A bifurcation coronary lesion is a stenosis involving or adjacent to the origin of an arterial side branch ≥2 mm in diameter. The stenosis can involve the large branch (main branch, MB), the smaller branch (side branch, SB), or both. Coronary bifurcation lesions have been the subject of several classifications. However, attempts to classify bifurcation lesions suffer all the limitations of coronary angiography (different plaque distribution and extent of disease when evaluated by intravascular ultrasound). Furthermore, these classifications are all anatomical and do not per se dictate the treatment strategy or prognosis of a specific bifurcation lesion. There are currently eight different classifications of bifurcation lesions ( Figure 10-1 ). The most important distinction is to divide bifurcation lesions into “true” bifurcations, where the MB and SB are both significantly narrowed (>50% diameter stenosis), and “nontrue” bifurcations, which include all the other lesions involving a bifurcation. Other important elements to consider that are not inherent in the bifurcation classifications include the extent of disease on the SB (limited to the ostium or involving the vessel beyond the ostium), its size (over 2.5 mm in reference diameter), bifurcation angle, and disease distribution. In routine practice, the “Medina” classification is still the most simplified and widely used approach to classify the distribution of atherosclerotic plaque at the bifurcation site. However, as mentioned, the Medina classification does not take into account the size, area of distribution, and lesion length of the branches, which are the most important features in decision making. The best way to summarize these three features is to measure FFR (physiological summary of the three features).
Approximately 15% to 20% of percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI) are performed to treat coronary bifurcations. However, PCI for bifurcation disease continues to remain a lesion subset of great interest for interventional cardiologists because it is known to be technically challenging and has historically been associated with lower procedural success rates and worse clinical outcomes than nonbifurcation lesions. This is predominantly related to the variability in anatomy (plaque burden, location of plaque, angle between branches, diameter of branches, bifurcation site), the technical challenges of treating two vessels at the same time where intervention in one of the vessels can negatively impact the other, the numerous technical approaches that could potentially be applied, and the challenges in individualizing the treatment to a specific bifurcation anatomy and patient. The trend and much of the available data support simplifying the treatment of bifurcations to that of treating a nonbifurcated segment of the coronary artery. Attempts to reduce the complexity of bifurcation PCI should not be interpreted as a one-technique approach (i.e., single MB stent provisional approach) that can be applied to all bifurcations but rather that simple techniques should be used for noncomplex bifurcations and complex techniques should be reserved for complex bifurcations or as a bail-out for failure or complications during a provisional approach.
It should be remembered that procedural complications and challenges could also occur when performing a simple approach mainly due to acute closure or severe stenosis of the SB. In fact, the complexity of treating bifurcations relates predominantly to understanding and choosing the correct strategy of managing the SB. It is the size, anatomy, extent of disease, distribution, and importance of the SB that dictate the approach. In some cases, PCI may be avoided completely or contraindicated if the SB cannot be protected. An important point to stress is that the implantation of one single stent on the MB is the most widely used approach and should be considered the default approach in most bifurcations. The presence of SB disease extending beyond the ostium, the larger the size of the SB, and the larger the territory the SB supplies may necessitate the implantation of two stents as intention to treat.
In this chapter, we summarize the important clinical data and give a detailed explanation of the technical aspects of bifurcation PCI.
Simplified Guidelines After 10 Years of Bifurcation Studies
Bifurcations have become an area of increased research over the past 10 years. This was spurred by the advent of drug-eluting stents (DESs) and their effectiveness in reducing restenosis, particularly in complex lesions such as bifurcations that led to numerous bifurcation-specific randomized trials being performed. However, the superiority of DESs over bare-metal stents (BMSs) was not evaluated in a specific randomized trial, which seemed unnecessary and unethical because restenosis and revascularization rates were dramatically lower than those seen when bifurcations were treated with BMSs. The only randomized data comparing DESs and BMSs come from a subanalysis of the SCANDSTENT (Stenting Coronary Arteries in Non-Stress/Benestent Disease) trial, which examined a total of 126 patients with bifurcation lesions treated with sirolimus-eluting stents (SESs) or BMSs. In 55% of the SES cohort and 53% of the BMS cohort, stents were implanted in both branches of the bifurcation. SES implantation was associated with significant reductions in restenosis rates at the MB (4.9% vs. 28.3%, p < 0.001) and SB (14.8% vs. 43.4%, p < 0.001), as well as major adverse cardiac events (MACE) (9% vs. 28%, p = 0.009) during the 7-month follow-up period. Similarly, registry studies have shown marked reductions in MACE and target lesion revascularization (TLR) rates, compared with historical BMS controls. These reductions occurred irrespective of whether a one-stent (MACE: 5.4% vs. 38%; TLR: 5.4% vs. 36%) or two-stent (MACE: 13.3% vs. 51%; TLR: 8.9% vs. 38%) strategy was employed. As a result, DESs are the preferred stent platform for the treatment of coronary bifurcations, and outcomes related to DESs in bifurcations are discussed henceforth. However, BMSs may still be indicated when there are contraindications to prolonged dual antiplatelet therapy, in the setting of bifurcation stenting in acute myocardial infarction due to concerns about a higher risk of stent thrombosis (ST), or in short lesions in large MBs of nontrue bifurcations.
Provisional Approach Is the Default Strategy
There are now seven randomized studies available comparing a provisional approach of implanting one DES (1S) in the MB only versus a two-DES (2S) approach of implanting a DES on both the MB and SB of the bifurcation, the results of which are summarized in Table 10-1 and Figure 10-2 . It is apparent from these data that routine stenting of both branches offers no clear advantage over a provisional strategy of stenting the MB only with balloon angioplasty of the SB, with regard to restenosis in the main or side branches or in repeat bifurcation revascularization. A 2S approach is associated with procedures that are longer, with more fluoroscopy time and contrast volumes and a higher rate of procedure-related biomarker release. Importantly, none of these studies showed that elective double stenting of the bifurcation is associated with higher revascularization, follow-up MI, or stent thrombosis rates. Interestingly, the most recent of these studies (DKCRUSH-II) is the first and only randomized trial to suggest that double stenting may be superior to provisional stenting and associated with a lower rate of restenosis and repeat revascularization. In this study, 370 true bifurcations were randomly assigned to treatment with either provisional stenting or a modification of the crush technique, the DK (double-kissing) crush. The DK crush was associated with a reduction in restenosis, especially of the SB (4.9% vs. 22.2%, p < 0.001) and TLR (4.3% vs. 13%, p = 0.005) but not in MACE (10.3% vs. 17.3%, p = 0.07). How do we reconcile the contradictory findings of the DKCRUSH-II study with those of the other six bifurcation studies? In our opinion, this study reconfirms the importance of the bifurcation technique, and optimization of the final result (in this case, a refinement of the standard crush technique) with a 2S approach is directly related to long-term outcomes. Nevertheless, we see no rationale to make a procedure more complex when similar immediate and medium-term follow-up results can be obtained with a simpler approach.
One-Stent Group | Two-Stent Group | ||||||||||||||||||||
Author | Aim | No | Follow-up | Angio FU, % | Side Branch | Restenosis % | TLR % | * ST % | Angio FU, % | Side Branch | Restenosis % | TLR % | * ST % | Cross-over from One Stent to Two Stents | SB Stented if: | ||||||
RVD mm | DS% | Lesion Length mm | MB | SB | RVD mm | DS% | Lesion Length mm | MB | SB | ||||||||||||
Colombo et al 2004 | Both branches vs. provisional | 85 | 6 months | 84 | 2.1 | 46.2 | 5.1 | 4.8 | 14.2 | 4.5 | 0 | 95 | 2.1 | 56.8 | 5.5 | 5.7 | 21.8 | 9.5 | 4.7 | 51.2% | >50% residual stenosis in SB |
Pan et al 2004 | Both branches vs. provisional | 91 | 6 months | 87 | 2.5 | 64 | N/A | 2.4 | 4.9 | 2.1 | 0 | 89 | 2.5 | 65 | N/A | 10.3 | 15.4 | 4.5 | 2.2 | 2.1% | >50% residual stenosis and TIMI flow <3 |
Steigen et al 2006 | Crush, culotte, Y vs. provisional | 413 | 6 months | 73 | 2.6 | 46 | 6.0 | 4.6 | 19.2 | 1.9 | 0.5 | 76 | 2.6 | 47 | 6.4 | 5.1 | 11.5 | 1 | 0 | 4.3% | TIMI flow = 0 after SB dilatation |
Ferenc et al 2007 | Reverse crush vs. provisional | 202 | 12 months | 95 | 2.39 | 53.1 | 10.4 | 7.3 | 9.4 | 10.9 | 1.0 | 95 | 2.38 | 54.4 | 9.9 | 3.1 | 12.5 | 8.9 | 2.0 | 18.8% | >60% stenosis and/or flow-limiting dissection |
Hildick-Smith et al 2010 | Crush, culotte vs. provisional | 500 | 6 months | 13 | N/A | 63 | N/A | 2.8 | 2.8 | 5.6 | 0.4 | 17 | N/A | 68 | N/A | 4 | 3.6 | 7.2 | 2 | 3% | >70% stenosis, or flow-limiting dissection or TIMI flow <3 |
Colombo et al 2009 | Crush vs. provisional | 350 | 6 months | 86 | 2.16 | 61 | 5.7 | 6.7 | 14.7 | 6.3 | 1.1 | 86 | 2.30 | 63 | 5.9 | 4.6 | 13.2 | 7.3 | 1.7 | 31% | >50% stenosis and/or flow-limiting dissection |
Chen et al 2013 | DK Crush vs. provisional | 370 | 12 months | 92 | 2.29 | 63.4 | 14.9 | 9.7 | 22.2 | 13 | 0.5 | 92 | 2.29 | 62.8 | 15.4 | 3.8 | 4.9 | 4.3 | 2.2 | 28.6% | >50% stenosis, or flow-limiting dissection or TIMI flow <3 |
Kumsars et al 2013 | Culotte, crush, T-stenting vs. provisional in large SBs | 450 | 6 months | N/A | 2.9 | N/A | 7.4 | N/A | N/A | 3.2 | 0.9 | N/A | 2.9 | N/A | 8 | N/A | N/A | 1.3 | 0.4 | 3.7% | TIMI flow <3 |
These randomized bifurcation studies provide us with the evidence that the provisional approach should be the default strategy in most bifurcations. However, we should not incorrectly interpret them as stating that all bifurcations must be treated with a provisional approach, as complex or high-risk bifurcations were not well represented in these trials. As seen in Table 10-1 , patients included in these RCTs had moderately sized SBs with focal ostial lesions of moderate severity, and patients with long and/or severe SB stenoses or large SBs were largely excluded. Also, other important anatomic features, such as the myocardial territory supplied by the SB, the angle of the SB, and the presence or absence of distal SB disease, were not provided in these trials. In an attempt to resolve these shortcomings, there are two other randomized trials about to be published or near completion. In the Nordic-Baltic Bifurcation Study IV, Kumsars randomized true bifurcations with large SBs (≥2.75 mm) to provisional SB stenting or a 2S approach. A 2S approach was associated with a longer procedure and a nonsignificantly lower rate of MACE (1.8% vs. 4.6%, p = 0.09) and TLR (1.3% vs. 3.2%) as compared to the provisional approach. However, once again these data may not be applicable to more complex bifurcations, as SBs with lesions >15 mm were excluded. Hopefully, the European Bifurcation Club Two (EBC-TWO) trial that has randomized true bifurcations (with SBs of >2.5 mm and lesion length >5 mm) to provisional or culotte stenting will provide us better data in regard to more complex bifurcations (ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT01560455).
Thus, although the default strategy for most bifurcations should be the provisional approach, we should continue to individualize decision making based on the patient’s individual anatomy, as there are bifurcation lesions where two stents (main and side branch stenting) need to be implanted as intention to treat due to the characteristics of the lesion and the distribution of the SB. Not all bifurcations can be treated with one technique, but rather the technique should be matched to the individual bifurcation anatomy, guided by the available data as well as by personal experience.
Two Stents Can Be Selectively Implanted As Intention to Treat or Crossover from Provisional
The distinction between a provisional approach and electively implanting two stents is that, in the 1S approach, the operator may be willing to accept a suboptimal result in the SB, provided TIMI (thrombolysis in myocardial infarction) flow is normal and the SB has limited clinical relevance regarding territory of distribution. However, how do we define a suboptimal result in the SB? It is important to note that a major difference among the eight randomized trials in Table 10-1 was the definition of a suboptimal result in the SB. This definition has a major impact on both the crossover rate from a 1S to 2S strategy and the restenosis rate in SBs treated with a provisional strategy. In the Sirius Bifurcation study, a residual stenosis of >50% in the SB was considered unacceptable, which explains the very high crossover rate of 51.2%. In contrast, in the Nordic study, the residual SB stenosis was irrelevant and the SB had to remain open with TIMI >0 flow. This clarifies why the highest (19.2%) SB restenosis rate with a 1S approach was observed in this study. Although it may be satisfactory to accept a suboptimal result with TIMI 1 flow in a small obtuse marginal branch, such a result is not acceptable when treating a distal left main bifurcation or a bifurcation involving a large diagonal branch. In examining the recent CACTUS, Bad Krozingen, and DKCRUSH-II bifurcation studies, a more realistic figure is that in about 20% of bifurcations treated with a provisional strategy, a second stent will have to be implanted on the SB.
The major difference between an elective 2S approach and crossover to 2S from a 1S approach is that in the former, the SB is stented first. This may be appropriate in complex bifurcations where the risk of SB occlusion with MB stenting is high, such as those with more severe disease, longer lesions, wider angles that are difficult to rewire or that have a dissection after predilatation. Although the presence of a large plaque burden at the bifurcation can be associated with SB ostial deterioration or occlusion after MB stent implantation, even in the absence of baseline SB ostial disease, the presence of SB disease increases this risk. A number of studies have shown that the risk of SB occlusion increases with the severity of SB disease. Aliabadi et al. showed that the risk of SB occlusion was 14% to 27% for SBs with ostial stenosis >50% as compared to 1% to 4% in SBs with minimal or no disease. Furukawa et al. showed that the risk of SB deterioration (final TIMI ≤2) was more common in SBs with ostial disease ≥50% (20.8% vs. 6.1%, p = 0.049) and in longer lesions. Similarly, Chaudhry et al. demonstrated that the risk of SB compromise increased with increased SB ostial stenosis severity (for every 10% increase in SB stenosis severity, the risk of SB compromise increased by 23%) and calcification (46% vs. 26%, p = 0.06). A criticism of these studies is that they are old and may not reflect current advances in techniques and devices. However, Hahn et al. recently studied the predictors of SB occlusion that occurred in 187 (8.4%) of 2227 bifurcation lesions. On multivariable analysis, independent predictors of SB occlusion were preprocedural percentage diameter stenosis of the SB ≥50% and proximal MV >50%, SB lesion length, and acute coronary syndromes. Of 187 occluded SBs, flow was restored spontaneously in 26 (13.9%) and by SB intervention in 103 (55.1%) but not in 58 (31.0%).
However, an important change that has occurred in clinical practice is the understanding that in SBs without high-risk features, the operator could cross over to 2S if necessary (i.e., significant residual stenosis or flow-limiting dissection). The reasons for crossover depend on the size, the severity of residual disease, and the myocardial territory of the SB. All of these features are best assessed by a physiological evaluation as discussed in the next section. There are a number of bifurcation techniques that can be performed as crossover as discussed later in the chapter, but we prefer the T-stenting and small protrusion (TAP) technique because of its simplicity and that it is associated with excellent long-term outcomes. We evaluated the long-term outcomes of this technique in 95 patients who underwent SB stenting with the TAP as a crossover from the provisional approach. TAP stenting was successful in all patients and was associated with a TLR rate of 5.1% and no stent thrombosis at 3-year follow-up.
Residual SB Stenosis After the Provisional Approach Is Often Not Significant
As the provisional approach has now become the gold standard, important questions are the cause, significance, and management of a residual stenosis at the ostium of the SB. There has been considerable debate as to whether the appearance of a new stenosis or aggravation of an existing stenosis at the SB ostium after MB stenting is due to plaque shift or carina shift. Historically, it has been suggested that SB compromise during PCI is the result of snowplowing of plaque over the SB ostium, that is, plaque shift, especially in bifurcations with a shallow SB angle. However, pathologic evaluation and IVUS studies have shown that although atherosclerosis develops frequently at the bifurcation, it is often located opposite to the flow divider, that is, opposite to the origin of the SB. This led to the hypothesis that has subsequently been demonstrated on IVUS that SB compromise after MB stenting may be due to carina shift rather than plaque shift (see Figure 10-3 for an example of carina shift).
A recent study by Koo et al. of IVUS evaluation after MB stent implantation showed the following: (1) a significant increase in the vessel and lumen volume index in both the proximal and distal segments of the MB, (2) a significant decrease in the plaque volume index in the proximal segment of the MB, and (3) no change in the plaque volume index in the distal segment of the MB after stenting. These results suggest that the lumen increase in the distal MB is primarily due to enlargement of the vessel and not plaque shift, supporting the concept that part of the luminal narrowing of an SB after stenting the MB is explained by carina shift. However, in the proximal MB, the plaque area changed significantly after stent implantation, particularly in the region closest to the ostium of the SB. Although plaque shift to the SB ostium was not observed directly, these data provide indirect evidence of plaque shift from the proximal segment of the MB into the SB ostium after main vessel stent implantation. Thus both plaque shift from the MB and carina shift contribute to the creation and aggravation of an SB ostial lesion after main vessel stent implantation. Carina shift will occur if the bifurcation angle is less than 90° when full MB dilatation is performed. Although carina shift may be prevented by selecting the MB stent diameter according to the distal MB diameter, the operator should not compromise optimal MB dilatation to avoid carina shift.
Additionally, there appears to be increasing evidence that trying to get an optimal angiographic result with minimal residual stenosis in the SB may not be physiologically important. This concept is especially important in smaller SBs, where the majority of angiographically significant SB lesions have been demonstrated to be not functionally significant by fractional flow reserve (FFR) analysis. Koo et al. performed FFR measurements on 94 jailed SB lesions after stent implantation on the MB. No lesion with a ≥50% and <75% stenosis had an FFR <0.75. Among 73 lesions with >75% stenosis, only 20 lesions were functionally significant, and among those with >95% stenosis, only 14 out of 25 had FFR values <0.75. Furthermore, smaller SBs are less likely to result in angina if a residual stenosis is left untreated or if restenosis occurs. Indeed, FFR may be the most physiological and evidence-based method to guide the decision as to whether a jailed SB with a residual stenosis should be treated. Koo et al. evaluated the FFR in 91 jailed SBs (RVD: 2.3 ± 0.3) after MB stenting and if treatment based on whether the FFR was functionally significant would impact clinical outcomes. Only 30% of all jailed SB lesions had an FFR <0.75, with 96% of all SBs successfully accessed with pressure wire. The functionally significant SB lesions were treated with kissing balloon inflation, which resulted in 92% (23/25) of these lesions having an FFR >0.75. At 6-month follow-up, 48% of SB lesions had a stenosis >75% but only 8% had a functionally significant FFR. However, this approach is more time consuming, costly, at times technically challenging (rewiring the jailed SB with a pressure wire), and not associated with better clinical outcomes than an angiography-guided approach (MACE: 4.6% vs. 3.7%, p = 0.7). Nevertheless, this study does confirm that kissing inflation is effective in treating functionally significant SB stenoses caused by carina or plaque shift and that many moderately sized jailed SBs with a residual stenosis may be treated conservatively or only with kissing inflation rather than stenting.
Kissing Balloon Inflation or High-Pressure Individual (SB & MB) Postdilatation Should Always Be Used When Implanting Two Stents and Optionally When Implanting One Stent
Final kissing balloon inflation (FKBI) allows SB ostium treatment and apposition of the MB stent struts on the SB ostium. It also enables correction of stent distortion and inadequate apposition in the MB. However, FKBI increases procedural complexity and may result in stent ovalization, proximal dissection when balloons are inadequately positioned, and even suboptimal deployment of the proximal stent segment. There is uncertainty as to whether FKBI is mandatory when a provisional approach is used. Theoretically, and from benchmark studies, FKBI has the advantage of opening stent struts that potentially can scaffold the SB ostium, correcting MB stent distortion and proximal expansion caused by SB balloon dilatation through the MB struts, and facilitate future access to the SB. There is also concern that stenting across a bifurcation without opening the stent struts into the SB results in “malapposed” struts across the SB ostium that are not endothelialized. There are now two clinical studies that address whether FKBI should be routinely performed after the provisional approach. In the Nordic-Baltic Bifurcation Study III, 477 patients with bifurcation lesions undergoing main vessel stenting were randomized to FKBI (n = 238) or no FKBI (n = 239). The 6-month MACE rates were 2.1% and 2.5% (p = 1.0) in the final kissing and no-final kissing groups, respectively. At 8 months, the rate of angiographic restenosis of the entire bifurcation lesion was 11.0% versus 17.3% (p = 0.11), 3.1% versus 2.5% in the MB (p = 0.68), and 7.9% versus 15.4% in the SB (p = 0.039), in the final kissing versus no-final kissing groups, respectively. The lower restenosis rate in the SB was due to the efficacy of FKBI in reducing angiographic restenosis in true bifurcation lesions, where the SB restenosis rate was 7.6% versus 20.0% (p = 0.024) in the final kissing and no-final kissing groups, respectively. Similar results were obtained in the CORPAL-KISS study that compared the incidence of 1-year clinical events in patients with bifurcation lesions that had been treated with a simple approach who were randomized to either a simultaneous FKBI or an isolated SB balloon postdilation. The angiographic data and immediate results were also similar in both groups. Target lesion revascularization was required in 7 patients (3%): 5 from the FKBI group and 2 from the non-FKBI group. The incidence of MACE at 1 year (death, TLR, or acute myocardial infarction) was similar in both groups: 11 (9%) from the FKBI group and 7 (6%) from the non-FKBI group (p = NS). These studies support the simple approach of only MB stenting without routine FKBI in nontrue bifurcation lesions. However, in true bifurcation lesions that are treated with the provisional approach, FKBI should be considered, as it is associated with improved angiographic outcomes in the SB. Also, as previously mentioned, FKBI is very effective in improving the FFR in functionally significant SB lesions. Finally, it should be remembered that FKBI should only be performed in bifurcations in which the SB is suitable for stenting should dissection occur. Indeed, to reduce the risk of SB injury, compliant balloons should be avoided, as they may result in underexpansion of the MB stent and significant overexpansion of the SB ostium. Indeed, in a study by Mylotte et al., systematic kissing balloon postdilatation with noncompliant balloons was associated with favorable procedural results, a low (6%) rate of crossover to SB stenting, and a promising 12-month MACE rate of 4%.
In contrast to the provisional approach, FKBI has been repeatedly demonstrated to reduce late loss and restenosis, especially at the SB ostium, and it has now become standard in the performance of all double stenting techniques. FKBI is not only important in correcting stent distortion and expansion but is especially significant in fully expanding the proximal stent, in particular when treating the LMCA bifurcation where the diameter of the distal LMCA is usually much larger than the diameters of the LAD and LCX. The initial data supporting the importance of FKBI with a 2S approach come from bench-testing by Ormiston with three different stent platforms (BX Velocity, Cordis, a Johnson & Johnson Company, Miami Lakes, Florida; Express II, Boston Scientific, Natick, Massachusetts; and Driver, Medtronic, Minneapolis, Minnesota) utilizing the crush technique. FKBI with appropriately sized SB and MB postdilatation was needed to fully expand the stent at the SB ostium, to widen gaps between stent struts overlying the SB (facilitating subsequent access), and to minimize stent distortion. The importance of FKBI with the crush technique has also been confirmed in a clinical study that demonstrated significant reductions in restenosis (11.1% vs. 37.9%) and late loss (0.32 mm vs. 0.52 mm) of the SB in the group treated with FKBI. Similarly, a subanalysis of the CACTUS trial showed that FKBI was associated with better angiographic results and lower MACE rates when complex stenting was performed, and similar results were observed when using a simpler provisional SB stenting technique.
However, it is imperative that FKBI with a 2S approach be performed with an optimal technique for it to be effective, including the use of adequately sized noncompliant balloons (i.e., a diameter equal to greater than the implanted stent), high pressure inflation, two-step kissing inflation, and correction of proximal distortion by the overlapping balloons with a short, noncompliant balloon. The two-step kissing inflation consists of high-pressure balloon inflation in the SB before performing the true FKBI at medium pressures and is particularly important when performing the crush technique. Ormiston et al. recently demonstrated through imaging of bench deployments that (1) recrossing the crushed stent for kissing postdilation, the most difficult part of the procedure, is technically easier with minicrush than with classical crush; (2) traditional one-step FKBI leaves considerable residual metallic stenosis that may not be visible on angiography and may predispose to thrombosis because of eddy currents, stasis, altered shear stress, and foreign body presence; and (3) SB ostial coverage and residual stenosis by metal struts are significantly reduced by two-step FKBI ( Figure 10-4 ).
Optimal Technique Is a Must, Especially When Two Stents Have Been Implanted
The requirement for double stenting is dependent on the complexity of the bifurcation that the interventional cardiologist is willing to treat, the importance of the bifurcation to that patient, and the willingness to accept a suboptimal angiographic result in the SB. Thus, in treating simple bifurcations with small to moderately sized SBs, the rate of double stenting may be as low as 5% to 10%. In more complex bifurcations with large and extensively diseased SBs, this may be as high as 15% to 20%, with the highest rate of double stenting in the LMCA bifurcation (up to 30%). Thus, there will still be situations where the operator needs to implant a stent in both branches of the bifurcation electively or as a crossover from the provisional approach. If properly performed, there appears to be no evidence of harm to the patient and there may even be an advantage over the provisional approach in certain situations. However, when implanting two stents, the operator takes on the responsibility to ensure optimal performance of the technique, as a 2S approach is less forgiving to a suboptimal result, which may result in restenosis or stent thrombosis. In this regard, there are a number of important technical factors that may contribute to optimizing outcomes when performing 2S techniques such as high-pressure SB inflation, the use of noncompliant balloons, selection of the correct balloon size for FKBI, the double-kissing crush technique, and the use of intravascular imaging. Despite the absence of a dedicated IVUS study, we strongly favor utilizing IVUS to evaluate and improve the final result when implanting two stents. An exception to this approach is present when the TAP technique is utilized. This approach may make IVUS evaluation difficult to perform.
Stent Thrombosis After Bifurcation PCI
Stenting bifurcation lesions with DES have been identified as a risk factor for stent thrombosis (ST). However, data from the individual randomized trials discussed above have not demonstrated an increased risk when utilizing two stents versus one stent. Similarly, two metaanalyses of the randomized trials performed have not demonstrated an increased risk of ST with double stenting techniques. Finally, long-term data from the Nordic Bifurcation Study have shown similar rates of definite ST with provisional and double stenting (3% vs. 1.5%, p = 0.31) at 5 years. However, the usage of two stents may be associated with an increased risk of ST in the setting of acute myocardial infarction. Furthermore, it would appear that ST at coronary bifurcations is associated with a higher in-hospital and long-term mortality rate than ST at nonbifurcation lesions. This higher mortality rate is at least partly explained by a larger area of myocardium at risk among subjects with bifurcation ST. There is currently no convincing evidence to suggest that we should refrain from using DES in bifurcations or that a 2S strategy is associated with a greater risk of ST. However, we should make every attempt to prevent ST when DESs are implanted in bifurcations. This requires attention to the technical aspects of the procedure, optimization of stent implantation, and dual antiplatelet therapy for at least 12 months. Despite these statements, we should take into consideration the fact that implanting two stents always demands more attention and expertise to obtain the best result in both the MB and SB.
An Individualized Approach to Bifurcations
The objective of bifurcation PCI is to end the procedure with both branches open and an optimal result in the MB. However, bifurcations vary not only in anatomy (plaque burden, location of plaque, angle between branches, diameter of branches, bifurcation site) but also in the dynamic changes in anatomy during treatment (plaque shift, carina shift, dissection). As a result, no two bifurcations are identical and there is no single strategy that can be applied to every bifurcation. Thus, the more important issue in bifurcation PCI is selecting the most appropriate strategy for an individual bifurcation and optimizing the performance of this technique.
Selection of the best strategy requires accurate assessment of lesion severity, distribution, extension, and presence of concomitant disease by the combination of clinical characteristics, angiography, intravascular imaging, and functional evaluation. This will result not only in the appropriate patients being selected for double stenting, which is more complex, time consuming, and labor intensive than provisional stenting, but also reduces the risk of complications. The major factors that need to be assessed and taken into account, when the operator is deciding between provisional stenting and elective double stenting, are described below. Although each of these factors is discussed separately, there is usually a combination of these factors present.
An individualized approach to treating a bifurcation ( Figure 10-5 ) is dictated by the SB through evaluating the following factors:
- 1.
Importance of SB for that patient and for that specific anatomy
The territory of viable myocardium supplied by the SB and risk of SB occlusion is usually the most important factor when evaluating the bifurcation approach.
- 2.
Distribution of disease
An important distinction is whether the disease at the bifurcation only involves one branch of the bifurcation or if it extends into both branches.
- 3.
Size and territory of distribution
The size of the branch is not considered in isolation but in combination with the severity and length of disease. In general, we would not stent SBs that are <2.5 mm unless they are long with a somewhat large territory of distribution or the branch is in danger of occlusion.
- 4.
Extent of SB disease
The severity and length of disease in the SB are probably the most common reasons for performing double stenting rather than provisional SB stenting. Focal ostial SB disease should be treated with a provisional approach. However, if the SB is large (≥2.5 mm), supplies a relatively large territory of myocardium, and has significant disease that extends 10 mm to 20 mm or more from the ostium, we would favor a double stenting technique from the outset.
- 5.
Bifurcation angle
The bifurcation angle is the angle between the MB and SB distal to the bifurcation. The bifurcation angle has an influence on the accessibility of the SB and may frequently be a reason for initially stenting the SB. A wide angle may make initial wiring of the SB difficult and may also impede recrossing into the SB with a wire, balloon, or stent after MB stenting. However, the decision to electively implant a stent on the SB should be made only after wire insertion, which may favorably modify this angle. An acute bifurcation angle is a predictor of SB occlusion during MB stenting, that is, the more acute the angle, the higher the risk of plaque shift, compromise of the ostium, and SB occlusion.
- 6.
Presence of concomitant distal disease in the SB
If the ostium is nondiseased but there is distal disease close to it that can be covered by a long stent from the MB, we would prefer double stenting. However, if the distal disease cannot be treated with the MB stent and requires a second stent to be implanted distally, we prefer implanting the distal stent first if possible and then treating the bifurcation. This approach avoids difficulty later in passing a stent through stent struts at the bifurcation.
Technical Aspects of Bifurcation PCI
General Aspects
Guide Catheter
Most bifurcation lesions should be treated via a 6 Fr guide catheter because a provisional strategy will be utilized most of the time. Furthermore, crossover to a 2S approach from provisional and most elective double stenting techniques can also be performed with a 6 Fr guide catheter. However, in very complex bifurcation or trifurcation lesions where multiple (>2) guidewires will be placed or a 2S technique such as the classical crush or V-stenting is required, we recommend placing a 7 Fr or 8 Fr guide catheter. If two stents are needed and a 6 Fr guide catheter is employed, some limitations need to be known: (1) The two stents can only be inserted and deployed sequentially; (2) when performing T-balloon stenting, step-crush, or TAP, the stent should be advanced into the SB first and then the balloon to the MB; and (3) the standard crush, V, or kissing stents technique cannot be performed unless a guide catheter of 7 Fr or 8 Fr is utilized.
Vascular Access
We have no preference as regard to femoral or radial access for treating bifurcations. Even complex bifurcations can be treated via the radial approach providing that guide catheter support is adequate. In cases where large guide catheters are required, a 7 Fr guide catheter can usually be inserted in males or sheathless guide catheters can be utilized.
Wiring Both Branches of the Bifurcation and Jailed Guidewires
Two wires should be placed in most bifurcations and the SB wire should be “jailed” in the majority, following deployment of the stent on the MB. This approach of wiring both branches during bifurcation stenting is important in protecting the SB from closure due to plaque shift, carina shift, and/or stent struts during MB stenting. Even SBs with minimal disease may occlude during MB stenting ( Figure 10-6A-B , and ). There has been some debate as to whether placing a wire in the SB can protect it from closure after MB stenting. A recent study has finally confirmed that the jailed wire in the SB is associated with flow recovery of SBs that occlude after MB stenting (74.8% vs. 57.8%, p = 0.02). Protecting SBs with guidewires to prevent their closure is important, as SB compromise may not be inconsequential. Occlusion of SBs >1 mm can be associated with a 14% incidence of myocardial infarction, and SB (≥2 mm) compromise during a provisional approach can be associated with a large periprocedural myocardial infarct. The jailed SB wire not only protects it from closure but also facilitates rewiring of the SB (if SB postdilatation-stenting or final kissing inflation is needed or if the side branch occludes) by widening the angle between the MB and SB, acting as a marker for the SB ostium, and changing the angle of SB takeoff. Finally, in the case of SB occlusion, the jailed wire can be used to reopen the SB by pushing a small balloon between the stent and the wall of the vessel. There is no need to remove the jailed wire during high-pressure stent dilatation in the MB. It is preferable to avoid jailing hydrophilic guidewires, as there is a risk of removing the polymer coating. Accurate handling of the guide catheter to prevent migration into the ostium of the coronary vessel will allow removal of the jailed wire.