Critical Limb Ischemia

and Reinhart T. Grundmann2

Department of Vascular Medicine, University Heart and Vascular Center at University Clinics Hamburg–Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany

Former Medical Director, Community Hospital Altoetting-Burghausen, Burghausen, Germany


9.1 Classification and Prognosis

The term “critical limb ischemia” (CLI) is defined by clinical manifestations of rest pain, ischemic ulcers, and gangrene, corresponding to stages III and IV or 4–6 of the Fontaine and Rutherford classification systems, respectively. A more thorough classification system, however, is required (in part due to the dramatic rise of diabetes) in order to more accurately assess and describe the extent of infection and/or tissue loss. The Society for Vascular Surgery’s recently developed “Threatened Limb Classification System” categorises the condition according to the extent of wound size, ischemia and foot infection (“WIFI”), while also taking the ankle-brachial index (ABI), toe pressure and transcutaneous O2 measurements into account (Mills et al. 2014) (for details, see Chap. 13, Diabetic Foot).

Upon review of 50 studies, Rollins et al. (2013) were able to collect and present data regarding the general prognosis and mortality of patients suffering from CLI. The resulting numbers can be used to assess study results; they confirm the poor outcome of this disease. According to their estimations, the current predicted probability of death from any cause in CLI patients is 3.7% after 30 days, 17.5% after 1 year, 35.1% after 3 years, and 46.2% following 5 years.

9.2 Guidelines

9.2.1 American College of Cardiology Foundation (ACCF)/American Heart Association (AHA)

The ACCF/AHA guidelines (Anderson et al. 2013) provide the following Class I recommendations for treatment of patients with CLI:

  1. 1.

    Patients with critical limb ischemia (CLI) should undergo expedited evaluation and treatment of factors that are known to increase the risk of amputation. (Level of Evidence: C)


  2. 2.

    Patients with CLI in whom open surgical repair is anticipated should undergo assessment of cardiovascular risk. (Level of Evidence: B)


  3. 3.

    Patients with a prior history of CLI or who have undergone successful treatment for CLI should be evaluated at least twice annually by a vascular specialist owing to the relatively high incidence of recurrence. (Level of Evidence: C)


  4. 4.

    Patients at risk of CLI (ABI <0.4 in an individual with diabetes, or any individual with diabetes and known lower extremity PAD) should undergo regular inspection of the feet to detect objective signs of CLI. (Level of Evidence: B)


  5. 5.

    The feet should be examined directly, with shoes and socks removed, at regular intervals after successful treatment of CLI. (Level of Evidence: C)


  6. 6.

    Patients with CLI and features to suggest atheroembolization should be evaluated for aneurysmal disease (e.g., abdominal aortic, popliteal, or common femoral aneurysms). (Level of Evidence: B)


  7. 7.

    Systemic antibiotics should be initiated promptly in patients with CLI, skin ulcerations, and evidence of limb infection. (Level of Evidence: B)


  8. 8.

    Patients with CLI and skin breakdown should be referred to healthcare providers with specialized expertise in wound care. (Level of Evidence: B)


  9. 9.

    Patients at risk for CLI (those with diabetes, neuropathy, chronic renal failure, or infection) who develop acute limb symptoms represent potential vascular emergencies and should be assessed immediately and treated by a specialist competent in treating vascular disease. (Level of Evidence: C)


  10. 10.

    Patients at risk for or who have been treated for CLI should receive verbal and written instructions regarding self-surveillance for potential recurrence. (Level of Evidence: C)


Medical and Pharmacological Treatment for CLI

  • Parenteral administration of PGe-1 or iloprost for 7–28 days may be considered to reduce ischemic pain and facilitate ulcer healing in patients with CLI, but its efficacy is likely to be limited to a small percentage of patients. (Class IIb recommendation/Level of Evidence: A)

  • Oral iloprost is not an effective therapy to reduce the risk of amputation or death in patients with CLI. (Class III recommendation/Level of Evidence: B)

  • The efficacy of angiogenic growth factor therapy for treatment of CLI is not well established and is best investigated in the context of a placebo-controlled trial. (Class IIb recommendation/Level of Evidence: C)

Endovascular Treatments and Surgery for CLI

  • For individuals with combined inflow and outflow disease with CLI, inflow lesions should be addressed first. (Class I recommendation/Level of Evidence: C (endovascular) and B (surgery), respectively)

  • For individuals with combined inflow and outflow disease in whom symptoms of CLI or infection persist after inflow revascularization, an outflow revascularization procedure should be performed. (Class I recommendation/Level of Evidence: B)

  • For patients with limb-threatening lower extremity ischemia and an estimated life expectancy of 2 years or less in patients in whom an autogenous vein conduit is not available, balloon angioplasty is reasonable to perform when possible as the initial procedure to improve distal blood flow. (Class IIa recommendation/Level of Evidence: B)

  • For patients with limb-threatening ischemia and an estimated life expectancy of more than 2 years, bypass surgery, when possible and when an autogenous vein conduit is available, is reasonable to perform as the initial treatment to improve distal blood flow. (Class IIa recommendation/Level of Evidence: B)

  • Surgical and endovascular intervention is not indicated in patients with severe decrements in limb perfusion (eg, ABI <0.4) in the absence of clinical symptoms of CLI. (Class III recommendation/Level of Evidence: C)

Outflow Procedures: Infrainguinal Disease

  • Bypasses to the above-knee popliteal artery should be constructed with autogenous saphenous vein when possible. (Class I Recommendation/Level of Evidence: A)

  • Bypasses to the below-knee popliteal artery should be constructed with autogenous vein when possible. (Class I recommendation/Level of Evidence: A)

  • The most distal artery with continuous flow from above and without a stenosis greater than 20% should be used as the point of origin for a distal bypass. (Class I recommendation/Level of Evidence: B)

  • The tibial or pedal artery that is capable of providing continuous and uncompromised outflow to the foot should be used as the site of distal anastomosis. (Class I recommendation/Level of Evidence: B)

  • Femoral-tibial artery bypasses should be constructed with autogenous vein, including the ipsilateral greater saphenous vein, or if unavailable, other sources of vein from the leg or arm. (Class I recommendation/Level of Evidence: B)

  • Composite sequential femoropopliteal-tibial bypass and bypass to an isolated popliteal arterial segment that has collateral outflow to the foot are both acceptable methods of revascularization and should be considered when no other form of bypass with adequate autogenous conduit is possible. (Class I recommendation/Level of Evidence: B)

  • If no autogenous vein is available, a prosthetic femoral-tibial bypass, and possibly an adjunctive procedure, such as arteriovenous fistula or vein interposition or cuff, should be used when amputation is imminent. (Class I recommendation/Level of Evidence: B)

  • Prosthetic material can be used effectively for bypasses to the below-knee popliteal artery when no autogenous vein from ipsilateral or contralateral leg or arms is available. (Class IIa recommendation/Level of Evidence: B)

9.3 Objective Performance Goals (OPG) for Evaluating New Catheter-Based Treatments in CLI

Conte et al. (2009) developed a set of suggested objective performance goals (OPG) for evaluating new catheter-based treatments in CLI, based on evidence from historical controls. The work was supported by funding from the Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS). They proposed the use of risk-adjusted surgical controls to generate OPG for endovascular devices seeking pre-market approval for the treatment of CLI. They restricted the analysis to infrainguinal disease, and to open surgical bypass performed with autogenous vein, considered as the standard of care for CLI. Patients who received prosthetic grafts or test drugs, in addition to those with end-stage renal disease were excluded from analysis.

  1. (a)

    Safety outcomes (30-day-event-rates and 95% confidence intervals) for the open surgery control group and suggested OPG:

    • MACE, Major Adverse Cardiovascular Event, included myocardial infarction and stroke in addition to death from any cause: 6.2% (4.7–8.1%); safety OPG 8%.

      • death 2.7%; myocardial infarction 3.1%; cerebrovascular accident 1.0%

      • clinical high risk (age 80 and tissue loss) subgroup: safety OPG 18%

      • anatomic high risk (infra-popliteal) subgroup: safety OPG 10%

    • MALE, Major Adverse Limb Event, above ankle amputation of the index limb or major reintervention (new bypass graft/jump/ interposition-graft revision, or thrombectomy/thrombolysis): 6.1% (4.6–7.9%); safety OPG 8%

      • clinical high risk (age > 80 and tissue loss) subgroup: safety OPG 10%

      • anatomic high risk (infra-popliteal) subgroup: safety OPG 9%

    • Amputation: 1.9% (1.1–3.1%); safety OPG 3%

      • clinical high risk (age > 80 and tissue loss) subgroup: safety OPG 7%

      • anatomic high risk (infra-popliteal) subgroup: safety OPG 4%


  2. (b)

    Efficacy outcomes (1 year) for overall CLI cohort and suggested OPG for each endpoint

    • Freedom from MALE or postoperative death: 76.9%

      • OPG: overall 71%; patients 80 years and tissue loss 61%; infra-popliteal subgroup 67%

    • Amputation-free survival: 76.5%

      • OPG: overall 71%; patients 80 years and with tissue loss 53%; infra-popliteal subgroup 68%

    • Freedom from any reintervention or above ankle amputation of the index limb, or stenosis: 46.5%

      • OPG: overall 39%; patients 80 years old and with tissue loss 29%; infra-popliteal subgroup 36%

    • Freedom from any reintervention or above ankle amputation of the index limb: 61.3%

      • OPG: overall 55%; patients 80 years old and with tissue loss 54%; infra-popliteal subgroup 51%

    • Limb salvage: 88.9%

      • OPG: overall 84%; patients 80 years old and with tissue loss 80%; infra-popliteal subgroup 81%

    • Survival: 85.7%

      • OPG: overall 80%; patients 80 years old and with tissue loss 63%; infra-popliteal subgroup 80%


9.4 Results

9.4.1 Endovascular Therapy Endovascular Techniques

Jens et al. (2014) performed a systematic review to determine overall 1 to 48-month follow-up outcomes of RCTs (published up until November 2013) comparing different endovascular treatment strategies in below-the-knee arterial lesions in patients with CLI. Twelve studies with a total of 1145 patients were included, in which 90% of the patients suffered from CLI. On the basis of moderate evidence, the authors recommended PTA with optional bailout stenting as the preferred strategy. According to the authors, alternative strategies, including drug-eluting stents (DES) and balloons (DEB), must be first tested in larger and high quality randomised controlled trials before being considered as viable and safe treatment options. Along these lines, Canaud et al. (2014) identified 26 studies (11 of which were randomised controlled trials) concerning infrainguinal angioplasty with a total of 2407 limbs, with the goal of comparing the treatment outcomes of varying endovascular devices. Meta-analysis of studies comparing DEB with standard balloon angioplasty demonstrated a result in favour of DEB for preventing binary primary restenosis (odds ratio 0.27). The meta-analysis comparing DES with bare-metal stents favoured DES with regard to target lesion revascularization (OR 0.15), as well as binary primary restenosis (OR 0.23). Overall, however, drug-eluting technology did not prevent more deaths or amputations. Therefore, whether or not the short-term success of such treatment methods will be reflected in long-term clinical outcome (mortality/rate of amputation) remains to be seen.

In the randomised IN.PACT DEEP trial, Zeller et al. (2014) assessed the efficacy and safety of a special drug-eluting balloon (IA-DEB) compared to PTA for infrapopliteal arterial revascularization in patients with CLI. Twelve months following intervention, no significant difference regarding the primary efficacy and safety endpoints was seen. However, a trend towards an increased major amputation rate was observed in the IA-DEB group versus the PTA-arm (8.8% vs. 3.6%). As a result, this particular study was not able to demonstrate an advantage of IA-DEB treatment strategies over PTA for infrapopliteal lesions. In a second RCT including 72 patients this group compared the safety and efficacy of a novel paclitaxel-coated drug-eluting balloon (DEB) versus an uncoated balloon in PTA of de novo or native restenotic lesions of the infrapopliteal arteries in patients with claudication and critical limb ischemia (Zeller et al. 2015). In this trial, the primary performance endpoint (patency loss at 6 months) was 17.1% in the DEB group versus 26.1% in the PTA group (p = 0.298), and major amputations of the target extremity occurred in 3.3% versus 5.6% of the patients at 12 months, respectively. The authors concluded that the novel Passeo-18 Lux DEB has been proven to be safe and effective in infrapopliteal lesions with comparable outcomes to PTA.

Todd et al. (2013) analysed 418 endovascular tibial interventions in patients with CLI (333 PTA alone, 6 PTA + stent, 11 artherectomy only, 68 artherectomy + PTA). The results of artherectomy, PTA and artherectomy-assisted procedures (i.e., artherectomy + PTA) were compared. TASC D lesions were more frequent in the PTA alone group than in the artherectomy cohort (25% vs. 13%). No significant differences existed with respect to the early (30-day) outcomes of loss of patency (11% vs 13%), complications (8% vs 13%), or major amputation (17% vs 13%) in the PTA-alone group vs the atherectomy-assisted group. This was also true for the 3-year follow-up (PTA vs. artherectomy + PTA: primary patency rate 55% vs. 46%; secondary patency rate 89% vs. 89%; limb salvage 70% vs. 77%; patient survival 56% vs. 50%). Considering the additional cost and increased procedural time, these findings put into question the routine use of adjunctive atherectomy.

Shammas et al. (2012) performed a similar analysis of a randomised controlled trial, however with a population size of only 50 patients. They investigated whether or not patients with CLI and calcified stenoses in the infrapopliteal area benefit from artherectomy with a rotation catheter before angioplasty. Indeed, their data appear to support this hypothesis; 1 year following intervention, 93.3% of the artherectomy + PTA group were free from revascularisation of the target vessel, compared with 80% in the PTA-alone group. However, the reason the first group demonstrated a mortality rate of 0% after 1 year and the PTA group a mortality rate of 32% remains to be determined, as the additional artherectomy alone is not enough to account for such a difference, particularly when the rate of amputation between the two groups did not differ.

SCAI expert consensus statement for infrapopliteal arterial intervention

The Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions has published an expert consensus statement for infrapopliteal arterial intervention appropriate use (Gray et al. 2014). They recommend:

PTA is the current standard for endovascular therapy for clinically significant infrapopliteal disease. Bailout bare metal and drug eluting stents in the tibial arteries should be considered for failures of balloon angioplasty. Studies are currently enrolling patients to address the use of combined strategies (i.e., atherectomy and drug-coated balloons). Further data are needed regarding the utility of atherectomy devices, drug-coated balloons, DES, and bioabsorbable stents in infrapopliteal interventions. However, until these results are available, given the increased costs of other modalities (e.g., cutting balloons, cryoplasty, laser, orbital, rotational, and directional atherectomy catheters), and the lack of comparative data to support their efficacy, balloon angioplasty should remain the initial endovascular therapy for most infrapopliteal disease. Studies and Registry Data

Lo et al. (2013) performed a retrospective chart review using prospectively collected data on all consecutive patients undergoing an attempt at infrapopliteal angioplasty for critical limb ischemia from 2004 to 2012. Infrapopliteal PTA (stenting 14%, multilevel intervention 50%) was performed in 459 limbs of 413 patients (59% male). The majority (79%) of interventions were performed for tissue loss with fewer performed for rest pain (12%), ALI (3%), or to treat a stenosis in the native outflow vessel of a previous bypass graft performed for CLI (6%). Technical success was achieved in 427 of 459 (93%) limbs. Postoperative complications developed in 52 patients (11%), 30-day mortality rate was 6%. Technical failures were only observed in TASC D- lesions. Survival at 1, 3, and 5 years was 83%, 64%, and 49%, respectively. One- and 5-year primary patency was 57% and 38% and limb salvage was 84% and 81%, respectively. Freedom from restenosis was 56% and 34% at 1 and 5 years, respectively, and freedom from any subsequent revascularization was 74% and 50% at 1 and 5 years, respectively. The authors concluded that infrapopliteal angioplasty can achieve limb salvage and survival rates at 5 years comparable to those of surgical bypass and thus can be considered a reasonable first-line therapy in the treatment of TASC A, B, and perhaps C lesions even in a patient with adequate conduit available. TASC D lesions should preferably be treated with bypass in patients who are suitable candidates for surgery.

The OLIVE registry is a prospective multicenter registry study that consecutively enrolled patients who received infrainguinal endovascular treatment for CLI (Iida et al. 2015). A total of 314 patients were enrolled, with 312 evaluable patients remaining. Mean age of the patients was 73 ± 10 years, and 65% of the patients were male. Diabetes mellitus and hemodialysis were observed in 71% and 52% of patients, respectively. With respect to limb condition, tissue loss and wound infection were 88% (Rutherford 5: 73%, Rutherford 6: 15%) and 15%, respectively. At 3 years, overall survival rate was 63.0%, freedom from major amputation was 87.9%, and freedom from reintervention was 43.2%. Three-year freedom from MALE was 84.0% and rate of wound recurrence at 3 years was 43.9%. After multivariable analysis, age, body mass index ≤18.5, dialysis, and Rutherford 6 were identified as predictors of 3-year major amputation or death. With respect to the results it is noteworthy that in this registry 50% of patients were on hemodialysis. Nevertheless, the OLIVE registry demonstrated that the 3-year clinical results of endovascular treatment were reasonable, despite high reintervention and moderate ulcer recurrence rates.

Vierthaler et al. (2015) reviewed 1244 patients undergoing 1414 peripheral endovascular interventions for CLI (rest pain, 29%; tissue loss, 71%) within the Vascular Study Group of New England (VSGNE) from January 2010 to December 2011. The overall survival rate (OS), amputation-free survival rate (AFS), and freedom from major amputation rate (FFA) were lower for patients treated for tissue loss than for patients treated for rest pain, with 1-year estimates of 80% vs.87%, 71% vs. 87%, and 81% vs. 94%, respectively. In this study, the independent factors associated with OS, AFS, and FFA after peripheral endovascular intervention differed. In a multivariable model the authors identified eight factors associated with reduced survival at 1 year and six variables predictive of major amputation at 1 year (Tables 9.1 and 9.2). The only common risk factor for OS, AFS, and FFA was dialysis, emphasizing the importance of renal function in patient prognosis. In contrast, congestive heart failure was associated with decreased OS and AFS. The differences in risk factors for survival vs amputation highlighted the difficulty in predicting composite end points such as AFS. Causes of death may range from cardiovascular causes, such as myocardial infarction, to stroke and to cancer. Conversely, prior major amputation was associated with a later major amputation but not with survival.

Table 9.1
Hazards model of factors associated with 1-year survival after peripheral endovascular intervention for CLI

Preoperative characteristic

Hazard ratio

Dialysis dependence


Emergency procedure


Age >80 years


Not living at home preoperatively


Creatinine >1.8 mg/dL


Congestive heart failure


Chronic β-blocker use


Independent ambulation preoperatively


According to Vierthaler et al. (2015)

Table 9.2
Hazards model of factors associated with freedom from major amputation after peripheral endovascular intervention for CLI


Hazard ratio

Dialysis dependence


Tissue loss


Prior major contralateral amputation


Nonwhite race


Male gender


Current or former smoker


According to Vierthaler et al. (2015)

A further database of 728 patients undergoing endovascular treatment of the lower extremity for CLI was queried by Davies et al. (2015). Patients had an average age of 68 years. Tissue loss was the indication in 66% of the interventions, the other patients were treated for rest pain. The SFA was the site for 49% of the interventions, 17% were in one or more tibial arteries, and 34% were performed at the level of the SFA and tibial arteries. The overall technical failure rate was 4%. In this study, the outcomes of lower extremity endovascular intervention for CLI using the OPG proposed by the SVS (s.o.) were reported. The 30-day MACE rate was 3%, which was less than the stated OPG of 8%, but the 30-day MALE rate was 12%, which was much higher than the stated OPG of 8%. In the clinical high-risk group (age >80 years and tissue loss), the 30-day MACE rate was 3%, which was superior to the OPG of 18%, but the 30-day MALE rate was 19%, which was inferior to the OPG of 10%. In the anatomic high-risk group (infrapopliteal distal target), the 30-day MACE rate was 1%, which was superior to the OPG of 10% for this subgroup, but the 30-day MALE rate was 13%, which was inferior to the OPG of 9% for this subgroup. Overall mortality during follow-up was high, with patient survival rates of 49% ± 2% at 5 years. Median follow-up was 2.5 years. Major amputation occurred in 23% of the patients, with above-knee amputation occurring in 16% and below-knee amputation occurring in 7%. Overall freedom from MALE was 51% ± 2% at 5 years. In this study, endoluminal therapy for CLI was associated with an early low MACE rate but a high MALE rate. Longer-term outcomes after endovascular intervention for CLI remained relatively poor, with <40% success in objective performance outcomes at 5 years.

9.4.2 Surgical Intervention Studies and Registry Data

A total of 2110 infrainguinal bypasses performed on patients with CLI between 2003 and 2009 were identified in the VSGNE database (Simons et al. 2012). The mean patient age was 69.9 years, 5 years older than that of the simultaneously analysed cohort of patients with intermittent claudication (IC). 24.7% of CLI patients received a prosthetic conduit. Hospital mortality was low, at 2.1%, however reoperation was necessary in 15% of the cases, and the rate of wound infection was at 5.6%. One year after surgery, 13.6% of the patients had died and the rate of major amputations was at 12.2%. The primary graft patency was calculated to be 66.4%, while the secondary patency was 77.4%. The results for patients with CLI were therefore considerably worse than those with IC (Table 9.3).

Table 9.3
Outcomes of infrainguinal lower extremity bypass by indication. Intermittent claudication (IC) vs. Critical Limb ischemia (CLI)

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