Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorders

Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorders

Cathy Goldstein

Brandon S. Lu

Phyllis C. Zee


Human beings have adapted to living in a 24-hour environment by developing an internal timing system that exhibits circadian (Latin for about a day) rhythmicity. When humans are isolated from time-giving external stimuli, such as the light/dark cycle and social cues, this endogenous rhythm cycles with a period that is slightly longer than 24 hours (1). The master clock of the body is the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) located in the anterior hypothalamus (2). In addition to governing the 24-hour cycles of sleep and wakefulness, the SCN also maintains the circadian rhythm of other physiologic variables such as temperature, cortisol, and melatonin (3).

To entrain the body and its various circadian rhythms to the 24-hour day, the SCN inputs information on time from a variety of sources ranging from physical exertion to social activity. The strongest zeitgeber (German for time giver) is light. The SCN receives input about light levels from the specialized ganglion cells in the retina that produce the photopigment melanopsin, not from the rods and cones responsible for vision (4). Exposure to light at various times of the day will either advance or delay the circadian rhythm, the direction and magnitude of which is depicted on a phase response curve. Light exposure during the morning, after the core body temperature minimum is reached, advances the circadian phase (Fig. 7.1). Conversely, light exposure in the evening (before the nadir of core body temperature) results in a circadian delay. The largest magnitude of change occurs during the biological night, when light is usually absent. The endogenous circadian clock is particularly sensitive to blue wavelength light, with light of 460 nm wavelength producing twice the shift in melatonin rhythms as longer wavelength light (47).

Another important zeitgeber is melatonin. Th is hormone, produced by the pineal gland, is secreted under the direct influence of the SCN and can shift circadian rhythms as well as act to promote sleep onset (5). Melatonin levels are low during the day and begin to rise just before sleep onset in humans. It peaks during the night around the time when body temperature is at its nadir. Light suppresses melatonin secretion, while darkness has the opposite effect. Exogenous melatonin taken in the evening will facilitate sleep onset, causing advancement in sleep phase and when taken in the morning will lead to a later bedtime, thereby having the opposite phase-shifting effects as light (6).


Circadian rhythm sleep disorders (CRSDs) should be considered in the differential diagnosis of patients who present with symptoms of insomnia or hypersomnia. Affected individuals can present with various sleep complaints, ranging from insomnia to excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) and early awakenings. Th e International Classification of Sleep Disorders, Second Edition, (ICSD-2) recognizes nine types of circadian rhythm sleep disorders (see Appendix J). The general criteria for CRSD are that (i) there is a persistent or recurrent pattern of sleep disturbance that is thought to be primarily due to either an alteration in the circadian timing system or a misalignment between endogenous circadian rhythms and external factors that affect the timing of sleep; (ii) the sleep disturbance leads to insomnia, hypersomnia, or both; and (iii) the sleep disturbance is associated with impairment of function (Table 7.1).

FIGURE 7.1 Schematic representation of light therapy for circadian rhythm sleep disorders. A: Evening light therapy will phase delay advanced sleep phase types, B: Morning light therapy will phase advance delayed sleep phase types. Checkered bar represents conventional sleep time and gray bars represent disordered sleep times being phase shifted.

This chapter discusses the CRSDs in which a variation of the intrinsic circadian rhythm exists, resulting in desynchrony with the external environment: delayed sleep phase type (DSPT), advanced sleep phase type (ASPT), free-running type, and irregular sleep-wake type. Shift-work sleep disorder and jet lag will be described elsewhere. In 2007, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) presented recommendations for the clinical evaluation and treatment of circadian rhythm sleep disorders. Therapeutic strategies are addressed in a subsequent chapter.

Delayed Sleep Phase Type

Delayed sleep phase type is the most common of the CRSDs (7). It was first characterized by Weitzman et al. in 1981 Patients with DSPT report a chronic inability to fall asleep and wake up at a desired clock time to meet their work schedules, but do describe undisturbed late sleep on vacations (8). In addition to delayed sleep, wake times the circadian phase of these patients, as measured by melatonin and core body temperature, is also delayed (48, 49 and 50). In a study of 66 subjects, dim light melatonin onset occurred 2 hours later and core body temperature nadir 2.5 hours later than controls (50). Furthermore, circadian phase appears stable in DSPT subjects across multiple measurements despite an ad libitum sleep schedule (49). The exact pathophysiology of DSPT is unknown. However, several factors may be implicated in the persistent delayed sleep phase relative to the 24-hour environment, including circadian period, light sensitivity, phase angle, and the homeostatic sleep drive.

TABLE 7.1 Overview of Presentation and Treatment of Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder

Circadian Disorder

Main Complaints

Preferred Sleep Time


Delayed Sleep Phase Type

  1. Inability to fall asleep at night

  2. Difficulty waking up in the morning

Sleep time: 2-6 AM

Wake time: 10 AM-1 PM Sleep Hygiene

Bright Light Therapy: 1-10,000 lux for 1-2 hr in the morning (6-8 AM)

Melatonin (1-3 mg): 5-7 hr before sleep time

Advanced Sleep Phase Type

  1. Inability to stay awake at night

  2. Inability to stay asleep in the morning

Sleep time: 6-9 PM

Wake time: 2-5 AM

Bright Light Therapy: 1-10,000 lux for 1-2 hr between 7 and 9 PM

Free-running Type

Changes with time: Varies from insomnia to excessive daytime sleepiness

Sleep time: Changes

Wake time: Changes

Melatonin: 10 mg an hour before bedtime (maintenance dose may be reduced to 1 or 0.5 mg)

Irregular Sleep/ Wake Type

No consolidated sleep period: Will fall asleep or be awake at inappropriate times

Irregular pattern of sleep and wake times

Increase light exposure and social activity during daylight hours

Shift-work Sleep Disorder

  1. Excessive sleepiness during work associated with work schedule

  2. Insomnia when trying to sleep during the day associated with work schedule

Circadian Alignment and Promote Sleep

Bright Light Therapy: 5-10,000 lux first half of the night shift (intermittent or continuous)

Melatonin (1-3 mg): Prior to bedtime

Stimulants for excessive sleepiness



Jet Lag

Excessive sleepiness and/or insomnia depending on length and direction of travel

Timed bright light Melatonin (1-35 mg): After arrival take before bedtime

Zolpidem (10 mg): After arrival take before bedtime

One proposed explanation is that patients with DSPT have a longer endogenous circadian period or tau that regulates the sleep-wake cycle (9). In one patient with DSPT placed in temporal isolation, circadian period measured 25.38 hours as compared to 24.44 hours in aged matched controls subsisting in the same environment (51). Although the usual human circadian period is slightly longer than 24 hours, this further lengthening may result in difficulty entraining to the 24-hour day. Evidence also suggests that some patients with DSPT may be hypersensitive to evening light, which can serve as a delay signal to the circadian clock (10). Alternatively, DSPT patients may have decreased sensitivity to morning light such that its phase advancing effects are reduced. However, other studies demonstrate that the advance portion of the phase response curve to light is actually masked due to sleep offset occurring relatively later with respect to the core body temperature nadir than normal controls (52). Th is alteration of the relationship between sleep timing with respect to phase markers (or phase angle) is another possible mechanism to explain DSPT, with studies demonstrating a significantly longer interval of time elapsing between the time of highest circadian propensity for sleep and wake time in these patients as compared to controls (52,53). Th is finding, in addition to increased slow wave sleep in the latter part of the sleep period, may suggest an abnormality in the dissipation of the homeostatic sleep drive (51). The accumulation of homeostatic drive is likely altered as well since DSPT patients often demonstrate increased sleep onset latency (despite attempting sleep at the preferred times) and inability to sufficiently recover sleep after sleep deprivation (51,53,54). Therefore, although DSPT is often regarded solely as a disorder of circadian timing, impairment of homeostatic regulation may play a significant role (8,11,12). However, other evidence is not supportive of these findings with a study of 66 DSPT patients demonstrating no difference in sleep onset latency, total sleep duration, or phase angle as compared to controls (50). Additionally, while evaluating the therapeutic response to a light mask in a group of DSPT subjects, two subgroups were delineated: those with melatonin acrophases prior to 0600 and longer sleep offset phase angles, and those with melatonin acrophases after 0600 and shorter sleep offset phase angles (55). These findings could indicate the possibility of heterogeneity within DSPT patients. Finally, genetic factors are likely to play a role in the pathogenesis of DSPT. For example, there are familial forms of DSPT, and polymorphisms in circadian genes such as Per3, arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase, HLA, and Clock have been reported in “evening types” and DSPT (13, 14, 15 and 16).

Clinical Presentation

Although DSPT can present at any age, most patients are adolescents or young adults. Individuals with DSPT will present with sleep-onset insomnia and difficulty waking in the morning. Patients usually fall asleep between 2 and 6 AM and wake up between 10 AM and 1 PM (8) (Fig. 7.2). Early daytime sleepiness may be present, and these patients will score as “evening” types on self-assessment questionnaires such as the Horne and Ostberg (17). Like “evening” types, patients with DSPT are most alert and active in the late evening hours; however, enforced conventional wake times will lead to chronic sleep deprivation and a persistent inability to fall asleep at an earlier time. In this sense, patients with DSPT are not able to “adapt” themselves to waking up early by going to sleep earlier, unlike unaff ected individuals. If a college student who is used to a delayed sleep-wake cycle joins the workforce, he or she will complain of morning fatigue. The patient probably does not have DSPT if he or she can adjust to the morning work routine in a few days or weeks.

Failure to attend morning classes or be on time for work will often lead to poor grades at school or disciplinary actions at work. On weekends or vacations, patients with DSPT will usually extend their sleep time significantly beyond that during the
weekdays (18). Usually, a variety of methods of phase advancement (e.g., earlier bedtime, multiple alarm clocks) have been tried without success. Pharmacologic means of inducing sleep are also frequently tried (e.g., sedatives and alcohol) but may result in drowsiness the next morning or may lead to substance abuse (19). Concurrent mood disorder may be present as patients with DSPT are more likely to have had treatment for emotional problems, answer yes on depression screening, and have higher scores on depression rating scores than age-matched controls (56).

FIGURE 7.2 Schematic representation of the four major types of circadian rhythm sleep disorders. (A): Advanced sleep phase type, (B) delayed sleep phase type, (C) irregular sleep-wake type, and (D) free-running type. Checkered bars represent conventional sleep time and black bars represent sleep times of different disorders.


DSPT is estimated to be present in approximately 0.17% of the general population (20), and most reports show a male:female ratio of 10:1 (11). A survey of adolescents, however, indicated a prevalence of more than 7% (21). The greater prevalence in adolescence may be a consequence of both physiological and behavioral factors (59). Hormonal changes may be involved specifically, as delayed sleep phase is associated with the onset of puberty (when controlling for age) (60). DSPT also accounts for approximately 7% of patients with chronic insomnia presenting to sleep clinics (8). DSPT may be seen more frequently in populations with other neurological and medical disorders, with delayed circadian rhythms observed in traumatic brain injury, Huntington’s disease, and patients with liver cirrhosis (57,58,69).


The American Academy of Sleep Medicine revised the classification of sleep disturbances in the ICSD-2 (22). “Circadian rhythm sleep disorder, delayed sleep phase type” has the same classification and name in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR, 2000) (23). The ICD-9 code is 327.31.

Diagnostic Evaluation

The diagnosis of DSPT is usually evident from a detailed history and a sleep diary or actigraphy for at least 7 days, which should include weekends with less strict social and work restrictions to ensure that the patient exhibits a delayed sleep-wake pattern. Actigraphy uses a wrist-worn motion detector (usually designed to look like a wristwatch) to monitor sleep and wake activity for prolonged periods (up to several weeks). In 2007, the AASM published practice parameters regarding the use of actigraphy, suggesting its use as a diagnostic tool in DSPT and as an assessment measurement for treatment outcomes in circadian rhythm sleep disorders as a guideline (61). Overnight polysomnography is not routinely suggested by the AASM as part of the evaluation of DSPT; however, it may be indicated when complaints of sleep maintenance insomnia and daytime somnolence are present to rule out other sleep disorders such as sleep apnea and periodic limb movement disorder (8,62). If performed during the patient’s desired sleep time, sleep architecture should be normal with the exception of the sleep latency, which may be prolonged (19). Although circadian phase markers may be helpful in the diagnosis of DSPT, they are not yet routinely used clinical practice (63).


The diagnostic criteria for DSPT set forth by the ICSD-2 are (22):

  • 1. A delay in the phase of the major sleep period in relation to the desired sleep and wake-up time is present.

  • 2. When allowed to set their own schedule, patients will exhibit normal sleep quality and duration for age and maintain a delayed, but stable, phase of entrainment to the 24-hour sleep-wake pattern.

  • 3. Sleep log or actigraphy monitoring for at least 7 days demonstrates a stable delay in the timing of the habitual sleep period.

  • 4. The sleep disturbance is not better explained by another disorder.

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