Small patient cohorts
Limited follow up
Variability in definition of technical success
Variable clinical presentation (acute vs chronic)
Variable patient comorbidities
Physician’s treatment preference
Mixture of open revascularization (i.e. antegrade, retrograde)
Mixture of endovascular techniques (i.e. angioplasty alone vs stenting)
Different etiologies (i.e. arteritis, median arcuate, atherosclerosis)
Lack of time-dependent outcomes (i.e. patency rates, symptom recurrence, restenosis and re-intervention)
Table 20.2
PICO outline used for Pubmed search
P (patients) | I (intervention) | C (comparator) | O (outcomes) |
Patients with chronic mesenteric ischemia | Angioplasty Stenting | Open surgical revascularization | Morbidity and mortality |
Clinical Presentation
The natural history of patients with symptoms of CMI is not well understood because revascularization is typically recommended. There are no cohort studies with a control or medical treatment arm, and it is generally accepted that once a patient develops symptoms of chronic ischemia revascularization is indicated, as there is considerable risk of progression to cachexia or bowel gangrene.
The most common cause of CMI is atherosclerotic disease, accounting for over 90 % of cases in most series. Other non-atherosclerotic lesions such as vasculitis, dissection, fibromuscular dysplasia, radiation arteritis, mesenteric venous stenosis or occlusion, drug-induced arteriopathy, and mid-aortic syndrome can present with symptoms of mesenteric ischemia. The typical patient is female with median age of 65 years old (range 40–90 years old) [1–3]. Classic symptoms include abdominal pain, weight loss, and ‘food fear’, and the pain is often mid abdominal, crampy, dull, post-prandial and begins within a few minutes to 30 min after meals, persisting for as long as 5–6 h. Avoidance of certain foods, unintentional weight loss with associated malnutrition and cachexia can be common. The clinical presentation can be less specific in some patients with more vague abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting or change in bowel habits without the classic post prandial component. Previous history of smoking and the diagnoses of hypertension and hyperlipidemia are documented in over 60–70 % with other clinical sequelae of atherosclerotic disease including coronary artery, cerebrovascular and peripheral arterial disease [2, 4, 5].
Diagnostic Imaging
Catheter-based arteriography is still considered the “gold-standard” diagnostic study for CMI, but its role has diminished over the last decade as a confirmatory and planning test [6]. Mesenteric duplex ultrasound is the most frequently utilized screening study. A negative duplex ultrasound study essentially excludes the diagnosis of mesenteric artery disease [7–12].
Cross-sectional imaging with either computed tomography angiography (CTA) or magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) is indicated in most patients to provide anatomical detail and to help exclude other causes of abdominal pain and weight loss. Although the choice of CTA or MRA is somewhat related to individual expertise at the institution, but most centers use CTA. Anatomical detail about the number of vessels affected and lesion characteristics (diameter, length, presence of occlusion, calcification, thrombus or tandem lesions) are key factors that affect selection of type of revascularization.
Indications for Revascularization
There is no role for a non-operative approach in patients with symptomatic disease. Excessive delays in proceeding with definitive revascularization or use of parenteral nutrition alone have been associated with clinical deterioration, bowel infarction and risk of sepsis from catheter-related complications [13, 14]. The indication of prophylactic revascularization in patients with asymptomatic disease remains controversial. Based on the report by Thomas et al., there may be a role for prophylactic revascularization in patients with severe three-vessel disease, particularly for those with difficult access to medical care who live in remote or underserved areas [15]. Revascularization has been advised in asymptomatic patients with severe three-vessel disease undergoing aortic reconstructions for other indications.
Choice of Open Versus Endovascular Revascularization
Treatment goals are to relieve symptoms, restore normal weight and prevent bowel infarction. The number of mesenteric revascularizations has increased 10-fold in the United States in the last decade, largely because of improved diagnosis and decreased morbidity of endovascular therapy. Treatment selection has evolved in most centers with angioplasty and stenting surpassing open bypass as the first option in over 80 % of the patients treated for CMI [1, 2, 16]. There are no prospective randomized comparisons between the two techniques, but retrospective reviews show decreased morbidity, length of stay and convalescence time with endovascular revascularization compared to open repair [2, 17]. Mesenteric bypass offers improved patency, lower rates of re-interventions and better freedom from recurrent symptoms [1, 2, 5, 17–27].
Endovascular Revascularization
In most centers, mesenteric angioplasty and stenting is the first choice of treatment in patients with CMI who have suitable lesions, independent of their clinical risk. The ideal lesion for angioplasty and stenting is a short, focal stenosis or occlusion with minimal to moderate calcification or thrombus. The technical difficulty of endovascular procedures is increased by presence of severe eccentric calcification, flush occlusion, and in patients with longer lesions, small vessels and tandem lesions affecting branches. Although these anatomical features are not contraindications to an endovascular approach, technical result is often not optimal with higher rates of arterial complications and restenosis [28, 29].
The primary goal of percutaneous treatment is to restore antegrade flow to at least one of the three mesenteric arteries, preferentially the SMA. Although there are no prospective comparisons between angioplasty alone and primary stenting, most agree that routine stenting is indicated based on experience with renal ostial lesions, elastic recoil and higher rates of restenosis with angioplasty alone [25, 30–39]. Additionally, there are no randomized comparisons between SMA and celiac stent placement. Two retrospective studies have shown a non-significant trend towards lower recurrence rates with two-vessel stenting [40, 41], but recent reports have not shown difference in outcomes [42, 43]. Two-vessel mesenteric intervention may be indicated in patients with severe gastric ischemia who do not have good collateral network between the CA and SMA.
CA stenting should not be performed if there is active compression by the median arcuate ligament because there is risk of stent fracture and compression. However, CA stenting may be considered in higher risk patient who fail attempted recanalization of the SMA, or in those where an SMA intervention is felt to have a low yield for success due to excessive calcification or long segment occlusion. In these patients, celiac stenting may be considered a ‘bridge’ to open bypass or retrograde SMA stenting [44]. Angioplasty of the IMA in our experience carries a higher risk of rupture, dissection or embolization, and is not advised with rare exceptions.
Endovascular mesenteric revascularization carries definitive risk. The average 30-day mortality in a recent systematic review was 6 % (0–21 %), surpassing the mortality reported for other types of endovascular interventions, including aortic, renal and carotid procedures. The most common causes of death after mesenteric stenting are cardiac events, gastrointestinal bleeding and bowel ischemia. Distal embolization occurs in 8 % of patients treated by SMA stents without embolic protection, with higher rates among patients with sub-acute symptoms, occlusion, long lesions (>30 mm) and severe calcification [45]. Therefore, selective use of embolic protection in these patients should be considered. The most commonly reported complications are access-related problems in 2–15 %, renal insufficiency in 5–12 %, acute bowel ischemia in 1–5 %, gastrointestinal bleeding in 1–4 %, cardiac events in 1–3 %, and respiratory complications in 3 %.
Open Revascularization
Mesenteric bypass has also been increasingly performed in patients who have failed a percutaneous intervention because of flush occlusion, occluded stent, or in patients with recurrent in-stent stenosis who failed multiple re-interventions. Our preference in a lower risk group has been to offer open revascularization if the anatomy is unfavorable for angioplasty and stenting or for patients with non-atherosclerotic lesions [45–48].
Contemporary reports from large volume centers have shown that mesenteric bypass can be performed with mortality rates of <3 % [2, 19, 49]. Improvements in the outcomes of mesenteric reconstructions can be attributed to several factors, including technical refinements, better patient selection and advances in medical, anesthetic and critical care management. In the first two Mayo Clinic reports from 1981 to 1992, over 50 % of the patients had three-vessel revascularization and concomitant aortic reconstruction was performed in 20–30 % of patients [50, 51]. The operative mortality was 10 % in both reports.
Reconstruction of the CA and the SMA using a bifurcated polyester graft originating from the supra-celiac aorta compromises over 80 % of open mesenteric reconstructions [2, 16, 49]. This approach is selected in lower risk patients who are not ideal candidates for endovascular treatment and have multi-vessel disease without evidence of significant supra-celiac aortic calcification or debris. Supra-celiac-origin grafts are not ideal in patients with compromised cardiac or pulmonary function or those with extensive atherosclerosis or circumferential calcification of the supra-celiac aorta. Other sources of inflow such as the infra-renal aorta or the iliac arteries are preferred in these higher risk patients [52]. Aortic reconstruction is reserved for the rare patient who needs it for an inflow source, or in whom aortic pathology necessitates repair [2]. Trans-aortic endarterectomy is rarely indicated, but may be considered in patients who failed or are not candidates for endovascular therapy and have bacterial contamination or perforated bowel, previous abdominal irradiation, extensive abdominal wall hernias, or other hostile conditions [53].
A hybrid approach using a midline laparotomy to expose the SMA and endovascular technique to place a retrograde SMA stent avoids the need for extensive dissection, vein harvesting and use of a prosthetic graft, and may be selected in patients with extensive aortoiliac disease and no good source of inflow or in those with acute mesenteric ischemia, bowel gangrene and contamination [54–56]. This hybrid option provides one of the most expeditious methods of revascularization in patients with difficult occlusions.
Complications rates after open mesenteric revascularization average 20–40 % [1, 3, 6, 52, 57–60]. Most common problems were pulmonary (15 %), gastrointestinal (14 %), cardiac (10 %) and renal complications (4 %). Patients with severe malnutrition require perioperative nutritional support; prolonged ileus occurs in 8 % of the patients, often requiring parenteral nutrition [2]. Meticulous wound closure is important, particularly in the patient with malnutrition, due to risk of wound related complications (4–8 %). In a few patients, compartment syndrome requires abdominal decompression [2, 61]. Early graft thrombosis is uncommon (<2 %) and indicates technical problems, poor run-off or hyper-coagulable state [2]. Technical imperfections may be a cause of early graft failure after mesenteric revascularization. We have routinely performed intra-operative DUS in all patients who undergo open mesenteric and found the patients who left the operating room with a normal study had remarkably low early thrombosis (<1 %) and late re-intervention (3 %) rates [62].
Comparative Results of Open and Endovascular Revascularization
Morbidity, Mortality and Survival
Based on review of single-center reports and a systematic review, endovascular revascularization has been associated with decreased morbidity, length of stay and convalescence time [17]. Morbidity and length of stay averages 11 % and 3 days with endovascular, compared to 33 % and 14 days with open surgery [17]. Mortality rates are similar based in a recent systematic review, which indicates average 30-day mortality of 6 % (0–15 %) for open and 5 % (0–21 %) for endovascular revascularization [17]. Open surgical bypass can be performed with low mortality in good risk patients operated on institutions with large experience in these types of reconstructions [1, 23]. A recent review of 229 patients treated for CMI using clinical risk stratification showed similar mortality for open (2.7 %) and endovascular (2.4 %) revascularization [2]. Mortality was 1 % for low-risk and 6.7 % for high-risk patients treated by open bypass, with the highest mortality rate (8.9 %) in those patients who had concomitant aortic reconstructions. Nonetheless, despite the excellent results reported in large volume centers, these operations carry high mortality in the community, reaching 20 % in the State of New York and 13 % in the United States [1, 23].
Poor prognostic indicators for long-term patient survival after mesenteric revascularization include advanced age and presence of severe cardiac, pulmonary or renal disease [2, 63]. The type of revascularization has not been shown to affect survival, but comparative analysis is limited by selection bias favoring open bypass for good risk and endovascular revascularization for higher risk patients. Tallarita et al. reported long-term survival in a cohort of 343 patients treated for CMI, and showed nearly identical 5-year survival rates using propensity matched scores for patients treated by open (57 %) or endovascular (60 %) revascularization [63]. Five-year patient survival averaged 71 % for low-risk, 49 % for intermediate-risk, and 38 % for high-risk patients. Freedom from mesenteric-related death was 91 % after open and 93 % after endovascular revascularization at 5 years. Independent predictors of any cause mortality were age >80 years, chronic kidney disease stage IV or V, diabetes and home oxygen therapy. Chronic kidney disease stage stage IV or V and diabetes were independently associated with mesenteric related death. The most common causes of late death were cardiac events, followed by cancer, respiratory complications and mesenteric-related complications. The combined rate of early and late mesenteric-related death was 8 % for patients treated by open and 6 % for those who had endovascular revascularization.
Symptom Relief
Both methods of revascularization are highly effective with average symptom improvement in 88 % of patients treated by endovascular and 93 % of those treated by open revascularization [17]. A pooled review of the literature suggests that angioplasty alone may be associated with lower rates of technical success (78 %) compared to stenting (94 and 93 %) [23]. Symptom improvement is noted immediately after revascularization, but it is not uncommon for patients to complain of modest bloating and worsening diarrhea. The presence of persistent abdominal pain suggests other diagnosis (e.g. motility disorder, irritable bowel syndrome) or inadequate revascularization.
Restenosis and Re-interventions
Most single-center reports and a systematic review indicate that open reconstructions are more durable. Bypass is associated with lower rates of restenosis, better patency, and higher freedom from recurrent symptoms or re-interventions compared to mesenteric angioplasty and stenting. Primary patency of open bypass averaged 89 % at 5 years in a recent review of the pooled literature (57–92 %) with freedom from re-interventions of 93 % [23]. A recent contemporary report by Ryer et al. indicated that open bypass has been increasingly performed in patients with more comorbidities and worse anatomy, but maintained excellent primary patency of 76 % at 5 years [6]. In the systematic review of van Petersen et al. [17], endovascular treatment was associated with increased restenosis (37 % versus 15 %), symptom recurrences (30 % versus 13 %) and re-interventions (20 % versus 9 %) when compared to open revascularization. Primary patency was lower for mesenteric stenting (51 % versus 86 %), with similar secondary patency rates (83 % versus 87 %), respectively.
Overall, endovascular treatment has been plagued by higher rates of restenosis when compared to patency rates reported for open reconstructions (Tables 20.3 and 20.4) [2, 5, 19, 20, 26, 27, 40, 41, 64–71]. There are currently no reporting standards or consensus on the definition of in-stent restenosis, which is largely based on surveillance duplex ultrasound imaging [72–74]. Most reports have included a large number of patients treated by angioplasty alone and had inconsistent reporting standards. Review of large clinical experiences have shown that primary stenting is associated with less restenosis and re-interventions [29]. The average 3-year primary patency rate for bare metal stents is 52 % (range, 30–81 %) calculated from pooled literature [23]. Clinical data on re-interventions for in-stent restenosis remains scarce. Options include balloon angioplasty with cutting or cryoplasty balloons, redo stenting with bare metal, drug-eluting or covered stents and atherectomy [75, 76].
Table 20.3
Endovascular outcomes of bare metal versus covered stents for mesenteric arterial occlusive disease
Author (year) | N | Vessels | Stented vessels | Technical success | Mortality | Morbidity | Recurrence | Re-intervention | Primary patency | Follow-up |
% | Months | |||||||||
Bare metal stents | ||||||||||
Kasirajan (2001) | 28 | 32 | 82 | 100 | 11 | 18 | 34 | – | 73 at 3 years | 24 |
Matsumoto (2002) | 33 | 47 | 32 | 88 | 0 | 13 | 15 | 15 | – | 20 |
van Wanroij (2004) | 27 | 33 | 94 | 93 | 0 | 11 | – | 19 | 81 at 19 months | 19 |
Landis (2005) | 29 | 63 | 27 | 97 | 7 | 10 | 45 | 37 | 70 | 28 |
Silva (2006) | 59 | 79 | 100 | 96 | 2 | – | 17 | 17 | 71 | 38 |
Biebl (2007) | 23 | 40 | 96 | – | 0 | 4 | 26 | 22 | – | 10 |
Atkins (2007) | 31 | 42 | 87 | 100 | 3.2 | 13 | 23 | 16 | 58 | 15 |
Sarac (2008) | 65 | 87 | 100 | – | 8 | 31 | – | 31 | 65 | 12 |
Lee (2008) | 31 | 41 | – | 98 | 14 | 6 | 44 | 10 | 69 at 7 years | 32 |
Dias (2009) | 43 | 49 | 100 | 98 | 0 | 23 | 12 | 33 | – | 43 |
Oderich (2009) | 83 | 105
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