Cardiogenic Shock
Negmeldeen Mamoun
Rasesh Desai
J. Mauricio Del Rio
1. A 24-year-old male with a history of pulmonary sarcoidosis was admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) with severe respiratory distress due to suspected pneumonia, which required urgent intubation. The patient was hypotensive after intubation, a transesophageal echocardiogram (TEE) was performed, and significant findings are shown (
Videos 43.1 and 43.2):

A. Moderate right ventricular (RV) dilation
B. Tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE) measurement of <17 mm
C. Tricuspid lateral annular systolic velocity measurement of <9.5 cm/s
D. Right atrial (RA) dilation
E. Interventricular septum (IVS) flattening
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1. Correct Answer: A. Moderate RV dilation
Rationale: For qualitative assessment, the right ventricle should be evaluated in multiple tomographic planes. The right ventricle is most often compared with the left ventricle either visually or by comparing RV and LV end-diastolic areas. In any four-chamber view, a diastolic ventricular ratio of 0.6 to 1 signifies moderate RV dilation, while a ratio ≥1 like in our patient signifies severe RV dilation. Global visual assessment of RV function has been shown to be inaccurate. The consensus recommendation is to perform quantitative assessment of RV function, where TAPSE measurement of <17 mm or tricuspid lateral annular systolic velocity measurement of < 9.5 cm/s is highly suggestive of RV systolic dysfunction.
RV dilation and dysfunction are often accompanied by other findings easily identified by echocardiography, including RA or IVC dilation, TR, and IVS flattening leading to “D-shaped” LV geometric distortion. Leftward motion of the IVS during systole is suggestive of pressure overload, whereas leftward motion during diastole is suggestive of volume overload.
Selected References
1. Lang RM, Badano LP, Mor-Avi V, et al. Recommendations for cardiac chamber quantification by echocardiography in adults: an update from the American Society of Echocardiography and the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2015;28(1):1-39.e14.
2. Ling LF, Obuchowski NA, Rodriguez L, Popovic Z, Kwon D, Marwick TH. Accuracy and interobserver concordance of echocardiographic assessment of right ventricular size and systolic function: a quality control exercise. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2012;25(7):709-713.
3. Schneider M, Binder T. Echocardiographic evaluation of the right heart. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 2018;130(13-14):413-420.
2. A 72-year-old female in the cardiothoracic ICU (CTICU) after thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm repair develops bilateral lower extremity weakness. The neurologic insult and the associated emotional stress are followed by supraventricular tachycardia and hypertension; 5 mg of intravenous (IV) metoprolol is administered, which precipitates severe refractory hypotension. The patient is resuscitated appropriately, and a bedside transthoracic echocardiogram (TTE) is done. Significant findings are shown in
Videos 43.3, 43.4, 43.5, 43.6.

Which among the following statements is least associated with the suspected diagnosis?
A. Left ventricular (LV) systolic wall motion abnormalities that are beyond a single coronary artery distribution
B. Absence of coronary artery disease (CAD) or angiographic evidence of plaque rupture
C. Managed with supportive therapy, with most patients recovering within 1 to 4 weeks
D. It is crucial to augment cardiac output (CO) with catecholamines to avoid tissue hypoperfusion.
E. Typically observed in postmenopausal women in Western countries following an emotional or physical stress
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2. Correct Answer: D. It is crucial to augment cardiac output (CO) with catecholamines to avoid tissue hypoperfusion.
Rationale: Takotsubo cardiomyopathy was named after the Japanese octopus trap that has a shape similar to the systolic apical ballooning of the left ventricle that occurs in the most common and typical variant of the disease. Echocardiography detects the typical wall motion abnormalities that include akinetic mid- and apical LV segments with preservation of basal segment function. The pathogenesis of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy is probably multifactorial, but excess catecholamines have been postulated as a contributing mechanism. The disease is typically observed in postmenopausal women in Western countries following an emotional or physical stress, possibly causing catecholamine-induced direct myocardial toxicity or microvascular spasm. Since catecholamines are postulated as a contributing factor, catecholamine administration should be avoided.
The diagnosis of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy is challenging, especially that its initial presentation resembles acute coronary syndrome (ACS). The Mayo Clinic diagnostic criteria are most commonly used, where all four criteria are required to establish the diagnosis. Those criteria include:
Transient LV systolic wall motion abnormalities that extend beyond a single coronary artery distribution
Absence of CAD or angiographic evidence of plaque rupture
New ECG abnormalities or modest increase in troponin
Ruling out of pheochromocytoma and myocarditis
Takotsubo cardiomyopathy is usually managed with supportive therapy, and most patients recover within 1 to 4 weeks. It is usually referred to as a reversible self-limiting cardiomyopathy, and the dramatic recovery of cardiac function might give the impression that it is a benign disorder. However, 21.8% of patients with Takotsubo cardiomyopathy were reported to develop serious in-hospital complications. Indeed, people who recover usually achieve full recovery, but this highlights the importance of early recognition and proper management in the acute phase of the disease to avoid and treat complications.
Selected References
1. Prasad A. My approach to takotsubo (stress) cardiomyopathy. Trends Cardiovasc Med. 2015;25(8):751-752.
2. Templin C, Ghadri JR, Diekmann J, et al. Clinical features and outcomes of takotsubo (stress) cardiomyopathy. N Engl J Med. 2015;373(10):929-938.
3. A 63-year-old female with a history of CAD was admitted to the surgical ICU (SICU) after failing extubation at the end of a total hip arthroplasty surgery that was complicated by bleeding and multiple blood transfusions. The intensivist performed a TTE at the bedside in order to estimate the patient’s CO. Left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) diameter was measured as 1.9 cm (Figure 43.1A), and LVOT velocity time integral (VTI) was measured as 26.6 cm (Figure 43.1B).
What is the patient’s calculated cardiac index (CI) if the HR was 72 bpm and the patient’s body surface area (BSA) is 1.94 m2?
A. 1.9 L/min/m2
B. 2.3 L/min/m2
C. 2.8 L/min/m2
D. 2.0 L/min/m2
E. 3.1 L/min/m2
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3. Correct Answer: C. 2.8 L/min/m2
Rationale: CO measurement is a cornerstone of hemodynamic assessment in critically ill patients. Hemodynamic evaluation utilizes 2D echocardiography and PWD. The SV across a reference point such as the LVOT can be calculated as the product of two variables: (1) cross-sectional area (CSA) of that reference point and (2) VTI measured at the same reference point using PWD. For example, SV is equal to the CSA of the LVOT multiplied by the LVOT VTI. The CO is then obtained by multiplying the SV by the HR, and CI by dividing CO by the patient’s BSA.
SV (cm3) = CSA (cm2) × VTI (cm)
SVLVOT = 3.14 × (D/2)2 × VTILVOT
SVLVOT = 3.14 × (1.9/2)2 × 26.6 = 75 cm3
CO = 75 × 72 = 5.4 L/min
CI = 5.4/1.94 = 2.8 L/min/m2
The SV can be calculated by measuring the LVOT diameter (in the parasternal long-axis view by using TTE or midesophageal long-axis view when performing TEE) and the LVOT VTI (in the apical five-chamber or apical three-chamber views using TTE or the deep transgastric or transgastric long-axis views during TEE examination). The ability to quantify LV SV becomes especially useful in the ICU, where serial measurements of SV would allow goal-directed titration of inotropic support and help guide volume resuscitation.
Selected Reference
1. Porter TR, Shillcutt SK, Adams MS, et al. Guidelines for the use of echocardiography as a monitor for therapeutic intervention in adults: a report from the American Society of Echocardiography. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2015;28(1):40-56.
4. A 73-year-old male with a history of aortic stenosis (AS) was admitted to the ICU in cardiogenic shock in the setting of atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response. The patient was electrically cardioverted into sinus rhythm, and a TTE was performed to assess the severity of AS. Interrogation with continuous wave Doppler (CWD) across the aortic valve (AV) showed an AV VTI of 112 cm (Figure 43.2A), and a pulsed-wave Doppler (PWD) across the LVOT showed an LVOT VTI of 26 cm (Figure 43.2B). The two-dimensional (2D) assessment of the LVOT revealed a diameter of 2 cm (Figure 43.2C).
What is the calculated AV area for this patient?
A. 1 cm2
B. 0.72 cm2
C. 0.89 cm2
D. 1.2 cm2
E. 0.58 cm2
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4. Correct Answer: B. 0.72 cm2
Rationale: 2D echocardiography can often provide important clues to the AV anatomy and morphology, including the number of leaflets and commissures, mobility, and calcification. Functional evaluation by using color flow Doppler (CFD) and spectral Doppler can assess the level of obstruction—whether it is valvular, subvalvular, or supravalvular and the severity.
Severe AS can contribute to hemodynamic instability in the ICU. Level 1 recommendations from the American Society of Echocardiography (ASE) and European Association of Echocardiography (EAE) state that grading AS is appropriate and recommended using peak AV jet velocity, mean aortic transvalvular pressure gradient, and aortic valve area (AVA) in all patients with AS. Severe AS is diagnosed in the presence of preserved LV systolic function, by the presence of one or more of the following: (a) peak AV velocity of ≥4 m/s, (b) mean AV gradient of ≥40 mm Hg, and (c) AVA of <1 cm2. However, if LV function is impaired, the former two parameters may underestimate the degree of stenosis, making AVA calculation using continuity equation more accurate because it is not flow dependent.
To calculate AVA using the continuity equation, measurements are commonly taken at the AV annulus (AVA = A1, VTIAV = V1) and within the LVOT (CSALVOT = A2, VTILVOT = V2):
A1 = A2 × (V2/V1)
Selected Reference
1. Baumgartner H, Hung J, Bermejo J, et al. Recommendations on the echocardiographic assessment of aortic valve stenosis: a focused update from the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging and the American Society of Echocardiography. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2017;30(4):372-392.
5. A 76-year-old female with a past medical history of hypertension and diabetes presented to the emergency room (ER) with severe mitral regurgitation (MR). She was transferred to the ICU where she became progressively hypotensive, not responsive to IV fluids and boluses of phenylephrine. The patient was intubated emergently and given multiple boluses of 100 µg epinephrine with increasing HR but worsening hypotension, a TEE examination was performed immediately, and significant findings are shown in
Videos 43.7, 43.8, 43.9, 43.10.

Which one of the following steps in the management of this patient likely will increase hemodynamic instability?
A. Administering more IV fluids
B. Administering more phenylephrine
C. Administering beta-blockers
D. Administering epinephrine boluses
E. Reverse Trendelenburg position
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5. Correct Answer: D. Administer epinephrine boluses
Rationale: Dynamic LVOT obstruction can cause hemodynamic instability in critically ill patients. It typically occurs in patients with either hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HOCM) or anterior mitral leaflet redundancy. Dynamic LVOT obstruction should always be suspected in patients who do not respond to inotropic support. 2D echocardiography can demonstrate a hypertrophic and hyperdynamic left ventricle with a small cavity. Doppler interrogation can show turbulent flow in the LVOT along with significant pressure gradients, possibly with acute MR caused by systolic anterior motion of the anterior mitral leaflet. Hemodynamic instability in such cases can be managed by stopping inotropic support, fluid resuscitation, slowing the HR, and increasing systemic vascular resistance with α-agonists.
Selected Reference
1. Costachescu T, Denault A, Guimond JG, et al. The hemodynamically unstable patient in the intensive care unit: hemodynamic vs. transesophageal echocardiographic monitoring. Crit Care Med. 2002;30(6):1214-1223.
6. A 64-year-old retired nurse presented with chest pain that started when he was lifting weights at home. Computed tomography (CT) scan at an outside hospital showed extensive aortic dissection from the aortic root to the iliac bifurcation. The patient became hypotensive during transfer, with altered mental status and was intubated emergently. On admission to the ICU, the patient continued to be hemodynamically unstable despite fluid resuscitation, inotropic and vasopressor support. TEE was performed to guide further management and significant findings are shown in
Videos 43.11 and 43.12.

Which of the following is not an echocardiographic criterion for the diagnosis of cardiac tamponade?
A. The presence of a pericardial effusion
B. Evidence of elevated RA pressure such as dilated inferior vena cava (IVC)
C. Respirophasic variability in the transmitral Doppler velocities of <30%
D. RA indentation/inversion during ventricular systole
E. RV indentation/inversion during ventricular diastole
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6. Correct Answer: C. Respirophasic variability in the transmitral Doppler velocities of <30%
Rationale: In a patient with hypotension or dyspnea, echocardiographic evidence that supports the diagnosis of cardiac tamponade typically requires at least the following three key findings:
The presence of a pericardial effusion
Evidence of elevated RA pressure (e.g., dilated IVC and/or hepatic veins)
Small LV chamber dimensions in systole and diastole
A small percentage of patients with tamponade physiology (<10%) will actually have low or normal RA pressure (“low-pressure tamponade”) and thus will fail to show IVC dilation. In such cases, other echocardiographic signs of chamber compression and/or ventricular interdependence should be looked for, including the following additional signs:
RA chamber indentation/inversion during ventricular systole
RV chamber indentation/inversion during ventricular diastole
Respirophasic shifting of the IVS (“septal bounce”) due to ventricular interdependence, where an external constraint prevents filling of the heart, forcing the ventricles to compete with one another during diastole, with each side of the heart filling more in a specific part of the respiratory cycle
Exaggerated respirophasic variability in the Doppler velocities of transmitral (>30%) and/or transtricuspid (>40%) blood flow
Selected Reference
1. Klein AL, Abbara S, Agler DA, et al. American Society of Echocardiography clinical recommendations for multimodality cardiovascular imaging of patients with pericardial disease: endorsed by the Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance and Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2013;26(9):965-1012.e1015.
7. A 37-year-old athletic male was running a marathon when he collapsed. Initially, the event was suspected to be a heat stroke at the scene. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) was started once it was recognized that it was a cardiac arrest, and the patient was ultimately placed on veno-arterial (VA) extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) via peripheral cannulation due to postcardiac arrest cardiogenic shock. In the CTICU, a TEE was performed due to lack of pulsatility on the arterial line tracing despite being on a high dose of inotropic support. The left ventricle appeared distended, as evident in
Videos 43.13 and 43.14.

Please select the least effective measure to decrease LV distension.
A. Placing an intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP)
B. Placing a percutaneous Impella® 2.5 assist device
C. Left atrial (LA) venting via atrial septostomy
D. Switching VA-ECMO to veno-arterial-venous (VAV)-ECMO
E. Pulmonary artery (PA) drainage
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7. Correct Answer: D. Switching VA-ECMO to veno-arterial-venous (VAV)-ECMO
Rationale: Echocardiography is helpful during all phases of VA-ECMO support. A baseline examination prior to initiation of support can correct reversible causes of hemodynamic instability and confirm the need for support. Echocardiography can guide cannulation, confirm proper position of cannulas, and detect complications associated with cannulation such as tamponade or dissection. Patients on VA-ECMO are monitored with echocardiography to evaluate LV size to ensure adequate unloading and avoid LV distension. If the LV is distended, distension can be improved by increasing inotropic support, placement of IABP or Impella 2.5, LV venting either directly or by venting proximal to the LV such as LA venting via atrial septostomy or PA drainage. Switching to VAV-ECMO is performed in peripherally cannulated patients with respiratory failure due to concerns of cerebral hypoxemia. Biventricular function is periodically evaluated to detect recovery of myocardial function. AV opening is evaluated especially in peripheral cannulation, where risk of aortic root thrombosis is increased if the AV is closed.
A position paper by the ECMO Network and the Extracorporeal Life Support Organization (ELSO) recommended including a physician trained in echocardiography in the team caring for patients on ECMO support.
Selected References
1. Abrams D, Garan AR, Abdelbary A, et al. Position paper for the organization of ECMO programs for cardiac failure in adults. Intensive Care Med. 2018;44(6):717-729.
2. Douflé G, Roscoe A, Billia F, Fan E. Echocardiography for adult patients supported with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Crit Care. 2015;19:326.
8. A 63-year-old male with a history of a large renal cell carcinoma develops abrupt shortness of breath. The patient becomes markedly hypotensive and hypoxemic. The patient is intubated emergently, and a TEE is performed. Significant findings are shown in
Videos 43.15, 43.16, 43.17.

Which of the following statements is characteristic of the suspected diagnosis?
A. McConnell sign is pathognomonic for pulmonary embolism (PE).
B. The patient has preserved RV size and function.
C. Echocardiography cannot confirm the diagnosis.
D. Echocardiography is the gold standard test for diagnosis.
E. RV dilation/dysfunction predicts worse prognosis.
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8. Correct Answer: E. RV dilation/dysfunction predicts worse prognosis
Rationale: PE is a life-threatening condition that requires timely diagnosis and treatment. Although the most definitive diagnostic test is computerized tomographic pulmonary angiography (CTPA) scan, echocardiography can provide clinically useful data in many cases. In contrast to CTPA, echocardiography requires neither renally injurious IV contrast nor the transfer of potentially unstable patients to a remote location.
Echocardiography can provide both qualitative and quantitative data of value in the workup of suspected PE. First, in a patient with hemodynamic compromise, the finding of normal RV size and function practically rules out PE as the cause of hypotension. Conversely, the finding of RV dilation/dysfunction in PE is associated with a much worse prognosis, with some studies showing a doubling of the 3-month mortality compared to patients with PE and normal RV size/function.
Unfortunately, echocardiography by itself rarely confirms a definitive diagnosis of PE. Specifically, echocardiography only can rule in PE when it reveals a clot “in transit” in the right heart, including the IVC, RA, right ventricle, or PA. Because the majority of patients with PE will not demonstrate a clot “in transit” at the time of echocardiography, substantial efforts have been dedicated to determining ultrasound findings that reliably differentiate PE from other causes of RV dysfunction. For instance, it was once thought that McConnell sign was pathognomonic for PE. McConnell sign specifically describes a pattern of RV dysfunction characterized by hypokinesis of the RV free wall basal and midsegments with relative normo- or even hyperkinesis of the RV free wall apical segment. This pattern likely occurs in PE because increased RV afterload disrupts most RV function while the apical segment of the RV free wall appears to be mobile due to its physical connection to a preserved or hyperkinetic left ventricle. Although this finding can indeed be seen in PE, case reports and case series have shown that this sign is neither sensitive nor specific for PE, and it has been observed in other conditions that disrupt RV function, including RV infarct, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), and pulmonary fibrosis.
Therefore, echocardiography is an important bedside tool in the workup of patients suspected of having a PE. Although echocardiography can only rarely “rule in” PE, it can still be useful by rapidly providing information at the bedside to narrow the differential diagnosis of shock and risk-stratify patients who have PE diagnosed by CTPA.
Selected Reference
1. Konstantinides SV, Meyer G, Becattini C, et al. 2019 ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of acute pulmonary embolism developed in collaboration with the European Respiratory Society (ERS). Eur Heart J. 2019;41(4):543-603.
9. A 48-year-old male who suffers a cardiac arrest is emergently peripherally cannulated for VA-ECMO support. Subsequently, echocardiography is performed showing LV distension. A percutaneously inserted Impella® 2.5 assist device is placed to decrease LV distension and reduce the risk of aortic root thrombosis secondary to lack of pulsatility. TEE is performed the next day to guide management and significant findings are shown in
Videos 43.18 and 43.19.

Which of the following statements is true about Impella® device placement?
A. The catheter’s inlet area should be into the left ventricle about 2 cm from the AV annulus.
B. The catheter’s outlet area should be proximal to the aortic root.
C. Impella’s flow makes it impossible for clots to form in the aortic root.
D. Severe aortic insufficiency (AI) is a contraindication to Impella® device placement.
E. All types of Impella® assist devices can be placed percutaneously.
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9. Correct Answer: D. Severe aortic insufficiency (AI) is a contraindication to Impella® device placement.
Rationale: Hemodynamic instability in critically ill patients with Impella® device requires urgent echocardiographic examination to rule out catheter migration. For proper placement, the catheter’s inlet area should be into the left ventricle about 3.5 to 4 cm from the annulus, which allows the outlet area to be in the ascending aorta distal to the AV annulus and the aortic root. Echocardiography can also diagnose complications encountered with the Impella® device such as interference with AV closure causing severe AI or interference with the MV apparatus causing severe MR.
The Impella® 2.5 and Impella® CP devices can be inserted via standard percutaneous catheterization procedure through the femoral artery, into the ascending aorta, across the AV and into the left ventricle. In contrast, the Impella® 5.0 and 5.5 devices (that deliver flow up to 5.0 and 6 L/min, respectively) can only be inserted via femoral arterial cut down or through surgical access into the axillary artery.
Selected References
1. Impella®. The World’s Smallest Heart Pump. Accessed November 17, 2019.
2. Pappalardo F, Contri R, Pieri M, Colombo A, Zangrillo A. Fluoroless placement of Impella: a single center experience. Int J Cardiol. 2015;179:491-492.
10. A 69-year-old male with ischemic cardiomyopathy presents to the hospital with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (left ventricular ejection fraction [LVEF] 15%). The patient undergoes left ventricular assist device (LVAD) HeartMate III placement. On the first postoperative day, he continues to have low CO with multiple suction events, prompting the intensivist to perform a TEE. Significant findings are shown in
Videos 43.20, 43.21, 43.22.

Among the following situations, which one is the least associated with suction events during LVAD support?
A. Decreased preload (e.g., bleeding or hypovolemia)
B. Decreased afterload (e.g., vasoplegia or hypotension)
C. RV failure
D. Decreased LVAD pump speed
E. Mispositioned LVAD inflow cannula
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10. Correct Answer: D. Decreased LVAD pump speed
Rationale: Echocardiography is used for ICU management of patients supported with LVAD in order to evaluate RV size compared to that of LV, RV contractility, RA and LA size, position of IVS, shunting from right to left, degree of TR, AV opening, inflow and outflow cannula positions, and optimization of LVAD pump speed.
Suction events can result from:
Decreased preload caused by bleeding, hypovolemia, or pericardial effusion
Decreased afterload caused by hypotension, sepsis, or vasoplegia
RV failure
Excessive LVAD speed
All those factors can result in a collapsed left ventricle with leftward shift of the IVS, which distorts the RV geometry and worsens TR, with subsequent worsening of RV function. Suction events can be mitigated by lowering LVAD speed.
Hypotension or loss of arterial pulsatility in patients with LVAD can be caused by several factors, most of which can be diagnosed with echocardiography. These include hypovolemia, RV failure, LVAD-associated continuous AI, LVAD-related MR, inflow cannula malposition or obstruction, outflow graft kinking or thrombosis, and LVAD pump malfunction.
Selected References
1. Ammar KA, Umland MM, Kramer C, et al. The ABCs of left ventricular assist device echocardiography: a systematic approach. Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2012;13(11):885-899.
2. Stainback RF, Estep JD, Agler DA, et al. Echocardiography in the management of patients with left ventricular assist devices: recommendations from the American Society of Echocardiography. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2015;28(8):853-909.
11. A 68-year-old man undergoes an emergent coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery under cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). The patient develops severe coagulopathy requiring massive transfusion and transient shock during the immediate postoperative period. Despite resolution of the hemodynamic instability, there is progressive oliguria. The central venous pressure (CVP) is 25 mm Hg, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP) is 12 mm Hg, and the CI is within normal limits. Compared with baseline, the serum creatinine level has increased. While the patient is on mechanical ventilation, the plateau airway pressure is 38 cm H2O and tidal volume is ˜300 mL. What is the most appropriate next diagnostic step in this situation?
A. Perform a TEE examination
B. Perform chest, abdomen, and pelvis CT scan
C. Determine intra-abdominal pressure
D. Perform diagnostic laparoscopy or laparotomy
E. Perform a decubitus abdominal X-ray
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11. Correct Answer: C. Determine intra-abdominal pressure
Rationale: The presence of intra-abdominal hypertension (intra-abdominal pressure >12 mm Hg) is common in cardiac surgical patients (33%-46%). Importantly, intra-abdominal hypertension in postoperative cardiac surgical patients is associated with acute kidney injury. The risk factors in cardiac surgical patients include positive fluid balance and low CO/shock. Importantly, this entity can overlap with postoperative cardiogenic shock. Thus, it can be difficult to discriminate those diagnoses and to rule out associated problems such as postoperative cardiac tamponade. The clinical picture of abdominal compartment syndrome includes progressive intra-abdominal hypertension with elevated airway pressure, low tidal volume, and an isolated increase in CVP along with progressive development of acute kidney injury.
The diagnosis is confirmed by measurement of an elevated intra-abdominal pressure. It is a fast, reliable, and noninvasive procedure performed at the bedside that will rule out the diagnosis. Performing an abdominal CT scan carries the risks of transporting an unstable patient outside of the ICU and potentially delaying therapeutic intervention. In contrast, TEE evaluation is considered when intra-abdominal hypertension is ruled out and in order to evaluate the presence of cardiogenic shock. More importantly, TEE is the diagnostic modality of choice to confirm the diagnosis of postoperative cardiac tamponade and an emergent surgical exploration is only considered when the diagnosis is formally established. In a similar fashion, during this situation a diagnostic laparotomy or laparoscopy is not warranted unless there is evidence of acute abdomen or mesenteric/visceral ischemia or necrosis.
Selected References
1. Dalfino L, Sicolo A, Paparella D, Mongelli M, Rubino G, Brienza N. Intra-abdominal hypertension in cardiac surgery. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg. 2013 Oct;17(4):644-651.
2. Mazzeffi MA, Stafford P, Wallace K, et al. Intra-abdominal hypertension and postoperative kidney dysfunction in cardiac surgery patients. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 2016 Dec;30(6):1571-1577.
12. A 76-year-old man undergoes a surgical aortic valve replacement (SAVR) via median sternotomy. The immediate postoperative period is complicated by coagulopathy and significant bleeding requiring multiple blood products transfusions. On postoperative day 4, the patient complains of progressive dyspnea at rest for several hours. In addition, the patient develops oliguria. Pertinent additional data include the following:
Mean arterial pressure (MAP): 61 mm Hg
HR: 112 bpm
Respiratory rate (RR): 29 breaths/min
CVP: 18 mm Hg
What is the best next course of action?
A. To obtain a comprehensive TEE
B. To obtain a CT scan of the chest
C. To obtain a portable chest X-ray
D. To obtain a focused bedside TTE
E. Perform a mediastinal exploration
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12. Correct Answer: D. To obtain a focused bedside TTE
Rationale: This question addresses the clinical suspicion and confirmatory diagnosis of delayed pericardial tamponade after open cardiac surgery. In the clinical scenario, the patient presents with common risk factors for cardiac tamponade in such a setting (valvular surgery, postoperative coagulopathy, bleeding, and multiple transfusions). There are also common signs and symptoms of postoperative cardiac tamponade (dyspnea, tachycardia, hypotension, oliguria, and elevated CVP). The clinical picture is nonspecific, and diagnosis needs confirmation in order to proceed with therapeutic intervention.
Echocardiography is the method of choice to confirm the clinical diagnosis. In this acute setting, a focused cardiac ultrasound at the bedside in order to specifically look for pericardial effusion or evidence of cardiac tamponade should be attempted first and if imaging is inconclusive or technically difficult (i.e., postoperative patients, decubitus position, obese body habitus, chronic obstructive lung disease, or mechanical ventilation), a TEE examination is necessary. Nevertheless, TTE may fail to visualize early postoperative pericardial effusions in cardiac surgical patients.1 Performing a comprehensive TTE in those circumstances is likely unnecessary and could delay a therapeutic intervention. In addition, such examination is out of the scope of critical care echocardiography and would require a level of expertise usually not available in the ICU at all times.
Although TEE is more sensitive, specific, and suitable to demonstrate regional tamponade—a common finding in delayed postoperative pericardial tamponade, it is also invasive, requires sedation/anesthesia with risk of aspiration, and could potentially increase hemodynamic instability. Therefore, it is not usually recommended as first choice. Otherwise, a CT scan would be useful but carries the risk of delaying diagnosis and removing patients from the controlled environment of the ICU to a remote location. Chest X-ray in this situation can present with widened mediastinum. Nonetheless, such a finding does not provide confirmation of diagnosis.

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