Cerebrovascular Disease, Vascular Dementia, Carotid Artery Disease, and CVA: Diagnosis, Prevention, and Treatment
Alfred S. Callahan III, MD
Cerebrovascular disease or stroke can be separated into ischemic or hemorrhagic with ischemic events predominating often 3:1. Despite the importance of hemorrhagic stroke, this section is devoted to ischemic stroke.
Acute Ischemic Stroke
The treatment era of acute ischemic stroke began in December 1995 with the proof of benefit when intravenous thrombolysis was administered within 3 hours of onset (NINDS) in selected subjects.1 Despite the scientific advance peripheral thrombolysis provided, translation of this benefit to stroke populations in the United States was slow. The next step in treatment was the demonstration of benefit in catheter-directed thrombolysis in the middle cerebral artery within 6 hours.2 However, intra-arterial thrombolysis required cath lab availability, which was limited in the late 1990s. Even extension of the peripheral thrombolysis benefit from 3 to 4.5 hours due to the results of ECASS3 did not increase the number of treated patients.3 The next step in treatment had to await the development of stent retrievers for clot extraction. In December 2014, mechanical thrombectomy was shown to provide benefit beyond peripheral thrombolysis (MR CLEAN). And, by February 2015 multiple trials showed benefit with mechanical thrombectomy in the anterior circulation compared with peripheral thrombolysis (REVASCAT, Swift Prime, Extend IA, Escape). With the advent of advanced imaging identification of reversibly ischemic brain, the time window for treatments was extended up to 24 hours in selected cases (Defuse 3, DAWN). At last the tissue clock eclipsed the time clock for identification of those who might benefit from rescue treatment.
With these advancements more emphasis has been placed on systems of care beginning with public recognition of transient ischemic attack (TIA)/stroke, prehospital packaging, and development of comprehensive stroke centers with endovascular treatment expertise. Now more than ever where you go for health care can make a certain difference given rescue’s proven scientific benefit.
Secondary Stroke Prevention
But it was another trial that provided a quantum leap in terms of concepts of secondary stroke prevention. Heretofore, stroke was felt to be a heterogeneous group of etiologies, eg, embolism from a distance without atherosclerosis in atrial fibrillation, large vessel disease with local occlusion and distal flow failure or arterial to arterial embolism from activated plaque(precerebral or intracerebral), small vessel disease or lipohyalinosis, embolism from genetic thrombophilias, or dissection of a prior normal artery. And population-based studies had shown no association of cholesterol levels with risk of ischemic stroke (Figure 30.1).4 Stroke was an outlier compared with the rest of vascular pathology because of its diverse etiologies. A further example of the unique vascular bed hypothesis was that neurologists used warfarin rather than aspirin, aspirin when used was 4 5-gr tablets per day (1300 mg), blood pressures were not reduced acutely in stroke, heparin was utilized rather than the endovascular means for urgent reperfusion, lipids were rarely measured or treated, and until 1996 reperfusion strategies were deemed experimental.
The next leap forward in care occurred with a single secondary prevention study.
The Stroke Prevention by Aggressive Reduction of Cholesterol Levels (SPARCL) study enrolled subjects with recent stroke or TIA and no known heart disease. Atorvastatin 80 mg daily or placebo was given to 4732 subjects. Subjects with cardiocerebral embolism were not enrolled because oral anticoagulation provided for reduction of stroke risk to 1% annually. When published in August 2006 (NEJM), intensive lipid lowering was shown to provide a statistically significant benefit for secondary stroke prevention.5 And, such treatment also reduced the risk of coronary artery disease as well as carotid revascularization. There was neuroprotection as strokes that occurred in the treated group were smaller and less disabling and renoprotection as well. Three years into the study, subjects were more likely to have their first myocardial infarction rather than their second stroke. Seen from this perspective, SPARCL showed the issue was not disease in a specific vascular bed but vascular disease without regard to its geography. The issue became diseases of blood vessels rather than the organ in which the blood vessels were located.
Intensive lipid lowering after ischemic stroke or TIA was established by this single study and accepted on a worldwide basis in all treatment guidelines.
Studies in stroke showing the lack of benefit of warfarin beyond aspirin in symptomatic intracranial disease6 and the benefit of immediate endovascular reperfusion (MR CLEAN, Swift prime, Escape, Extend IA) all served to reinforce the notion that there could be a unified approach to vascular disease. Rather than organ-specific care there could be angiologists.
Falk had already shown that severe coronary stenosis was not the most common cause of death in acute coronary syndrome.7 His studies showed it was a nonstenotic lipid-rich plaque with inflammation and a thin cap that was the culprit lesion. Further evidence that the issue was not severely narrow arteries was shown in COURAGE8 where cardiologists performing PCI (percutaneous coronary intervention) in chronic stable angina subjects with severe coronary narrowing did not extend life or prevent acute coronary syndrome. Endovascular treatments for peripheral arterial disease did not result in any improvement in walking distance compared to intensive lipid lowering. Rather than severe vascular stenosis, the issue was now framed as the arterial wall contents and inflammation.
Because WHO estimates vascular disease will affect at least 45% of all the world’s inhabitants (lifetime risk), the most prevalent preventable disease is vascular disease. The stage was now set to propose not primary prevention of vascular disease, but primordial prevention. Although vascular disease is a time-dependent process, there was no reason to wait for the development of risk factors to modify future vascular risk. The ability to image subclinical atherosclerosis selects patients for treatment sooner than age-dependent risk factor algorithms. And, systems of care could be planned to translate benefit to populations at risk by addressing personalized communication to change behavior in novel settings/locations for care delivery that had enhanced social capital.
Prevention (Primordial/Primary/Secondary)
With the publication of NASCET in 1991, it was clear that activated carotid plaque with at least 70% stenosis was best managed by surgical removal (carotid endarterectomy). Subjects with 50% to 69% stenosis were the subject of another publication by the NASCET group in 1998. This group with moderate to severe stenosis had subgroups who were benefited with surgical revascularization. But included in the publication was a figure of the original NASCET cohort since 1991.9 The group with severe stenosis had ipsilateral strokes for 3 years, and then for the next 5 years had a stroke rate equal to those who had their carotid plaques removed. Only 25% of the group randomized to medical care had a subsequent stroke, but 75% did not. This graph suggested that despite severe symptomatic stenosis in a large
capacitance precerebral artery active plaques might become stable over time. But, the article did not indicate why or how this might have occurred.
capacitance precerebral artery active plaques might become stable over time. But, the article did not indicate why or how this might have occurred.
Another example of the change in risk over time can be shown with the placebo groups in peripheral thrombolysis studies of acute ischemic stroke. The initial NINDS publication in 1995 had a placebo death rate of >20%.10 By 2008 (13 years later) in the extended time window study,11 the placebo death rate was 8.2%. When death is less, the relative benefit from treatment is also less against the comparator. Trialists have experienced changing risk when vascular event rates were lower than predicted requiring expansion of their study population to retain statistical power.
The change (decrease) over time in levels of risk has been influenced by the advent of better antihypertensives, intensive lipid-lowering medications, and better access to cath labs for urgent reperfusion. And it may also be that the sickest have fallen first and earlier from the present (Darwinian selection). Historic risk may not be a guide to present or future risks as contemporary treatment(s) may have made a difference.
Stroke Type/Mechanism
Large Vessel Disease/Occlusion
Atrial fibrillation accounts for about 15% of all acute ischemic strokes and the majority of disabling strokes. As the most common adult arrhythmia ensuring a high prevalence and the left atrial appendage being able to produce large volume clots, it is not surprising that devastating strokes occur since the first two vessels off the aortic arch provide the anterior circulation of the brain.
Cardiocerebral embolism is more apt to produce death, hemorrhagic conversion, nursing home placement, dependency than other etiologies of ischemic stroke (Lisbon #24). And because the affected population is older, it is no surprise that women are the majority of patients.
Adjusted dose warfarin has been known since the 1960s to reduce the absolute ischemic stroke rate by 4% and provide for relative risk reduction of 75+%. Despite the known benefit of such treatment, a large untreated population exists worldwide (Figure 30.2). The difficulty of dosing with a narrow therapeutic index agent, interactions with diet requiring careful patient adherence to choice of foods, slow onset of effectiveness, frequent interaction with other medications, high protein binding, and the concern of causing brain hemorrhage have all limited the use of effective treatment with warfarin.
Effective alternatives to adjusted dose warfarin were introduced into clinical practice in 2008 with dabigatran an oral direct thrombin inhibitor. By 2011 the first of the anti-Xa agents was approved for the reduction of risk in atrial fibrillation (rivaroxaban) and by the end of 2012 a second (apixaban) was approved for the same indication. There are currently three anti-Xa agents available. These new classes of agents do not require dietary modification or routine monitoring. They are fully active within 3 hours and have short half-lives. Antidotes to oral direct thrombin inhibitors and anti-Xa agents are now available.
Algorithms to stratify risk in atrial fibrillation have been modified to provide an extra point for female gender and two additional points for age (>65 and >75 years). Using CHA2DS2-VASc helps identify more subjects at risk who would be benefited by oral anticoagulation.12,13
Bleeding algorithms are not as well prospectively validated but are available (Figure 30.3). Bleeding remains the largest safety issue with oral anticoagulation, especially
intracranial hemorrhage. Some of the newer agents have a safety profile improved over warfarin (Aristotle) and have rearranged the landscape or geography of complicating hemorrhage. GI hemorrhage remains the last frontier to be addressed and modified with the newer agents.
intracranial hemorrhage. Some of the newer agents have a safety profile improved over warfarin (Aristotle) and have rearranged the landscape or geography of complicating hemorrhage. GI hemorrhage remains the last frontier to be addressed and modified with the newer agents.

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