Battlefield Resuscitation of the Future

Fig. 49.1
Multiple challenges and issues surrounding the central challenge of early combat deaths due to massive injuries and/or major hemorrhage

This problem can be examined using the economic analogy of supply and demand as it applies to oxygen delivery. Blood carries oxygen to the tissues and organs, and thus the “supply” is a function of how much blood is circulating and how much oxygen it is carrying. The “demand” is a function of how much oxygen that tissue requires to maintain basic function, and how well it can adapt to decreased levels of delivery. As shown in Fig. 49.2, almost all of the past and current strategies to treat hemorrhage have focused on augmenting the supply side of the equation: stopping bleeding , resuscitating with fluids and blood products, and maintaining high oxygen levels in the blood. While this remains an important area for further advances, we believe that cutting-edge or “next-generation” advances that primarily target the demand side have the potential to drastically impact battlefield mortality and morbidity and to fundamentally alter our approach to hemorrhagic shock. By reducing, or even temporarily eliminating, the injured patient’s dependence on oxygen delivery, these therapies have the potential to expand the window of survivability from severe or even previously fatal injuries.


Fig. 49.2
The majority of current therapies for major hemorrhage are on the “supply” side of the graph, while future advances may increasingly focus on the “demand” side

The Next-Generation Innovations

Freeze-Dried Plasma

Plasma is the liquid component of blood that contains thousands of proteins, growth factors, buffers, antibodies, hormones, and enzymes. There is abundant preclinical and clinical data to suggest that plasma can not only replace the lost blood volume, but is also protective for various cells and organs. Although plasma is extremely effective, it requires type and cross match, frozen storage, and thawing before administration, which makes it impractical for austere military settings. Many of these limitations can be overcome by converting the plasma into a freeze-dried, shelf-stable, easy-to-store preserved product, which performs as well as fresh frozen plasma in models of hemorrhage and traumatic brain injury (TBI) . Dried plasma can be kept in storage for years without losing efficacy and can be reconstituted easily in sterile water at the time of need (Fig. 49.3). Surprisingly, it is not a new technology. In fact, freeze-dried (or lyophilized) plasma was developed during the Second World War and was widely used. It fell out of favor in the 1970s due to concerns about the spread of hepatitis (and later HIV) as the product was made from plasma pooled from multiple donors. The current manufacturing technologies that use single-donor plasma and robust screening tools for communicable diseases make the freeze-dried product as safe as the commonly used fresh frozen plasma. Freeze-dried plasma products are approved for clinical use in Europe, and are being used by NATO troops in the current conflicts, including administration to US military personnel. However, they are not approved for use in the USA at this time. Prompt approval by the FDA would result in significant logistical benefits to the civilian trauma centers, as well as the US military forces.


Fig. 49.3
Freeze-dried plasma can be stored indefinitely in powdered form (left panel), and then reconstitutued to liquid form and administered as needed (right panel)

Cryopreserved and Freeze-Dried Platelets

Platelets with their limited shelf-life of up to 7 days storage at 20–24 °C represent a particularly challenging logistical problem for combat casualty care. Cryopreserved platelets (CPP) , stored in a special preservative solution, could reduce the logistic challenge as they could be stored for at least 2 years at −20 °C to −80 °C. CPPs have been studied in heart surgery patients and in cancer patients with extremely low platelet counts due to chemotherapy. CPPs are presently used in Europe, although the Food and Drug Administration has not yet licensed them for use in the USA.

In addition to plasma, lyophilized or freeze-dried platelets have also been created and studied. Freeze-dried platelets retain much of their native function and clotting capabilities, though other functions are lost during the current lyophilization process. They have a short duration of action and circulation time, suggesting that they can function more as an active and rapid hemostatic agent by forming primary hemostatic plugs and serving as a “scaffold” to support more long-term clot formation. Additional advances in the freeze-drying process may further improve and enhance the function of these platelets once they are reconstituted from the powder form. Taken together, these two advances in platelet storage have the potential to greatly expand the availability and longevity of platelet products, and to enhance the ability to carry platelets to even the most forward battlefield scenarios.

Blood Pharming

This exciting advance involves the production of blood cells outside of the human body to provide blood products that are safe, effective, readily available, and do not rely on human blood donors as a supply source. Theoretically, blood pharming could provide an alternative to red blood cell or platelet blood donation by producing large quantities of on-demand, universally compatible blood products free of risk for alloimmunization. This technology would utilize progenitor or “stem” cells that have the potential to differentiate into the desired cell type (red blood cell, platelet, etc.). These blood products would be produced in laboratory machines known as “bioreactors”, and could allow for controlled creation of the desired cell types and potentially even selective enhancement of their oxygen-carrying and hemostatic properties (Fig. 49.4). Because the blood products are grown in bioreactors, they could additionally be free of known and unknown infectious organisms. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency provided funding starting in 2007 to develop an automated culture and packaging system that would yield a fresh supply of transfusable red blood cells from readily available cell sources. While not yet clinically available, this technology has unlimited potential to revolutionize the creation and supply maintenance for blood products. In addition, these machines could also be scaled down and simplified so that they could become part of the standard equipment of a forward military treatment facility.


Fig. 49.4
Schematic of biopharming showing progenitor or stem cells being differentiated and multiplied in a bioreactor to produce large quantities of the desired blood products (red blood cells or platelets)


The primary function of red blood cells (RBC) is to carry and deliver oxygen to tissues, and the RBC protein that carries oxygen is hemoglobin. Over the last few decades a number of pharmaceutical companies have tried to synthesize hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers (HBOCs), from chemically modified human or animal hemoglobin molecules. Resuscitation with HBOCs is appealing in that their use could restore intravascular volume and tissue oxygenation, without the limitations in supply and adverse effects that are associated with stored red blood cells. Preliminary animal studies of these compounds were promising, and they were even used in humans with severe bleeding who could not receive blood products (on religious grounds). However, the development of safe and effective agents for human use has been elusive. The first generation of HBOCs showed unacceptable side effects during preliminary clinical trials. This led to further refinement and development of second-generation agents with improved side-effect profiles, and also to research looking at alternative molecules to hemoglobin that can also carry oxygen. This is an area of active ongoing study, and holds obvious immense promise if a safe and effective HBOC product can be achieved.

Advanced Hemostatic Agents

Soon after September 11, 2001, the US Department of Defense (DOD) funded intensive efforts to develop advanced hemostatic dressings. These collaborative efforts were extremely productive, and very rapidly a number of advanced hemostatic bandages/agents were developed, tested, and deployed. Since then, the original products have been further refined and many effective agents are now widely available. The current challenge is how to control bleeding in sites that are not within the reach of a bandage. These sites are typically within the chest or the abdominal cavity, and are now classified as “noncompressible truncal hemorrhage” (NCTH) . This is clearly the next frontier in hemorrhage control research, and many efforts are under way to develop agents that can control or stop NCTH. Some of the most promising include injectable self-expanding foam, vascular occlusive balloons, and special abdominal tourniquets. There is no one technology that would work in all anatomical locations, and most likely multiple complimentary methods will have to be developed and deployed in the future.

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Oct 11, 2017 | Posted by in CARDIOLOGY | Comments Off on Battlefield Resuscitation of the Future

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