Cardiac Physical Examination

Cardiac Physical Examination

Craig R. Asher and Cesar Augusto Bonilla Isaza


Over the years, the bedside skills of the cardiologist have diminished, due in part to the readily available access to echocardiography. However, the cardiology boards expect a high level of understanding of physical diagnosis. Most of the testing of physical diagnosis is indirect. Many of the questions are structured with a brief history and physical exam that provide clues about the diagnosis or answer. Often these are subtle hints that will not be appreciated by the unprepared. This chapter provides many of the pearls of physical diagnosis that are important for taking the boards.


Basic principles (these descriptors may correlate with specific diagnoses):

image General appearance: Distress, diaphoresis, tachypnea, cyanosis, pallor

image Posture: Orthopnea, platypnea/orthodeoxia (dyspnea and O2 desaturation in the upright position such as seen in patients with patent foramen ovale (PFO) and atrial septal defect (ASD) with R-to-L shunt), trepopnea (dyspnea lying on one side but not the other such as with large pleural effusions)

image Stature: Tall (Marfan syndrome, Acromegaly), short (Turner and Noonan syndrome, Down syndrome), dwarfism (Ellis–van Creveld syndrome associated with ASD)

image Nutritional status: Obese (sleep apnea, metabolic syndrome), cachexia (end-stage systolic heart failure, chronic disease, malignancy), athletic or muscular (anabolic steroid use)

image Abnormal movements: Chorea (Sydenham chorea as seen with rheumatic fever), ataxia (Friedrich ataxia associated with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy [HCM] or tertiary syphilis associated with aortic aneurysms), head bobbing (aortic regurgitation [AR] or tricuspid regurgitation [TR]), Cheyne–Stokes respirations

See Table 2.1 for additional associated conditions and specific diseases found with various skin, head and neck, eye, chest and abdomen, extremity findings.

2.1 Physical Examination Findings with Associated Conditions and Disease States



Basic Principles

image Described by upstroke, magnitude, and contour

image Composed of percussion (ejection, mid to later portion) and tidal waves (reflected wave from periphery, midlater portion)

image Graded 0 to 4. Grade 0 is absent; Grade 1 is barely palpable; Grade 2 is easily palpable; Grade 3 is normal; and Grade 4 is bounding.

image Normal pulse pressure approximately 30 to 40 mm Hg (systolic minus diastolic blood pressure)

image Anacrotic notch is present at the systolic upstroke in the arterial pulse (ascending limb).

image Dicrotic notch is present in the diastolic downstroke in the arterial pulse (descending limb) at aortic valve closure.

Disease States

See Figure 2.1.


FIGURE 2.1  Carotid pulse findings in normal and disease states. A: The normal carotid pulse. There is a rapid ascending and descending limb. The descending limb is slower than the ascending limb and has a dicrotic notch that occurs during aortic valve closure. The dicrotic notch is generally not palpable on examination. B: Hyperdynamic pulse. There is a rapid, high volume ascending and descending limb. C: Parvus/tardus pulse with anacrotic notch refers to a small-amplitude pulse with a delayed systolic peak associated with AS. The anacrotic notch on the ascending limb may be appreciated on examination. D: Pulsus alternans is the beat-to-beat variation in the arterial pulse amplitude that is seen with left ventricular dysfunction and low stroke volume. E: Pulsus bisferiens is characterized by two systolic peaks during systole. The amplitude of the pulse is high. The initial peak is due to the ejection or percussion wave, and the second peak is due to a reflected or tidal wave in the periphery. This type of pulse is most often seen with isolated AR or combined AR and stenosis. F: Dicrotic pulse is another form of double-peaked pulse where the dicrotic notch is present in diastole just after S2. The dicrotic pulse usually occurs in patients with hypotension due to low CO or low SVR. G: Spike and dome pulse is another form of double-peaked pulse that occurs with HOCM. There is an initial delayed systolic peak followed by a lower-amplitude systolic peak.

Pulsus Alternans

image Alternating beat to beat strong and weak pulsations in sinus rhythm

image Reflects myocardial dysfunction due to alterations in preload, afterload, and contractility with each beat

Pulsus Paradoxus

image Exaggeration of normal inspiratory fall of systolic blood pressure (SBP) > 10 mm Hg

image Causes include cardiac tamponade, chronic lung disease/acute asthma, pulmonary embolism (PE), right ventricular infarction, congestive heart failure, tension pneumothorax, pregnancy, obesity, and rarely constrictive pericarditis (only effusive form)

image Major mechanisms include (a) image venous return to the right heart during inspiration with shift of the septum to the left resulting in image left ventricle (LV) stroke volume and therefore image SBP and (b) image pulmonary venous reservoir with inspiration resulting in image left-sided filling (lower pulmonary vein to left ventricular gradient).

image Cardiac tamponade may occur without pulsus paradoxus due to loss of interventricular dependence with high LV enddiastolic pressure (AR or LV dysfunction), ASD (volume of shunted blood exceeds volume of blood between inspiration and expiration), or right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH) and pulmonary hypertension (PH).

image The paradox is that heart sounds can be heard during inspiration, while the pulse weakens and may not be palpable.

image Reversed pulsus paradoxus may occur with HCM or in mechanically ventilated patients.

Double-Peaked Pulse

image image amplitude pulse with two systolic peaks

image Results from accentuated percussion wave and tidal wave

image Most common cause is severe AR (bisferiens) with or without aortic stenosis (AS), though may also occur with hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HOCM, bifid or “spike and dome”)and hyperdynamic states (patent ductus arteriosus [PDA], arteriovenous malformations).

Pulsus Tardus and Parvus

image Tardus (slow upstroke) and parvus (low amplitude)

image Caused by AS, though may be absent even in the setting of severe AS in elderly with noncompliant carotid vessels

image Associated with an anacrotic pulse

Anacrotic Pulse

image Notch on the upstroke of the carotid pulse (anacrotic notch) may be palpable.

image Two distinct waves can be seen (slow initial upstroke and delayed peak, which is close to S2).

image Present in AS

Dicrotic Pulse

image Accentuated upstroke with second peak after dicrotic notch in diastole (after S2)

image Second peak in diastole differentiates the dicrotic pulse from a bisferiens pulse.

image Occurs in patients with low cardiac output (CO) and high systemic vascular resistance (SVR) or high CO and low SVR (in both cases the systolic pressure is low)

Other miscellaneous signs/findings related to arterial pulse include the following:

Osler Sign

image Obliteration of brachial pulse by BP cuff with sustained palpable and rigid radial artery

image Invasive BP measurements may not correlate with cuff pressures and pseudohypertension may be present.

image Due to atherosclerotic, calcified blood vessels

Pulse Deficit

image Difference in the heart rate by direct cardiac auscultation and the distal arterial pulse rate when in atrial fibrillation (AF)

image Due to short diastoles with short RR interval, the contraction may not be strong enough to generate enough stroke volume to the periphery and thus the peripheral pulse may underestimate the heart rate.

Radial-to-Femoral Delay

image Generally radial and femoral pulse occur at nearly the same time (femoral slightly earlier).

image Due to obstruction of arterial flow due to coarctation, the femoral pulse may be delayed.

image Confirmed by image in lower-extremity pressure compared to upper-extremity pressure in the supine position

Asymmetric right greater than left pulses and pressures:

image Supravalvular AS: The pool of blood is directed toward the right side of the aorta in greater proportion than to the left (due to the Coanda effect) resulting in a disparity in pulses and pressures, including inequality of carotid pulses.

Pressure/Pulse Difference in Two Arms (>10 mm Hg Systolic)

image Due to obstruction involving the aorta, innominate and subclavian arteries due to the following etiologies: congenital, arteriosclerosis, embolism, arteritis, dissection, postsurgical (subclavian flap repair for coarctation) or external obstruction (thoracic outlet syndrome).

Historical signs of severe AR due to high stroke volume detected by pulse abnormalities include the following:

Hill Sign

image Extreme augmentation of systolic BP in the femoral artery compared with the brachial artery (>40 mm Hg)

image Seen with severe AR

image Results from a summation of waves traveling distally in the aorta

Mayen Sign

image image in diastolic BP with arm elevation of >15 mm Hg

Traube Sign “Pistol shot”

image Loud systolic sound heard over the femoral artery

Corrigan Pulse: “Water-Hammer” Pulse

image Large-amplitude upstroke and collapse of the carotid artery pulse due to high CO and low resistance

Duroziez Sign

image Systolic and diastolic bruit heard over the femoral artery with gentle compression


Basic Principles

image Pressure and waveforms should be evaluated.

image Adjust level of head/torso until pulsations optimally visualized. Generally around 45 degrees.

image Internal jugular preferable to external jugular and right internal jugular preferable to left

image Jugular venous pulse (JVP) image with inspiration in normal patients

Jugular Venous Pressure

image Measured as the vertical height above the sternal angle or angle of Louis (junction of manubrium and sternum), which is considered to be 5 cm above the right atrium (RA) in all positions

image 9-cm H2O is considered elevated.

image Conversion: 1.36 cm H2O = 1 mm Hg

image Abdominojugular reflux (previously referred to as the hepatojugular) can be performed to confirm or determine elevated venous pressure. Application of pressure >10 to 30 seconds over the right upper quadrant (RUQ) results in sustained elevation of jugular pressure ≥4 cm above the sternal angle for >10 seconds following release of pressure. Straining (Valsalva maneuver) must be avoided since it will cause a false reading.

image A wave: RA filling durig RA systole

image C wave: Upward motion tricuspid valve in systole / carotid artery deflection

image X descent: RA relaxation (during RV systole)

image V wave: RA filling during RV systole

image Y descent: Fall in RA pressure when tricuspid valve opens (RV diastolic filling)

Jugular Venous Waveforms

See Figure 2.2.


FIGURE 2.2 Internal jugular pulsations in normal individuals and during AF. The physiology attributed to each wave is noted. Typically, there are two positive waves (“a” and “v” waves) and two negative waves (“x” and “y” descents) in normal individuals. The “a” wave is lost with AF. The “c” wave is not appreciable on physical examination. RA, right atrium; RV, right ventricle.

Disease States

See Figure 2.3.


FIGURE 2.3  Internal jugular pulsations during various disease states. A: Large “v” or “cv” wave characteristic of TR along with a rapid “y” descent. B: Large “a” wave as seen with obstruction to right ventricular filling with TS. The “y” descent is slow when TS is present. A large “a” wave without a prominent “y” descent may occur with RVH or PH. C: Cannon “a” waves are present with AV dissociation and describe the presence of intermittent prominent “a” waves that occur during contraction against a closed AV valve during ventricular systole. It should not be confused with a prominent “v” wave. D: Loss or blunting of the “y” descent is an important feature of cardiac tamponade that corresponds with impairment of diastolic filling. E: A prominent “x” and “y” descent is present with either constrictive pericarditis or restrictive cardiomyopathy. The rapid “y” descent is a marker of early rapid filling due to an abnormality of compliance that is seen with both of these conditions. F: The “x” descent and “y” descent with an ASD are equal in amplitude.

image AF—loss of “a” wave resulting in just one major positive wave

image Complete heart block or atrioventricular (AV) dissociation— cannon “a” wave due to contraction against a closed tricuspid valve

image Tricuspid stenosis (TS), RVH, PH, severe left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH)—giant “a” waves

image Severe TR—large “v” wave and rapid “y” descent

image ASD -prominent and equal “a” and “v” waves

image Constrictive pericarditis—prominent “y” descent (predominant filling during early diastole) and sometimes prominent “x” descent giving “w” shape waveform along with elevated jugular venous pressure and Kussmaul sign

image Restrictive cardiomyopathy—prominent “x” and “y” descent may also be present similar to constrictive pericarditis.

image Cardiac tamponade—prominent “x” wave and loss of the “y” descent representing loss of filling in diastole along with elevated jugular venous pressure

image Superior vena cava (SVC) obstruction—elevated but nonpulsatile JVP

Other Miscellaneous Signs/Findings

image Kussmaul sign—paradoxical rise in JVP during inspiration due to increased resistance of RA filling during inspiration. The opposite of the normal fall in JVP with inspiration.

image Classical finding in constrictive pericarditis. May also occur with RV infarct, severe TR or TS, PE, and restrictive cardiomyopathy but is absent with cardiac tamponade except for the effusive constrictive form.


Basic Principles

image The normal apex moves toward the chest wall in early systole and is best palpated in the fourth or the fifth left intercostal space just medial to the midclavicular line.

image It is 1 to 2 cm in size and lasts less than one-third of systole.

image The apical pulsation is not always the point of maximal impulse (PMI) (e.g., in rheumatic mitral stenosis (MS), the PMI may be produced by the right ventricle).


image LVH results in an apical impulse that is sustained and not diffuse.

image RVH or PH results in a left parasternal heave or lift that is sustained and not diffuse.


image LV enlargement results in a diffuse, laterally displaced apical impulse.

image RV enlargement results in a diffuse impulse occurring in the parasternal region.

Disease States

image LV aneurysms may produce diffuse outward bulging and a rocking effect.

image Constrictive pericarditis may be characterized by systolic retraction of the chest instead of outward motion (Broadbent sign).

image Hyperactive precordium occurs in volume overload (severe aortic and mitral regurgitation [MR], large left-to-right shunt).

image HCM causes a double systolic outward motion. This is due to a palpable “a” wave (increased atrial filling) and sustained outward movement of the apex. In some patients, there are two systolic motions as well as the motion during atrial systole resulting in a triple apical impulse.


Basic Principles

image Ventricular systole begins with closure of the mitral (first) and tricuspid (second) valves.

image S1 is best heard with the diaphragm of the stethoscope at the apex for the mitral and the left sternal border for the tricuspid valve.

image Opening sounds of the mitral and tricuspid valves are pathologic sounds.


image Mitral closure is generally louder than tricuspid closure.

image S1 is generally louder than S2 at the apex and the left sternal border and softer than S2 at the left and the right second interspaces.

S1 (particularly M1) is image with:

image Short PR interval (due to wide separation of leaflets at onset of ventricular systole)

image MS with mobile leaflets

image Hyperdynamic LV function or image transvalvular flow due to shunts (image force of leaflet closure)

image TS or ASD (T1 image)

S1 is image with:

image Long PR interval (leaflets close together at onset of ventricular systole)

image MS with immobile or calcified leaflets

image Severe AR (due to mitral preclosure from the jet hitting the mitral valve and high left ventricular end diastolic pressure [LVEDP])

image MR due to prolapse or flail (poor coaptation of leaflets)

image Severe LV dysfunction with poor CO (image force of leaflet closure)

S1 is variable with:

image Atrial fibrillation

image Complete heart block and AV dissociation


image Split S1 must be differentiated from an S4 gallop heard best at the apex with the bell of the stethoscope and an ejection sound (ES) (pulmonic or aortic) heard at the base of the heart.

Persistent splitting:

image Late T1 closure due to severe TS, ASD or right bundle branch block (RBBB)

image Late T1 closure due to Ebstein anomaly (S2 also split) with associated multiple systolic and diastolic clicks “sail-like sounds”

image Early M1 closure due to LV preexcitation

Reverse splitting (rare):

image Late M1 closure due to severe MS (usually associated with TR), left bundle branch block (LBBB), RV pacing


Basic Principles

image Ventricular systole ends with closure of the aortic (first) and pulmonic (second) valves.

image S2 closure sounds are heard best with the diaphragm of the stethoscope in the second left and right intercostal spaces near the sternum.


image Aortic closure heard best at the second right intercostal space adjacent to the sternum is generally louder than pulmonic closure heard best at the second left intercostal space adjacent to the sternum.

image S2 (A2) is image with hypertension (HTN), dilated aorta.

image S2 (A2) is image with AS.

image S2 (P2) is image with pulmonary HTN, dilated pulmonary artery (PA).

image S2 (P2) is image with pulmonary stenosis (PS).

Single S2

image A2 is absent with severe AS.

image P2 is absent with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and obesity (inaudible sound due respiratory noise) or PS, pulmonary atresia, right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) obstruction, and Tetralogy of Fallot.

image A2-P2 occur together with aging due to decreased inspiratory delay of P2.


Normally A2 and P2 separate during inspiration and come together during expiration (physiologic splitting) (Fig. 2.4). This occurs due to image pulmonary vascular impedance and relatively longer RV ejection period relative to LV ejection period.


FIGURE 2.4  Illustration of normal S2 (physiologic) splitting and pathologic S2 splitting (persistent, fixed, paradoxical) with the changes that occur as a result of the respiratory cycle. With normal physiologic splitting, P2 closure occurs later than A2 closure during inspiration with associated increased preload and a longer right ventricular ejection period. During expiration, a single S2 sound is heard. With persistent splitting, A2 and P2 are heard throughout the respiratory cycle but separated by a wider distance during inspiration. This is due either to a delay in the closure of P2 or an early closure of A2. Fixed splitting may occur with hemodynamically significant ASDs and describes the equal and persistent separation of A2 and P2 during the respiratory cycle. Paradoxical splitting is the opposite of normal splitting (P2 precedes A2) during expiration, and a single sound is heard during inspiration. This is due to either a delay in A2 closure or an early P2 closure.

image Splitting of the S2 may be physiologic or pathologic.

Pathologic splitting:

a. Fixed splitting—wide and persistent splitting that remains unchanged throughout the respiratory cycle

Conditions—ASD (~70% secundum ASD when hemodynamically significant), RV failure (most common cause in adults), PS, Partial anomalous pulmonary venous return (usually with sinus venosus ASD), ventricular septal defect (VSD) with left-to-right shunt (A2 closure is early)

b. Persistent splitting—splitting occurs with both inspiration and expiration but is not fixed with a further widening occurring with inspiration.

image Conditions:

1.  P2 delayed—RBBB, pulmonary HTN, RV dysfunction, PS, dilated PA

2.  A2 early—severe MR, VSD, Wolf–Parkinson–White (WPW) (LV pre-excitation)

c. Paradoxical splitting—the normal sequence of A2 followed by P2 closure is reversed so that so that with expiration P2 precedes A2 and with inspiration the sounds come together.

image Conditions:

1.  A2 delayed—LBBB or RV pacing, AS, LV dysfunction, HCM, Dilated aorta or Ischemia

2.  P2 early—WPW (RV preexcitation)


Basic Principles

image Physiologic sound in young adults though may disappear with standing. Almost all adults lose S3 after 40 years old.

image It is normal during the third trimester of pregnancy.

image Best heard with light pressure of the bell of stethoscope (low frequency) in the left lateral decubitus position at the apex

image Right-sided S3 can be heard at left sternal border and may image with inspiration.

image Most commonly heard in conditions of high flow across an AV valves

image S3 follows an opening snap (OS) and pericardial knock (PK) in timing.

image S3 corresponds with the “y” descent of the central venous or atrial waveform or the Doppler E wave on an echocardiogram.

image An S3 is not expected with severe MS.


Basic Principles

image S4 is usually pathologic (atrial gallop).

image S4 is heard best with the bell of the stethoscope and occurs just before S1, after the P wave on the EKG and is equivalent to the Doppler A wave on an echocardiogram.

image A left-sided S4 is heard best in the left lateral decubitus position at the apex during expiration and a right-sided S4 is heard at the left sternal border to midsternum best with inspiration.

image Common pathologic states associated with a left-sided S4 include—AS, HTN, HCM, and Ischemic heart disease. A right-sided S4 is heard with PH and PS.

image S4 gallop is not heard with AF.

image When S3 and S4 are heard simultaneously such as may occur with tachycardia and prolonged PR intervals, a “summation gallop” (SG) is present.

image A quadruple rhythm with a distinct S3 and S4 may be heard with tachycardia.



See Figure 2.5.


FIGURE 2.5  The relative timing of heart sounds heard during diastole is shown. The earliest sound audible is an OS. A TP related to atrial tumors such as an atrial myxoma occurs at the same time as an OS. A PK present with constrictive pericarditis occurs later than an OS but slightly earlier than an S3 gallop. The PK can be distinguished from an S3 since it is louder and higher pitched. An S4 occurs before the onset of ventricular systole. Sometimes with rapid heart rates, there is a fusion of S3 and S4 to create an SG.

Opening Snap

image Pathologic sound generated by abrupt movement of the body of the mitral leaflets in early diastole due to MS or tricuspid stenosis (TS)

image OS is a high-pitched sound best heard medial to the apex with the diaphragm of the stethoscope.

image If the valve is not mobile or MR is present, an OS may not occur.

image An interval of <70 milliseconds is consistent with severe MS. However, this interval is affected by other factors such as left atrial and left ventricular pressure and compliance.

image S2–OS interval may not be useful with rapid heart rates or with AS, AR, or MR.

image A tumor plop (TP) has about the same timing as an OS.

image A right-sided OS is best heard at the left sternal border and varies with respiration.

Other Diastolic Heart Sounds

image A tumor “plop” occurs at about the same time as an OS. It is due to the movement of a tumor such as a myxoma into the atrium during diastole.

image A PK is best heard with the diaphragm of the stethoscope at the apex and may vary with respiration. It is due to the rapid early left ventricular filling that occurs with constrictive pericarditis.


See Figure 2.6.


FIGURE 2.6  The relative timing of heart sounds heard during systole is shown. An ES is the earliest systolic sound audible and is heard just after S1 but occurs before the carotid pulsation. Nonejection clicks are usually midsystolic or late systolic and are most commonly caused by MVP. MC, midsystolic click; LC, late systolic click.

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