Atrial Fibrillation and Flutter

Atrial Fibrillation and Flutter

John Rickard and Mohamed Kanj

Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common sustained arrhythmia seen in clinical practice. There are estimated to be more than 2 million patients with AF in the United States. The prevalence and incidence of AF increase with advancing age. The mainstay of therapy includes pharmacologic rate control and antiarrhythmic therapy, cardioversion, and antithromboembolic management. Non-pharmacologic therapies, including ablation, device, and surgical approaches, are also becoming increasingly utilized.



image 0.4% general population

image 0.2% in population 25 to 34 years old

image 2% to 5% in population >60 years old

image 18% in population >85 years old

image 8% to 14% in hospitalized patients


image The incidence of AF increases from <0.1% per year (>160,000 new US cases year) in those under 40 years of age to 1.5% per year in females and 2% per year in males over the age of 80 (Kannel et al. 1983).

image 20% to 40% after cardiac surgery


The most common cardiovascular (CV) diseases associated with AF are hypertension and ischemic heart disease. Other predisposing conditions include:

image Advancing age

image Rheumatic heart disease (especially mitral valve disease)

image Nonrheumatic valvular disease

image Cardiomyopathies

image Congestive heart failure (CHF)

image Congenital heart disease

image Sick sinus syndrome/degenerative conduction system disease

image Wolff–Parkinson–White syndrome

image Pericarditis

image Pulmonary embolism

image Thyrotoxicosis

image Chronic lung disease

image Neoplastic disease

image Postoperative states

image Diabetes

image Normal hearts affected by high adrenergic states, alcohol, stress, drugs (especially sympathomimetics), excessive caffeine, hypoxia, hypokalemia, hypoglycemia, or systemic infection



The presence of AF leads to a 1.5- to 2-fold increase in total and CV mortality (Emelia et al., 1998). Factors that may increase mortality include:

image Age

image Mitral stenosis

image Aortic valve disease

image Coronary artery disease (CAD)

image Hypertension

image CHF

Patients with myocardial infarction (MI) or CHF have higher mortality if AF is present.


AF predisposes to stroke and thromboembolism.

image Five- to sixfold increased risk of stroke (17-fold with rheumatic heart disease [RHD])

image 3% to 5% per year rate of stroke in nonvalvular AF

image Single major cause (50%) of cardiogenic stroke

image 75,000 strokes per year

image Silent cerebral infarction risk

image Risk increases with age, concomitant CV disease, and stroke risk factors

Tachycardia-Induced Cardiomyopathy

Persistent rapid ventricular rates can lead to tachycardia-mediated cardiomyopathy and left ventricular (LV) systolic dysfunction. These are, however, reversible with ventricular rate control and regularization. Control can be achieved with medical rate control, atrioventricular (AV) node ablation, or achievement of sinus rhythm (SR). An atrial cardiomyopathy may develop leading to structural remodeling with an increase in atrial size.

Symptoms and Hemodynamics

image Rapid ventricular rates

image Irregularity of ventricular rhythm

image Loss of AV synchrony

image Symptoms: limitation in functional capacity, palpitations, fatigue, dyspnea, angina, CHF


While the pathophysiology of AF remains incompletely understood, it has been shown that AF requires a trigger and a substrate to sustain reentry. The triggering mechanism in most patients comes from ectopic firing within the pulmonary veins into which sleeves of atrial myocardium extend. Once AF has been sustained for a period of time, electrical and structural changes take place within the atria that can convert transient AF to persistent AF. Electrical changes, such as shortening of the atrial refractory period, occur shortly after AF onset and are reversible with conversion back to SR. Structural changes may take longer to develop, however, and are less amenable to reversal. In patients with CHF, the pathophysiology of AF is somewhat different. In this patient population, areas of interstitial fibrosis are found within the atria that lead to heterogeneous electrical conduction. These areas of slowed electrical conduction predispose to the development of AF.

image Electrical activation: rapid, multiple waves of depolarization with continuously changing, wandering pathways

image Intracardiac electrograms: irregular, rapid depolarizations, often >300 to 400 beats/min (bpm)

image Mechanical effects:

image Loss of coordinated atrial contraction

image Irregular electrical inputs to the AV node and His–Purkinje system leading to irregular ventricular contraction

image Surface electrocardiogram:

image No discrete P waves

image Irregular fibrillatory waves

image Irregularly, irregular ventricular response

Atrial Flutter Reentrant Mechanism

Cavotricuspid Isthmus-Dependent Atrial Flutter

image Cavotricuspid isthmus (CTI)-dependent flutters refers to circuits, which involve the isthmus of tissue in the right atrium between the tricuspid annulus and inferior vena cava (IVC) (Fig. 28.1).

image The circuit can propagate around the isthmus in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction.

image Counterclockwise atrial flutter is characterized by dominant negative flutter waves in the inferior leads and positive flutter deflection in lead V1.

image Clockwise atrial flutter is characterized by positive flutter waves in inferior leads and negative flutter waves in lead V1.

image In contrast to coarse AF, the flutter waves on an ECG will usually have the same morphology, amplitude, and cycle length.

image Ablation of the CTI is curative.


FIGURE 28.1 Type I counterclockwise right atrial flutter.

Noncavotricuspid Isthmus-Dependent Atrial Flutter

image Noncavotricuspid isthmus (NCTI)-dependent flutters do not use the CTI. NCTI flutters are often related to atrial scar which creates a conduction block and a central obstacle that allows for reentry.

image NCTI can be found in patients with prior cardiac surgery involving the atrium, such as repair of congenital heart disease, mitral valve surgery, or maze procedure as well as in patients post pulmonary vein isolation procedures.

image NCTI-dependent flutters are less common than CTI flutters.


image Atrial flutter may be difficult to treat medically (it is notoriously difficult to rate control) and may develop with organization of AF reentrant flutter circuits during treatment with antiarrhythmic therapy.

image Successful ablation is dependent on identifying a critical portion of the reentry circuit where it can be interrupted with catheter ablation.


image Lone: Patients under the age of 60 years with absence of cardiopulmonary or other conditions predisposing to AF

image New Onset: First episode of AF

image Recurrent: Has two or more paroxysmal or persistent episodes

image Paroxysmal: Self-terminating within 7 days, generally lasting 24 hours

image Persistent: Is not self-terminating within 7 days or is terminated with treatment

image Permanent: Persistent despite cardioversion



image Precipitating factors and conditions

image Alcohol, caffeine, sympathomimetics, herbal supplements, or other drug use

image Duration and frequency of episodes

image Degree of associated symptoms

image Manner of AF initiation

image Prior therapies for AF (past antiarrhythmic drugs that may have failed or past ablation attempts)

Documentation of Atrial

Fibrillation and Initiation

image ECGs, rhythm strips

image Transtelephonic (remote) event monitoring

image Evaluation for precipitating bradycardia, paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT), atrial flutter, atrial ectopy, atrial tachycardia

Diagnostic Testing

image Lab studies—thyroid function, renal, and hepatic tests

image Echocardiogram—evaluate LV function, valves, atrial size

image Functional stress testing or cardiac catheterization—evaluate for CAD in patients with risk factors and evaluate candidacy for 1C agents


Treatment Strategies

image Ventricular rate control

image AV nodal–blocking drugs

image Atrioventricular node (AVN) modification/ablation and pacing

image Achievement and maintenance of SR

image Antiarrhythmic drugs

image Cardioversions

image Nonpharmacologic therapies

– Ablation

– Surgery—Maze procedure

image Anticoagulation

Atrial Fibrillation Follow-Up Investigation of Rhythm Management

The Atrial Fibrillation Follow-Up Investigation of Rhythm Management (AFFIRM) study (Wyse et al., 2002) was a multicenter trial of rate versus rhythm control strategies (Table 28.1). It tested the hypothesis that in patients with AF, total mortality with primary therapy intended to maintain SR is equal to that with primary therapy intended to control heart rate. The study randomized 4,060 patients (>65 years old or with risk factors for stroke), with a primary endpoint of total mortality. No significant difference in total mortality was found among strategies, although there was a strong trend toward better survival in the rate-control arm. The study also showed that continued anticoagulation is important even in the rhythm-control arm, so this may be the best strategy in relatively asymptomatic older patients with good rate control.

28.1 Rate Control versus Rhythm Control


Control of Ventricular Rate

Rapid ventricular rates can cause symptoms and/or ventricular dysfunction. The goal of treatment, a heart rate of 70 to 100 bpm at rest, can be achieved pharmacologically with agents that slow AV nodal conduction, such as digoxin, beta-adrenergic blockers, and calcium channel blockers (Table 28.2). These agents, however, should not be used in patients with ventricular preexcitiation due to the risk of very rapid antidromic conduction during AF over the pathway. In patients who are hemodynamically stable with evidence of pre-excited AF, amiodarone, ibutilide, procainamide, or disopyramide are acceptable choices.

28.2 Pharmacologic Rate Control for Atrial Arrhythmias


The RACE II trial compared strict rate control (resting heart rate <80 bpm) to lenient rate control (resting heart rate<110 bpm) in patients with permanent AF. Lenient rate control was comparable to strict rate control in terms of reaching the components of the primary endpoint. In addition, lenient rate control was much easier to achieve compared to strict rate control.


Digoxin has direct and indirect effects on the AV node, with a primary vagotonic effect. Advantages include:

image It is inexpensive.

image It can be given intravenously

image It can be used safely in patients with heart failure.

image It is effective in controlling resting ventricular rates in chronic, persistent AF.

Disadvantages are that:

image Peak onset of heart rate-lowering effect is delayed by 1 to 4 hours.

image The therapeutic window is narrow.

image It is less effective in rate control of paroxysmal AF and should never be used as the sole agent for rate control in these patients.

image It is less effective for rapid rates during hyperadrenergic states, when vagal tone is low, for example, during exercise or in acute MI and ICU settings, because of increased sympathetic tone.

Digoxin should be used with caution in elderly patients and in patients with decreased renal function.

Beta-Adrenergic Blockers

Advantages of beta-adrenergic blockers are that they:

image Are very effective for heart rate control, even with exercise

image Can be given intravenously

image Have rapid onset of action

image Have long-term benefits in patients with LV dysfunction

Disadvantages of beta-adrenergic blockers are that they:

image May provoke bronchospasm

image Are negatively inotropic and may exacerbate CHF

image May reduce exercise tolerance as a result of their negative inotropy and chronotropy

Calcium Channel Blockers

The advantages of calcium channel blockers such as verapamil and diltiazem include:

image Intravenous availability

image Rapid onset of action

image Can be used safely in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and diabetes mellitus

Disadvantages include:

image Negative inotropic effects

image Can cause hypotension

image Long-term safety questioned

Class I or III Antiarrhythmic Drugs

Sotalol, dronedarone, amiodarone, propafenone, and flecainide can contribute to ventricular rate control.


Complete AV Junction Ablation

Radiofrequency catheter ablation of the AV node is usually technically easy to accomplish. It is best used in cases of atrial arrhythmias refractory to standard therapies in highly symptomatic patients.

image Advantages

image Effectively controls rapid ventricular rates

image Significant symptomatic relief and improvement in quality of life demonstrated

image Can reverse tachycardia-mediated cardiomyopathy

image Disadvantages

image Requires a permanent, rate-responsive pacemaker

image The patient is pacemaker dependent.

image Pacing RV alone may significantly worsen ventricular function. Biventricular pacing may be considered in patients with impaired LV systolic function.


Electrical Cardioversion

Electrical cardioversion is the most effective method of restoring SR. In this technique, a shock is synchronized to the R wave. The optimal patch positioning is anterior–posterior (e.g., right parasternal to left paraspinal). For standard monophasic external cardioversion, usual initial energies are 200 J for AF and 50 to 100 J for atrial flutter. Energies can be increased up to 300 J if initial efforts are unsuccessful. Biphasic external conversion, however, requires less energy as a rule. All electrical cardioversion requires sedation with a short-acting anesthetic such as etomidate or methohexital, which is one limitation, compared to pharmacologic cardioversion.

Cardioversion is urgently indicated for patients with clinical instability (e.g., hypotension, ischemia, CHF). It is electively indicated for patients who remain in symptomatic AF after a trial of pharmacologic therapy. Electrical cardioversion is contraindicated in patients with AF and digoxin toxicity or hypokalemia.

Pharmacologic Conversion

A small, randomized, controlled study showed no effect of digoxin on conversion rate. However, quinidine, procainamide, flecainide, propafenone, sotalol, amiodarone, dofetilide, and ibutilide have shown success rates of 31% to 90%. Procainamide, ibutilide, and amiodarone are available for intravenous administration.

Procainamide is usually administered at a dose of 10 to 15 mg/kg IV at ≤50 mg/min, then at 1 to 2 mg/min. It is necessary to monitor blood pressure, as hypotension may require slowing the infusion rate; hemodynamic effects may limit dosing in severe LV dysfunction. It is also necessary to monitor for proarrhythmia—QT prolongation and torsades de pointes. Note that the active metabolite, N-acetyl procainamide (NAPA), may accumulate to toxic levels and cause renal failure.

Ibutilide is a class III potassium channel–blocking agent. In one study, it was shown to be more efficacious than procainamide in converting short-term AF/flutter to SR. Usual dosing is 1 mg IV over 10 minutes, which can be repeated after another 10 minutes. One should monitor for QT prolongation and torsades de pointes.

Amiodarone in its IV form is useful for patients who cannot take oral medications, though it is more expensive. It may be helpful for hemodynamically unstable patients with recurrent AF despite cardioversion or other antiarrhythmic drugs, for whom rate control is refractory to conventional

AV nodal–blocking drugs, or who are intolerant of standard antiarrhythmic or rate-controlling drugs as a result of negative inotropy. Rapid oral loading of amiodarone can usually also be achieved in patients with intact gastrointestinal function (Table 28.3).

28.3 Pharmacologic Conversion Regimens


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