Big Data in Remote Monitoring

Big Data in Remote Monitoring

Jonathan P. Piccini

Niraj Varma

Remote monitoring of cardiac implantable electronic devices (CIEDs) has certainly changed the way we follow patients and approach device follow-up.1 In a similar vein, many claim that big data will change the way we think about and deliver medical care. Big data techniques have been used in several fields, including advertising and marketing, finance, government, and many branches of science and medicine. The recent acquisition of Flatiron, an oncology-focused electronic medical record company, by Roche, a pharmaceutical company, is a good example of the sound and fury surrounding the potential for big data in medicine.2 There are a variety of definitions for what exactly are considered “big data”; however, there are several common themes that characterize big data analytics. First and foremost, big data are considered sufficiently complex that traditional methods of data processing and analytic software are inadequate. Furthermore, big data often have a focus on predictive analytics compared with other analytic viewpoints like descriptive or cross-sectional analysis. Finally, big data are often characterized and described by the five “V’s,”3 including variety, volume, velocity, value, and veracity.

The emerging role of big data in heart rhythm medicine is notable. Before we consider how these data have been used to inform heart rhythm science and clinical medicine, it is helpful to compare big data with other large datasets, such as those we encounter and record in clinical trials. A typical international clinical trial of an interventional electrophysiology therapy (eg, catheter ablation) often has more than 1000 different data elements possible for each visit or encounter. At the end of the study, there are usually
millions of data fields. In contrast, a typical remote monitoring database has hundreds of thousands of patients, with tens of millions of transmissions, and hundreds of data points per transmission. Thus, a “big data” remote monitoring database often contains tens of terabytes of data. To place this in perspective, it takes transmission of 300 records per second (24 hours a day) for an entire year to accumulate one terabyte of data. Thus, a typical big data analysis in heart rhythm medicine contains orders of magnitude more information than we usually encounter in the most complex of clinical trials.


Big data have several advantages, including extremely large sample size and associated high power to detect differences. Big data are also generally thought to have good generalizability or “whole-system relevance” because of their incorporation of large-scale representative samples from the population. As per the third V (ie, velocity), big data are advantageous because they can provide real-time analysis, usually in a frequent or iterative fashion. Finally, big data often have the potential to increase the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of research. However, the operative word here is “potential.” Like any question in research, the answer is only as good as the source or data that support it. Although big data may provide a very large sample with which to answer a given question, big data techniques are only efficient if they have the information and detail required to answer the relevant clinical question. This is one of several potential limitations to big data and big data approaches.

Big data are also beset by challenges. Like any observational analysis, including prespecified ones, big data techniques can identify association but they cannot determine causality without randomization. Thus, there is great interest in deploying randomization techniques in the context of big data resources. Another relevant challenge with big data is that they are also limited by the types of data and variables available. Big data cohorts often have trade-offs that investigators need to consider. Although big data can bring large patient numbers that may be of great value, there may also be a loss of data “depth.” Lack of “depth” in big data sources can present several difficulties, including an inability to adjust for known confounders. Big data are often collected under standard operations and thus may not include important variables that have relevance for research; there may also be considerable missing data for standard or expected variables. In remote monitoring databases, structured variables such as the number of intervals to detect are readily available, but data on device indications, patient characteristics, or appropriateness of shocks are not available. Thus, missing data and overall data quality are important areas of concern in many big data analyses. Finally, it is important to note that both ethical and privacy concerns are particularly noteworthy in big data. Inadvertent disclosures because of cybersecurity lapses are an important concern for multiple stakeholders, including regulatory bodies, patients, and researchers.

Acknowledging the strengths and limitations of big data, large datasets remain an important asset in CIED research. These data represent an opportunity to investigate ways of optimizing healthcare delivery and patient outcomes.4 In the following sections, we will review how big data have contributed to the field of remote monitoring, particularly in the areas of healthcare utilization, atrial fibrillation, implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) therapies, and cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT).


The ALTITUDE investigators were among the first to evaluate the association between remote monitoring and all-cause mortality. In an analysis that included 69 556 patients with Boston Scientific ICD or cardiac resynchronization therapy-defibrillator (CRT-D), the use of remote monitoring was associated with a 50% lower risk of
all-cause death compared with in-person follow-up only (hazard ratio [HR] of ICD [HRICD] 0.56 with P < 0.0001 and HRCRT-D 0.45 with P < 0.0001).5

This association was confirmed in another large cohort study that included 269 471 patients with St Jude pacemakers, ICDs, and CRT devices.6 In this confirmatory nationwide analysis, only 47% of whom were followed with remote monitoring, the majority of the patients in the cohort were never followed with remote monitoring. Utilization of remote monitoring was associated with improved survival and this association exhibited a “dose-dependent” relationship. When the percentage of follow-up with remote monitoring was 75% or greater, patient survival was 2-fold greater (HR 2.10, 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.04-2.16, P < 0.001) compared to patients without remote monitoring. When high-use remote monitoring was compared to infrequent remote monitoring, a beneficial association was still observed with all-cause survival (HR 1.32, 95% CI 1.27-1.36). In a subsequent analysis from the same large database (n = 106 027 patients), earlier initiation of remote monitoring was also associated with improved survival.7 In this analysis, patients who initiated remote monitoring early (median 4 weeks [interquartile range (IQR) 2-8]) had a lower mortality rate and improved adjusted survival (HR 1.18, 95% CI 1.13-1.22, P < 0.001) compared with patients who received delayed initiation of remote monitoring (median 24 weeks [IQR 18-34 weeks]). Lower rates of mortality in patients with early initiation of remote monitoring were observed across all device types, including pacemakers, defibrillators, and cardiac resynchronization devices.

Thus, the data from these large single-vendor databases suggest that remote monitoring is associated with lower mortality. Moreover, these data suggest that earlier initiation and consistency of remote monitoring are also associated with lower mortality. Based upon these reports and other evidence, current expert consensus documents recommend remote monitoring in addition to at least annual in-person visits (Class I, Level of Evidence A; Table 8.1).1 Moreover, it is recommended that initiation of remote monitoring within 2 weeks of device implantation may be beneficial
(Class IIa, Level of Evidence C). Despite the advantages offered by remote monitoring, implementation of remote monitoring and patient adherence remain challenging. Data from US patients enrolled in the Medtronic CareLink remote monitoring system suggest adherence (leniently defined as ≥2 transmissions in a 14-month period) is imperfect, with overall nonadherence at 21%. Of note, patients 40 years or younger were more than twice as likely to be nonadherent (odds ratio [OR] 2.64, 95% CI 2.42-2.88).

TABLE 8.1 Major Recommendations from the Heart Rhythm Society Remote Monitoring Consensus Statement

Class of Recommendation

Level of Evidence

A strategy of remote monitoring combined with at least annual in-person evaluation is recommended over an in-person evaluation alone.



All cardiac implanted electronic devices should be checked through direct patient contact 2-12 wk after implantation.



It may be beneficial to initiate remote monitoring within 2 wk of device implantation.



Remote monitoring should be performed for surveillance of lead function and battery conservation.



Patients with a device component under advisory should be enrolled in remote monitoring to enable early detection of actionable events.



Remote monitoring is useful to reduce the occurrence of inappropriate shocks.



Remote monitoring is useful for the early detection and quantification of atrial fibrillation.



From Slotwiner D, Varma N, Akar JG, et al. HRS Expert Consensus Statement on remote interrogation and monitoring for cardiovascular implantable electronic devices. Heart Rhythm. 2015;12:e69-e100.


Data on the cost-effectiveness of remote monitoring have been mixed. In the Clinical Evaluation of Remote Notification to Reduce Time to Clinical Decision (CONNECT) trial, patients undergoing remote monitoring had a shorter mean length of stay per hospitalization compared with patients followed in the office only (3.2 vs 4.3 days, P = 0.007). This reduction in length of stay was associated with approximately $2000 lower costs per hospitalization.8 In the Effectiveness and Cost of ICD follow-up Schedule and Telecardiology (ECOST) trial, which was conducted in Europe, the cost of hospitalization in patients randomized to remote monitoring was &U20AC;720 lower, although this difference was not statistically significant (P = 0.46).9 Overall, the evidence from clinical trials suggests remote monitoring is cost-effective and leads to cost savings based upon a meta-analysis of 21 randomized trials.10

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Dec 19, 2019 | Posted by in CARDIOLOGY | Comments Off on Big Data in Remote Monitoring

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