Carbon dioxide

Chapter 10 Carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide is the end-product of aerobic metabolism and is produced almost entirely in the mitochondria where the Pco2 is highest. From its point of origin, there are a series of partial pressure gradients as carbon dioxide passes through the cytoplasm and the extracellular fluid into the blood. In the lungs, the Pco2 of the blood entering the pulmonary capillaries is normally higher than the alveolar Pco2, and therefore carbon dioxide diffuses from the blood into the alveolar gas, where a dynamic equilibrium is established. The equilibrium concentration equals the ratio between carbon dioxide output and alveolar ventilation (page 139). Blood leaving the alveoli has, for practical purposes, the same Pco2 as alveolar gas, and arterial blood Pco2 is usually very close to ‘ideal’ alveolar Pco2.

Abnormal levels of arterial Pco2 occur in a number of pathological states and have many important physiological effects throughout the body, some as a result of changes in pH, and these are discussed in Chapter 23. Fundamental to all problems relating to Pco2 is the mechanism by which carbon dioxide is carried in the blood.1

Carriage of Carbon Dioxide in Blood

As Carbonic Acid

In solution, carbon dioxide hydrates to form carbonic acid:

(2) image

The equilibrium of this reaction is far to the left under physiological conditions. Published work shows some disagreement on the value of the equilibrium constant, but it seems likely that less than 1% of the molecules of carbon dioxide are in the form of carbonic acid. There is a very misleading medical convention by which both forms of carbon dioxide in equation (2) are sometimes shown as carbonic acid. Thus the term H2CO3 may, in some situations, mean the total concentrations of dissolved CO2 and H2CO3; to avoid confusion it is preferable to use αPco2 as in equation (7) below. This does not apply to equations (4) and (5) below, where H2CO3 has its correct meaning.

Carbonic anhydrase.4,5 The reaction of carbon dioxide with water (equation 2) is non-ionic and slow, requiring a period of minutes for equilibrium to be attained. This would be far too slow for the time available for gas exchange in pulmonary and systemic capillaries if the reaction were not catalysed in both directions by the enzyme carbonic anhydrase (CA). In addition to its role in the respiratory transport of carbon dioxide, CA plays a fundamental role in many body tissues, for example the generation of hydrogen and bicarbonate ions in secretory organs including the stomach and kidney, and the intracellular transfer of carbon dioxide within both skeletal and cardiac muscle. In mammals there are now 16 isozymes of CA identified, of which two are involved in blood carbon dioxide transport.

Red blood cells (RBCs) contain large amounts of CA II, one of the fastest enzymes known, whilst CA IV is a membrane bound isozyme present in pulmonary capillaries. There is no CA activity in plasma. Carbonic anhydrase is a zinc-containing enzyme of low molecular weight, and there is now extensive knowledge of the molecular mechanisms of CA.5,6 First, the zinc atom hydrolyses water to a reactive Zn–OH species, whilst a nearby histidine residue acts as a ‘proton shuttle’, removing the H+ from the metal-ion centre and transferring it to any buffer molecules near the enzyme. Carbon dioxide then combines with the Zn–OH species and the image formed rapidly dissociates from the zinc atom. The maximal rate of catalysis is determined by the buffering power in the vicinity of the enzyme, as the speed of the enzyme reactions are so fast that its kinetics are determined mostly by the ability of the surrounding buffers to provide/remove H+ ions to/from the enzyme.

Carbonic anhydrase is inhibited by a large number of compounds, including some drugs such as thiazide diuretics and various heterocyclic sulphonamides, of which acetazolamide is the most important. Acetazolamide is non-specific for the different CA isozymes and so inhibits CA in all organs at a dose of 5–20−1 and has no other pharmacological effects of importance. Acetazolamide has been used extensively in the study of carbonic anhydrase and has revealed the surprising fact that it is not essential to life. The quantity and efficiency of RBC CA is such that more than 98% of activity must be blocked before there is any discernible change in carbon dioxide transport, though when total inhibition is achieved, Pco2 gradients between tissues and alveolar gas are increased, pulmonary ventilation is increased and alveolar Pco2 is decreased.

As Bicarbonate Ion

The largest fraction of carbon dioxide in the blood is in the form of bicarbonate ion, which is formed by ionisation of carbonic acid thus:

(3) image

The second dissociation occurs only at high pH (above 9) and is not a factor in the carriage of carbon dioxide by the blood. The first dissociation is, however, of the greatest importance within the physiological range. The pK1′ is about 6.1 and carbonic acid is about 96% dissociated under physiological conditions.

According to the law of mass action:

(4) image

where K1′ is the equilibrium constant of the first dissociation. The subscript 1 indicates that it is the first dissociation, and the prime indicates that we are dealing with concentrations rather than the more correct thermodynamic activities.

Rearrangement of equation (4) gives the following:

(5) image

The left-hand side is the hydrogen ion concentration, and this equation is the non-logarithmic form of the Henderson–Hasselbalch equation.7 The concentration of carbonic acid cannot be measured and the equation may be modified by replacing this term with the total concentration of dissolved CO2 and H2CO3, most conveniently quantified as αPco2 as described above. The equation now takes the form:

(6) image

The new constant K′ is the apparent first dissociation constant of carbonic acid, and includes a factor that allows for the substitution of total dissolved carbon dioxide concentration for carbonic acid.

The equation is now in a useful form and permits the direct relation of plasma hydrogen ion concentration, Pco2 and bicarbonate concentration, all quantities that can be measured. The value of K′ cannot be derived theoretically and is determined experimentally by simultaneous measurements of the three variables. Under normal physiological conditions, if [H+] is in nmol.l−1, Pco2 in kPa, and [image] in mmol.l−1, the value of the combined parameter (αK′) is about 180. If Pco2 is in mmHg, the value of the parameter is 24.

Most people prefer to use the pH scale and so follow the approach described by Hasselbalch in 1916 and take logarithms of the reciprocal of each term in equation (6) with the following familiar result:8

(7) image

where pK′ has an experimentally derived value of the order of 6.1, but varies with temperature and pH (see Table 10.1). ‘[CO2]’ refers to the total concentration of carbon dioxide in all forms (dissolved CO2, H2CO3 and bicarbonate) in plasma and not in whole blood.

Carbamino Carriage

Amino groups in the uncharged R–NH2 form have the ability to combine directly with carbon dioxide to form a carbamic acid. At body pH, the carbamic acid then dissociates almost completely to carbamate:


In a protein, the amino groups involved in the peptide linkages between amino acid residues cannot combine with carbon dioxide. The potential for carbamino carriage is therefore restricted to the one terminal amino group in each protein chain and to the side chain amino groups that are found in lysine and arginine. Since both hydrogen ions and carbon dioxide compete to react with uncharged amino groups, the ability to combine with carbon dioxide is markedly pH dependent. The terminal α-amino groups are the most effective at physiological pH, and one binding site per protein monomer is more than sufficient to account for the quantity of carbon dioxide carried as carbamino compounds.

Carbamino carriage and haemoglobin. Only very small quantities of carbon dioxide are carried in carbamino compounds with plasma proteins. Almost all is carried by haemoglobin, and reduced haemoglobin is about 3.5 times as effective as oxyhaemoglobin (Figure 10.1), this being a major component of the Haldane effect (see below). Carbon dioxide binds to α-amino groups at the ends of both the α- and β-chains of haemoglobin. Earlier studies of CO2-haemoglobin reactions using free haemoglobin solution overestimated the magnitude of carbamino binding with haemoglobin, as later work showed that 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (2,3-DPG) present in vivo antagonises the binding of CO2 with haemoglobin. This antagonism results from direct competition between CO2 and 2,3-DPG for the end-terminal valine of the β-chain of haemoglobin, an effect that is not observed on the α-chains.

The Haldane effect. This is the difference in the quantity of carbon dioxide carried, at constant Pco2, in oxygenated and deoxygenated blood (Figure 10.2). Although the amount of carbon dioxide carried in the blood by carbamino carriage is small, the difference between the amount carried in venous and arterial blood is about a third of the total arterial/venous difference (Table 10.2). This therefore accounts for the major part of the Haldane effect, the remainder being due to the increased buffering capacity of reduced haemoglobin, which is discussed below. When the Haldane effect was described by Christiansen, Douglas & Haldane in 1914, they believed that the whole effect was due to altered buffering capacity:9 carbamino carriage was not demonstrated until much later (1934).10

Formation of carbamino compounds does not require the dissolved carbon dioxide to be hydrated and so is independent of carbonic anhydrase. The reaction is very rapid and would be of particular importance in a subject who had received a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor.

Effect of Buffering Power of Proteins on Carbon Dioxide Carriage

Amino and carboxyl groups concerned in peptide linkages have no buffering power. Neither have most side chain groups (e.g. in lysine and glutamic acid) because their pK values are far removed from the physiological range of pH. In contrast is the imidazole group of the amino acid histidine, which is almost the only amino acid to be an effective buffer in the normal range of pH. Imidazole groups constitute the major part of the considerable buffering power of haemoglobin, each tetramer containing 38 histidine residues. The buffering power of plasma proteins is less and is directly proportional to their histidine content.


The four haem groups of a molecule of haemoglobin are attached to the corresponding four amino acid chains at one of the histidine residues on each chain (page 188), and the dissociation constant of the imidazole groups of these four histidine residues is strongly influenced by the state of oxygenation of the haem. Reduction causes the corresponding imidazole group to become more basic. The converse is also true: in the acidic form of the imidazole group of the histidine, the strength of the oxygen bond is weakened. Each reaction is of great physiological interest and both effects were noticed many decades before their mechanisms were elucidated.

Total deoxygenation of the haemoglobin in blood would raise the pH by about 0.03 if the Pco2 were held constant at 5.3 kPa (40 mmHg), and this would correspond roughly to the addition of 3 mmol of base to 1 litre of blood. The normal degree of desaturation in the course of the change from arterial to venous blood is about 25%, corresponding to a pH increase of about 0.007 if Pco2 remains constant. In fact, Pco2 rises by about 0.8 kPa (6 mmHg), which would cause a decrease of pH of 0.040 if the oxygen saturation were to remain the same. The combination of an increase of Pco2 of 0.8 kPa and a decrease of saturation of 25% thus results in a fall of pH of 0.033 (Table 10.2).

Distribution of Carbon Dioxide within the Blood

Table 10.2 shows the forms in which carbon dioxide is carried in normal arterial and mixed venous blood. Although the amount carried in solution is small, most of the carbon dioxide enters and leaves the blood as CO2 itself (Figure 10.3). Within the plasma there is little chemical combination of carbon dioxide, for three reasons. First, there is no carbonic anhydrase in plasma and therefore carbonic acid is formed only very slowly. Secondly, there is little buffering power in plasma to promote the dissociation of carbonic acid. Thirdly, the formation of carbamino compounds by plasma proteins is not great, and must be almost identical for arterial and venous blood.

Carbon dioxide can, however, diffuse freely into the RBC, where two courses are open. First, increasing intracellular Pco2 will increase carbamino carriage of CO2 by haemoglobin, an effect greatly enhanced by the fall in oxygen saturation which is likely to be occurring at the same time (Figure 10.1). The second course is hydration and dissociation of CO2 to produce hydrogen and bicarbonate ions, facilitated by the presence of carbonic anhydrase in the RBC. However, accumulation of intracellular hydrogen and bicarbonate ions will quickly tip the equilibrium of the reaction against further dissociation of carbonic acid, a situation that is avoided in the RBC by two mechanisms:

Hamburger shift. Hydration of CO2 and buffering of the hydrogen ions results in the formation of considerable quantities of bicarbonate ion within the RBC. These excess bicarbonate ions are actively transported out of the cell into the plasma in exchange for chloride ions to maintain electrical neutrality across the RBC membrane. This ionic exchange was first suggested by Hamburger in 1918,11 and believed to be a passive process. It is now known to be facilitated by a complex membrane bound protein that has been extensively studied and named Band 3 after its position on a gel electrophoresis plate.12,13,14 Band 3 exchanges bicarbonate and chloride ions by a ‘ping-pong’ mechanism in which one ion first moves out of the RBC before the other ion moves inwards, in contrast to most other ion pumps, which simultaneously exchange the two ions. Band 3 protein is also intimately related to other proteins in the RBC (Figure 10.4):13,14

image Glycolytic enzymes. Some of the enzymes involved in glycolysis (page 198), including glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, phosphofructokinase and aldolase, are bound to band 3; the functional significance of this is unknown.

In the pulmonary capillary, where Pco2 is low, the series of events described above goes into reverse and the CO2 released from the RBC diffuses into the alveolus and is excreted.

Jun 12, 2016 | Posted by in RESPIRATORY | Comments Off on Carbon dioxide

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