Central Blood Pressure: Part 2, Pulse Wave Analysis

Department of Cardiovascular, Neural and Metabolic Sciences, Istituto Auxologico Italiano, Milan, Italy


We have already dealt with the importance of central blood pressure values and we have seen that pulse wave analysis can provide clear indications of the interpretation of blood pressure values. But how can we measure, non-invasively central blood pressure values and record aortic pressure wave?

5.1 How to Measure Blood Pressure: Work in Progress

Reverend Stephen Hales (1677–1761), an English naturalist, was the first to quantitatively measure blood pressure. Figure 5.1 describes the experiment as it was published. However, he did not continue with his blood pressure experiments for long, as his studies on animal vivisection were greatly criticized. One of his best friends, the poet Alexander Pope, used to say about him: “He is a very good man, only he has his hands imbrued with blood”.


Fig. 5.1
Stephen Hales described his first attempts to measure the values of blood pressure in Volume II of Statical Essays (1733) as follows: “In December I caused a mare to be tied down alive on her back; she was 14 hands high [142 cm], and about 14 years of age, had a fistula on her withers, was neither very lean, nor very lusty: having laid open the left crural artery about 3 inches [7.62 cm] from her belly, I inserted into it a brass pipe whose bore was 1/6 of an inch in diameter [0.42 cm] and to that by means of another brass pipe which was fitly adapted to it, I fixed a glass tube of nearly the same diameter which was 9 feet in length [274 cm]. Then untying the ligature on the artery, the blood rose in the tube to 8 feet in length [244 cm; 244 cm H2O = about 180 mmHg], 3 inches [7.6 cm] perpendicular above the level of the left ventricle of the heart

Thus, it was not until a century later that the accurate study of blood pressure was taken up again. At first, invasive methods, such as hemautography, were used (Fig. 5.2). With this test, large-sized animals were stung on a large artery, and the spurt of their blood would trace out a curve on a moving strip of paper.


Fig. 5.2
Hemautographic tracing of the posterior tibial artery of a large dog (Leonard Landois, Lehrbuch der Physiologie des Menschen. Wien, 1881)

Finally, in the second half of the 19th century, some physiologists, realizing that arterial blood pressure played a large role in cardiovascular diseases, raised the question of non-invasive recording of arterial pressure waveform and assessment of blood pressure values.

5.1.1 Primitive Recordings of Arterial Pulse Wave in Humans

The sphygmograph, developed by Karl von Vierordt (1818–1884) in 1854, was the first non-invasive device used to estimate blood pressure. Von Vierordt’s sphygmometer was a system of levers and weights placed to determine the amount of external pressure needed to stop blood flow in the radial artery (Fig. 5.3). However, the result was a bulky and rudimentary device, providing inaccurate measurements.


Fig. 5.3
The first sphygmograph was proposed by Karl von Vierordt (1818–1884) in 1854. This apparatus estimated arterial blood pressure using a mechanical balance and weights, exploiting the principle that blood pressure could be determined by measuring the counter pressure that would suppress the pulse

Étienne Jules Marey (1830–1904) improved von Vierordt’s sphygmograph by making it portable and available in clinical practice (Fig. 5.4). He placed, above the radial artery, a specialized instrument able to magnify arterial pulse waves and record them on paper with an attached pen (Fig. 5.5). In addition to being a capable physiologist, Marey was also a physicist of genius. He had a dynamic outlook on life, and this attitude dominated all his studies in the field of physics, anatomy, and physiology.


Fig. 5.4
Étienne-Jules Marey (1830–1904) working in his laboratory in Paris


Fig. 5.5
Two sphygmographs built by Étienne-Jules Marey in 1860

Photography had just developed in those years, but Marey was not satisfied with giving just a photographic likeness of reality. After all, a photograph was nothing more than a painting, even though a perfect one. He was looking for a more revolutionary invention. His interest in capturing instant of movement and dynamism of things led him to deal with this spirit photography.

Actually, Marey was also the inventor of the first portable camera, called “chronophotographic gun”, in 1882 (Figs. 5.6 and 5.7). This “chronophotographic gun” was equipped with photographic plates, circular or octagonal, placed in a small dark room. The barrel was used as a viewfinder, and the lens were placed inside it. The gun recorded 12 frames/s on the same picture, resulting in a single picture that captured several phases of the subject’s movement. In this way, Marey studied the movements of humans, horses, birds, and other animals, shooting tight movements, elusive to the human eye. In 1888, Marey built a new chronophotographic device able to shoot 60 images/s and of excellent image quality. Thus, Marey is considered to be one of the forerunners of modern cinematography nowadays.


Fig. 5.6
The “chronophotographic gun” built by Étienne-Jules Marey (1881) was able to record 12 frames/s on the same picture. In this way, it was possible to study several phases of the subject’s movement, elusive to the human eye


Fig. 5.7
A ballet dancer’s movement recorded with the Marey’s chronophotographic gun. Chronophotography affected Futurism, the artistic movement. Most of Giacomo Balla’s pieces allude to the wonder of dynamic movement (as in Girl Running on Balcony, 1912 or in Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash, 1912), as well as in Marcel Duchamp’s painting (Nude Descending a Staircase, 1912)

Marey’s sphygmograph paved the way for many other devices for measuring and recording arterial pressure waveforms from the brachial or radial artery. The sphygmographs proposed by scientists and physiologists, such as F.H.H.A. Mahomed (1849–1884), J. Jaquet, R.E. Dudgeon (1820–1904), and L. Landois (1837–1902), were used to record pulse waves and, indirectly, to study blood pressure and cardiac function in clinical research and clinical practice in the last decades of the 19th century (Figs. 5.8, 5.9, 5.10, 5.11, 5.12, and 5.13). Since then, radial pulse wave recording has been commonly used in classic cardiovascular semiological examinations.


Fig. 5.8
Frederick Henry Horatio Akbar Mahomed (1849–1884); his sphygmograph was built in 1872. Pulse wave was recorded with this device


Fig. 5.9
Erasmus A. Pond’s sphygmograph (1879). With the base to lay wrist in on supports, the sphygmograph adjusts downward to create pressure and a smoked paper recording is made by a clockwork mounted at the top


Fig. 5.10
Traces recorded with Leonard Landois’ sphygmograph and relative pulse wave analysis (1881)


Fig. 5.11
Meurisse and Mathieu’s sphygmograph, a replica improved by Crumach (1882)


Fig. 5.12
Marey’s sphygmograph was made more practical by Robert Ellis Dudgeon (1880) with the help of a young watchmaker


Fig. 5.13
Philadelphien’s sphygmograph (1897)

In 1860, Marey was able to measure blood pressure by enclosing an arm in a water-filled glass chamber; water pressure would increase until it stopped the arterial circulation. This point of pressure was identified as systolic blood pressure.

5.1.2 Appearance of the Sphygmomanometer

Improving upon these methods, in 1881, Samuel Siegfried Karl Ritter von Basch (1837–1905) built the first sphygmomanometer (Fig. 5.14). He placed a rubber bag around a manometer bulb and filled the bag with water to restrict blood flow in the artery. Then he connected the bulb to a mercury column, which was able to translate the pressure required to completely obscure the pulse into millimeters of mercury; that peak of pressure was called systolic pressure.


Fig. 5.14
Von Basch’s sphygmomanometer (1881)

The true inventor of the modern sphygmomanometer (Fig. 5.15) was Scipione Riva-Rocci (1863–1937). He placed an air cuff around the arm’s circumference. Thanks to the uniform distribution of the compression around the arm, it was possible to avoid common errors related to blood pressure measurements, which previous devices used to do. He also led to the measurement of arterial blood pressure at the level of the brachial artery, which was more accurate than the radial artery. The pressure in the cuff would increase until the radial pulse was no longer present. At this point, the pressure in the cuff was released. The pressure at which the radial pulse reappeared was recorded as systolic pressure. Riva-Rocci published the results of his studies in the Gazzetta Medica Torinese in 1896. However, the assessment of diastolic blood pressure remained elusive with the Riva-Rocci’s sphygmomanometer. The ability to measure diastolic pressure was first achieved in 1905 with the auscultatory method, proposed by Nikolai Korotkoff (1874–1920), using a sphygmomanometer and a stethoscope.


Fig. 5.15
Scipione Riva-Rocci and his sphygmomanometer

The cuff of Riva-Rocci is placed on the middle third of the upper arm; the pressure within the cuff is quickly raised up to complete cessation of circulation below the cuff. Then, letting the mercury of the manometer fall one listens to the artery just below the cuff with a children’s stethoscope. At first no sounds are heard. With the falling of the mercury in the manometer down to a certain height, the first short tones appear; their appearance indicates the passage of part of the pulse wave under the cuff. It follows that the manometric figure at which the first tone appears corresponds to the maximal pressure. With the further fall of the mercury in the manometer one hears the systolic compression murmurs, which pass again into tones (second). Finally, all sounds disappear. The time of the cessation of sounds indicates the free passage of the pulse wave; in other words, at the moment of the disappearance of the sounds the minimal blood pressure within the artery predominates over the pressure in the cuff. It follows that the manometric figures at this time correspond to the minimal blood pressure.

(Nikolai Korotkoff. 1905. Reports of the Imperial Military Medical Academy of St Petersburg)

However, the use of arterial pressure measurement in clinical practice was not universally accepted until much later. An editorial, published in 1905 in the British Medical Journal, argued that “by such methods (sphygmomanometry) we pauperize our senses and weaken clinical acuity”. In this regard, a wise judgment is attributed to Arthur Schopenhauer (1788–1860): “All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident”.

As a matter of fact, the introduction of the cuff sphygmomanometer caused an interruption in the study of pulse wave recording and analysis. Besides, the possibility of measuring systolic and diastolic blood pressure, i.e., the zenith and the nadir, respectively, of the pulse pressure wave, made pulse wave recording outdated, under the belief that these measurements could provide a full explanation of vascular hemodynamics, throughout the 20th century.

5.1.3 The Revival of Pulse Wave Analysis

In the second half of the 20th century, blood pressure values became an object of increasing clinical interest and a target for therapeutic intervention. The operational model being used was simplified and reduced to a pump working against a peripheral vascular resistance. Although certainly oversimplified, it cannot be denied that this model helped to effectively antagonize high blood pressure, which is the most important risk factor for cardiovascular disease, achieving one of the greatest medical success of the past century, with a significant reduction in cardiovascular mortality.

When the registration of pulse waves was technically possible using invasive catheterization, pressure wave morphology was brought to the forefront once again, and physiologists and interventional cardiologists were mostly interested in aortic blood pressure measurement and pulse wave recording.

Over the past 20 years, there has been a radical change in scientific knowledge, thanks to clinical research, and this has dramatically changed the approach to the hypertensive patient. The single acquisition of blood pressure values was considered to be inadequate to rightly and entirely study patients with high blood pressure values.

Marey’s intuition regarding a dynamic outlook of blood pressure and all physical phenomena was taken up again.

5.2 Non-invasive Central Blood Pressure Assessment

Why on earth, in ophthalmology, is it possible to measure intraocular pressure non-invasively, using external devices, while arterial pressure has to be measured invasively, by cardiac catheter?” It is likely that, in the early 1960s, researchers such as R.S. Mackay and E. Marg tried to provide an answer to this question too, when they took up the first research on tonometry application from ophthalmology, in the evaluation of intra-arterial pressure.

Arterial tonometry is based on the principle of applanation tonometry (Fig. 5.16). Arterial applanation tonometry is a non-invasive, reproducible, well tolerated, and fast technique [1]. A few studies have shown that arterial pressure waveforms recorded non-invasively by transcutaneous tonometry are largely superimposable onto those recorded invasively, by means of an intra-arterial catheter. Moreover, the test is very easy to carry out, and it enables evaluation of those arterial districts where the artery runs superficially and where its compression against underlying structures occurs, i.e., at the level of the carotid (Fig. 5.17), brachial, radial, femoral, posterior tibial, dorsalis pedis and superficial temporal arteries.


Fig. 5.16
Applanation tonometry. Left panels (a): ophthalmic Schiotz tonometer (Sbisà, Florence, Italy). Right panels (b): transcutaneous arterial tonometer. Applanation tonometry principle: a circular structure with a given pressure inside (eyeball or artery) is flattened; in this way, circumferential pressures are equalized and the sensor records the pressure within the structure to be analyzed accurately. As far as arterial recording is concerned, a strain gauge sensor, the size of a fountain pen, is placed on a superficial artery, after having located the point of maximal arterial pulsation; pressing down lightly, the arterial area against the underlying bone structures flattens, and the arterial pressure wave is recorded


Fig. 5.17
Applanation tonometry at the level of the carotid artery. The carotid artery can be easily pressed down against the underlying stiff structures: pharynx, paravertebral muscles, and sternocleidomastoid muscle

The availability of transcutaneous tonometers able to measure pressure waveform non-invasively led to in-depth studies of the role of the mechanics of large arteries in pathophysiology of arterial hypertension.

The outcomes of several epidemiological clinical trials pointed out some peculiar aspects of vascular hemodynamics, showing aortic stiffness as an independent predictor of cardiovascular mortality, stressing the importance of pulse wave velocity measurement [2, 3]. Moreover, some studies had already highlighted the importance of central systolic blood pressure and central pulse pressure as cardiovascular prognostic factors, more significant than peripheral blood pressure values measured in the brachial artery by means of traditional sphygmomanometers [46]. Actually, peripheral blood pressure is not always the best method to assess the effects of drugs on blood pressure and central systolic blood pressure and central pulse pressure are able to evaluate the real load imposed on the left ventricle much better than peripheral systolic blood pressure and peripheral pulse pressure [7, 8].

Even if transcutaneous arterial tonometry is not currently considered to be one of the diagnostic tests recommended for arterial hypertension, sometimes it represents a significant diagnostic in-depth analysis. Specifically, it is useful for the assessment of particular diseases characterized by increasing blood pressure values or in conditions where an accurate assessment of the central pulse wave analysis is requested for an indirect study of the myocardial function or heart work. Therefore, it is very important that central blood pressure values recorded with this method are reliable and that the parameters relative to the central arterial pressure waveform correspond to the ones recorded in ascending aorta.

There has been an ever-growing technological development in non-invasive techniques of recording arterial pressure waveform over the last 20 years, and wireless, pocket-sized tonometers have been launched on the market. These instruments can be easily used in clinical practice such as the latest PulsePen® tonometer (Fig. 5.18).


Fig. 5.18
Evolution in non-invasive recording and analysis of pulse wave. From the sphygmometers used in the second half of the 20th century, to the latest, easy-to-use, wireless pocket-sized PulsePen® device

Let us now analyze non-invasive methods able to record the central arterial pressure wave corresponding to the ascending aortic pressure wave.

There are two well validated and reliable methods to record the central pressure wave with arterial tonometry: a “direct method” and an “indirect method”.

I am not going to mention the methods measuring central blood pressure in the peripheral districts, which usually use oscillometric systems. In fact, over the last few years, devices which are simple to operate and require little or no training, have been commercialized but they lack scientific and methodological rigor. Unfortunately, these often represent business deals based on models and algorithms without solid scientific basis, whose scientific justification goes through a series of adjustments and algorithm such as “A” is related to “B”, “B” is similar to “C”, “C” is indicative of “D”, therefore, “D” is able to define “A”, which cannot be accepted from a scientific point of view.

5.2.1 Direct Method: Recording of Central Blood Pressure in Carotid Artery

The “direct method” records pulse wave in common carotid artery; it is a surrogate for ascending aortic pressure because these arterial sites are in close proximity.

It has been widely tested that the shape of the pressure wave in the ascending aorta is similar to the one recorded in the common carotid artery, so that direct application of tonometry in the carotid artery is an easy and reproducible approach to record central blood pressure. Moreover, the carotid artery is generally well accessible and superficial (Figs. 5.17 and 5.19), and good quality carotid waveforms can be easily obtained even in obese patients. This technique is reliable for routine high-throughput screening of central pressure.


Fig. 5.19
Arterial tonometry performed at the level of the carotid artery using a PulsePen® tonometer

This is the method used by the PulsePen® (DiaTecne srl, Milan, Italy) and the Complior Analyse® (Alam Medical, Vincennes, France).

The validity of transcutaneous tonometry in measuring the aortic central pressure wave is based on two principles, both widely validated and tested.

  1. 1.

    First of all, the sphygmic waves recorded from transcutaneous tonometry are superimposable onto those recorded by means of catheterization.

    During some hemodynamic sessions, while a catheter, inserted into the origin of the common carotid artery, was recording the pressure wave, carotid transcutaneous tonometry was performed simultaneously; the two pressure waves were absolutely superimposable (Fig. 5.20).


    Fig. 5.20
    Comparison between the pressure signal recorded in the carotid artery by transcutaneous tonometer and the pressure signal at the origin of the common carotid artery recorded invasively [9]

    However, the most accurate method to compare two periodic pressure waves is by analyzing the first harmonics of the arterial pressure wave. It is well known that the analysis of the first six harmonics accurately defines the pressure waveform. Moreover, the analysis of each harmonic has confirmed that the two pressure waves, recorded both non-invasively and invasively, are perfectly superimposable (Fig. 5.21).


    Fig. 5.21
    Outcome of Fourier analysis on the first six harmonics of the pressure waveform recorded in the carotid artery by transcutaneous tonometer and the pressure waveform at the origin of the common carotid recorded invasively [9]


  2. 2.

    It is important to note that the sphygmic waves recorded in the carotid artery are similar to the ones recorded in the ascending aorta. While a catheter, placed in the ascending aorta, was recording the pressure wave, carotid transcutaneous tonometry was performed simultaneously: the two pressure waves were nearly superimposable (Fig. 5.22). The analysis of the first six harmonics showed only a slight, and insignificant difference in the first harmonic of the pressure wave too (Fig. 5.23). The difference between the two pressure wave values was <5 mmHg.


    Fig. 5.22
    Comparison between the pressure signal recorded in the carotid artery by transcutaneous tonometer and the pressure signal in the ascending aorta recorded invasively [9]


    Fig. 5.23
    Outcome of Fourier analysis on the first six harmonics of the pressure waveform recorded in the carotid artery by transcutaneous tonometry and the pressure waveform in the ascending aorta recorded invasively [9] Methodological Aspects

The tonometer is easy to use but it is an extremely sensitive instrument, not only to the pressure exerted on the artery to be explored but also to the involuntary movements made both by the operator and by the patient. These movements make the recording of the pressure waveform importantly affected by “noise”, which can make the correct identification of both the foot of the blood pressure wave and of transit time a difficult task. It is, therefore, very important to reduce the presence of these “noise” factors to a minimum [10]. Some practical advice to remove the “noise” coming from these undesirable movements is shown in Fig. 5.24.


Fig. 5.24
Practical recommendations for the assessment of carotid pulse wave by means of applanation tonometry [10]

A good recording, without any artifactual movement, is essential to obtain valid central pulse waveforms and valid PWV values. On the contrary, a pulse pressure waveform, which is incorrectly recorded or affected by artifactual movements, could easily lead to unreliable central blood pressure and PWV values. When recording blood pressure waveforms by means of tonometry, therefore, priority must be given to the quality of the tracing being recorded. In fact, whenever the tonometric test is accurately carried out, the variability in results associated with the operator performance can be reduced to a minimum. Based on these considerations, it is easy to understand that in spite of the general recommendation to use the right carotid artery for PWV assessment, a left-handed operator should carry out the test on the left carotid artery, as the approach to the left side of the neck is easier and characterized by a better performance in such a case.

5.2.2 Indirect Method: Transfer Function

With the “indirect method”, applanation tonometry is performed in the radial artery (Fig. 5.25); using a generalized transfer function, the central pressure waveform is rebuilt, starting from the waveform recorded in the radial artery calibrated to the blood pressure values measured in brachial artery [11] (Fig. 5.26).


Fig. 5.25
Methods for assessing central blood pressure and pulse wave analysis with arterial tonometry. Upper panel (a): central blood pressure waveform is recorded at the carotid artery level (“direct method”). Lower panel (b): arterial pulse wave is recorded at the radial artery level and afterwards software rebuilds the corresponding central pulse waveform and provides central blood pressure values (“indirect method”)


Fig. 5.26
Applanation tonometry at the level of the radial artery. The artery can be easily pressed down against the underlying stiff structures: radius, tendons, and muscular structures

This indirect method is used by the SphygmoCor® (AtCor Medical Pty. Ltd., Sydney, Australia). A similar method is used by the Omron HEM-9000AI® (Omron Healthcare Co. Ltd., Kyoto, Japan), which uses peripheral pressure waveforms recorded by tonometry at the site of the radial artery in order to calculate central systolic blood pressure via a regression equation employing the second systolic peak as an independent variable.

Several researchers are skeptical about this indirect system, most of all in the extreme phases of life or under particular hemodynamic conditions. One wonders why people make things more difficult and analyze the radial arterial pressure waveform, when, in most cases, access to the carotid artery is much easier (measurement of central pressure wave with direct method).

The results of the Asklepios Study [12] showed the occurrence of significant differences between pulse pressure (and systolic blood pressure) values assessed in brachial artery and those obtained in radial artery, differences which were much greater than the differences between central arterial pressure and brachial arterial pressure values (Fig. 5.27). In other words, pulse pressure amplification is more marked in the brachio-radial arterial segment than in the aortic-axillo-brachial one. If a peripheral waveform is calibrated to brachial systolic and diastolic cuff pressure values, given the abovementioned differences between blood pressure parameters derived from different arterial segments, such procedure might introduce relevant errors in the estimation of central blood pressure. Thus, as a general consideration, caution is needed whenever using algorithms for central pressure estimation based on the measurement of pressure values in brachial artery to calibrate a pressure wave recorded in radial artery.


Fig. 5.27
Pulse pressure amplification between carotid and brachial arteries (dark stippled) and between brachial and radial arteries (light stippled). The dark and light stippled columns together define the pulse pressure amplification between carotid and radial arteries. The data are for male (on the left) and female subjects (on the right). Outcomes by Asklepios Study [12]

5.2.3 Calibration of Tonometric Pressure Signal

The main limitation of applanation tonometry is that it cannot provide absolute values of arterial pressure.

A tonometer is able to define pulse pressure values, but it is unable to provide accurate values of diastolic and systolic blood pressure. These are gathered starting from the concept, clearly shown by now, that mean arterial pressure remains constant from the aorta to the peripheral arteries, as does diastolic blood pressure (which tends to decrease, albeit insignificantly, i.e., by <1 mmHg, from the center to the periphery). To sum up, a calibration of tonometric pressure wave using brachial arterial pressure values is always required, in particular when central blood pressure is estimated through the analysis of more or less peripheral pulse waves.

How then are effective values of arterial pressure on the central pressure wave obtained?

Simultaneously, with the recording of transcutaneous tonometry, the value of arterial blood pressure in the brachial artery is measured by a traditional, validated sphygmomanometer. Then mean arterial pressure is calculated from diastolic and systolic blood pressure values. As mean arterial and diastolic pressures are equal in the center and at the periphery, the difference between mean and diastolic pressures will be constant as well. Subsequently, the mean blood pressure value of the central sphygmic wave is defined by the integral of the pressure waveform (Fig. 5.28).


Fig. 5.28
Calibration of pulse wave starting from the pressure values recorded in brachial artery (column on the left). Mean arterial pressure is defined by the integral of pulse wave analysis (on the right)

Now, we have the value in mmHg of the difference between mean and diastolic blood pressures and the bits corresponding to this value. At this point, all we have to do is to solve the equation to find the value in mmHg of central systolic arterial pressure:

$$ \frac{bits\; corresponding\;to\; Mean\; Arterial\; Pressure}{Mean\; Arterial\; Pressure\; in\; mmHg}=\frac{bits\; corresponding\;to\; Central\; Systolic\;BP}{Central\; Systolic\;BP\; in\; mmHg} $$

The calibration of pulse wave assures that arterial tonometry is performed accurately, as it makes tonometry free from all the variables which could alter the test, such as the pressure exerted by the operator with the probe on the skin when the pressure signal is recorded, and anatomical factors such as the depth of the artery.

Moreover, the examination of the pulse pressure waveform and the definition of pressure values occurs by analyzing the pulse pressure waveform beat to beat; in this way, all variables related to instability in the signal offset secondary to respiratory movements of the patient are removed.

To obviate the problem linked to the choice of the algorithm to define mean arterial pressure starting from the brachial artery, the PulsePen® tonometer provides the possibility of defining the real value of mean arterial pressure starting from the integral of the tonometric pressure wave recorded in the brachial artery. Theoretically, the most reliable method to derive calibrated central blood pressure values from analysis of radial or carotid waveforms should be based on brachial pulse waveform recordings, calibrated by systolic and diastolic blood pressure measured through a validated sphygmomanometer at the same brachial artery level. Subsequently, the mean arterial pressure so calculated from the integral of the brachial pressure waveform can be used, together with the corresponding diastolic blood pressure, to calibrate pulse waveforms recorded elsewhere. Actually, with a standard procedure, the inter- and intraobserver reproducibility of pulse waveforms recorded at brachial site is weak because the brachial artery lies beneath the stiff bicipital aponeurosis; it is not supported by bone and, thus, cannot be reliably flattened under the sensor. However, the reliability of brachial pulse wave recordings may significantly increase by placing the index and middle fingers against the lateral wall of the brachial artery aimed at preventing its displacement by the probe and at allowing the adequate recording of pulse waveforms (Fig. 5.29).


Fig. 5.29
Applanation tonometry at brachial site. Brachial artery is not supported by bone and, thus, cannot be reliably flattened under the sensor of the tonometer probe (upper panel). By placing index and middle fingers at one side of the brachial artery, it is possible to prevent its displacement by the tonometer probe and, thus, to allow an accurate recording of pulse waveforms (medium and lower panels)

5.3 Pulse Wave Analysis

Since the information which the pulse affords is of so great importance, and so often consulted, surely it must be to our advantage to appreciate fully all it tells us, and to draw from it every detail that it is capable of imparting

(Frederick Akbar Oratio Mahomed, 1872 [13])

F.A.O. Mahomed was a man of genius of the end of the 19th century, and he is considered to be a pioneer of pulse wave analysis. After the first enthusiasm regarding pulse wave analysis, it fell into disuse, because of the introduction of the Riva-Rocci sphygmomanometer in clinical practice. Since then, for almost the whole of the 20th century, the possibility of assessing and analyzing pulse wave globally has become obsolete, owing to the use of two values: systolic and diastolic blood pressure values.

The ability to measure the blood pressure values has actually led to unquestionable advantages in daily clinical practice. High blood pressure values have been recognized as the main risk factor for cardiovascular mortality and morbidity, and the reduction in blood pressure, measured with sphygmomanometer, has significantly reduced cardiovascular mortality in Western countries.

However, the suitability and accuracy of traditional blood pressure measurements for cardiovascular risk staging is now a matter of lively debate. Over recent years, pulse waveform analyses have experienced somewhat of a revival. Indeed, the technique of pulse wave analysis, using non-invasive high-fidelity arterial tonometers, has recently become increasingly popular. This method can provide not only quantitative, although indirect, information concerning the levels of central blood pressure but also qualitative data on the ascending aortic waveform. Analysis of such waveforms can, in fact, define the elastic properties of the arterial wall and can estimate the importance and the transmission speed of reflected waves.

The tables and figures which follow present the main parameters defined by the pulse wave that are used in central pulse wave analysis (Tables 5.1; Figs. 5.30 and 5.31).
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