Chest Pain in Women: Evaluation and Management

Distribution: jaw, neck, back, arm, abdomen, left chest

Onset: at rest, during sleep, post-prandial, during mental stress

Character: sharp, stabbing, fleeting

Associated symptoms: nausea, vomiting, fatigue, dyspnea, palpitations, indigestion, sweating, syncope

Typical chest pain still occurs more frequently in women. A history of typical angina confers a predictive value of greater than 60 % for coronary artery disease (CAD) on the coronary angiogram [14]. Common atypical triggers for women include stress, rest and sleep [15]. An effective history also screens for non-cardiac causes and prevents the need for further invasive testing. Red flag diagnoses are presented in Table 9.2.

Table 9.2
Red flag diagnoses


Differentiating signs and symptoms


Acute coronary syndrome (ACS)

Acute chest pain

Elevated biomarkers

± dyspnea, fatigue, nausea, syncope

Ischemic ECG changes

Takotsubo cardiomyopathya

Acute chest pain

Mild biomarker elevation

± dyspnea, shock

No obstruction on angiography

Precipitated by emotional stress

Circumferential ballooning on echo (apex, mid or base).

Aortic dissection

Tearing chest pain, radiation to the back

Widened mediastinum on CXR

± aortic regurgitation, neurological deficits


Pulse deficits

CT scan

Pulmonary embolism

Chest pain, may be pleuritic

V:Q scan

± dyspnea, tachycardia, fever

CT pulmonary angiography

Cardiac tamponade

Chest pain

Pericardial effusion on echocardiography

Tachycardia, hypotension, muffled heart sounds

Pulsus paradoxus

Tension pneumothorax

Acute dyspnea, pleuritic chest pain

Pneumothorax ± displaced mediastinum on CXR

Reduced breath sounds, resonance to percussion, tracheal deviation

Spontaneous coronary artery dissectiona

Symptoms of ACS, recent child birth

Angiography or intravascular ultrasound demonstrating true and false lumen

Coronary vasospasma

Chest pain at rest, sometimes during sleep

ST-changes on EKG

Younger women

aMore common in women

Systems Review

Women are significantly more likely than men to report multiple symptoms [16] in the setting of chest pain so it is important to conduct a thorough cardiovascular systems review, with particular emphasis on the presence of palpitations, dyspnea and fatigue. In addition, a brief screening of other systems assists both in ruling out common differentials in women, such as esophageal spasm, anxiety and pleurisy, and in as identifying further risk factors for coronary vascular disease (Table 9.3).

Table 9.3
Systems review

Systems: [17]




 Peripheral edema





 Reflux, indigestion, esophageal spasmb

 Nausea and vomitinga

 Abdominal pain or discomfort




 Somatoform disorders


 Pleuritic chest pain


 History of traumab

 Neuropathic pain

 Swelling, deformity


 Rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, psoriatic arthritisc

aRed flags

bDifferential diagnoses

cIncrease risk for CAD

Gender-Specific Assessment

The assessment of chest pain is incomplete without a thorough obstetric and gynecological history (Table 9.4) as many of these conditions may mask or exacerbate cardiovascular disease.

Table 9.4
Obstetric/gynecological review

Menopausal status

 Risk factor for CAD, compounded by effects of ageing

 Loss of protective effects of oestrogen on the vasculature and cholesterol profile [1820]

 Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) as a cardiovascular protection agent in post-menopausal women is controversial, with the HERS trial finding no benefit to this regime, with an increased rate of venous thromboembolic events (VTE) and MI in the early stages of therapy.


 Pregnancy is often seen as a physiological stress test for cardiovascular disease, and is also a time when women first undergo blood pressure and blood glucose monitoring, thus making it an essential part of a cardiovascular risk assessment in women [21].

 There is a link between hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP) and development of coronary vascular disease, as well as stroke, and hypertension [22, 23].

 Pre-eclampsia is a marker of maternal predisposition to vascular disease, particularly at a younger age [24]

Gestational diabetes

 Increased risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes [25].

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

 Increased cardiovascular risk, as well as increasing the risk of co-morbidities such as insulin resistance, obesity and hyperlipidemia [26].

 Women with PCOS are at a higher risk than their age-matched counterparts and require earlier screening for CVD

Oral contraceptive pill (OCP)

 However, the use of OCPs in women over the age of 35 who smoke is contraindicated due to the risk of venous thromboembolic events and myocardial infarction [27, 28].

 While some meta-analyses have indicated a higher risk of MI attributable to increased thrombogenicity, the overall attributable risk is low, and thus considered safe [29].

Risk Factor Assessment and Risk Stratification

Women present with a more extensive risk factor profile at their index event than men, due in part to an older age at presentation, but are less likely to have prior history of IHD or revascularization [30]. Table 9.5 shows the risk factors for CAD in women. The presence of cardiovascular risk factors is a stronger predictor of CAD in women than in men [12].

Table 9.5
Risk stratification tool

Moderate risk criteria

High risk criteria

One or more of the following


 Poor diet

 Sedentary lifestyle

 Obesity (particularly central)

 Family history of premature CVD


 Dyslipidemia (particularly hypertriglyceridemia [31])

Subclinical vascular disease

Metabolic syndrome

Poor exercise capacity on ETT

Known coronary artery disease

Other arterial disease, including

 Cerebrovascular disease

 Peripheral arterial disease

 Abdominal aortic aneurysm

Chronic renal impairment

Diabetes mellitus

10-year Framingham Global Risk >20 %

Adapted from: Mosca et al. [32]

The Framingham risk estimation score, which is the current standard of risk stratification, is a poor predictor of subclinical disease in women, and has the tendency to misclassify those who would benefit from investigation as low risk. As a result, these women potentially evade adequate assessment and thus the threshold for investigation should be lower [33]. Accuracy may be improved with the use of imaging assessment, such as the coronary artery calcium score, which is discussed later in this chapter.

Diabetes mellitus is the strongest independent predictor of CAD in women, to a much greater extent than in men. The presence of DM increases the chance of developing CAD three-fold [34, 35]. Similarly, the presence of concurrent peripheral vascular disease is equivalent to an existing diagnosis of CAD. The presence of one or more major risk factor should warrant consideration of further investigation.


Despite best practice guidelines, women are significantly less likely to undergo exercise ECG stress testing and coronary angiography than their male counterparts [36]. Not surprisingly, women presenting with stable angina have an increased risk of 1-year mortality, which highlights the need for a shift in the paradigm in the assessment and treatment of women with chest pain. Female gender, coupled with age <55, functions as an independent risk factor for missed myocardial infarction [37].

Several factors complicate the investigation of chest pain in women [38]. Anatomically, women have smaller body surface area, narrower coronary arteries and a higher frequency of abnormal plaque morphology, rendering invasive procedures and assessment more difficult [39]. Risk stratification standards in women remain suboptimal, as evidenced by the higher incidence of women undergoing angiography only to find normal coronary anatomy, highlighting the need for improvement in triage and investigation [11]. Figure 9.1 shows investigations for women presenting with chest pain.


Fig. 9.1
Investigations for women presenting with chest pain

Acute Chest Pain


The standard 12-lead ECG is integral to the initial evaluation and triage of patients with suspected ACS. Ideally, this needs to be performed within 10 min of presentation, but this occurs less frequently in women [40, 41]. Discrepancies in the ECG seen in women include a prolonged QT interval, reduced QRS amplitude and duration, and reduced baseline ST deviation. In particular, these parameters reduce the efficacy of diagnostic criteria for left ventricular hypertrophy, and despite the development of gender specific criteria, this condition continues to be under-diagnosed [42]. For STEMI, current guidelines advocate a lower threshold for diagnosis of ST elevation in women in leads V2-3, with ≥1.5 mm elevation signifying STEMI, as opposed to ≥2 mm in men [43, 44].

Potentially, there may be a role for echocardiography in women presenting with suspected IHD in the absence of diagnostic ECG changes or an atypical pattern of symptomatology.

Cardiac Biomarkers

A multi-marker approach is advocated in the assessment of women with chest pain due to gender discrepancies in reference range and specific biomarker expression, with women less likely to present with troponin elevations than men [45]. The TACTICS-TIMI 18 trial found that in women with non-ST-segment acute coronary syndromes were more likely to have elevated BNP and hs-CRP than men, who were more likely to present with elevated troponin and CK-MB [46]. In addition, CRP is related to micro-vascular coronary disease, a common but atypical cause of ischemic chest pain in women, and may be associated with the post-menopausal drop in estrogen [47]. It may also play a role as a risk marker in women [48]. Advantages and disadvantages of imaging modalities are presented in Table 9.6.

Table 9.6
Advantages and disadvantages of imaging modalities




Exercise ECG

Tests exercise capacity

Prognostic information

Lower sensitivity and specificity in women due to baseline ST variation

Stress Echo

Higher sensitivity and specificity than exercise ECG

Provides information on wall motion abnormality, LVEF, structural abnormalities

No radiation, quick procedure

Good negative predictive value

Operator variability

Coronary artery CT


Identifies non-obstructive and subclinical CAD (plaque burden)

Prognostic indicator

+++ sensitivity and specificity

Radiation exposure

Good negative predictive value

Limited availability

Cardiac MRI

Structural and functional assessment

Sub-endocardial perfusion

++ sensitivity and specificity


Patient discomfort

Operator variability


High sensitivity

Risk stratification tool

Less variation between operators

Radiation exposure

Breast attenuation

Smaller heart

Poor detection of multi-vessel and micro-vascular disease

Coronary angiography

Gold standard for CAD diagnosis

Assessment of structure and function

Intervention can be performed simultaneously

May miss extra-luminal plaque, microvascular disease


Invasive procedure, patient discomfort, radiation

Coronary reactivity testing

Diagnoses endothelial dysfunction and micro-vascular disease

High rate of inconclusive results

Risk of coronary artery dissection

LVEF left ventricular ejection fraction, CAD coronary artery disease

Chronic Chest Pain

Exercise ECG Stress Test

The exercise ECG test (ETT) is considered the first line non-invasive investigation for patients with a moderate risk of CAD and a normal baseline ECG [49]. ETT provides ischemic provocation in the form of exercise and allows interpretation of corresponding ECG abnormalities. However, there are clear gender discrepancies in the accuracy of exercise ECG testing between men and women. The sensitivity and specificity of ETT in women is just 61 % and 70 %, compared to 72 % and 77 % in men, respectively [50]. Critically, the low specificity gives rise to almost 30 % of women receiving a false negative diagnosis, indicating the clear need for improvement in diagnostic strategy. Gender variation in the accuracy of ETT is thought to be due to the baseline ST abnormalities seen in women, lower functional capacity, lower voltage and the impact of fluctuating estrogen levels on electrical recording [51, 52].

The ETT can be of value in symptomatic women when interpreted in conjunction with the Duke treadmill score [53], shown below (see Table 9.7). Exercise time is measured in minutes and the ST deviation is the absolute distance from baseline in any lead except aVR.

Table 9.7
Interpretation of Duke treadmill score






Preventative measures only


5 to −11

Cardiac imaging ± coronary angiography



Coronary angiography

Duke treadmill score = Exercise time − (5 × ST deviation) (4 × Treadmill Angina index 1) [53]

Also of value is the ability of the ETT to provide information on exercise capacity, which is a strong prognostic indicator in CAD. Women are considered high risk if they are incapable of performing more than five metabolic equivalents of graded exercise [54]. Heart rate recovery might also provide valuable information in women. Recovery of resting heart rate within 1–2 min post-ETT has good prognostic power [55].

Stress Echocardiography

Stress echocardiography is a highly effective non-invasive means for assessing and stratifying symptomatic women with intermediate risk of CAD. In addition, it provides the added benefit of structural assessment which allows identification of localized ventricular dysfunction, valvular disease and wall motion abnormalities when confronted with ischemic stress [56] in the form of either exercise or dobutamine. Wall motion abnormalities are an early indication of ischemia. Dobutamine stress echocardiography is recommended in women incapable of exercising regardless of baseline ECG. Stress echocardiography has a higher specificity and sensitivity than stress ECG, with a combined accuracy of roughly 85 % [49, 5759]. The efficacy of stress echo is not gender specific. The higher specificity allows for lower rates of false positives and therefore reduces the rate of unnecessary angiography [60].
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Jul 10, 2016 | Posted by in CARDIOLOGY | Comments Off on Chest Pain in Women: Evaluation and Management

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