Kantonsspital Aarau, Medizinische Universitätsklinik, Aarau, Switzerland
HypoperfusionAcute myocardial infarction (AMI)Systemic inflammatory response (SIRS)Inappropriate vasoconstrictionMicrocirculationNeuro-endocrine activation (reply)Myocardial contractilityMean arterial pressure (MAP)AutoregulationHypotensionPercutaneous coronary intervention (PCI)VasopressorsInotropic drugs3.1 Definition
Shock is defined as the maximal variant of dysregulation of the sophisticated regulatory systems of the organism due to a harmful event [1]. Central to this description we find a systemic derangement in perfusion (hypoperfusion), secondary to the critical decrease in cardiac output (CO): There is an inadequate CO in respect to the patient’s requirements, with disturbed microcirculation and insufficient supply to the tissues and organ systems causing widespread cellular hypoxia and vital organ dysfunction [1].
Cardiogenic shock (CS) [2] describes a severe primarily myocardial dysfunction with systemic hypocirculation and inadequate tissue perfusion (global tissue hypoxia) in the setting of adequate vascular volume [3]—and cellular, as well as multi-organ dysfunction or failure [2, 4].
The US shock trial defines cardiogenic shock as [5]:
Hypotension with a systolic blood pressure < 90 mmHg lasting ≥ 30 min
the necessity for catecholamines and/or rather IABP in order to maintain sufficient
circulation with a sBP ≥ 90 mmHg
hypoperfusion of the end organs due to the severely impaired cardiac performance, clinically characterised by cold peripheries (forearms and/or lower legs [6, 7]), disturbance of consciousness (altered mental status [8]) and oliguria (<30 mLs/h),
described by CI ≤ 2.2 L/min/m2 as well as PCWP ≥ 15 mmHg (or pulmonary congestion on chest X-ray).
3.2 Epidemiology
Studies from unselected populations report an overall incidence of CS of 7.1% [11].
In the vast majority of cases, CS develops secondary to myocardial ischaemia (and its complications such as mitral regurgitation) [11–14] either due to chronic [1, 15, 16] or acute [17–21] coronary artery disease. In 70–80% of cases the patients suffer from an acute coronary syndrome [5, 14, 22, 23], most of them with ST-elevation, acute myocardial infarction and multivessel (stenosis/occlusion in more than 1 vessel) disease [5, 14, 23].
The incidence of CS complicating acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is reported as between 5% and 10% [11, 17–21, 24]. LV-dysfunction is the main reason for the development of cardiogenic shock also in patients not suffering from CAD and thus not a result of ischaemia [25, 26].
The shock register and trial [27, 28] revealed that (in any aetiology)
74.5% | CS was due to predominant LV-heart failure, |
8.3% | due to acute MR, |
4.6% | due to ventricular septal rupture, |
3.4% | were isolated right heart shock situations, |
1.7% | were induced by tamponade or cardiac rupture, |
3.0% | due to other reasons. |
The overall in-hospital mortality of patients with CS attributed to AMI is still high: between 40 and 50% as recent studies verified [14, 22, 29].
CS is more likely to develop in the elderly [21, 30–32], diabetic [21, 30–32] patients suffering from acute anterior myocardial infarction [21, 27, 28, 31, 32], patients with a history of previous infarction(s) [21, 32], patients with peripheral vascular disease [21, 32] and patients with cerebrovascular disease [21, 32].
3.3 Aetiology
The most common causes of cardiogenic shock are [12, 36–38]:
acute impairment of myocardial pump function from:
acute myocardial infarction and associated complications, including rupture of a papillary muscle or septum, severe MR and pericardial tamponade,
acute myocarditis,
intoxication with negatively inotropic drugs,
myocardial contusion,
sepsis and septic shock.
acute valvular disease (AR or MR due to endocarditis, aortic dissection or chordae rupture)/acute exacerbation of a chronic valvular disease,
acute decompensated chronic heart failure, particularly end-stage cardiomyopathy,
acute right heart failure (right ventricular myocardial infarction; acute, severe broncho-pulmonary diseases),
persistent severe rhythm disturbances (e.g. tachycardiomyopathy),
acute decompensation of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (i.e. due to acute atrial fibrillation),
left atrial myxoma
3.4 Pathophysiological Aspects and Special Features
3.4.1 Classical Pathophysiology and New CS Paradigm
In cardiogenic shock, the overwhelming majority of cases are caused by an abrupt depression and/or loss of contractility (intrinsic performance) of the heart irrespective of loading conditions with a subsequent significant fall in SV/CO [1, 2, 5, 37].
This occurs most often due to a critical loss of contractile tissue/mass [37] secondary to acute myocardial infarction [17–19, 24], resulting in acute loss of total pump force [39] and altered diastolic properties (diminished relaxation and compliance) [5, 37, 39]. Hence, in CS both systolic and diastolic function are considerably failing [40, 41]. Traditionally, CS is seen as a mechanical problem [37] with corresponding neurohormonal (namely enhanced sympathetic discharge and activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone-system, RAAS) activation and response [40, 42]; this paradigm is summarized in the diagram (see Fig. 3.1).
Severe myocardial dysfunction, as in the case of CS, leads directly to both decreased SV and an increase in LVEDP [37, 40, 41]. Subsequently, the marked reduction in SV causes hypotension [37] and systemic hypoperfusion [37], compromising the coronary perfusion, causing myocardial ischaemia or aggravating existing myocardial ischaemia [5, 40, 42, 43] leading to progressive impairment of myocardial function [5, 40, 42, 43]. Furthermore, as depicted by the diagram by Antman [42] (see Fig. 3.1), in response to the considerable impairment of the cardiac contractility [16, 37, 43, 44], a compensatory systemic vasoconstriction [37, 40, 42–44] secondary to neuroendocrine [37, 43–45], in particular sympathetic activation [37, 40, 42–44], occurs. The neurohormonal—mediated systemic vasoconstriction exerts additional substantially adverse loading conditions (enhanced pre- and afterload) [42–44, 46] onto the already compromised myocardial function. Vasoconstriction, of course, includes the venous system and it is particularly the splanchnic venous constriction which directly provokes, due to considerable fluid redistribution, acute cardiac volume loading [47–49]. However, it is namely the increase in afterload due to arterial vasoconstriction which has substantial detrimental effects as the left ventricle is highly afterload-sensitive [43, 44, 46, 50]. Renal sodium and water retention (attributed to non-osmotic arginine vasopressin effects and to the actions of the activated RAAS) aggravates the overfilling by fluid accumulation [45, 51] and thus contributes, in the presence of already elevated filling pressures, to the precipitation of pulmonary congestion or even pulmonary edema [52].
LV-EF is found to be on average 30% in patients with CS and thus lies absolutely within the range many stable post-AMI patients display [5, 56, 57]. Furthermore, LV-EF stays the same 2–3 weeks after CS when functional circulatory conditions are markedly, if not completely, different [58]. Even patients with low normal EF and without severe mitral regurgitation may present or develop CS in the acute setting [59]. Furthermore, several studies on cardiogenic shock [5, 54, 60–63] have revealed a fundamentally different hemodynamic profile than expected and previously established: Although the contractility is severely impaired with a marked fall in SV and a compromised diastolic function, the peripheral systemic resistance is often only marginally to moderately elevated (see Fig. 3.2 by Cotter [62]).

Fig. 3.2
By Cotter et al. [62] with permission. The level of peripheral resistance in CS swings in a wide range and may be in single patients as low as found in sepsis. On average, SVRi is comparable with that found in acutely decompensated chronic heart failure, but clearly lower than in pulmonary oedema or decompensation following hypertensive dysregulation. Likewise, cardiac index in CS is, on the first glance, not that bad and ranges, besides single cases, on average at the same level found in patients with pulmonary edema. Furthermore, CI is not substantially lower than in acutely decompensated chronic heart failure. However, the combination of both, relatively low SVRi and CI is hemodynamically unfavourable and indicates circulatory disaster. CS cardiogenic shock, Pul. oedema pulmonary edema, HTN hypertensive crisis, Dec. CHF decompensated chronic heart failure, SS septic shock
Moreover, this “inappropriate” vasoconstriction (inappropriate low systemic vascular resistance) in relation to the severity of the myocardial depression, and the consecutive circulatory implications, first and foremost hypoperfusion, is found in the majority of patients [62–65]. Thus, CS affects the integral circulatory system [55, 66] and has to be considered to be a systemic rather than a solely cardiac disorder [67–69]. Indeed, the considerable myocardial dysfunction initiates CS development [55] at which the primarily underlying myocardial dysfunction directly leads to both, reduced SV (and thus diminished CO) resulting in global tissue and cellular hypoperfusion and thus oxygen and nutrient undersupply [70–74], and to elevated filling pressures [64, 75]. The latter potentially provokes pulmonary congestion/edema [37, 40, 76]. Consecutively, compensatory, mainly neurohormonal, response is launched [37, 40, 42, 55], intending to stabilize preferentially cardio-circulatory and cerebral functions by diverting the blood flow to “vital” organs via several complex and interconnected neuroendocrine pathways [49, 55]. Accordingly, CS obviously is a systemic affliction and an integrative malfunction of the circulatory system applies [55, 66, 68].
In fact, CS is a so–called central shock characterized by scarce peripheral and organ perfusion attributed to substantial pump failure and therefore organ derangement right from the onset of the disorder [77]. The “unexpected and surprising” hemodynamic profile predominantly featuring inappropriately and functionally insufficient vasoconstriction in the presence of a, by all means, “comparably” not too bad LV-EF of around 30% (however remember, EF is a coupling indicator and is inversely related to afterload [78–81], therefore an EF of 30% in the presence of low SVR as in CS is absolutely not comparable with an EF of 30% in the presence of normal or high SVR as in stable heart failure patients!) is consistent with and reflects the systemic inflammatory response (SIR) applying in CS [5, 12, 54, 55, 61, 65]: Hypoperfusion, a hallmark of CS [55], restauration of blood pressure by neuro-endocrine activation as well ischemia and reperfusion precipitate a systemic inflammatory response [5, 49, 55, 82] and thus are coining a clinical-hemodynamic picture quite similar to that in sepsis [65].
Namely the ischemia—reperfusion conditions are associated with the generation and the release of vasodilative acting mediators [83–85]: First and foremost high concentrations of NO and peroxy-nitrites (mediators with vasodilative effects) offset and counteract the neurohormonal mediated compensatory vasoconstriction, and, in fact, lead to an inappropriate circulatory response with potentially net vasodilation [5, 9, 62–64, 83, 84]. Indeed, elevated plasma levels of inflammatory markers and cytokines including TNF alpha and IL-6, indicating activated systemic inflammatory cascades, are demonstrated in CS [55, 61, 86, 87], while procalcitonin concentrations stay low reflecting the absence of a microbial infection underlying this setting [86]. Kohsaka [65] detected high levels of inducible NO-synthetase (iNOS) subsequent to the release of inflammatory mediators in patients with acute myocardial infarction. In fact, substantial evidence suggests that high levels of iNOS are expressed, attributed to the inflammatory response arising in the setting of AMI which is attended by and intrinsically tied to ischemia-reperfusion issues [83, 84]. This implies inadequate high levels of NO, potentially contributing to vasodilation, and of peroxynitrite, the latter with not only vasodilative [88] but also cardiotoxic and negative inotropic effects [82]. Elevated iNOS levels are per se associated with myocardial dysfunction [89, 90]. Raised, high levels of iNOS and NO are found after trauma and as a result of exposure of cells, particularly endothelial cells and cardiomyocytes, to inflammatory mediators, inducing the cells to express iNOS in unphysiological high ranges [84]. This has been specifically observed in experimental models of AMI and subsequent reperfusion [85]. Cytokine levels are reported to even increase after reperfusion following PCI applied in the setting of AMI [83]. Unphysiologically high levels of NO and iNOS and the subsequent generation of NO-derived species like peroxynitrite are reported to exhibit several deleterious effects: (a) to directly inhibit myocardial contractility, (b) to display pro-inflammatory effects, (c) to induce systemic vasodilation (d) to suppress mitochondrial respiration in non-ischemic myocardium, (e) to reduce catecholamine responsivity [54, 91–93], and (f) to mediate myocardial stunning [54]. iNOS induced NO production is found to be particularly deleterious during ischemia-reperfusion episodes [91, 92]. Accordingly, the effect of the compensatory released vasoconstrictive mediators (catecholamines, angiotensin II, endothelin-1) attaining intermittent stabilization and/or even improvement of coronary and peripheral perfusion [82] will be markedly attenuated and may be even off-reverted by the vasodilative effects of those agents generated in general in the setting of systemic inflammation but specifically in the wake of ischemia-reperfusion issues associated with AMI [67, 82]. This particularly occurs if the hemodynamic alterations and the compensatory response persist [82] and Rudiger strongly recommends to reverse CS within hours [66]].
As such, CS is also a result of the mismatch arising from substantially impaired myocardial performance and disproportionate, inadequate peripheral vascular dilation [63, 64].
Nontheless, additional “infectieous” features may trigger and aggravate the inflammatory cascades: Disrupted intestinal mucosal barrier function due to gut hypoperfusion may allow for translocation of bacteria or bacterial material like toxins [49, 82]. In the shock trial, 18% of all patients with CS were suspected of suffering from sepsis, and indeed, of those 18%, 74% had positive blood cultures (that means, in total about 14% of all CS patients showed a bacterial infection/bacterial-associated inflammation) [65] which, in turn, fuels the inflammatory cascades.
Moreover, systemic inflammation is further reported to stiffen large, elastic arteries like the aorta while simultaneously the medium-sized and small peripheral vessels dilate [94]. Large artery stiffening arises most likely due to altered NO bioavailability as acute inflammation is shown to impair normal endothelial performance and reduces NO bio-availability, possibly through the cytokine cascade [95–98]. Arterial stiffening is recognized to increase the vascular load imposed on the left ventricle [99, 100] and to directly affect ventricular arterial coupling [101]. However, as reduced wave reflections (pulsatile load) due to peripheral vascular dilatation are noticed and total peripheral resistance is measured lower under these inflammatory conditions [94], net LV afterload may not increase. Reduced peripheral resistance (resulting from peripheral vasodilation) and concomitantly blunted wave reflections will diminish the afterload. However, in total, LV afterload is supposed to increase in inflammatory conditions since (1) peripheral vascular resistance is generally only mild to moderately reduced in CS [62], (2) the changes in vascular resistance precipitate just minor changes on ventricular wall stress (which reflects “true” afterload) [102], and (3) central vascular stiffening directly alters ventricular–arterial coupling (uncoupling) [101]. This suggestion is supported by the fact that peripheral vascular resistance is not really seen by the heart [78]. Unfortunately, studies systematically evaluating this issue are missing. Increased pulse wave velocities and a raised augmentation index as demonstrated in SIRS [94], are independently associated with systolic and diastolic dysfunction [103–105] and hence inflammation, in fact, impacts on disease course and is markedly involved in CS pathobiology.
SIRS may result in further troublesome hemodynamic effects contributing to CS disorder: CS, as the other shock types, features and suffers from microcirculatory dysfunction being part of the pathobiology [106]. Increasing heart failure severity is associated with NO imbalance and endothelial dysfunction (ED) [107, 108]. Low peripheral resistance predisposes patients to endothelial damage [65], and inflammatory agents like TNF alpha induce endothelial dysfunction [109]. Hypoxic/ischemic injury affiliated with hypo- and/or malperfusion is demonstrated to insult endothelial cells causing ED [110–113]. Hence, as the vascular endothelium takes a crucial role in regulating and is central to functions of microcirculation [114, 115], there is no doubt that microhemodynamics are altered in AHFS, particularly in severe AHF and CS [108, 116–118]. ED is meanwhile a widely recognized and an acknowledged feature in circulatory shock pathobiology [119, 120], where the endothelial cells are ascertained to be both target but also contributor to the disease development and progression [112, 121]. Indeed, endothelial cells are considered to take a central and crucial role in the pathophysiology and pathogenesis of acute and chronic heart failure [122–125].
Furthermore, since autoregulation is a hallmark and a critical issue in the physiology of microcirculation [108, 113, 114], a compromised autoregulation (which inevitably ensues in case of hypoperfusion and hypotension [126, 127]) contributes to, and is part of, the microcirculatory alterations found in CS [39].
Microcirculatory alterations display as their most deleterious impact heterogenous blood flows [108, 128], a hallmark of shock [108, 129], and as such generate hypoxic and non-hypoxic areas in close vicinity, called dysoxic tissue regions [130, 131]. Heterogenous microvascular perfusion has been demonstrated in patients with CS [108]. Heterogenous perfusion is associated with disturbed oxygen extraction [70] and thus may lead to further cellular injury [132] in the heart as well as in distant organs [68, 108, 114, 119, 133].
Noteworthy for therapeutic management, in contrary to septic shock, where at least in advanced disease states micro- and macrocirculation are dissociated (which means that a successfully recuscitated macrocirculation will not subsequently translate into an improved or even normalized microcirculation [134, 135]), a close correlation between macro- and microcirculation seems to exist in cardiogenic shock states and thus microcirculatory alteration will usually improve when marcocirculation can be restored [136, 137].
As such, altered microcirculation has to be seen as an essential element in the pathobiology of shock states [77, 108] and the aberrations are basically referred to as a loss of regulation of the peripheral vasomotor tone, associated with endothelial cell dysfunction [138], eliciting heterogenous and maldistributed blood flows creating dysoxic tissue regions [72, 139].
In conclusion, the systemic inflammatory reaction contributes substantially to the pathogenesis and the course of CS [52, 54, 55, 61, 65, 82]: The mismatch between marked myocardial depression caused by loss of contractile mass [24, 37, 40, 54], ischemia-reperfusion injury [42, 49, 65, 82–85], cardiodepressent substances [82, 89, 90, 109], and the inappropriate vasodilation may result in CS [63, 64]. Incipient CS leads to profound, persistent, and refractory vasodilatation and hypotension [1, 54, 83, 84] and to the development of MODS/MOF [5, 54, 61] with its deleterious outcome, if not treated adequately and in time [54, 55, 66].
Hence, the pathogenesis of CS is largely determined by
- 1.
the initial substantial myocardial damage, generally of ischemic genesis with consecutively marked systolic and diastolic cardiac dysfunction,
- 2.
the consecutively precipitated compensatory, mainly neuro-endocrine reply, and
- 3.
the associated systemic inflammatory response,
the latter with inherent vasodilatory properties, thereby altering macro- but also microcirculatory hemodynamics [52, 54, 55, 61, 65, 82, 86, 87, 108]. The ‘only’ marginal to moderate, disproportionate increase in peripheral resistance (SVR/SVRI) has gained pathognomonic meaning for CS: The relatively low SVR/SVRI is essentially caused by the vasodilative mediators (largely NO, peroxynitrite), which are generated in the context of the inflammatory reaction and the ischemic-reperfusion issues that apply in the setting of CS complicating AMI. This vasodilative capability basically offsets the vasoconstrictive effects (mainly) launched by the neurohormonal-based compensatory mechanisms precipitated in response to the loss of pump function [54, 60–62, 65].
It has to be noted that a small group of patients in the SHOCK registry and trial [5, 27, 28] were clinically normotensive, or only mildly hypotensive, but still diagnosed as cardiogenic shock: They were systemically hypoperfused with low CO and elevated left ventricular filling pressures but with an “elevated” SVR and therefore able to maintain a reasonable blood pressure [9]. These patients should have been classified as being in a pre-shock state [3], where the systemic inflammatory response is not (yet) significantly active/activated.
There is quite a wide range of intensity and impact of the inflammatory response reported, afflicting some patients severely and some more marginally, as such, the violence of SIRS decisively impacts on the malady course [54, 140, 141].
Hochman [54] suggested a new cardiogenic shock paradigm, having integrated the newer pathophysiological aspects [61, 62, 65, 82] within the older existing concepts [42], as depicted in Fig. 3.3.

Fig. 3.3
Right side: classic shock paradigm, mechanical and neurohumoral aspects; left side and in italics: influence of the inflammatory response syndrome: New cardiogenic shock paradigm by Hochman [54], with permission. NO: nitirc oxide; iNOS: inducible NO-synthase
3.4.2 The Role and Impact of Hypotension in CS
Myocardial perfusion is compromised by hypotension [5, 43] and may induce ischaemia or exacerbate existing ischemia [37]. The decreased coronary perfusion pressure (especially in multi-vessel coronary disease [40]) secondary to the decrease in MAP, caused by the poor cardiac performance/contractility and vasodilatation, may lead to a critically low BP [5, 40, 42, 61]. Critical hypoperfusion itself aggravates the myocardial perfusion deficit [142], exacerbating the myocardial ischemia and implementing a vicious cycle leading to a more and more severely ischemic myocardium [40, 42]. This is seen even in shock states not initially caused by impaired myocardial contractility [1, 2], but when the blood pressure is so low that the perfusion of the end-organs [1, 13] (especially the heart [13, 143–145]) becomes critically dependent on the hemodynamics [5, 40, 145].
The compensatory neuroendocrine response may also contribute to this deleterious development, thus showing to be maladaptive: Initial vasoconstriction and fluid retention increase pre- and afterload, thereby enhance ventricular wall stress and consecutively myocardial oxygen demand, as does the tachycardia often resulting from the catecholamine release within the compensatory features [52, 55, 146].
Accordingly, “ischemia causes myocardial dysfunction which, in turn worsens ischema” [37]. Topalian [52] expresses this as “ischemia begets ischemia” and Hollenberg [37] strongly advises against the incidence of a vicious cycle arising consisting of ischemia, deterioration of myocardial function, and shock.
3.4.3 Myocardial Ischemia and LV-Compliance
The compliance, a diastolic property, of the left ventricle will be reduced by myocardial ischemia, and subsequently the LVEDP will rise [147–151], as will the pulmonary capillary pressure, putting the patient at risk of developing pulmonary congestion / edema [76, 149–152]. Additionally, LV end-diastolic filling increases in situations of severely impaired systolic LV-function in order to maintain SV (via Frank-Starling- mechanism) [37, 40, 153]; this will augment the LVEDP further, putting the patients at even higher risk of pulmonary congestion/oedema [40, 76] and further ischemia [37, 40].
However, LVEDP reflects the compliance of the left ventricle [153], and abnormally high LVEDPs indicate enhanced LV-stiffness [154]. Since the compliance of the heart chambers is demonstrated to continuously vary, particularly in critically ill patients [155, 156], but even in healthy persons [157], changes in LVEDP may not correlate with changes in left ventricular filling volume at all. As such, some patients with CS will definitely show normal or even low filling pressures [9, 158, 159]. Hence, caution is advised in interpretation of LVEDPs as the value, and even changes, may not correctly indicate LV- preload and intravascular volume conditions [156, 157, 160]. Anyway, essentially and typically, LVEDP is elevated and CO low in CS [40].
3.4.4 The Right Ventricle in CS
Sharing the interventricular septum and being enclosed by “one” (the) pericardium, interactions between left and right ventricle occur [161–164]. As such, RV function may be affected by a dysfunctional LV, and may contribute to CS [55].
Foremost, the increased left-sided filling pressures being transmitted back, precipitating pulmonary hypertension [165, 166], acutely afterload the RV [152, 165–170]. Consecutively, as the right ventricle can poorly tolerate and adapt to pressure loading [171, 172], an immediate dilatation of the right chamber (with an increase in RVEDV) occurs in order to compensate for the elevated load imposed on RV [172–174]. Concomitantly with that increase in RV filling volume (RVEDV), both RVEDP (increase due to (a) the rise in filling volume [174, 175] and due to (b) pericardial constraint following the rule of constant total cardiac volume [161, 163, 176, 177]) and LVEDP increase (pericardial constraint associated with diastolic ventricular interdependence [178–181]). Attributed to the stronger impact of the pericardial constraint on the thin-walled right heart, the rise of RVEDP is disproportionally higher than the rise of LVEDP [178, 179]. RV-dilatation and the marked increase in RVEDP may result in deleterious consequences, since, due to diastolic ventricular interdependence [178–180, 182], the shift of the IVS towards the cavity of the left ventricle will impair the net space for LV filling volume, (further) compromising LV–SV and LV performance [163, 182–185]. Moreover, up to 40% (Diamino allocates up to 66% of RV pressure generation and up to 80% of the RV flow to LV contraction/LV assistance [186]) of RV contractility force, due to anatomical arrangement of myofibres [182], is generated by LV-contraction, referred to as systolic ventricular interdependence [164, 187, 188]. Therefore, an impaired LV contraction may markedly affect RV systolic performance and reduce RV-SV, subsequently supplying the LV with an even more inappropriately low filling volume [189, 190]: Thus, only a sufficient RV pump ensures appropriate LV preload and consecutively guarantees LV output [191, 192], hence prevents (further) LV pump failure—a series effect as the two ventricles are arranged in a row [191–193].
Moreover, RV may be involved in the ischemic process, although a predominant RV—infarction and associated shock is a rare event: In only 5% of patients predominant RV—infarctions are reported [194], however, acute RV myocardial involvement is complicating 50% of all inferior AMIs [195]. As such, if ischemia involves the RV, any additional threat (e.g. RV afterloading) may cause fatal consequences.
The haemodynamic alterations and the severity of circulatory compromise in predominantly RV- AMI are determined by the damage to the RV itself (extent of RV ischaemia and the subsequent RV-dysfunction), the ventricular interaction (mediated by the septum and by the restraining pericardium [196] affecting the LV-function), and the involvement of the LV in the ischemic injury [194]. Since RV contractility considerably depends on systolic LV-function, particularly on the contraction of the helical fibres of the IVS [197–199], a loss of systolic LV support (e.g. due to LV infarction—the perfusion of the IVS may be provided to a considerable amount by a big right coronary artery!) may result in deleterious hemodynamic consequences [197–201] and early onset of hypotension and shock [202].
Accordingly, a predominant RV-infarction, or a relevant ischemic involvement of the right ventricle in LV-AMI requires special attention and a sophisticated therapeutic approach: The traditional and common practice of aggressive volume loading [55, 163] may be erroneous and disastrous, as volume loading in the presence of elevated RVEDPs and/or a dilated RV (and thus relevant pericardial constraint) may, due to DVI, further impede LV-filling and hence markedly diminish LV-SV [163, 177, 179, 183, 184]. In addition to the altered LV-geometry following the septal shift towards the left chamber cavity, LV systolic function is affected as well [203]. Thus, fluid application may end up in full-blown circulatory failure [55]—thus, in contrary, volume unloading is necessary and the appropriate way!
3.4.5 Other Acute Causes of a Substantial Impairment in Contractility
Transient acute myocardial ischemia [1, 15, 16] on a background of chronic CAD and the accompanying diastolic dysfunction [204–206] is able to induce an abrupt impairment of the contractility of viable myocardial tissue;
Considerable regurgitant flow [1] from acute mitral insufficiency (acute MR) as a mechanical complication of acute myocardial infarction [12, 37], ischemic MR [207–210], and mitral valve insufficiency subsequent to transient hypo-perfusion (ischemia) in case of chronic CAD [211] can be responsible for a sudden decrease in SV/CO;
Acute AR is most commonly caused by infective endocarditis [212]. The rapidity of occurrence of the regurgitant flow does not allow the establishment of any specific compensatory mechanisms (i.e. LV-dilatation) [213, 214]. Consequently the SV/CO (forward stroke volume) will significantly diminish as well as the LVEDP increasing [1];
Myocarditis sometimes causes markedly impaired contractility and hence reduced forward flow [215, 216];
Drugs may have negative inotropic potential and the ability to initiate the production and release of pro-inflammatory mediators from cardiomyocytes and other (hematological) cells which can promote the inflammatory process and be directly cardio-depressive [205, 217]. Even catecholamines (released as part of the compensatory mechanisms or administered as therapeutic agents) may induce the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines (i.e. Inter-leukin IL-6) and thus provide a further direct depression of contractility [205, 218, 219].
Since the vast majority of patients (roughly 75%) develop CS after presentation [20, 220], it has been supposed that our medication may contribute to ensuing CS [37, 55]. The whole spectrum of cardiac drugs usually used in AMI including β-blockers, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, morphine and diuretics potentially display deleterious effects affecting disease course and thus contribute to CS [221–224]. Timing for applications may play a decisively role [37, 55].
3.5 Clinical Features and Diagnostic Remarks
3.5.1 Hypoperfusion
In the vast majority the diagnosis of CS is established by clinical signs of hypoperfusion, ischemic chest pain, enzymatic analysis and ECG [37, 49, 55, 225, 226]. A normal ECG virtually excludes the possibility of CS caused by myocardial infarction [40]. In addition, an echocardiogram is absolutely essential in the initial assessment of all patients suffering from (cardiogenic) shock [3, 37, 227–229] and should be performed as early as possible.
The crucial aspect in the diagnosis of CS is the identification of hypoperfusion in the setting of considerable cardiac dysfunction [1, 3, 5, 37, 40]. The following signs and features are suggestive of organ/tissue hypoperfusion [3, 5, 225, 230, 231]:
pallor, ashen grey or cyanotic skin,
cold peripheries (forearms and/or lower legs [7]), cold skin, moist and clammy, mottled extremities,
altered mental status [8]: quiet, apathetic patient, sometimes restless, apprehensive or confused,
reduced urine production/oliguria, <30 mL/h or <0.5 mL/kg/h for ≥2 h [230],
thready pulse of poor quality,
arterial hypotension.
CS should be considered in all patients presenting with unexplained hypotension and/or low cardiac output, unexplained impairment of mental function and unexplained pulmonary congestion [5, 13, 37]. In fact Menon [3, 9, 10] strongly recommends diagnosing CS in all patients exhibiting signs of inadequate tissue perfusion in the setting of severe cardiac dysfunction irrespective of the BP.
“CS is diagnosed after documentation of myocardial dysfunction and exclusion of alternative causes of hypotension like hypovolaemia, haemorrhage, sepsis, pulmonary embolism, tam- ponade, aortic dissection and pre-existing valvular disease” [37].
Ander [232] expresses doubts that clinical signs are sensitive enough to detect occult cardiogenic shock, particularly in patients with congestive heart failure because clinical signs may fail to diagnose inadequate oxygen delivery [233–236]; thus, the measurement of ScvO2 and serum lactate are recommended [232, 237]:
A lactate > 2 mmol/L together with a ScvO2 < 60% (SvO2 < 65%) suggests occult shock [232].
64% of all patients included in the US shock register presented with hypotension, evidence of ineffective CO/hypoperfusion and pulmonary congestion [8], but 28% had evidence of peripheral hypoperfusion and hypotension and did not suffer from pulmonary congestion [8]. Thus, clear lungs may still be present even with elevated PCWP and CS [8]. This phenomenon (elevated PCWP but no clinical or radiological signs of pulmonary congestion) has been described previously [238]; it deserves emphasis because administration of large amounts of fluid will be deleterious [8, 239]. Do not treat these patients with large boluses of fluid [3, 239].
The timely identification of patients in a pre-shock [3, 10] or non-hypotensive shock [9] state is of special value to allow therapeutic intervention and prevent decline. Clinical signs of hypoperfusion (in particular cold, clammy skin and oliguria) are strongly associated with increased mortality, independent of blood pressure and other haemodynamic parameters [240]. Hypoperfusion may be a marker of impending haemodynamic collapse [9] and tachycardia in this setting (HR > 90/min) should be interpreted as a pre-shock symptom and not as a response to low cardiac output and subsequent increased sympathetic tone [3]. Take care particularly in patients with anterior AMI and keep in mind that up to 30% of patients with AMI develop cardiogenic shock late (day 5) in their disease course—and with a very poor prognosis [241].
In this situation the choice of medication should be made carefully. The use of β-blockers, in general indicated and life-saving in AMI [242, 243], may precipitate shock development in these patients [3, 12, 143, 244]. Additionally, the possible life saving compensatory activation of the renin-angiotensin system should not be counteracted by administration of ACE-inhibitors [245, 246].
3.5.2 Right Ventricular Infarction
A significant infarction of the right ventricle (RV-AMI) complicates 50% of all inferior myocardial infarctions [195]. On an ECG, ST-elevation in VR3 and/or VR4 (right praecordial leads) in patients with inferior ST-elevation, acute myocardial infarction is specific for RV-ischaemia due to a proximal RCA-lesion [196]. Predominantly the inferior and posterior parts of the RV are involved [194]. In this case, RV may be the crucial component in the disease process, responsible for the development for CS [178].
The recognition of this special issue is important due to a three-fold risk to develop ventricular arrhythmias and AV-nodal block [247, 248] and due to the special treatment needs: well-balanced and monitored fluid administration, fluid restriction in case of manifest RV-failure, and CS [178, 184, 249], preservation of AV-synchrony, and reduction of increased RV-afterload [250–252]. On the other hand, RV is reported to be highly resilient and may recover soon completely, possibly indicating that RV-dysfunction is probably due to stunning myocardium rather than true myocardial necrosis [253].
3.5.3 The LVEDP in Cardiogenic Shock
The LVEDP and its measurement in the definition and diagnosis of cardiogenic shock should be assessed critically; an elevated LVEDP may not be a sensitive or specific parameter with which to diagnose CS:
Acute severe heart failure is not necessarily accompanied by high LV-filling pressures. Some patients will definitely have normal or even low LVEDP’s [8, 159, 254, 255];
The LVEDP (PCWP) does not reflect the amount of extravascular lung water [256–258] due to cardiac dysfunction in a uniform way [159, 256–258];
An abnormally high LVEDP (≥15 mmHg as described in the definition) may only reflect an abnormal stiffness of the LV [259] (impaired LV-compliance, i.e. due to ischaemia [147, 148]). It is well known that, particularly in critically ill patients, the compliance of the ventricles continuously varies, contributing to the heterogeneous response and changes of the LVEDP value [155, 156, 260, 261]. Even in healthy persons absolutely no correlation was found between changes in ventricular filling and the change in value of LVEDP [157];
3.5.4 Important Differential Diagnosis of Cardiogenic Shock [3, 40, 225]
hypovolaemic shock,
dissection of the aorta,
pulmonary embolism,
bacteraemia and septic shock,
neurogenic shock,
anaphylactic shock,
Table 3.1
Summarizes the most relevant clinically-hemodynamic findings as collected by the physical examination of the patient ,applying the “4-panel test” by Stevenson and Nohria
Warm and dry | Warm and wet |
See Chap. 2 | See Chap. 2 |
Cold and Dry | Cold and Wet |
28% of all CS patients Clinically: often surprisingly stable but otherwise dominated by symptoms of hypoperfusion Haemodynamics: sBP ↓/↓↓↓ (<90 mmHg for ≥30 min or catecholamines are required); or pre-shock criteria ; CI/CPI ↓/↓ ↓ ↓ (CI ≤ 2.2 L/min/m2); no pulmonary congestion and often with a normal PCWP Hypoperfusion: mild to severe. renal perfusion: ↓↓ RBF; impaired intra-renal autoregulation Performance of an echocardiogram is paramount CS should be considered in all patients presenting with unexplained hypotension or low cardiac output and unexplained altered consciousness, irrespective of BP. Clinical scenarios most likely in this group: ESC 4a and 4b (mostly due to ESC -5), ESC- 6 (peripheral (systemic) edema but clear lungs), (ESC 1?) | 64% of all CS patients Clinically dominated by symptoms of hypoperfusion: pallor, ashen grey or cyanotic skin, cold peripheries, thready pulse, altered mental status, oliguria (<30 mL/h), arterial hypotension and pulmonary congestion; auscultated S3. Haemodynamics: sBP ↓/↓↓↓ (<90 mmHg for ≥30 min or catecholamines are required); or pre-shock criteria; CI/ CPI ↓/↓↓↓ (CI ≤ 2.2 L/min/m2); PCWP ↑/↑↑↑ (≥15 mmHg or pulmonary congestion on chest X-ray) Hypoperfusion: mild to severe renal perfusion: ↓↓ RBF; impaired intra-renal autoregulation; ↑/↑↑ renal venous pressure Performance of an echocardiogram is paramount. CS should be considered in all patients presenting with unexplained hypotension or low cardiac output, pulmonary congestion and unexplained altered consciousness, irrespective of BP. Pre-shock criteria: signs of inadequate tissue perfusion in the setting of severe cardiac dysfunction irrespective of the BP. Often a history of AMI, a cold and clammy patient with tachycardia and crackles ≥ 50% of total lung area suggesting pulmonary oedema. Clinical scenarios most likely in this group: ESC 4a and 4b (mostly due to AMI, ESC-5), ESC 6 (peripheral and pulmonary edema- severe biventricular failure) |
3.6 Therapy
A substantial number of publications have addressed the best therapeutic approach to CS complicating AMI – the most likely scenario in the vast majority of patients with CS [5, 143, 265–271].
Both retrospective [143, 265–268] and prospective randomized controlled trials [5, 269, 270] have produced considerable evidence that an invasive approach (emergency revascularization by PCI/operation with and without prior thrombolytic therapy) is definitely beneficial. Although in the SHOCK-trail [5], the landmark study on the treatment of AMI complicated by CS, the primary endpoint, 30-days mortality rate, showed “only” a non-significant reduction in mortality compared to medical treatment alone, did the secondary endpoints demonstrating an absolute reduction in mortality after 6-month and 12 months of 13% definitely satisfy [5, 269]. This result equals a number needed-to-treat ratio (NNT) of less than 8, which means, that for to save 1 life, less than 8 patients need to be treated with this approach [82]. Even the 6 years mortality rate is significant better if early PCI is provided [271].
The effect was similar for both manifest CS at admission and in the event of delayed onset of cardiogenic shock [220]. The hospital mortality could be reduced from 75% (occluded vessel) to 33% (re-opened vessel by PCI) [220, 271–273].
3.6.1 Main Therapeutic Strategies
This comprises PCI or emergency CABG: a class I, level B evidence rated by the ESC [275, 276] as well by the AHA/ACCF [277]. The time frame covers ideally the first 6 h after symptom onset [5], but is still quite effective within the first 12 h after symptoms arose in STEMI patients [278]—a class I, level A AHA/ACCF recommendation [277].
70–80% of the patients suffering from CS complicating AMI suffer from multivessel (stenosis/occlusion > 1 vessel) disease [5, 14, 23, 279].
This vast majority has a grim prognosis (higher mortality) [279]. Although no substantial and conclusive data are available [67] and the optimal strategy is unclear [280], guidelines encourage for PCI on additional non-culprit lesions in that patient group, a class IIa level B ESC recommendation, based on pathophysiological considerations [276]. However, standard and accepted practice is to intervene only on the culprit lesion [67], and although until now all but one study did not report of increased mortality in case of an multi-vessel PCI approach [23, 281–284], individual decisions should be made (morphology of lesion, hemodynamic state, etc.) [82].
Fibrinolysis is clearly less effective and thus reserved for patients not able to undergo early intervention, e.g. delays in transport [285], admitted to a non-PCI capable hospital and transport will exceed 120 min [286, 287]—class I B AHA/ACCF recommendation [277].
If thrombolysis is needed and considered, it should be applied within 30 min after hospital admission [288, 289], a class I level B AHA/ACCF recommendation [277].
Emergency operation for mechanical complications following acute myocardial infarction include rupture of the free wall, acute MR [276, 290], ventricular septal defect, the latter is treated by intra-aortic ballon pump followed by early surgical repair [291]. Patients with free wall rupture require immediate pericardial drainage and prompt surgical intervention [276], however, even than may not benefit from the surgical approach [292].
Pericardial puncture/drainage if pericardial tamponade (traumatic or inflammatory) is the reason for shock [293, 294],
Thrombolysis/thrombus fragmentation/operation in case of acute fulminant pulmonary embolism [293, 294],
Adequate treatment of rhythm disturbances if they are the main reason for shock: Temporary pacemaker in bradycardia [295], DC cardioversion, emergency ablation or anti-arrhythmic medication (Amiodarone) in case of sustained VT [293, 294], magnesium in case of torsade de pointe tachycardia [296–298].
Immediate pleural drainage in tension pneumothorax [299].
the aim and the target for “initial medical therapy in cardiogenic shock is to maintain arterial pressure adequate for tissue perfusion and to increase tissue perfusion” [300].
3.6.2 Adjunctive Treatment Maintaining or Re-establishing Appropriate Coronary and Systemic Perfusion
Critical hypoperfusion reduces the myocardial perfusion or aggravates an already present myocardial perfusion deficit [142]. Persistent myocardial ischaemia and hypoperfusion will cause a vicious cycle leading to an increasingly ischaemic myocardium [40, 42]. The perfusion of the end-organs [1, 13] (especially the heart [13, 143–145]) becomes critically dependent on the haemodynamics [5, 145, 301].
In order to provide an appropriate coronary perfusion pressure in patients with ischemic heart disease, avoiding (further) ischaemia, and preventing the intact myocardium from hypoperfusion, a MAP ≥ 70(75) – 80 mmHg [302–305] should be sufficient. In patients with other reasons than ACS for CS, such as acute myocarditis, a MAP ≥ 65 mmHg may suffice [306, 307]. Guidelines recommend keeping the sBP ≥ 100 mmHg in case of CS, but no studies are available to substantially support this value.
Furthermore, although a higher perfusion pressure does not automatically improve tissue perfusion, in the case of the heart there is evidence that an increase in systemic and hence coronary perfusion pressure indeed means an improvement in the tissue perfusion (coupled macro- and microcirculation) [136, 137]. Both, Vlahakes [304] and Di Giantomasso [305] found a significant increase in myocardial tissue perfusion while administering noradrenaline to treat hypotension, increasing the systemic as well as the coronary perfusion pressure.
Autoregulation has turned out and can be considered being a decisive feature and mechanism to provide for adequate blood distribution and thus appropriate tissue oxygen and nutrient supply [113]. Furthermore, GFR and hence basic kidney excretion function seems to be assured as long as autoregulatory capacity is secured and uninterrupted [308–310]. Accordingly, if autoregulation is compromised, the expansion of myocardial ischemia is highly likely and disease immanent in coronary artery disease, particularly in AMI [37]. Thus this expansion may be critically and crucially hampered by maintaining and/or re-establishing (as soon as possible) working cardiac autoregulation, thereby allowing for sufficient oxygen supply of the “healthy” myocardial mass [136–138]. To do so, coronary perfusion pressure is not allowed to fall below the autoregulatory threshold at all. As such, early and resolute initiation of noradrenaline, NA [311] application aiming for a MAP between 70 and 80 mmHg seems to be an essential and life saving measure [302, 303, 306] even if this implies that LV afterload increases in a situation where the systolic LV function is already markedly compromised. However, ongoing and dispersing ischemia, especially ensuing in the setting of AMI, affecting with ongoing hypoperfusion also primarily healthy myocardial regions, will inevitably lead to complete cardiac collapse as there will be not enough myocardium left for contraction at all if ischemia spreads. As such, securing coronary perfusion keeping auto-regulation working is paramount. Fluid Administration
In life-threatening situations with severe hypotension and tissue hypoperfusion, a fluid challenge as described by Vincent and Weil [312] is justifiable, even in cases of cardiogenic shock [8, 313]. But remember that only 10–15% of all patients with CS suffer from a relative or absolute volume deficit and thus are in need of fluid loading [314]. Although, understandably, Hunt [313] demands that a confirmed volume deficit has to be treated before commencing any other measures. However, as Michard has shown, in the case of severely impaired contractility no significant increase in SV and blood pressure can be expected by volume loading [160].
As such, a monitored bolus of 250–500 mL crystalloid in case of hypoperfusion/hypotension seems to be reasonable [8, 226, 315] and is an endorsed first-line measure, as long as no signs fluid overload are present, a class I, level C ESC recommendation [315]. Nevertheless, a sustained effect on BP increase cannot be expected [316]. Accordingly, close monitoring and a careful assessment are essentials in order to avoid volume overloading with its harmful consequences [317]. Vasopressor Administration
In critical hypoptension (usually defined as sBP < 90(85) mmHg or MAP < 65(60) mmHg) in the setting of AHF/CS [276, 315, 318–320]) noradrenaline (NA) is by now the preferred vasopressor drug: Compared to dopamine, NA shows an improvement of renal and myocardial tissue perfusion [304, 305, 321, 322], and within reasonable dose ranges no unfavourable effects on renal, mucosa/gut or thyroid perfusion [301, 323–325] have to be expected. Particularly the study by De Backer substantially supports to use NA as first-line vasopressor in shock states [311] and confirms results by Sakr who found that the administration of dopamine or adrenaline was associated with a significantly higher mortality when compared to dobutamine and noradrenaline [326]. A subgroup analysis even found a lower mortality rate in those patients treated with NA and dobutamine [311].
Accordingly, the most recent ESC guideline (finally) recommends NA being the preferred vasopressor in case CS conditions persist, “despite treatment with another inotrope, to increase blood pressure and vital organ perfusion” [315], a class IIb, level B evidence [311]
The main effects of the catecholamines usually applied in daily practice are summarized in the following table, adapted from Ellender and Skinner [327] and from Van Thielen [328]. (Table 3.2)
Drug | Main receptor activity | Clinical/hemodynamic effects | |||||||||
α1 | α2 | β1 | β2 | CO | dp/dt | HR | SVR | PVR | PCWP | MVO2 | |
NA | 4+ | 3+ | 3+ | 0(+) | ↑ | ↑ | ± | ↑↑ | ± | ± | ↑ |
DOB | 0(+) | 0(+) | 4+ | 3+ | ↑↑↑ | ↑ | ↑↑ | ↓ | ↓ | ↓/± | ↑ | Inotropic Medication
As mentioned in Chap. 2, inotropic drugs are traditionally used to increase CO (SV) and to improve peripheral and vital organ perfusion [334, 335] in low output situations which may be life threatening [62, 144, 301, 336].
As such, inotropic drugs may be considered in conditions of persistent organ hypoperfusion and/or hypotension associated with low output after carefully monitored and well balanced volume therapy [276, 315, 319, 337]. In the event of a reasonable BP (Ryan [301] and others [276, 315, 319, 320] suggest a sBP ≥ 90 (85) mmHg) or in pre-shock situations, dobutamine is still validated as the first choice drug when aiming to support and improve the contractility, to increase BP, CO and thus tissue perfusion [1, 40, 300, 301, 318, 329, 336]. However, as BP may further decrease under dobutamine infusion or does not increase, and as further ischemic threats definitely have to be avoided, a combination of NA and dobutamine is often indicated [300, 311]. The combination of NA and DOB (compared with other catcholamines like dopamine, adrenaline/epinephrine) has turned out to probably be the most reliable and safest strategy in those circumstances [300]. Further, DOB may be added to NA in patients with pre-shock/shock, once a systolic blood pressure > 90 mmHg is achieved and maintained [145, 197].
However, as mentioned, there is growing and clear evidence of adverse events and increased mortality when using inotropic agents [75, 338–340], and catecholamine application should be as short as possible and the doses used as low as possible [67].
Phosphodiesterase-inhibitors do not have any benefits when compared to dobutamine, with the exception that they are effective in patients who are on regular β-blocker medication, and patients do not develop tolerance as with dobutamine [341, 342]. Further, they may be an alternative in patients with CS of non-ischemic reason [343, 344].
Levosimendan, a calcium sensitizing agent, has shown very encouraging results in the treatment of severe heart failure [345–349]. Some studies found a significantly lower mortality when compared to dobutamine in patients treated for AHFS [346–350]. Levosimendan not only has favourable effects on systolic function but, in contrast to dobutamine, the diastolic function substantially improves as well (no adverse influence on relaxation) [351–354]. Furthermore, there is a considerable beneficial impact on the failing right ventricle [355–358]. The RUSSLAN-study also found a substantial benefit for patients with heart failure as a complication of AMI when treated with levosimendan rather than with dobutamine [347]. In refractory shock, levosimendan was shown to be not inferior to DOB (there was even a trend to be better), and superior to enoximone [359]. However, unfortunately, the recently published Revive I & II [360] and SURVIVE-study [361] could not demonstrate substantial favourable effects, particularly not a better outcome when comparing levosimendan with dobutamine.
Nevertheless, in case AHF/CS is associated with β-blocker treatment contributing to and/or even causing AHF [275, 362], levosimendan may be the preferred drug, as recommended in the most recent guidelines of the ESC, a class II b, level C evidence [315]. Furthermore, levosimendan may be applied in CS complicating AMI [347, 363] on top of an already administered combination of dobutamine and NA, if required to stabilize the patient [359, 364].
As mentioned previously, an aggravation of hypotension and hypoperfusion may be fatal and should be avoided [37, 40, 42, 142–144, 301], and as such, levosimendan should not be commenced if systolic blood pressure is less than 85 mmHg [355, 365, 366]. Restoration of normovolaemia and omitting the loading dose are measures which will avoid BP drops and hypoperfusion secondary to levosimendan administration [145, 365, 366].
In the US, levosimendan, due to the fact of not showing a better outcome compared with dobutamine in the SURVIVE- and REVEIVE studies, has not been approved [361]. Intra-Aortic Balloon Counter Pulsation (IABP)
IABP has for a long time been a standard component in the therapy of CS [40, 285, 367]. IABP provides effective haemodynamic support and, of extreme importance, increases the coronary blood flow. In particular, IABP is efficient in the initial stabilisation of patients suffering from CS [368–372]. IABP improves outcome [369–371] and shows at least a trend towards lower mortality even when used as a single treatment tool [17, 27, 372].
However, since early coronary intervention (PCI or surgical revascularization) has provided impressive and substantial evidence of being the most favourable and effective initial approach [5], the effect of IABP is pulverized and IABP has lost its special position: As a biphasic recent high-quality study (IABP-SHOCK II) by Thiele and coworkers revealed, there is no additional beneficial effect of IABP therapy if patients with AMI complicated by CS have undergone successful coronary intervention [14, 373].
Accordingly, IABP application is not for standard use any longer, but may be considered in selective patients, particularly in those with mechanical complication of the infarction such as acute ventricular septal defect, a class II a, level C recommendation [276, 315]. IABP may be also valuable if the patients do not stabilize quickly after coronary intervention and applied medical measures [33, 374, 375], a class IIa, level B recommendation by the AHA/ACCF [277]. Renal Function
Renal dysfunction is known to accompany acute heart failure syndromes in a substantial number of cases [376–378]. If present, the patient`s prognosis is poor [376, 379]. Primary disorders of heart function affecting the kidney function and vice versa are termed cardiorenal syndrome [380], and “acute worsening or de novo afflicted heart function leading to acute kidney injury” is referred to as cardiorenal syndrome type 1 [381]. The CRS type 1 pathophysiology basically includes hemodynamic features such as diminished renal blood flow and deficient renal perfusion pressure, increased intra-renal vascular resistance and enhanced renal venous pressure (with concomitant renal venous congestion) [309], the latter being identified as “the major driver of acute cardiorenal syndrome” in CSR type 1 [382–386]. As such, altered renal perfusion in the setting of acute heart failure is attributed to and may be the result of impaired CO, combined pre-glomerular vasoconstriction and renal venous congestion [387]. In CS, renal dysfunction has traditionally been attributed to renal hypoperfusion following low cardiac output [380, 388–391], however, other pathophysiological features contribute, in particular attenuated or even disrupted renal autoregulation [384]—further details, please see Chap. 7 on cardiorenal syndrome.
Therefore, shortly following restoration of an appropriate circulation, attention should be directed to the renal function [392, 393]. The main prerequisites are eu/normovolaemia and an adequate perfusion pressure (MAP ≥ 70–80 mmHg) [322, 392, 394].
If an adequate diuresis does not commence spontaneously after volume status and blood pressure are optimized, one attempt to induce diuresis by administration of diuretics (bolus application) appears to be reasonable [392, 395]. If this is ineffective and there is persistent oligo/anuria or increasing (>1.5–2.0 of baseline level) serum creatinine levels signalling acute kidney injury [396] and a poor prognosis [397], combinations of diuretics, e.g. furosemide and metolazone, may be indicated [398, 399]. However, recurrent unsuccessful attempts with diuretics are likely to be harmful [400–402].
So, in the face of ongoing oligo/anuria, early consideration should be made of CRRT, continuous renal replacement therapy. CRRT has a ‘neutral haemodynamic behaviour’ with only a minimal effect on MAP [393, 394], which is essential, especially in the case of fluid overload [393]. Continuous renal replacement therapy also eliminates cardiopulmonary toxic substances and, most relevantly, myocardial depressant factors [403]. Compensation of Acidosis
In shock states, metabolic acidosis occurs due to elevated serum lactate in response to peripheral hypoperfusion [404]. Buffering should only be considered if the pH < 7.1, or if it is evident that the vasopressor or inotropic medication is not effective due to the low pH. In that setting, one should aim to raise the pH only moderately, not exceeding a target pH of 7.2–7.25. The decision to use buffer agents is controversial [405–408] and some authors refuse to do so [409]. There exists very little evidence as to beneficial effects of buffer agents [410], however if buffering is necessary, on current evidence tromethamine should be the preferred drug [411, 412], as it has less side effects than bicarbonate solutions.
In mechanically ventilated patients, mild hyperventilation is a nimble tool to remove excess acid in the form of carbon dioxide [413]. Anticoagulation therapy
Patients with cardiogenic shock essentially need thromboembolic prophylaxis and should be on low molecular weight heparin or equivalent drugs and doses, a class I level B recommendation [315].
Medical patients in general should be prophylactically anticoagulated in order to avoid disseminated intra- vascular coagulation (DIC) or thromboembolic events [414–418]. Although lacking definite studies, in case of CS, intravenous (to avoid inadequate absorption in peripheral hypoperfusion) administration of 500–800 IU/h unfractionated heparin is recommended [414]. Otherwise, prophylaxis of thromboembolism may be achieved either by 5000 IU of unfractionated heparin three times a day, or an adequate dose of low molecular weight heparin [417, 419].
Dosage: 40 mg enoxaparin [420, 421] (or equivalent) s. c. or 5000 units unfractionated Heparin s. c. × 3 daily [2, 422].
Table 3.3
Summary of the therapeutic measures to treat CS, based on the recommendations discussed above [317, 320, 339; ¤ 40, 42, 143 and Metra M, Heart Fail Rev 2009; 14: 299–307]
Warm and dry | Warm and wet | ||
See Chap. 2, Table 2.4. | See Chap. 2, Table 2.4. | ||
Cold and dry | Cold and wet | ||
sBP < (85) 90 mmHg Ia. Careful and closely monitored fluid loading, crystalloids 250– 500 mLs/10–20 min, if acute predominant RV-failure* and relevant DVI are excluded. Simultaneously or if effect is insufficient, apply NA ≥ 0.02–1.0 μg/kg /min immediately.
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