The prognosis and treatment strategy for PAD is dependent on the mode of presentation of each patient that includes intermittent claudication and acute or chronic limb ischemia.
Even though PAD refers to involvement of vessels outside coronary territory, most of the disease is localized to the femoropopliteal tract.
PAD involving femoropopliteal tract has unique characteristics including diffuse long stenosis, heavy calcification, and crossing joint lines making stent implantation suboptimal.
Traditionally surgery was considered gold standard for lower extremity PAD, but there is significantly less morbidity and faster recovery times with endovascular therapies especially in patients with multiple medical comorbidities.
Major criticism of endovascular therapy has been the low long-term patency rate especially for infrainguinal interventions, and the evolution of drug-coated therapy is aimed at increasing the patency rates of endovascular technologies.
The drug-eluting stent (DES) typically consists of a scaffold, polymer matrix, and drug. Paclitaxel is the most commonly used drug in these devices and is cytotoxic, inhibiting cellular proliferation and mitosis.
The drug-coated balloon (DCB) is the new addition to this arena and consists of standard PTA catheter, excipient that helps release the drug rapidly as soon as it comes in contact with the vessel wall and the drug itself.
Compared with bare-metal stents or standard balloon angioplasty, both DES and DCB have shown to have better primary patency, lower binary restenosis, and lower target vessel revascularization up to 2 years.
Combining therapies such as atherectomy and DCB have theoretical advantages and appear attractive as a treatment strategy but remains to be studied.
comorbidities. However, one of the major criticisms of endovascular therapy has been a poor long-term patency rate especially for infrainguinal vasculature. However, most of this evidence comes from the percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) and bare-metal stent (BMS) era. The evolution of drug-coated therapy aimed at increasing the long-term patency rates of endovascular interventions. Most of the innovations in the PAD arena for the past 5 years were in the development of an “ideal” drug-coated therapy to mimic the success of these therapies in the coronary vasculature. One could argue that this milestone is yet to be achieved, but nevertheless the explosion of cardiovascular technologies in this area cannot be ignored. The objective of this chapter is to provide a basic understanding of the drug-coated technologies in the PAD world and their current clinical implications.
not cause cell death. Paclitaxel on the other hand binds to the β-subunit of tubulin heterodimer inhibiting the protein kinase essential for microtubule depolymerization. This results in the unstable microtubules that inhibit cell proliferation and mitosis.11 Higher doses of paclitaxel can result in cell death. The manner in which these drugs are incorporated into the stent platform and balloons is uniquely different and explains the rationale of their current clinical use.
A. DES Elements The DES comprises of three basic elements: a metallic scaffold (typically nickel-titanium, platinum-chromium alloy, or stainless steel), polymer matrix that binds the drug (silicone, polyurethane, and cellulose esters), and the drug itself. The rate at which the drug elutes is proportional to the degradation of the polymer matrix, thus creating a subtle difference in the way various drug-coated therapies are used. After the initial success of DES, there were numerous issues noted with the persistence of the polymer that creates a source of delayed intimal hyperplasia and lack of endothelialization of stent surface resulting in late stent thrombosis.12 The drug in the newer generation DES is incorporated directly into the metallic scaffold, avoiding polymer-related long term issues. A variety of biodegradable materials such as polycarbonates and polyesters have been used to make polymers and scaffolds but currently are not available in the Unites States.13
B. DCB Elements DCBs on the other hand are made of a standard PTA balloon catheter (semicompliant or noncompliant), drug (paclitaxel), and an excipient (urea or iopramide). Unlike the DES, in DCBs only paclitaxel is used, because the -limus class of drugs are susceptible to oxidation hence unstable on DCBs. Paclitaxel is lipophilic, is resistant to oxidation, and has prolonged tissue retention.14 The hydrophilic excipient forms an important component of DCB, as it has been shown to increase the transfer of the drug into the tissue from the surface of the balloon.9 Without the excipient, paclitaxel release from the balloon is erratic and tends to remain adhered to the balloon surface. Once the balloon is inflated and comes in contact with the vessel wall, due to the hydrophilic properties, the excipient releases the drug into the tissue, which in turn due to its lipophilic properties binds to the vessel wall. This is shown in Fig. 12.1. There are several advantages of DCB over DES, such as its utility in treating disease in “no stent zones” (bifurcations, diffusely diseased segments) and its ability to avoid stent-related long-term problems, such as restenosis or thrombosis, stent fracture, and stent-related biomechanical stress, and to be used to treat in-stent restenosis and allow more homogenous distribution of the drug.
A. Drug-Eluting Stent for Femoropopliteal Disease
1. SIROCCO I and II (A Clinical Investigation of the Sirolimus Coated Cordis Smart Nitinol Self-Expandable Stent for the Treatment of Obstructive Superficial Femoral Artery Disease) were the first randomized trials that investigated the use of DES
(Sirolimus) in the treatment of FP disease. Sirocco I had 36 patients followed for 6 months, and Sirocco II had 93 patients followed for a total of 24 months; both trials randomized patients with FP disease to either Sirolimus or BMS, and the primary outcome was Doppler measured in-stent restenosis (ISR). It was shown that there was no significant difference in the ISR rates or target lesion revascularization (TLR) at 6 or 24 months (22.6% vs 30.9%, P = NS or 22.9 vs 21.2, P = NS respectively). Two proposed reasons for the lack of difference with DES were lower than expected ISR rates in the BMS arm and late catch up effect related to stent polymer.15,16
2. Everolimus-eluting stent (Dynalink-E, Abbott) was studied in a nonrandomized trial, STRIDES (A Study to Evaluate the Safety and Performance of the Dynalink-E, Everolimus Eluting Peripheral Stent System for Treating Atherosclerotic de Novo or Restenotic Native Superficial Femoral and Proximal Popliteal Artery Lesions), that included 104 patients with FP disease. The 6-month primary patency rate measured by Doppler was 94% ± 2.3%, and 12-month patency rate was 68% ± 4.6%.17
3. ZILVER PTX (Evaluation of the Zilver PTX Drug-Eluting Peripheral Stent) was the largest trial that randomized over 400 patients with FP disease to either PTA or paclitaxel DES. If there was a PTA failure, the patients were then rerandomized to either BMS or DES arm. It was demonstrated that there was superior event-free survival and patency at 12 and 24 months in the DES arm compared with the PTA or BMS arm.18,19 These results are summarized in Fig. 12.2. There was also a nonrandomized arm that included over 700 patients who underwent DES placement for FP disease with similar long-term patency rates.18 Table 12.1 summarizes the important DES trials.
B. Drug-Eluting Stents in Below Knee Disease Typically, interventions for below-the-knee (BTK) disease are reserved for patients with CLI (rest pain or gangrene) or nonhealing ulcers as a limb-saving strategy. There are various percutaneous treatment options that have been tried for limb salvage, which include PTA, BMS, DES, and in some cases DCB.
1. The YUKON- BTK trial (Yukon-Drug-Eluting Stent Below-The-Knee-Prospective Randomized Double-BlindMulticenter Study) randomized 161 patients with BTK disease to either Sirolimus-eluting stent (SES) or BMS. It was shown that event-free survival and freedom from TLR were better in the SES arm at 3-year follow-up.20
2. The DESTINY (Prospective Randomized Multicenter Trial Comparing the Implant of a Drug Eluting Stent vs a Bare Metal Stent in the Critically Ischemic Lower Leg) trial used Everolimus DES in patients with BTK disease to demonstrate superior results including restenosis and freedom from TLR compared with BMS.21 A meta-analysis by Antoniou et al. that included 4 randomized control trials
(RCT) showed improved patency rates, decreased restenosis with DES but with no difference in overall mortality or limb salvage rates.22 Fusaro et al also confirmed these findings in their meta-analysis. They concluded that despite the reduction in reintervention, there was no difference in mortality or change in Rutherford class in patients with BTK disease who had DES placement.23
Table 12.1. DES Trials in PAD
Sample Size
Control Group
Primary Outcome
6-mo ISR (DUS or angio)
4.8% vs 4.5%
24 mo
6 and 12 mo patency
6 mo: 94% ± 2.3%
12 mo: 68% ± 4.6%
12 mo
Event-free survival: 90% vs 83% (P < 0.01)
Primary patency: 90% vs 73% (P < 0.01)
36 mo
12-mo event-free survival
66% vs 45% (P = 0.02)
36 mo
Sirolimus and paclitaxel
3-y amputation free survival:
6% vs 18% (P = 0.04)
Overall survival:
71% vs 63% (P = 0.02)
36 mo
12-mo primary patency measured
85% vs 54% (P < 0.001)
12 mo
DES, drug-eluting stent; FP, femoropopliteal; PAD, peripheral artery disease; PTA, percutaneous transluminal angioplasty.
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