Depression and Anxiety in Adult Patients with Asthma

Increased physical disability

Poor quality of life

Poor adherence to treatment

Prenatal smoking exposure

Low perceived control of asthma

Caucasian (white race)

Active smokers

Prednisone dependent

Severity of wheezing

Severity of respiratory impairment

Maladaptive behaviour

Female gender

Physical inactivity

Inadequate social support

Lower socio-economic status

Lavoie et al. examined [12] the prevalence of psychiatric disorders in asthmatic patients attending an outpatient clinic [N = 504]. Psychiatric assessment was carried out using the Primary Care Evaluation for Mental Disorders (PRIME-MD) [13], a short questionnaire that takes about 20 min to administer. About one-third of the patients met the diagnostic criteria for one or more psychiatric disorders. Eight per cent of the patients met criteria for major depression, 12% for anxiety disorder and 11% for panic disorder. In addition, 11% of these patients had both anxiety and depressive disorders. In addition, major depression was independently associated with poor asthma control (not anxiety). This signify depression compromises individual’s ability initiating and managing complex treatment regimens that require sustained effort, self-monitoring and administration. Furthermore, depression may have compromised patients’ active role in the family, dependency on others for activities of daily living, lowered self-efficacy and social interaction.

In a separate study, Lavoie et al. examined [14] the influence of psychological distress and maladaptive coping styles in patients [n = 84] with moderate and severe patients with asthma. Patients were categorized into moderate to severe lung function impairment using the standard pulmonary function testing according to American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory guidelines [15, 16]. Their findings indicate that patients with severe asthma [n = 42] reported high level of psychological distress, worse cognitive dysfunction, emotional coping, future pessimism and apprehension compared to moderate asthmatics [n = 42]. A cross-sectional study in Spain [17] from outpatient clinic of patients with asthma (n = 354) reported the prevalence of anxiety was 31%, depression was 2% and anxiety plus depression was 10%. Over 77% of the asthmatic patients had poor or partial control of their condition. In addition, patients with poor asthma control are three times more likely to exhibit the risk of developing anxiety plus depression. Elevated level of anxiety was associated with impaired quality of life in patients with asthma. In a community survey [18] of older people (n = 20,888) in Norfolk, England examined the association between psychosocial factors and asthma. Out of these, 1699 (8.1%) of the participants had physicians diagnosed asthma. Major depression, adverse childhood circumstances, difficulties in adulthood and inadequate social support were associated with the chronicity of asthma. Furthermore, Bacon et al. [19] reported that asthmatic patients from the lower socio-economic status (SES) had utilized greater emergency healthcare services and worse self-asthma control compared to patients with higher SES. All these factors signify that psychosocial factors have deleterious effect on psychological well-being and impaired quality of patients with asthma.

Vazquez et al. [20] examined the influence of ‘near-fatal asthma [NFA]’ experience [n = 44] in stable adult patients with asthma compared to patients ‘without near-fatal asthma’ [n = 44], in their coping mechanism, self-management and psychological problems. Patients with asthma who experience a near-fatal experience had higher levels of trait anxiety (a tendency to perceive situations as threatening and consequently increase) and more difficulties describing and communicating feelings compared those who did not have a NFA. There was no difference in self-management in both groups. However, because of the cross-sectional nature of the study, it could not infer whether the association of psychological problems with NFA can be regarded as risk factors or a consequence of the experience of a NFA crisis [20]. Thus, longitudinal study is worthy of consideration to elucidate this point.

Work-related asthma (the cause of the stimuli is individual’s work environment) is a common cause of adult on-onset asthma. It affects 9–15% of adult patients with asthma [21]. Lavoie et al. [22] in a prospective study (n = 219) using the PRIME-MD, examined the prevalence of psychiatric disorders including mood and anxiety disorders and hypochondriasis in patients referred for the occupational asthma assessment. Thirty-four per cent of the patients with occupational asthma had psychiatric disorders. Out of these, 29% mood disorders and 24% anxiety disorders were diagnosed, respectively. Seven per cent of the patients’ with occupational asthma was diagnosed with hypochondriasis. In addition, hypochondriasis is associated with increased risk of not receiving any medical diagnoses. In a large survey of (n = 1267) occupational asthmatic (OA), patients who were exposed to workplace moisture and moulds had worse quality of life compared to patients without OA [23]. Furthermore, being unemployed (due to disability, retirement, job loss or other reasons) and the greater need for asthma medication were associated with poorer quality of life.

In 2010, Goodwin et al. [24] using data from the Canadian Community Health Survey Cycle 1.2 (N = 36,984; age ≥ 15 years) examined the association between mental health disorders and asthma and the impact of asthma and mental disorder on functional impairment and mental healthcare service use among adults in the community. Their findings indicated that asthma was related to mental health disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder, mania and panic disorder. Thus, asthma patients with comorbid mental health disorders had elevated rates of functional impairment and use of mental health services compared with those either asthma patients or mental health disorders. Furthermore, data that were drawn [25] from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, a representative sample of adults (N = 6584) in the USA, showed that current asthma was related with an increased likelihood risk of 77% suicidal ideation (odds ratio: 1.77, confidence interval: 1.11, 2.84) and suicide attempt (odds ratio: 3.26, confidence interval: 1.97, 5.39), respectively. Adult asthmatic patients are prone to a threefold increased risk of attempting to commit suicide compared to patients without asthma counterparts, although the exact cause(s) that instigate asthmatic patients for suicidal ideation are unknown. It is most likely multifactorial including psychosocial factors, hopelessness due to severity of asthma, elevated symptoms of depression and anxiety. Those asthmatic patients identified with suicidal ideation promptly referred to mental health services for treatment. Further studies are needed.

Management of Anxiety and Depression in Asthma

Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) has been shown to improve exercise capacity, quality of life and improve depressive and anxiety symptoms and is now considered cornerstone in the management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) [26]. However, the efficacy of PR in improving outcomes in patients with asthma is unclear.

A recent study [27] examined the efficacy of an 8-week home-based PR in patients with persistent asthma. Fifty-two patients (20 men and 32 women) were recruited. The intervention comprised group exercise training program, educational sessions and respiratory physiotherapy. Three quarter of the patients completed the PR programme. A statistically significant improvement in exercise capacity using the 6-min walk test (mean increase was 33 m) was observed although this change did not reach clinically significant difference, which was 54 m [28]. There were some improvement in physiological indices, e.g. in peak oxygen uptake. Twenty-five per cent of the patients did not complete the rehabilitation programme. The dropout rate was significantly higher in younger patients who were employed. There was no statistically significant improvement in health-related quality of life using the Short Form-36 (SF-36) item Health Survey. Thus, further well-controlled studies are needed to demonstrate the efficacy of PR in larger sample.

In another mixed group of asthma (n = 7) and COPD (13) of 3 months, outpatient PR programme three times per week, with a high aerobic intensity exercise programme and each session for two hours, was conducted [29]. There was a  statistically and clinically significant improvement in exercise capacity using the 6-min walk test and improvement in quality of life using SF-36 were observed. However, there was no improvement in anxiety and depression scores for both groups. This might be due to small sample size and unblinded nature of the study. Further studies are needed to determine the optimal frequency and intensity of PR including psychological therapy to treat the severity of depression and anxiety in patients with asthma.

Haavee and Hyland [30] examined the efficacy of 4 weeks intensive inpatient PR program to ameliorate trait anxiety (negative emotions such as fears, worries, and anxiety in different situations) and improve quality of life in patients with asthma (n = 92) and COPD (n = 40) following the program and longitudinal changes in 6 months. There was significant improvement in quality of life for both groups immediately after rehabilitation but gained improvement was diminished at 6 months. There was no change in trait anxiety scores. For both groups, significant improvement was observed in quality-of-life scores in patients who were living alone compared with those who live with spouse or partner. The findings of the study may implicate that it is important to consider maintenance exercise program following PR to achieve sustain improvement in quality of life. However, because the availability of inpatient PR is very limited in most countries in the world, and access to this type of service is unlikely to be available in the foreseeable future because of higher cost to run the programme. The cost effectiveness of the programme was not examined.

A Cochrane review [31] examined of twenty-one randomized control trials which enrolled asthmatic patients aged 8 years and over (772 participants) who participated in physical exercise training or not. Physical training had to be undertaken for at least 20 min, two times a week, over a minimum period of four week. Physical training was shown to be beneficial in improving maximum oxygen uptake. However, there were no significant improvements in lung function test or other outcome measures. More recently, another systematic review [32] examined the effects of physical training on airway inflammation in asthmatic patients. The systematic review included 23 studies (16 randomized controlled and 7 prospective cohort studies) of 2635 asthmatic patients. Generally, the study sample sizes were relatively small (with median sample size = 30). Physical training was beneficial in reducing C-reactive protein, malondialdehyde, nitric oxide, sputum cell counts and Immunoglobulin E (IgE) in asthmatics compared to patients without physical training. However, the authors have observed significant variations among the studies in terms of physical training intervention type, duration, intensity, frequency, primary outcome measures, methods of assessing outcome measures and study designs. Therefore, it was difficult to provide firm conclusion about the efficacy of physical training in asthmatic patients. Further, well-controlled trials are needed.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Anxiety is a common reaction to extreme dyspnoea in patients with chronic respiratory diseases. However, uncontrolled excessive anxiety and high levels of panic may contribute to exacerbation of the condition (making it worse) and poor management of asthma. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is an action-oriented treatment in which both cognitive (e.g. identification and challenging of interpretation errors) and behavioural (e.g. planned exposure to avoided sensations and situations) strategies are used to interrupt the panic and/or anxiety cycle and facilitate more adaptive responses [33].

Parry et al. [34] examined the efficacy CBT in 94 highly anxious adult patients with asthma that were randomly allocated to receive either a cognitive behavioural intervention to improve self-management of their anxiety symptoms (n = 50) or routine clinical care (n = 44). The primary outcome was to reduce asthma-specific fear at 6-, 12- and 24-week follow-up. Treatment was specifically designed to include education about asthma and anxiety using the CBT to improve self-management of asthma-specific fear. Their findings indicate that the CBT significantly reduced asthma-specific fear at the end of intervention and at 6 months compared to the control group. In addition, there was significant reduction in the depression score and improvement in quality of life in the CBT group at the end of intervention. However, there was no significant difference at 6-month follow-up in these parameters both in the CBT and control group. Furthermore, cost for the use of healthcare resources was not reduced (not cost-effective) in the CBT group. Thus, further studies are needed to determine the duration, frequency of CBT and the potential benefits of ‘booster-sessions of CBT’ in longer-treatment follow-up.

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