Changes in the carbon dioxide partial pressure

Chapter 23 Changes in the carbon dioxide partial pressure

Routine monitoring of end-expiratory and arterial Pco2 means it should now be possible to avoid both hypo- and hypercapnia under almost all clinical circumstances. However, interest in hypercapnia has continued over recent years for two reasons. First, changes in the approach to artificial ventilation in severe lung injury have led to the use of ‘permissive hypercapnia’ (page 457). In order to minimise pulmonary damage, minute volume of ventilation is maintained deliberately low, and the arterial Pco2 is allowed to increase. Secondly, a massive expansion of laparoscopic surgical techniques, mostly using carbon dioxide for abdominal insufflation, has led to the anaesthetist having to control arterial Pco2 under conditions of significantly increased pulmonary carbon dioxide output (page 347).

Before describing the effects of carbon dioxide on various physiological systems, this chapter will briefly outline the causes of changes in arterial Pco2.

Causes of Hypocapnia1

Hypocapnia can result only from an alveolar ventilation that is excessive in relation to carbon dioxide production. Low values of arterial Pco2 are commonly found, resulting from artificial ventilation with an excessive minute volume or from voluntary hyperventilation due to psychological disturbance such as hysteria. A low arterial Pco2 may also result simply from hyperventilation during arterial puncture. Persistently low values may be due to an excessive respiratory drive resulting from one or more of the following causes.

Hypoxaemia is a common cause of hypocapnia, occurring in congenital heart disease with right-to-left shunting, residence at high altitude, pulmonary pathology or any other condition that reduces the arterial Po2 below about 8 kPa (60 mmHg). Hypocapnia secondary to hypoxaemia opposes the ventilatory response to the hypoxaemia (page 73).

Metabolic acidosis produces a compensatory hyper-ventilation (air hunger), which minimises the fall in pH that would otherwise occur. This is a pronounced feature of diabetic ketoacidosis; arterial Pco2 values below 3 kPa (22.5 mmHg) are not uncommon in severe metabolic acidosis. This is a vital compensatory mechanism. Failure to maintain the required hyperventilation, either from fatigue or inadequate artificial ventilation leads to a rapid life-threatening decrease in arterial pH.

Mechanical abnormalities of the lung may drive respiration through the vagus, resulting in moderate reduction of the Pco2. Thus conditions such as pulmonary fibrosis, pulmonary oedema and asthma are usually associated with a low to normal Pco2 until the patient passes into type 2 respiratory failure (page 393).

Neurological disorders may result in hyperventilation and hypocapnia. This is most commonly seen in those conditions that lead to the presence of blood in the cerebrospinal fluid, such as occurs following head injury or subarachnoid haemorrhage.

Causes of Hypercapnia

It is uncommon to encounter an arterial Pco2 above the normal range in a healthy subject. Any value of more than 6.1 kPa (46 mmHg) should be considered abnormal, but values up to 6.7 kPa (50 mmHg) may be attained by breath holding. It is difficult for the healthy subject to exceed this level by any respiratory manoeuvre other than by breathing mixtures of carbon dioxide in oxygen.

When a patient is hypercapnic, there are only four possible causes:

Effects of Carbon Dioxide on the Nervous System

A number of special difficulties hinder an understanding of the effects of changes in Pco2 on any physiological system. First, there is the problem of species difference, which is a formidable obstacle to the interpretation of animal studies in this field. The second difficulty arises from the fact that carbon dioxide can exert its effect either directly, or in consequence of (respiratory) acidosis. The third difficulty arises from the fact that carbon dioxide acts at many different sites in the body, sometimes producing opposite effects on a particular function, such as blood pressure (see below).

Carbon dioxide has at least five major effects on the brain:

The interplay of these effects is difficult to understand, although the gross changes produced are well established.

Jun 12, 2016 | Posted by in RESPIRATORY | Comments Off on Changes in the carbon dioxide partial pressure

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