and gradient are dependent on flow, a number of physiologic situations can result in low flow in the setting of normal EF: tachycardia, bradycardia, hypertension, small ventricular cavity, severe diastolic dysfunction, severe mitral or tricuspid valve disease, pulmonary hypertension, and right ventricular dysfunction. The AHA/ACC guidelines do not advocate using dobutamine stress echocardiography with EF > 50%. Recent studies on the use of quantitative valve calcium scoring by MSCT may be useful.

If both flow and gradient are used to subcategorize patients with severe AS, then four categories may be generated ( Figure 3 ). The four different hemodynamic categories of patients with AS on the basis of flow (normal, >200 mL/sec) and gradient (high, >40 mm Hg): normal flow and high gradient, normal flow and low gradient, low flow and high gradient, and low flow and low gradient. The normal-flow, low-gradient entity is more difficult to explain, but this may be related to the use of stroke volume to define “normal flow” (i.e., stroke volume index ≥ 35 mL/m 2 ). Flow (in milliliters per second) is calculated as stroke volume divided by ejection time. It is possible that patients with normal flow and low gradient have normal stroke volume in the setting of a prolonged ejection time, thus resulting in a low gradient.


Two-dimensional (2D) and 3D echocardiographic direct planimetry of the stenotic valve orifice can be also used to determine stenosis severity. Using 2D transthoracic echocardiographic planimetered AVA, Okura et al. showed that 2D transthoracic echocardiographic planimetry of AVA had a low standard error of estimates compared with valve area measured using transesophageal echocardiographic planimetry, the continuity equation, or the Gorlin equation (0.04, 0.09, and 0.10 cm 2 , respectively). Importantly, planimetry and the Gorlin equation both measure the anatomic AVA, as the latter uses a correction coefficient for flow contraction. This flow contraction leads to the formation of the “vena contracta” beyond the anatomic orifice area. The area of the vena contracta represents the effective orifice area calculated by the continuity equation and is theoretically different from the area measured by planimetry. Multiple studies have suggested that 3D planimetered AVA may be more accurate, allowing alignment of the tips of all leaflets in the short-axis view. These measurements may be larger than 2D measurements and show a lower mean difference with continuity equation calculations.

Other Measures of AS Severity

Although measures of valve resistance, pressure recovery, energy loss, and arterial compliance and impedance are not recommended for routine clinical use, some may have significant prognostic information in certain subgroups of patients.

Differences in catheterization and echocardiographically measured gradients can arise in the setting of downstream pressure recovery. This net pressure drop between the left ventricle and the ascending aorta is the pathophysiologically relevant measurement and more representative of the geometric valve area. The energy loss index (ELI) is another measure that attempts to account for the total fluid mechanical energy loss related to both valve area and ascending aortic area. The ELI is calculated as ELI = [effective orifice area × A A /A A − effective orifice area]/BSA. Similar to valve area, it is less flow dependent than gradient or peak velocity, takes into account pressure recovery, and is roughly equivalent to effective orifice area measured by catheterization. Using the ELI, a substudy of the Simvastatin and Ezetimibe in Aortic Stenosis trial reclassified 47.5% of patients from severe to nonsevere AS. The energy loss is most significant in small aortas (<30 mm). An ELI of ≤0.5 to 0.6 cm 2 /m 2 is consistent with severe AS.

Finally, an index of global LV hemodynamic load, valvuloarterial impedance (Z va ), accounts for both the load of the aortic valve and the increase in vascular resistance. An increase in systemic vascular resistance may be a compensatory mechanism in the setting of reduced transvalvular flow. Concomitant arterial hypertension is found to be present in a large proportion (35%–51%) of patients with AS. Z va is calculated as Z va = systolic blood pressure + ΔP mean /stroke volume index. Several investigators have shown that the risk for mortality was increased with an increase in Z va . Hachicha et al. found an increase in mortality of 2.76-fold in patients with Z va ≥ 4.5 mm Hg · mL −1 · m 2 and by 2.30-fold in those with Z va between 3.5 and 4.5 mm Hg · mL −1 · m 2 after adjusting for other risk factors.

Stress Testing in AS

The indications for stress testing for severe AS include determination of the etiology of symptoms in the setting of nonsevere disease, confirmation of asymptomatic status in the setting of severe disease, and evaluation of patients with concomitant valvular and myocardial dysfunction.

Because of the poor prognosis associated with symptom onset, determination of symptom status is an important role for stress testing in patients reporting no symptoms with severe AS. A number of parameters have been used to indicate a positive exercise treadmill test in the setting of AS:

  • development of symptoms (limiting breathlessness, chest pain or tightness, dizziness, and syncope);

  • development of arrhythmias (three consecutive ventricular premature beats or other complex ventricular arrhythmias);

  • blood pressure failing to increase by 20 mm Hg or a decrease in blood pressure of ≥10 mm Hg; and

  • development of horizontal or down-sloping ST-segment depression (≥1 mm in men, ≥2 mm in women) or ST-segment depression ≥ 5 mm measured 80 msec after the J point.

For patients with negative stress test results, outcomes may still not be benign, with the associated risk for symptom onset as well as sudden death. In patients with moderate or severe AS, an increase in mean gradient of ≥18 to 20 mm Hg during exercise testing predicts a higher risk for progression to symptoms and adverse events. To test the hypothesis that TAVR in asymptomatic patients may improve long-term outcomes compared with watchful waiting, the Early-TAVR clinical trial ( identifier NCT03042104 ) is currently enrolling.

Detection of Associated Ventricular and Valvular Abnormalities

An essential part of the evaluation of every patient with AS is the assessment of chamber sizes, ventricular function, and concomitant valvular disease.

In chronic AS, changes in LV geometry are both adaptive and pathologic. As the pressure overload increases, an increase in wall thickness maintains normal wall stress and EF. Both an increase in wall thickness with normal LV mass (concentric remodeling) and increased LV mass (concentric hypertrophy) are frequently seen. Increased wall thickness in AS has been associated with impaired calcium handling, cytoskeletal changes, apoptosis, and increased collagen fiber deposition. These changes result in detectable reduced deformation characteristics and chamber compliance, before any change in EF. This cascade of events eventually leads to decreased stroke volume and increased filling pressure, resulting in heart failure with preserved EF. Thus strain imaging as well as diastolic function parameters may be early markers of abnormal LV function. Importantly, the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging and American Society of Echocardiography consensus on the standardization of strain imaging defines deformation imaging terminology, the type of stored data that are used for quantitative analysis, the modality of measuring basic parameters, the definitions of parameters, and the results output with the aim of reducing intervendor variability.

Ejection Fraction

Long-standing severe pressure overload, particularly in the setting of concomitant hypertension, often leads to reduced LVEF and cardiac output. Numerous studies have documented an increase in mortality associated with reduced EF, as well as poor renal function in the setting of severe, symptomatic AS irrespective of an intervention on the aortic valve. A recent meta-analysis of 26 studies and nearly 6,900 patients showed that patients with baseline low EF and severe AS have higher mortality following TAVR compared with those with normal EF, despite a significant and sustained improvement in LV function.

Strain Imaging

In the presence of normal EF, increasing severity of AS was associated with reduced global longitudinal strain (GLS). GLS was found to be a predictor of all-cause mortality, and GLS was a superior predictor of outcomes in patients referred for surgery compared with standard predictors such as risk score, presence of ischemic heart disease, and EF. In patients with low flow, low gradient, and preserved EF, GLS was independently associated with survival after aortic valve replacement. In patients with low flow, low gradient, and reduced EF, stress GLS measured during dobutamine stress echocardiography may provide incremental prognostic value beyond GLS measured at rest. Three-dimensional GLS may be a better predictor of outcome compared with 2D strain. In patients with moderate or severe AS and concomitant coronary disease, worse apical and mid longitudinal strain parameters were predictive of significant coronary stenosis.

Strain may become a useful predictor of preclinical disease severity. Recent studies have suggested that conservative management of patients with severe but asymptomatic AS may result in poor outcomes. In a propensity-matched, prospective study, Taniguchi et al. showed that the cumulative 5-year incidence of all-cause death and heart failure hospitalization was significantly lower in the initial valve replacement group than in the conservative group (15.4% vs 26.4% [ P = .009] and 3.8% vs 19.9% [ P < .001], respectively). Because mortality is significantly associated with symptom development, strain has been postulated as a possible early marker of ventricular dysfunction in asymptomatic patients with severe AS and thus may be a useful tool in determining the timing of intervention in this population. Carasso et al. showed that longitudinal strain was low in asymptomatic patients with severe AS with supernormal apical circumferential strain and rotation. In symptomatic patients, however, longitudinal strain was significantly lower, with no compensatory circumferential myocardial mechanics. Other investigators have suggested that after adjusting for AS severity and EF, only basal longitudinal strain (and not GLS) was an independent predictor of symptomatic status. In fact, following TAVR, the improvement in GLS may be a result of basal and mid segment improvement only.

Diastolic Function

The effect of LV diastolic function on outcome in AS is controversial. Biner et al. showed that in patients with symptomatic severe AS with LV systolic dysfunction (LVEF ≤ 50%) or asymptomatic severe AS with preserved LV systolic function (LVEF > 50%), there was significantly higher 1-year survival rate in patients with E/e′ ratios < 15 compared with those with E/e′ ratios ≥ 15 among both asymptomatic and symptomatic patients. Higher in-hospital mortality or major morbidity may also be associated with an elevated E/e′ ratio. Other studies have shown marked improvements in diastolic function parameters following intervention but failed to show an association between baseline diastolic function and outcomes.

Concomitant Valve Disease

Additional valve disease may also affect outcomes following TAVR. Studies from the surgical literature have been conflicting with regard to treatment of coexistent significant mitral regurgitation (MR) and AS. Barbanti et al. found moderate or severe mitral MR in about 20% of patients in the Placement of Aortic Transcatheter Valves (PARTNER) IA cohort at baseline. MR improved in 69.4% of surgical aortic valve replacement patients and 57.7% of TAVR patients. It was uncommon to see worsening of MR following intervention. An increase in mortality at 2 years with moderate or severe MR was seen only in the surgical aortic valve replacement cohort (49.8% vs 28.1%; adjusted hazard ratio [HR], 1.73; 95% CI, 1.01–2.96; P = .04), with no adverse outcomes seen in the TAVR cohort. Persistent moderate or severe MR did not affect LV remodeling.

Significant tricuspid regurgitation (TR) may also affect outcomes. Of the patients in the PARTNER IIB cohort, 26.6% had moderate or severe TR at baseline. Compared with patients with less than moderate TR, these patients had lower LVEF and stroke volume index, larger left atrial size, and greater prevalence of moderate or severe MR. In addition, these patients had larger right atria and ventricles, with worse right ventricular function and higher right ventricular systolic pressure estimates. More severe TR was associated with increased 1-year mortality ( P < .001), as were right atrial and right ventricular enlargement and right ventricular dysfunction ( P > .001). At 30 days, about 30% of patients with baseline moderate or severe TR improved to less than moderate TR, and this improvement was associated with improved survival at 1 year. In patients with concomitant moderate or severe MR, moderate or severe TR was not associated with increased hazard of death compared with less than moderate TR. In patients with minimal MR, multivariate adjustment continued to show that severe TR was associated with increased mortality (HR, 3.20; 95% CI, 1.50–6.82; P = .003) along with right atrial and right ventricular enlargement ( P < .001).

Preprocedural Imaging with Echocardiography

The current American Heart Association (AHA)/American College of Cardiology (ACC) and European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging valvular heart disease guidelines discuss the importance of the heart team approach to the management of complex valvular heart disease. An important part of that team is the cardiovascular imaging specialist. Throughout the development of the TAVR procedure for severe, symptomatic AS, echocardiographic imaging has played an essential role in the preprocedural assessment of patients, intraprocedural guidance, and postprocedural follow-up. As indications for both surgical aortic valve replacement and TAVR continue to evolve, echocardiography may play an even more important role in patient diagnosis and management. In this section we review the role of echocardiography in the selection of patients for TAVR.

Morphology of the Aortic Valve

Distinguishing bicuspid from tricuspid aortic valve is essential before TAVR. Although multiple imaging modalities can assess the morphology of the aortic valve and root, the diagnosis of bicuspid aortic valve is typically made using echocardiography. The short-axis views of the valve in systole should image a typical “fish-mouth” appearance of valve opening and absence of opening at the raphe. Systolic doming from the long-axis view may be another clue of a bicuspid valve. In patients with good-quality transthoracic images who do not have dense calcification, diagnostic sensitivity and specificity for identification of a bicuspid valve are >70% and >90%, respectively, but diagnostic uncertainty may remain in 10% to 15% of patients after echocardiography. In the setting of calcification with reduced leaflet excursion in systole, the abnormal motion of the two cusps may not be appreciated, and color Doppler may be helpful in distinguishing immobile trileaflet aortic valves without commissural fusion from bicuspid valves with fusion; color Doppler flow in all three commissures should be seen with trileaflet valves.

In addition to determining the number of cusps, the location and severity of calcium are important aspects of morphologic assessment. The prognostic importance of valve calcium by echocardiography has long been recognized, but MSCT has become the primary imaging modality for quantification of calcium burden. Ectopic calcification of the left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) is predictive of PAR. In addition, in patients with low flow, the severity of calcification may help distinguish those patients with true severe AS from those patients with pseudosevere AS. Sex-specific criteria have been established, with aortic valve calcium cutoffs for severe AS of ≥1,275 arbitrary units in women and 2,065 arbitrary units in men. Interestingly, aortic valve calcium is also lower in women after indexing to body size or annular area, consistent with findings of increased fibrosis in women.

Assessment of Severity of AS

Echocardiography is used to assess valve morphology and severity of stenosis, as well as the cardiac response to AS, including left ventricular (LV) remodeling and function, mitral valve regurgitation, and pulmonary hypertension. Recent updates to the American Society of Echocardiography and European Society of Echocardiography guidelines, as well as an associated letter to the editor, review the echocardiographic parameters and acquisition recommendations. These parameters can be divided into flow-dependent measurements and flow-independent measurements and are summarized in Table 1 .

Table 1
Standard echocardiographic parameters used to assess the severity of AS
Mild Moderate Severe
Valve anatomy
  • Mild leaflet calcification or thickening with reduction in systolic motion

  • Mild to moderate leaflet calcification of a bicuspid or trileaflet valve with some reduction in systolic motion or

  • Rheumatic valve changes with commissural fusion

  • Severe leaflet calcification or congenital stenosis with severely reduced leaflet opening

Quantitative parameters (flow dependent)
Peak velocity (m/sec) 2.0–2.9 3–3.9 ≥4
Mean gradient (mm Hg) <20 20–39 ≥40
Quantitative parameters (flow independent)
Doppler index >0.5 0.26–0.5 ≤0.25
AVA (cm 2 ) >1.5 1.1–1.5 ≤1.0
AVA index (cm 2 /m 2 ) >0.85 0.61–0.85 ≤0.6

Indexing valve area is particularly important in smaller patients with height < 135 cm (65 in), BSA < 1.5 m 2 , or body mass index < 22 kg/m 2 .

The greatest error in the aortic valve area (AVA) calculation is the squared LVOT diameter measurement. There are important caveats about the measurement of the LVOT diameter in the setting of AS ( Figure 2 , Table 2 ).

  • LVOT diameter should be measured at early to mid-systole (when the elliptical LVOT is more circular) from the image that provides the largest diameter.

  • LVOT diameter should be measured from the inner edge to inner edge from where the anterior (right coronary) cusp meets the ventricular anteroseptum, to the posterior “virtual annulus” where the posterior interleaflet triangle meets the anterior mitral leaflet. Avoid measuring the ectopic calcium as a border of the LVOT.

  • LVOT diameter measured below the aortic annulus underestimates catheter-derived AVA. This may be particularly true in the setting of a sigmoid septum.

  • AVA calculated with LVOT diameter measured at the level of the aortic annulus is more accurate and reproducible.

  • Because the greatest error in AVA calculation is the squared LVOT diameter measurement, using the ratio of V LVOT /V AS jet or VTI LVOT /VTI aortic valve can be a good indicator of AVA. A Doppler velocity index of ≤0.25 indicates severe stenosis.

Figure 2
Transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiographic optimization of LVOT measurement. Simultaneous biplane imaging from transthoracic (A,B) as well as transesophageal (C,D) imaging shows that an appropriately centered aortic valve in the long-axis view ( A or C ) will image the right coronary cusp (RCC) hinge point anteriorly ( B or D ) and the interleaflet trigone (between the left coronary cusp [LCC] and noncoronary cusp [NCC]) posteriorly. The maximum sagittal plane LVOT diameter ( yellow arrow ) should be measured from the inner edge to inner edge of the RCC hinge point/septal border to the posterior trigone/anterior mitral leaflet border. Importantly, the LVOT diameter measurement should avoid including ectopic calcium on the anterior mitral valve leaflet.

Although echocardiographic guidelines recommend a single diameter measurement of the LVOT to calculate AVA, planimetry of the aortic valve and LVOT area by real-time three-dimensional (3D) methods has been shown to be accurate and reproducible and to compare favorably with MSCT. Some studies suggest that using a direct area measurement of the LVOT in the continuity equation may yield a more accurate measurement of AVA. However, Clavel et al. compared the two methods for calculating AVA: the hybrid multislice computed tomographic planimetered LVOT in the continuity equation and the standard echocardiographic continuity equation. Compared with echocardiographic AVA, the hybrid method did not improve the correlation with transvalvular gradient, concordance between gradient and AVA, or prediction of mortality. Importantly, thresholds for excess mortality differed between techniques: AVA ≤ 1.0 cm 2 for the echocardiographic method versus ≤1.2 cm 2 for the hybrid method. These findings and other outcomes studies using the echocardiographic method for calculating AVA support the continued use of standard linear LVOT dimension to measure AVA and to guide management as recommended by current guidelines.

Because small-sized patients may not require the same amount of cardiac output as larger patients, the American Society of Echocardiography recommends indexing the valve area to body surface area (BSA), particularly in smaller patients with height < 135 cm (65 in), BSA < 1.5 m 2 , or body mass index < 22 kg/m 2 . The ACC guidelines use an indexed AVA of ≤0.6 cm 2 /m 2 to define severe AS. Importantly, indexing to BSA may not be appropriate in obese patients.

Some investigators have suggested that using an indexed cut-off of <0.5 cm 2 /m 2 may not only reduce inconsistent measurements with unindexed values, but lower indexed AVA cut-offs may also improve the prediction of outcomes.

Low-Gradient, Severe AS

As many as 40% of patients with AS may have discordant Doppler hemodynamics with low mean gradient (<40 mm Hg) in the setting of severely reduced valve area (≤1.0 cm 2 ). Many of these patients have low flow, currently defined as a stroke volume index of <35 mL/m 2 . Current AHA/ACC guidelines have subdivided the severe, symptomatic AS group of patients (stage D) into three separate categories: high-gradient AS (stage D1); low-flow, low-gradient AS with reduced ejection fraction (EF; stage D2); and low-gradient AS with normal EF (stage D3). Figure 3 shows the suggested approach to these subgroups of severe symptomatic AS.

Figure 3
Classification and characterization of the different types of AS according to AVA, gradient, LVEF, and flow. Classification of types of AS, including only the categories associated with symptoms and/or depressed LVEF. It does not include stage C1 (i.e., patients with high-gradient AS, no symptoms, and preserved LVEF). Question mark indicates stage labels or indications for aortic valve replacement (AVR) that are proposed but are not included in the guidelines and will need to be further tested and validated. AVAi , Indexed AVA; MG , mean gradient; RCT , randomized controlled trial; SVi , stroke volume index.
Reproduced with permission from Clavel et al.

Classic low-flow, low-gradient (mean gradient < 40 mm Hg) AS (AVA ≤ 1 cm 2 ) with reduced EF (<50%; stage D2 in the ACC/AHA guidelines) is often associated with coronary artery disease but may have intrinsic disease of the myocardium or afterload mismatch related to severe stenosis. Because valve area has been shown to be flow dependent, multiple studies have used low-dose dobutamine stress echocardiography to increase the transvalvular flow rate while avoiding myocardial ischemia. The protocol for this test is described in the American Society of Echocardiography updated guidelines.

The D3 category of low-gradient, severe AS with normal EF is also known as “paradoxical AS.” Because velocity and gradient are dependent on flow, a number of physiologic situations can result in low flow in the setting of normal EF: tachycardia, bradycardia, hypertension, small ventricular cavity, severe diastolic dysfunction, severe mitral or tricuspid valve disease, pulmonary hypertension, and right ventricular dysfunction. The AHA/ACC guidelines do not advocate using dobutamine stress echocardiography with EF > 50%. Recent studies on the use of quantitative valve calcium scoring by MSCT may be useful.

If both flow and gradient are used to subcategorize patients with severe AS, then four categories may be generated ( Figure 3 ). The four different hemodynamic categories of patients with AS on the basis of flow (normal, >200 mL/sec) and gradient (high, >40 mm Hg): normal flow and high gradient, normal flow and low gradient, low flow and high gradient, and low flow and low gradient. The normal-flow, low-gradient entity is more difficult to explain, but this may be related to the use of stroke volume to define “normal flow” (i.e., stroke volume index ≥ 35 mL/m 2 ). Flow (in milliliters per second) is calculated as stroke volume divided by ejection time. It is possible that patients with normal flow and low gradient have normal stroke volume in the setting of a prolonged ejection time, thus resulting in a low gradient.


Two-dimensional (2D) and 3D echocardiographic direct planimetry of the stenotic valve orifice can be also used to determine stenosis severity. Using 2D transthoracic echocardiographic planimetered AVA, Okura et al. showed that 2D transthoracic echocardiographic planimetry of AVA had a low standard error of estimates compared with valve area measured using transesophageal echocardiographic planimetry, the continuity equation, or the Gorlin equation (0.04, 0.09, and 0.10 cm 2 , respectively). Importantly, planimetry and the Gorlin equation both measure the anatomic AVA, as the latter uses a correction coefficient for flow contraction. This flow contraction leads to the formation of the “vena contracta” beyond the anatomic orifice area. The area of the vena contracta represents the effective orifice area calculated by the continuity equation and is theoretically different from the area measured by planimetry. Multiple studies have suggested that 3D planimetered AVA may be more accurate, allowing alignment of the tips of all leaflets in the short-axis view. These measurements may be larger than 2D measurements and show a lower mean difference with continuity equation calculations.

Other Measures of AS Severity

Although measures of valve resistance, pressure recovery, energy loss, and arterial compliance and impedance are not recommended for routine clinical use, some may have significant prognostic information in certain subgroups of patients.

Differences in catheterization and echocardiographically measured gradients can arise in the setting of downstream pressure recovery. This net pressure drop between the left ventricle and the ascending aorta is the pathophysiologically relevant measurement and more representative of the geometric valve area. The energy loss index (ELI) is another measure that attempts to account for the total fluid mechanical energy loss related to both valve area and ascending aortic area. The ELI is calculated as ELI = [effective orifice area × A A /A A − effective orifice area]/BSA. Similar to valve area, it is less flow dependent than gradient or peak velocity, takes into account pressure recovery, and is roughly equivalent to effective orifice area measured by catheterization. Using the ELI, a substudy of the Simvastatin and Ezetimibe in Aortic Stenosis trial reclassified 47.5% of patients from severe to nonsevere AS. The energy loss is most significant in small aortas (<30 mm). An ELI of ≤0.5 to 0.6 cm 2 /m 2 is consistent with severe AS.

Finally, an index of global LV hemodynamic load, valvuloarterial impedance (Z va ), accounts for both the load of the aortic valve and the increase in vascular resistance. An increase in systemic vascular resistance may be a compensatory mechanism in the setting of reduced transvalvular flow. Concomitant arterial hypertension is found to be present in a large proportion (35%–51%) of patients with AS. Z va is calculated as Z va = systolic blood pressure + ΔP mean /stroke volume index. Several investigators have shown that the risk for mortality was increased with an increase in Z va . Hachicha et al. found an increase in mortality of 2.76-fold in patients with Z va ≥ 4.5 mm Hg · mL −1 · m 2 and by 2.30-fold in those with Z va between 3.5 and 4.5 mm Hg · mL −1 · m 2 after adjusting for other risk factors.

Stress Testing in AS

The indications for stress testing for severe AS include determination of the etiology of symptoms in the setting of nonsevere disease, confirmation of asymptomatic status in the setting of severe disease, and evaluation of patients with concomitant valvular and myocardial dysfunction.

Because of the poor prognosis associated with symptom onset, determination of symptom status is an important role for stress testing in patients reporting no symptoms with severe AS. A number of parameters have been used to indicate a positive exercise treadmill test in the setting of AS:

  • development of symptoms (limiting breathlessness, chest pain or tightness, dizziness, and syncope);

  • development of arrhythmias (three consecutive ventricular premature beats or other complex ventricular arrhythmias);

  • blood pressure failing to increase by 20 mm Hg or a decrease in blood pressure of ≥10 mm Hg; and

  • development of horizontal or down-sloping ST-segment depression (≥1 mm in men, ≥2 mm in women) or ST-segment depression ≥ 5 mm measured 80 msec after the J point.

For patients with negative stress test results, outcomes may still not be benign, with the associated risk for symptom onset as well as sudden death. In patients with moderate or severe AS, an increase in mean gradient of ≥18 to 20 mm Hg during exercise testing predicts a higher risk for progression to symptoms and adverse events. To test the hypothesis that TAVR in asymptomatic patients may improve long-term outcomes compared with watchful waiting, the Early-TAVR clinical trial ( identifier NCT03042104 ) is currently enrolling.

Detection of Associated Ventricular and Valvular Abnormalities

An essential part of the evaluation of every patient with AS is the assessment of chamber sizes, ventricular function, and concomitant valvular disease.

In chronic AS, changes in LV geometry are both adaptive and pathologic. As the pressure overload increases, an increase in wall thickness maintains normal wall stress and EF. Both an increase in wall thickness with normal LV mass (concentric remodeling) and increased LV mass (concentric hypertrophy) are frequently seen. Increased wall thickness in AS has been associated with impaired calcium handling, cytoskeletal changes, apoptosis, and increased collagen fiber deposition. These changes result in detectable reduced deformation characteristics and chamber compliance, before any change in EF. This cascade of events eventually leads to decreased stroke volume and increased filling pressure, resulting in heart failure with preserved EF. Thus strain imaging as well as diastolic function parameters may be early markers of abnormal LV function. Importantly, the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging and American Society of Echocardiography consensus on the standardization of strain imaging defines deformation imaging terminology, the type of stored data that are used for quantitative analysis, the modality of measuring basic parameters, the definitions of parameters, and the results output with the aim of reducing intervendor variability.

Ejection Fraction

Long-standing severe pressure overload, particularly in the setting of concomitant hypertension, often leads to reduced LVEF and cardiac output. Numerous studies have documented an increase in mortality associated with reduced EF, as well as poor renal function in the setting of severe, symptomatic AS irrespective of an intervention on the aortic valve. A recent meta-analysis of 26 studies and nearly 6,900 patients showed that patients with baseline low EF and severe AS have higher mortality following TAVR compared with those with normal EF, despite a significant and sustained improvement in LV function.

Strain Imaging

In the presence of normal EF, increasing severity of AS was associated with reduced global longitudinal strain (GLS). GLS was found to be a predictor of all-cause mortality, and GLS was a superior predictor of outcomes in patients referred for surgery compared with standard predictors such as risk score, presence of ischemic heart disease, and EF. In patients with low flow, low gradient, and preserved EF, GLS was independently associated with survival after aortic valve replacement. In patients with low flow, low gradient, and reduced EF, stress GLS measured during dobutamine stress echocardiography may provide incremental prognostic value beyond GLS measured at rest. Three-dimensional GLS may be a better predictor of outcome compared with 2D strain. In patients with moderate or severe AS and concomitant coronary disease, worse apical and mid longitudinal strain parameters were predictive of significant coronary stenosis.

Strain may become a useful predictor of preclinical disease severity. Recent studies have suggested that conservative management of patients with severe but asymptomatic AS may result in poor outcomes. In a propensity-matched, prospective study, Taniguchi et al. showed that the cumulative 5-year incidence of all-cause death and heart failure hospitalization was significantly lower in the initial valve replacement group than in the conservative group (15.4% vs 26.4% [ P = .009] and 3.8% vs 19.9% [ P < .001], respectively). Because mortality is significantly associated with symptom development, strain has been postulated as a possible early marker of ventricular dysfunction in asymptomatic patients with severe AS and thus may be a useful tool in determining the timing of intervention in this population. Carasso et al. showed that longitudinal strain was low in asymptomatic patients with severe AS with supernormal apical circumferential strain and rotation. In symptomatic patients, however, longitudinal strain was significantly lower, with no compensatory circumferential myocardial mechanics. Other investigators have suggested that after adjusting for AS severity and EF, only basal longitudinal strain (and not GLS) was an independent predictor of symptomatic status. In fact, following TAVR, the improvement in GLS may be a result of basal and mid segment improvement only.

Diastolic Function

The effect of LV diastolic function on outcome in AS is controversial. Biner et al. showed that in patients with symptomatic severe AS with LV systolic dysfunction (LVEF ≤ 50%) or asymptomatic severe AS with preserved LV systolic function (LVEF > 50%), there was significantly higher 1-year survival rate in patients with E/e′ ratios < 15 compared with those with E/e′ ratios ≥ 15 among both asymptomatic and symptomatic patients. Higher in-hospital mortality or major morbidity may also be associated with an elevated E/e′ ratio. Other studies have shown marked improvements in diastolic function parameters following intervention but failed to show an association between baseline diastolic function and outcomes.

Concomitant Valve Disease

Additional valve disease may also affect outcomes following TAVR. Studies from the surgical literature have been conflicting with regard to treatment of coexistent significant mitral regurgitation (MR) and AS. Barbanti et al. found moderate or severe mitral MR in about 20% of patients in the Placement of Aortic Transcatheter Valves (PARTNER) IA cohort at baseline. MR improved in 69.4% of surgical aortic valve replacement patients and 57.7% of TAVR patients. It was uncommon to see worsening of MR following intervention. An increase in mortality at 2 years with moderate or severe MR was seen only in the surgical aortic valve replacement cohort (49.8% vs 28.1%; adjusted hazard ratio [HR], 1.73; 95% CI, 1.01–2.96; P = .04), with no adverse outcomes seen in the TAVR cohort. Persistent moderate or severe MR did not affect LV remodeling.

Significant tricuspid regurgitation (TR) may also affect outcomes. Of the patients in the PARTNER IIB cohort, 26.6% had moderate or severe TR at baseline. Compared with patients with less than moderate TR, these patients had lower LVEF and stroke volume index, larger left atrial size, and greater prevalence of moderate or severe MR. In addition, these patients had larger right atria and ventricles, with worse right ventricular function and higher right ventricular systolic pressure estimates. More severe TR was associated with increased 1-year mortality ( P < .001), as were right atrial and right ventricular enlargement and right ventricular dysfunction ( P > .001). At 30 days, about 30% of patients with baseline moderate or severe TR improved to less than moderate TR, and this improvement was associated with improved survival at 1 year. In patients with concomitant moderate or severe MR, moderate or severe TR was not associated with increased hazard of death compared with less than moderate TR. In patients with minimal MR, multivariate adjustment continued to show that severe TR was associated with increased mortality (HR, 3.20; 95% CI, 1.50–6.82; P = .003) along with right atrial and right ventricular enlargement ( P < .001).

Imaging for TAVR

An effective imager on the heart team must understand the anatomy relevant to the device and the procedural steps for device implantation, because at each stage of the procedure there are different roles for imaging. Table 3 shows some of the commercially available as well as investigational THV devices with important valve composition and considerations. Multimodality imaging used in a TAVR program involves the use of MSCT, cardiac magnetic resonance imaging, fluoroscopy, and echocardiography, with the ultimate goals of appropriate patient selection, procedural guidance, and detection of complications. Although MSCT has become a standard preprocedural imaging modality for measurement of the aortic annular area and perimeter, vascular access, coronary artery position, calcium burden, and fluoroscopic projection angles, the dynamics of the procedural environment are unique and require constant communication and adaptability, for which echocardiography is the optimal imaging modality. Intraprocedural echocardiographic findings must be interpreted in the context of patient’s hemodynamics, influenced by the presence of anesthesia and by the procedure itself, and decisions must be made in real time, after careful consideration and deliberation of all aspects of risks and benefits. Intraprocedural transesophageal echocardiography (TEE), with the added value of real-time 3D imaging techniques, provides an undisputed wealth of continuous, physiologic information both in procedural planning and guidance and in detecting complications. In this section we highlight some of the unique benefits of intra-procedural TEE in patients undergoing TAVR.

Predeployment Imaging

The comprehensive intraoperative preprocedural evaluation is summarized in Table 4 . Preprocedural assessment of aortic root anatomy and dimensions is paramount to the selection of the appropriate prosthesis. Several factors are considered when selecting an optimal prosthetic valve for a patient: aortic annulus and geometry, aortic root and LVOT anatomy, angulation of the aorta (aortoventricular angle), coronary height, and amount and distribution of calcification. Undersizing a prosthetic valve may lead to PAR or device embolization, while oversizing may result in aortic root rupture, coronary ostia occlusion, or conduction abnormalities. Evaluation of the aortic root starts with measurement of the aortic annulus. Various vendor-specific annular measurement packages measure maximum and minimum diameters, perimeter, and area of the aortic annulus. Although the word annulus implies a circular structure, there is no histologic or anatomic boundary to define it and to guide measurement. Rather, the measurements are performed in a virtual plane defined by the nadirs of the semilunar leaflet attachments. Traditionally, the aortic annulus has been described by a single measurement from 2D transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) or TEE. However, the three-dimensionality and the complexity of the aortic root anatomy can be adequately appreciated only by using a 3D imaging modality. This has been investigated in studies that showed that the incidence of more than mild PAR was significantly lower when sizing of the aortic annulus was performed using MSCT compared with sizing performed by 2D echocardiography. Two-dimensional echocardiography consistently underestimates the size of the aortic annulus for several reasons: (1) a linear dimension assumes a circular geometry of the annulus, while a growing body of literature has shown that it is nearly uniformly oval shaped ; (2) the long-axis or sagittal plane in which the measurement is performed may be not bisect the maximum dimension of the annulus (i.e., imaging of the hinge point to hinge point rather than hinge point to fibrous trigone); and (3) the measurement in the long-axis view generally represents the smaller diameter of the noncircular annulus.

Table 4
Preprocedural structural and functional assessment by echocardiography
  • Aortic valve and root

    • °

      Aortic valve morphology

      • ▪

        Confirm pathology

      • ▪

        Assess presence of AR

      • ▪

        Number of cusps (bicuspid/tricuspid)

      • ▪

        Volume and distribution of calcifications

    • °

      Aortoannular complex dimensions

      • ▪

        Aortic annular dimensions (major, minor, and average diameters, perimeter, area)

      • ▪

        Sinuses of Valsalva diameter

      • ▪

        Sinotubular junction diameter

      • ▪

        Aortic annulus to coronary artery ostia distances

    • °

      Aortic valve hemodynamics

      • ▪

        Aortic valve peak velocity, peak and mean gradients, and calculated valve area

      • ▪

        Dimensionless index

      • ▪

        Stroke volume and stroke volume index

    • °


      • ▪

        Extent and distribution of calcium

      • ▪

        Presence of sigmoid septum and dynamic narrowing

  • Mitral Valve

    • °

      Severity and mechanism of MR

    • °

      Presence of mitral stenosis

    • °

      Severity of ectopic calcification of the anterior leaflet

  • LV size and function

    • °

      Exclude intracardiac thrombus

    • °

      Wall motion assessment

    • °


    • °

      Stroke volume and cardiac output

  • Right heart

    • °

      Right ventricular size and function

    • °

      Tricuspid valve morphology and function

    • °

      Estimate of pulmonary artery pressures

  • Presence of pericardial effusion

Three-dimensional echocardiography overcomes the limitations of 2D imaging by allowing measurements of the annular area and perimeter. Although 3D TTE lacks the spatial resolution for adequate measurements of the aortic root, several recent studies have shown that measurements performed by multiplanar reconstruction of 3D transesophageal echocardiographic data sets yields comparable results with those obtained using MSCT, at the same time avoiding the risks associated with exposure to radiation and contrast dye. Multiplanar reconstruction of a 3D data set facilitates direct measurements of the major and minor diameters, as well as annular area and perimeter from an on-axis short-axis plane ( Figure 4 A). Other investigators have used vendor-specific software originally designed for the mitral valve to indirectly planimeter the annulus ( Figure 4 B) and proved that annular measurements by both 3D TEE and MSCT predicted mild or greater PAR with equivalent accuracy.

Figure 4
Multiplanar reconstruction of a 3D data set by two methods. (A) Multiplanar reconstruction of the virtual annular plane ( red box ) obtained by aligning the long-axis transverse plane ( green box ) and coronal plane ( blue box ). The annulus is measured by direct planimetry. (B) Indirect planimetry method, which uses a mitral valve software package, QLAB MVQ software (Philips Medical Systems, Andover, MA), thus tricking the system into measuring the aortic annulus as if it were a mitral annulus. The top two quadrants of (B) show the positioning of the “anterior” (A), “posterior” (P), “posteromedial” (PM), and “anterolateral” (AL) annular indicators. On successive rotations of the two orthogonal long-axis planes ( green and red boxes ), the annular plane is identified and automatically shown in the annular short axis of the blue plane ( blue dots ). The complete the annular plane is created without actually planimetering on the annular short axis and is thus an “indirect” planimetric method. Both methods yield the annular area, perimeter, and maximum and minimum dimensions of the annulus.

Besides dimensions of the aortic annulus, other measurements of the aortoannular complex should be performed, such as the size of the sinuses of Valsalva, diameter of the aorta at the sinotubular junction, and the distance of the coronary artery ostia from the annulus. Because the left coronary artery ostium lies in the coronal plane, the coronary height can be measured only by multiplanar reconstruction ( Figure 5 ). Data from a large multicenter registry of coronary obstruction after TAVR, showed the left coronary artery was most commonly involved (88.6%), with lower mean left coronary artery ostia height (10.6 ± 2.1 vs 13.4 ± 2.1 mm, P < .001) and sinus of Valsalva diameter (28.1 ± 3.8 vs 31.9 ± 4.1 mm, P < .001) compared with control subjects. The distribution of calcium in the aortic root, extension into the LVOT and aortomitral curtain, and proximity of calcium to the coronary artery ostia should also be described. LVOT morphology with the presence of basal septal hypertrophy as well as the presence of midventricular hypertrophy is important to assess, as the development of subvalvular dynamic obstruction with hemodynamic instability after valve deployment has been described.

Apr 15, 2018 | Posted by in CARDIOLOGY | Comments Off on Echocardiographic Imaging for Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement

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