Fig. 9.1
Relative spatial resolution in axial, lateral and elevation planes
Table 9.1
Optimal approach for RT3DE of CHD
Structure | TTE | TEE | Additional information |
MV/LAVV | A4C PLAX PSAX en face (live 3D) | ME 4C (0°) TG SAX (0–45°) | PLAX useful for valve support apparatus |
TV/RAVV | A4C – RV centric PLAX | ME 4C (0°) | RV centric A4C – probe shifted rightward |
AoV/truncal valve | High PLAX High right PLAX PSAX en face (live 3D) | ME SAX (30–45°) | Full volume/3D zoom preferred High/right PLAX allows axial approach |
PV | PLAX, PSAX Subcostal RAO | (Limited use ) ME SAX (60–75°) | Subcostal RAO limited as decreased resolution in far field |
Atrial septum | Subcostal short/long Right PLAX A4C | ME 4C (0°) ME sagittal (80–90°) | A4C → decreased resolution, alternative if no subcostal window |
Ventricular septum | Subcostal short PLAX, PSAX A4C | TG SAX (0–45°) ME 4C (0°) | A4C → decreased resolution, alternative if no subcostal window Parasternal views for PMVSD |
LV/RV | A4C Subcostal | ME 4C (0°) | RV centric view for RV May require subcostal views to include entire ventricle |
An advantage of 3D datasets is that structures can be displayed in many unique orientations. Guidelines have been published for RT3DE image display in adults with structurally normal hearts to reduce variability and confusion [5] and additional guidelines are available for patients with CHD [6]. Echocardiographic images can be displayed using typical 2D cuts (with added depth), anatomically (similar views to cross-sectional imaging), and surgically [6]. 3D echocardiography provides the most added value through its ability to display cardiac structures from the surgeon’s view but in a beating heart. We recommend including surgical views if possible when presenting 3DE images.
Early on, the addition of RT3DE was shown to improve diagnostic accuracy compared to 2D echocardiography alone [7]. 2D Echocardiography of complex CHD can be especially challenging, even for experienced cardiologists. Multiple imaging planes and the use of 2D sweeps can improve diagnostic accuracy, but often the cardiac anatomy is not fully understood until the cardiac anatomy has been exposed in the operating room. Information about the spatial relationship of different cardiac structures may dictate what type of surgical repair is performed and whether patients will be able to undergo complete repair versus single ventricle palliation. RT3DE has been shown to improve the understanding and diagnostic accuracy of CHD compared to traditional 2D echocardiography, especially for complex defects [8]. Use of the multiplanar reformatting (MPR) setting provides unique 2D views and allows imagers to optimize images offline and perform virtual sweeps. It has aided in the determination surgical strategy (1 versus 2 ventricle repair) as well as the assessment of valve morphology and vascular anatomy in complex CHD [9]. RT3DE is especially helpful in the evaluation of extracardiac structures, VSDs with complex anatomy, the assessment of atrioventricular valve abnormalities and very complex CHD [10].
One of the most difficult cardiac lesions to understand can be double outlet right ventricle. In this lesion both outflow tracts arise from the right ventricle; however their orientation to each other can be quite variable. A VSD is almost always present, but its location and orientation fluctuates with variable commitments either to the aorta, pulmonary artery, both arteries or neither. Even experienced pediatric echocardiographers using high quality 2D echocardiography struggle to determine the commitment of these structures to each other. 3D imaging using MRI [11] and RT3DE [12] can significantly improve the understanding of these complex spatial arrangements. Specifically, RT3DE can provide important information regarding the ability to baffle the VSD to the aorta without obstructing the tricuspid valve (TV), the need for an RV to pulmonary artery conduit, and the need for VSD enlargement [12]. Figure 9.2 shows and example how straddling of the tricuspid valve can interfere with potential biventricular repair of a double outlet right ventricle. Using MPR reconstruction the 3D dataset substantial attachments were demonstrated to attach in the LV precluding closure of the interventricular communication and connecting the LV to the aorta.

Fig. 9.2
Double outlet right ventricular with straddling of the tricuspid valve. The MPR shows straddling of the tricuspid valve with attachments of the tricuspid valve leaflet in the LV. This precludes closure of the interventricular communication and connecting the LV to the aorta as this would damage the tricuspid valve subvalvar apparatus
Congenital Heart Disease Involving the Atrioventricular Valves
3DE is widely recognized as a valuable tool for assessing mitral valve (MV) and TV morphology and function in the adult population. Assessing congenital abnormalities of these valves can be particularly challenging due to their abnormal and variable morphology, presence of previous interventions, and asymmetric and variable flow dynamics. 3DE has improved our understanding of valve function and dysfunction in this population by allowing visualization of the entire valve apparatus at once, including valve, chords, and papillary muscles. It has been shown to improve diagnostic accuracy in certain mitral valve abnormalities, and importantly, can provide the surgeon with surgical views in a physiologic beating state.
The optimal echocardiographic views for 3D assessment of the atrioventricular valves are the apical four chamber (standard and RV-centric) and the parasternal long axis views (Table 9.1). The apical four-chamber view provides the highest spatial resolution of the left and right AV valve tissue and the parasternal long axis view provides the highest spatial resolution of the left AV valve support apparatus as well as good views of the right AV valve. Full volume and 3D zoom datasets provide the highest spatial and temporal resolution, although live 3D views can be beneficial to augment 2D ‘en face’ views. The use of 3D colour Doppler is very important to differentiate defects in coaptation from image dropout. It is recommended that colour Doppler always accompanies RT3DE assessment of any valve [13].
Congenital Mitral Valve Disease
With the exception of MV prolapse, congenital diseases of the MV are rare [14]. They include abnormalities predominantly of the valve tissue (isolated MV clefts and MV dysplasia) and abnormalities of the valve and support apparatus (double orifice MV, parachute MV and arcade MV). These abnormalities can lead to stenosis, regurgitation or both, and can be challenging to surgically repair.
RT3DE allows visualization of the entire valve and support apparatus in one image. Early 3DE improved our understanding of the normal MV structure and function, including its saddle shape, influences on leaflet stress and dynamic changes throughout systole and diastole [15]. Early studies on the normal MV paved the way for its assessment in CHD. There have been many reports of RT3DE aiding in the diagnosis of congenital MV disease including MV prolapse, double orifice MV [16, 17] (Fig. 9.3), arcade MV [18], isolated MV dysplasia, cleft MV (Fig. 9.4) and parachute MV [19]. In addition RT3DE has contributed to the diagnosis of abnormalities of the supravalvar area including cor triatriatum [20] and supramitral ring [21]. In a larger cohort, Takahashi et al. [22] showed that RT3DE had improved accuracy compared to 2D echocardiography in detecting leaflet and commissural abnormalities and correlated well with surgical findings.

Fig. 9.3
Double orifice mitral valve as seen from the left atrium (left panel) and left ventricle (right panel)

Fig. 9.4
Isolated MV cleft. As visualized by 3-D echo. A cleft directed anteriorly is noted in the anterior mitral leaflet. Left and middle panels show the mitral valve from the LA with the leaflets opened and closed. The right panel visualizes the valve from the left ventricle with the leaflets opening in diastole
RT3DE can improve the assessment and quantification of mitral regurgitation. 2D echocardiography provides adequate assessment of central, symmetric jets of mitral regurgitation. However, mitral regurgitation jets in congenital MV disease are often eccentric, irregularly shaped and displaced towards a specific anatomic abnormality (i.e. cleft). The assessment of mitral regurgitation with RT3DE does not require assumptions about the jet shape, and has been shown to be superior to 2D echocardiography in the detection and assessment of commissural regurgitation [22]. Importantly, the assessment of regurgitation using RT3DE occurs in a physiologic state, which makes it superior to surgical saline testing, especially for commissural regurgitation and clefts [22]. Many studies have been performed in adults with structurally normal MV comparing 3D derived vena contracta area (Fig. 9.5) to traditional measures of mitral regurgitation [23–25], with excellent correlation between RT3DE and MRI. In patients with atrioventricular septal defects (AVSD), vena contracta area correlates well with 2D-derived measures of regurgitation [26]. However, no studies have compared RT3DE-derived vena contracta area with MRI-derived regurgitant fraction in patients with CHD, and no normal values have been established in the pediatric population.

Fig. 9.5
MPR mode to assess vena contracta area in MR. Using the upper two cut planes, a short axis section of the MV is obtained at the exact vena contract. The vena contracta ‘en face’ is displayed in the lower left frame and can be traced to determine the vena contracta area. 2D echocardiography can produce similar views, but cannot guarantee that the image displayed is at the true vena contracta
Left Atrioventricular Valve in Atrioventricular Septal Defects
The defining feature of an atrioventricular septal defect is a common atrioventricular junction with a trileaflet left atrioventricular valve and an unwedged aortic valve (Fig. 9.6). The presence and severity of inter-atrial and inter-ventricular shunting is variable. Although sometimes called a MV, the left atrioventricular valve is unique, as it is composed of three leaflets. The so-called cleft is actually the zone of apposition between the superior and inferior bridging leaflets and is often a source of significant regurgitation (Figs. 9.6 and 9.7). Even in the current surgical era, regurgitation and stenosis of the left atrioventricular valve cause significant long-term morbidity.

Fig. 9.6
Anatomy of the atrioventricular junction in an atrioventricular septal defect. AL anterior leaflet, AoV aortic valve, IBL inferior bridging leaflet, ML mural leaflet, PL posterior leaflet, SBL superior bridging leaflet

Fig. 9.7
RT3DE of an atrioventricular septal defect with no ventricular shunt (primum defect). Left panel shows the surgical view from the left atrium. Right panel shows the view from the left ventricle. * so-called cleft (zone of apposition between the superior and inferior bridging leaflets). A anterior, P posterior, Ao aorta, L left, R right, ML mural leaflet, IBL inferior bridging leaflet, SBL superior bridging leaflet
RT3DE has been shown to provide additional anatomic and functional information both prior to AVSD repair [27] and afterwards [28, 29]. RT3DE correlates better with surgical findings compared to 2D echocardiography [30], specifically in the detection of commissural abnormalities and related regurgitation and in assessing for a residual cleft post repair [27].
It is still poorly understood why some AV valves are at increased risk of dysfunction after AVSD repair compared to others. RT3DE has provided important information regarding valve function and physiology in patients with AVSD and aided in the determination of risk factors for regurgitation and optimal surgical strategies. Unlike 2D echocardiography RT3DE is able to quantify valve prolapse area, and it is now clear that increased prolapse is associated with increased AV valve regurgitation pre- and post-operatively [26]. RT3DE also allows the quantification of valve tethering, through the measurement of valve and support apparatus angles. Increased tethering, often associated with asymmetric commissures, is associated with increased valve regurgitation post-operatively, even in patients with minimal pre-operative valve dysfunction [28, 31]. This has led some institutions to perform routine RT3DE assessments of the left atrioventricular valve in patients with AVSD and alter their surgical approach in high-risk patients [31].
Congenital Tricuspid Valve Disease
Congenital tricuspid valve (TV) disease usually includes TV dysplasia and Ebstein’s anomaly of the TV. The TV is more difficult to visualize compared to the mitral valve and there is no standard ‘en face’ view available using 2D echocardiography. It is often even more difficult to visualize the TV in patients with Ebstein’s anomaly due to the displacement and rotation of the functional valve orifice. The regurgitant jet is often very eccentric and difficult to evaluate.
RT3DE allows the TV to be visualized ‘en face’ and has been shown to be more accurate for detecting abnormalities in the TV anatomy and sources of regurgitation compared to 2D echocardiography alone [22] (Fig. 9.8). In Ebstein’s anomaly RT3DE has been helpful in visualizing the TV anatomy and assessing tricuspid regurgitation using the vena contracta area [32, 33]. It has proven valuable in evaluating the RV size and function in this lesion [32, 33]. More recently, the MPR mode has allowed a more accurate determination of dysplastic versus Ebsteinoid TV, and has correlated well with surgical findings [34].

Fig. 9.8
Ebstein’s anomaly of the tricuspid valve. Left panel show a view from the RV,. Notice the attachments on the septal leaflet to the interventricular septum. Also note the abnormal attachments of the anterior leaflet of the tricuspid valve to the RV free wall resulting in tethering of the anterior leaflet. Finally there is significant displacement and tethering of the deficient posteroinferior leaflets. On the right panel the opening of the tricuspid valve in the direction of the right ventricular outflow tract can be appreciated (arrow)
Atrioventricular Valve Disease in Single Ventricles
Despite advances in pre-operative, surgical and post-operative care, the morbidity and mortality in patients with single ventricle physiology remains high. These patients are at risk of significant AV valve regurgitation, which puts them at even higher risk. These valves can be challenging to image as they are often structurally different from mitral or tricuspid valves and commonly additional abnormalities including clefts, prolapse and tethering (Fig. 9.9).

Fig. 9.9
TV in hypoplastic left heart syndrome. The septal leaflet is tethered while the anterior valve has prominent small ‘cleft’ between scallops. Often with progressive dilatation of the tricuspid annulus, this can be region where regurgitation is common. Finally there is some anterior and posterior leaflet prolapse contributing to the regurgitation in this patient
RT3DE has significantly improved our ability to visualize the atrioventricular valve anatomy in single ventricles, as well as our understanding of the mechanisms of regurgitation. In patients with normal cardiac anatomy, it is well known that there are ventricular-ventricular interactions that can affect atrioventricular valve function. These interactions are altered in patients with single ventricle physiology and may lead to ventricular dysfunction and valvar regurgitation. In patients with hypoplastic left heart syndrome, RT3DE has shown that the tricuspid valve annulus shape is flatter, more circular, more dilated and less dynamic throughout the cardiac cycle [34, 35]. These changes and chordal abnormalities may lead to tethering and prolapse and are associated with increased regurgitation [34, 35]. Not only does this information improve our understanding of valve function in these lesions. It may help predict high-risk patients. Kutty et al. has shown that patients with increased tethering and a flatter annulus prior to stage 1 palliation are at increased risk of tricuspid regurgitation post operatively [35]. Interestingly, they did not find significant prolapse at this stage, and propose that prolapse may develop over a longer time period in these patients.
Quantification of valve regurgitation in these patients is often difficult and qualitative. RT3DE has been used to quantify tricuspid regurgitation (vena contracta area) in structurally normal hearts, with excellent correlation with 2D echocardiography [36]. This method has a superior correlation with MRI quantification in the evaluation of other cardiac valves compared to 2D echocardiography, and is often used as the gold standard for assessment of regurgitation. Although definitive studies have not been performed to evaluate quantification of AV valve regurgitation in the single ventricle population using RT3DE, this method is promising in improving the ability to quantify regurgitation in this population.
Atrial and Ventricular Septal Defects
Atrial Defects
Atrial septal defects (ASDs) are one of the most common CHD, occurring in 19% of CHD [14]. Traditionally ASDs were closed surgically; however more defects are now amenable to interventional device closure in the cardiac catheterization laboratory. The appropriate selection of patients for device ASD closure is critical and requires specific information on the number, size and shape of defects, as well as their relation to other cardiac structures. In some patients, these factors can be difficult to determine using 2D echocardiography alone.
In children, the atrial septum is a thin structure that is prone to dropout artifact, and maximizing the spatial resolution during image acquisition is important. Subcostal and right parasternal transthoracic views, and mid-esophageal TEE (0 and 90 degrees) views maximize spatial resolution by imaging in the axial plane. In older children and adults with limited subcostal views, apical 4 chamber views can be cropped to visualize the atrial septum ‘en face’. Although the spatial resolution is decreased, it is often sufficient in older patients with a thicker atrial septum [37]. The addition of colour Doppler to 3D images can help to distinguish defect from dropout. Anatomic and surgical views from the right and left atria [38], as well as standard 2D views with added depth can be used to display the anatomy (Fig. 9.10).

Fig. 9.10
Visualization of atrial communications. A large ASD as viewed from the right atrium. Red circle outlines the anatomic atrial septum. Blue circle outlines the atrial septal defect. There is insufficient rim separating the atrial septal defect from the IVC and the posterior atrial wall.
RT3DE has aided in the diagnosis of all types of inter-atrial communications [39], but its true value has been aiding the characterization and management of secundum ASDs. Early on, RT3DE was shown to provide additive information on the size and shape of ASDs as well as the size of their rims that correlated well with catheter and surgical findings [40–42]. In larger studies, RT3DE has been shown to be similar to 2D echocardiography in determining rim size, but superior in evaluating the number and shape of defects [43, 44]. RT3DE is especially advantageous for characterizing patients with multiple defects, as determining the relative size and shape of multiple defects is difficult using 2D echocardiography [45].

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