Congenital Heart Defects

3 Congenital Heart Defects




1. Three types of atrial septal defects (ASDs) occur in the atrial septum (Fig. 3-1). Secundum ASD is in the central portion of the septum and is the most common type (50% to 70% of ASDs). Primum ASD (or partial endocardial cushion defect [ECD]) is in the lower part of the septum (30% of ASDs). Sinus venosus defect is near the entrance of the superior vena cava (SVC) or inferior vena cava (IVC) to the right atrium (RA) (about 10% of all ASDs). Partial anomalous pulmonary venous return (PAPVR) is common with a sinus venous defect.

2. A left-to-right shunt (L-R shunt) is present through the defect, with a volume overload to the RA and right ventricle (RV) and an increase in pulmonary blood flow.


1. The patients are usually asymptomatic.

2. A widely split and fixed S2 and a grade 2 to 3/6 systolic ejection murmur at the upper left sternal border (ULSB) are characteristic of moderate-size ASD (Fig. 3-2). With a large L-R shunt a middiastolic rumble (resulting from relative tricuspid stenosis [TS]) may be audible at the lower left sternal border (LLSB). The typical auscultatory findings are usually absent in infants and toddlers, even in those with a large defect, because the RV is poorly compliant.

3. The ECG shows right axis deviation (RAD) (+90 to +180 degrees) and mild right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH) or right bundle branch block (RBBB) with an rsR′ pattern in V1.

4. Chest x-ray (CXR) films show cardiomegaly (with right atrial enlargement [RAE] and right ventricular enlargement [RVE]), increased pulmonary vascular markings (PVMs), and a prominent main pulmonary artery (MPA) segment.

5. Two-dimensional echo shows the position and the size of the defect. Cardiac catheterization is usually not necessary.

6. Spontaneous closure of the defect occurs more than 80% of the time in patients with defects 3 to 8 mm (diagnosed by echo) before 1½ years of age. An ASD with a diameter greater than 8 mm rarely closes spontaneously. The defect may reduce in size in some patients. If the defect is large and left untreated, pulmonary hypertension develops in the third and fourth decades of life. Cerebrovascular accident due to paradoxical embolization through an ASD is possible.




1. The ventricular septum consists of a small membranous septum and a larger muscular septum. The muscular septum has three components: the inlet, infundibular, and trabecular (or simply muscular) septa (Fig. 3-3). A membranous VSD often involves a varying amount of muscular septum adjacent to it (i.e., perimembranous VSD). The perimembranous defect is more common (70%) than the trabecular (5% to 20%), infundibular (5% to 7%), or inlet defects (5% to 8%). In Far Eastern countries the infundibular defects account for about 30%.

2. The perimembranous VSD is frequently associated with patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) and coarctation of aorta (COA). The VSD seen with tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) is a large nonrestrictive perimembranous defect with extension into the subpulmonary region. The inlet VSD is typically seen with endocardial cushion defects.

3. In subarterial infundibular or supracristal VSD the aortic valve may prolapse through the VSD, with resulting aortic regurgitation (AR) and reduction of the VSD shunt. The prolapse may occasionally occur with the perimembranous VSD.

4. In VSDs with small to moderate L-R shunts, volume overload is placed on the left atrium (LA) and left ventricle (LV) (but not on the RV). With larger defects the RV is also under volume and pressure overload, in addition to a greater volume overload on the LA and LV. Pulmonary blood flow (PBF) is increased to a varying degree depending on the size of the defect and the pulmonary vascular resistance. With a large VSD, pulmonary hypertension results. With a long-standing large VSD, pulmonary vascular obstructive disease (PVOD) develops, with severe pulmonary hypertension and cyanosis resulting from a right-to-left shunt (R-L shunt). At this stage, surgical correction is nearly impossible.


1. Patients with small VSDs are asymptomatic, with normal growth and development. With large VSDs, delayed growth and development, repeated pulmonary infections, CHF, and decreased exercise tolerance are relatively common. With PVOD, cyanosis and a decreased level of activity may result.

2. With a small VSD, a grade 2 to 5/6 regurgitant systolic murmur (holosystolic or less than holosystolic) maximally audible at the LLSB is characteristic (Fig. 3-4). A systolic thrill may be present at the LLSB. With a large defect, an apical diastolic rumble is audible, which represents a relative stenosis of the mitral valve due to large pulmonary venous return to the LA (Fig. 3-5). The S2 may split narrowly, and the intensity of the P2 increases if pulmonary hypertension is present (Fig. 3-5).

3. ECG findings: Small VSD, normal; moderate VSD, left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) and left atrial hypertrophy (LAH) (±); large VSD, biventricular hypertrophy (BVH) and LAH (±); PVOD, pure RVH.

4. CXR films reveal cardiomegaly of varying degrees with enlargement of the LA, LV, and possibly the RV. PVMs are increased. The degree of cardiomegaly and the increase in PVMs are directly related to the magnitude of the L-R shunt. In PVOD the heart size is no longer enlarged and the MPA and the hilar pulmonary arteries are notably enlarged, but the peripheral lung fields are ischemic.

5. Two-dimensional echo studies provide accurate diagnosis of the position and size of the VSD. LA and LV dimensions provide indirect assessment of the magnitude of the shunt. Figure 3-6 shows selected 2D echo views of the ventricular septum, which helps locate the VSD position. The Doppler studies of the pulmonary artery (PA), tricuspid regurgitation (TR) (if present), and the VSD itself are useful in indirect assessment of RV and PA pressures (see Doppler Echocardiography, Chapter 2).

6. Spontaneous closure occurs in 30% to 40% of all VSDs, most often in small trabecular VSDs, more frequently in small defects than in large defects, and more often in the first year of life than thereafter. Large defects tend to become smaller with age. Inlet and infundibular VSDs do not become smaller or close spontaneously. CHF develops in infants with a large VSD but usually not until 6 or 8 weeks of age, when the PVR drops below a critical level. PVOD may begin to develop as early as 6 to 12 months of age in patients with a large VSD.



Treatment of CHF with digitalis and diuretics (see Chapter 6). No exercise restriction is required in the absence of pulmonary hypertension.


1. Procedure

2. Indications and timing

3. Surgical approaches for special situations




The following conditions require differentiation from PDA because they may present with a heart murmur similar to that of PDA and/or with bounding pulses.

1. Coronary atrioventricular (AV) fistula (the murmur is audible over the precordium, not at the ULSB)

2. Systemic AV fistula (a wide pulse pressure with bounding pulse, CHF, and a continuous murmur over the fistula [head or liver] are characteristic)

3. Pulmonary AV fistula (a continuous murmur over the back, cyanosis, and clubbing in the absence of cardiomegaly)

4. Venous hum (an innocent condition that disappears when the patient is supine)

5. Murmurs of collaterals in patients with COA or TOF (audible in the intercostal spaces)

6. VSD + AR (maximally audible at the mid-left sternal border [MLSB] or LLSB, it is actually a to-and-fro murmur, rather than a continuous murmur)

7. Absence of pulmonary valve (a to-and-fro murmur, or “sawing-wood sound,” at the ULSB; large central pulmonary arteries on CXR films; RVH on ECG; and cyanosis)

8. Persistent truncus arteriosus (occasional continuous murmur, cyanosis, BVH on the ECG, cardiomegaly, and increased PVM on CXR films)

9. Aortopulmonary septal defect (AP window) (bounding peripheral pulses, a murmur resembling that of VSD, and signs of CHF)

10. Peripheral PA stenosis (a continuous murmur may be audible all over the thorax, unilateral or bilateral)

11. Ruptured sinus of Valsalva aneurysm (sudden onset of chest pain and severe heart failure, a continuous murmur or a to-and-fro murmur, and often Marfan features)

12. Total anomalous pulmonary venous return (TAPVR) draining into the RA (a murmur similar to venous hum along the right sternal border, mild cyanosis, RVH on ECG, and cardiomegaly with increased PVM on CXR)











1. Usually asymptomatic with mild PS. Exertional dyspnea and easy fatigability may be seen in moderately severe cases and CHF occurs in severe cases. Neonates with critical PS are cyanotic and tachypneic.

2. An ejection click is present at the ULSB with valvular PS (Fig. 3-10). The S2 may split widely, and the P2 may be diminished in intensity. A systolic ejection murmur (grade 2 to 5/6) with or without systolic thrill is best audible at the ULSB and transmits fairly well to the back and the sides. The louder and longer the murmur, the more severe is the stenosis. Neonates with critical PS may have only a faint heart murmur, if any.

3. The ECG is normal in mild PS. RAD and RVH are present in moderate PS. RAH and RVH with “strain” pattern are present in severe PS. Neonates with critical PS may show LVH (due to hypoplastic RV and relatively large LV).

4. CXR films show normal heart size and a prominent MPA segment (i.e., poststenotic dilation). PVMs are normal but may be decreased in severe PS.

5. Two-dimensional echo may show thick pulmonary valves with restricted systolic motion (doming) and a poststenotic dilation of the MPA. The Doppler study can estimate the pressure gradient across the stenotic valve.

6. The severity of the obstruction is usually not progressive in mild PS, but it tends to progress with age in moderate or severe PS. CHF may develop in patients with severe stenosis. Sudden death during heavy physical activities is possible in patients with severe stenosis.




1. Left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) obstruction may occur at the valvular, subvalvular, or supravalvular levels (Fig. 3-11).

2. Valvular AS is caused most often by a bicuspid aortic valve (with a fused commissure) and less commonly by a unicuspid valve (with one lateral attachment) or stenosis of the tricuspid valve (Fig. 3-12). Many cases of bicuspid aortic valve are nonobstructive during childhood.

3. Symptomatic neonates with so-called critical neonatal aortic valve stenosis have primitive, myxomatous valve tissue, with a pinhole opening. The aortic valve ring and ascending aorta, the mitral valve, and the LV cavity are almost always hypoplastic (often requiring a Norwood operation followed by a Fontan operation).

4. Supravalvular AS occurs at the upper margin of the sinus of Valsalva. This is often associated with Williams syndrome.

5. Subvalvular (subaortic) stenosis may be in the form of simple diaphragm (discrete) or a long, tunnel-like fibromuscular narrowing (tunnel stenosis).

6. Hypertrophy of the LV may develop if the stenosis is severe. A poststenotic dilation of the ascending aorta develops with valvular AS. AR usually develops in subaortic AS.


1. Patients with mild to moderate AS are asymptomatic. Exertional chest pain or syncope may occur with severe AS. CHF develops within the first few months of life with critical AS.

2. In symptomatic infants with critical AS the heart murmur may be absent or faint, and the peripheral pulses are weak and thready.

3. Blood pressure is normal in most patients, but a narrow pulse pressure is present in severe AS. Patients with supravalvular AS may have a higher systolic pressure in the right arm than in the left (due to the jet of stenosis directed into the innominate artery, the so-called Coanda effect).

4. A systolic thrill may be present at the upper right sternal border (URSB), in the suprasternal notch, or over the carotid arteries. An ejection click may be audible with valvular AS. A harsh systolic ejection murmur (grade 2 to 4/6) is best audible at the second right intercostal space (2RICS) or third left intercostal space (3LICS) (Fig. 3-13), with good transmission to the neck and frequently to the apex. A high-pitched, early diastolic decrescendo murmur of AR may be audible in patients with bicuspid aortic valve and those with discrete subvalvular stenosis.

5. The ECG is normal in mild cases. LVH with or without a strain pattern is seen in more severe cases.

6. CXR films are usually normal in children, but a dilated ascending aorta may be seen occasionally in valvular AS. A significant cardiomegaly develops with CHF or substantial AR.

7. Echo studies are diagnostic. Two-dimensional echo may show the anatomy of the aortic valve (bicuspid, tricuspid, or unicuspid) and that of subvalvular and supravalvular AS. The Doppler-derived pressure gradient (instantaneous gradient) is approximately 20% higher than the peak-to-peak systolic pressure gradient obtained during cardiac catheterization. The degree of LV hypertrophy can be measured.

8. Mild stenosis becomes frequently more severe with time. The stenosis may worsen with aging as the result of calcification of the valve cusps (requiring valve replacement surgery in some adult patients). Progressive AR is possible in discrete subaortic stenosis.



1. In critically ill neonates and infants with CHF, anticongestive measures with fast-acting inotropic agents and diuretics, with or without PGE1 infusion, are indicated, in preparation for either balloon valvuloplasty or surgery.

2. Serial echo-Doppler studies are needed every 1 to 2 years because AS of all severities tends to worsen with time. Exercise stress test (EST) may be indicated in asymptomatic children who want to participate in sports activities.

3. Percutaneous balloon valvuloplasty is now regarded as the first step in management of symptomatic neonates in many centers. It is also the first interventional method for children older than 1 year of age. Although the results are promising, they are not as good as those for PS. A survival rate of 50% has been reported in neonates. Serious complications (major hemorrhage, loss of femoral artery pulse, avulsion of part of the aortic valve leaflet, perforation of the mitral valve or LV) can occur. Indications for the balloon procedure are as follows:

4. Activity restrictions. No limitation in activity is required for mild AS (with peak Doppler gradient <40 mm Hg). Moderate AS (peak Doppler gradient 40 to 70 mm Hg) requires restriction from high dynamic or static competitive athletics (allowing only golf, baseball, doubles tennis, etc.). With severe AS (peak Doppler gradient >70 mm Hg), no competitive sports are allowed.


Generally accepted indications for surgery and surgical procedures are as follows:

1. For valvular AS, failed balloon valvuloplasty or severe AR resulting from the procedure is an indication. A sick newborn with critical AS who has failed balloon valvuloplasty requires surgery. Surgery is indicated in children with symptoms (chest pain, syncope) with a strain pattern on the ECG or abnormal exercise test, even with a systolic pressure gradient slightly less than 50 mm Hg.

b. In the Ross procedure (or pulmonary root autografts) the autologous pulmonary valve replaces the aortic valve, and an aortic or a pulmonary allograft replaces the pulmonary valve (Fig. 3-14). The pulmonary valve autograft has the advantage of documented long-term durability; it does not require anticoagulation and there is evidence of the autograft’s growth. The patient’s own aortic valve may be used for pulmonary position after aortic valvotomy (“double” Ross procedure).

2. For discrete subaortic stenosis, a systolic pressure gradient greater than 30 mm Hg or the onset of an AR is an indication for an elective operation. Some centers consider the mere presence of a significant membrane as an indication for surgery. Excision of the discrete membrane is performed. It is advisable to wait if possible until beyond 10 years of age because the recurrence rate of the subaortic membrane is higher before that age.

3. For tunnel-type subaortic stenosis, a pressure gradient ≥50 mm Hg is an indication. Valve replacement following aortic root enlargement (Kono procedure) may be performed.

4. For supravalvular AS, the peak pressure gradient greater than 50 to 60 mm Hg, severe LVH, or appearance of new AR is an indication for surgery. Widening of the stenotic area using a diamond-shaped fabric patch may be performed.



Asymptomatic Children


1. These patients are usually asymptomatic except for rare complaints of leg pain.

2. The pulse in the leg is absent or weak and delayed. Hypertension in the arm or higher blood pressure (BP) readings in the arm than the thigh may be present. An ejection click resulting from the bicuspid aortic valve is frequently audible at the apex and/or base. A systolic ejection murmur, grade 2 to 3/6, is audible at the URSB and MLSB and in the left interscapular area in the back.

3. The ECG usually shows LVH, but it may be normal.

4. CXR films show a normal or slightly enlarged heart. An E sign on the barium-filled esophagus or 3 sign on overpenetrated films may be found. Rib notching may be seen in children after about 5 years of age.

5. Two-dimensional echo shows a discrete, shelflike membrane in the posterolateral aspect of the descending aorta. The Doppler examination reveals disturbed flow and increased flow velocity distal to the coarctation. The full Bernoulli equation (using the flow velocities proximal and distal to the coarctation site) provides more accurate assessment of the severity of the obstruction. The bicuspid aortic valve is frequently imaged.

6. The presence of PDA makes the diagnosis of COA less certain in neonates. In addition to the presence of a posterior shelf and BP discrepancies between the arms and the legs, the ratio of isthmus to descending aorta diameter (measured at the level of diaphragm) less than 0.64 strongly suggests COA in the presence of PDA (Lu et al. J Pediatr. 2006). Others suggest that the isthmic diameter ≤3 mm or the isthmic diameter 4 mm plus the continuous antegrade flow by Doppler is a probable sign of PDA + COA.

7. Bicuspid aortic valve may cause stenosis and/or regurgitation later in life. If a COA is left untreated, LV failure, intracranial hemorrhage, or hypertensive encephalopathy may develop in childhood or adult life.




1. Medical treatment consists of PGE1 infusion (see Appendix E for dosage), intubation, and oxygen administration. Workup for DiGeorge syndrome (i.e., serum calcium) should be carried out. Citrated blood (that causes hypocalcemia by chelation) should not be transfused, and blood should be irradiated before transfusion in patients with DiGeorge syndrome.

2. Surgical repair of the interruption (primary anastomosis, Dacron vascular graft, or venous homograft) and closure of a simple VSD are recommended if possible. If the interruption is associated with complex defects, repair of the interruption and PA banding are performed, with complete repair later.




1. Cyanosis and signs of CHF develop in the newborn period.

2. Severe arterial hypoxemia unresponsive to oxygen inhalation and acidosis are present in infants with poor mixing. Hypoglycemia and hypocalcemia are occasionally present.

3. Auscultatory findings are nonspecific. The S2 is single and loud. No heart murmur is audible in infants with an intact ventricular septum. When TGA is associated with VSD or PS, a systolic murmur of these defects may be audible.

4. The ECG shows RAD and RVH. An upright T wave in V1 after 3 days of age may be the only abnormality suggestive of RVH. BVH may be present in infants with large VSD, PDA, or PS.

5. CXR films show cardiomegaly with increased PVMs. An egg-shaped cardiac silhouette with a narrow superior mediastinum is characteristic.

6. Two-dimensional echo study is diagnostic. It fails to show a “circle-and-sausage” pattern of the normal great arteries in the parasternal short-axis view. Instead, it shows two circular structures. Other views reveal the PA arising from the LV and the aorta arising from the RV. Associated anomalies (VSD, LVOT obstruction, PS, ASD, and PDA) are imaged.

7. Natural history and prognosis depend on anatomy.

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Jun 18, 2016 | Posted by in CARDIOLOGY | Comments Off on Congenital Heart Defects

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