This chapter examines the electrocardiographic abnormalities seen in atrial depolarization (P wave) caused by atrial enlargement and/or atrial conduction disturbances, including the rare cases of atrial dissociation. ECG changes due atrial infarction and abnormal atrial repolarization are also discussed (Zimmerman 1968; Bayés de Luna 2012). The following issues should be taken into consideration: In fact, left atrial enlargement (LAE) and interatrial blocks (IAB) present some similar ECG criteria, especially the increase in the duration of P wave. However (see Tables 9.1 and 9.2), the sensitivity of the criteria for the diagnosis of atrial enlargement is usually very low, as has been demonstrated by correlations of the ECG with imaging techniques. Due to that, the AHA/ACC/HRA published in 2009 a consensus paper (Hancock et al. 2009) giving the recommendation, that all abnormal P waves should usually be referred as “atrial abnormalities” rather than atrial enlargement, overload, hypertrophy, or block. However, just three years later in 2012, the International Society for Holter and Noninvasive Electrocardiology (ISHNE) published a consensus paper (Bayés de Luna et al. 2012) establishing that interatrial block was an independent and separate entity than left atrial enlargement. This was based especially on the fact that the pattern of interatrial block: (i) may be reproduced experimentally (Waldo et al. 1971; Guerra et al. 2020); (ii) may be transient (Bayés de Luna et al. 1985, 2018a); and (iii) may be recorded in the absence of atrial enlargement or necrosis (Bayés de Luna et al. 1985). We consider that ongoing studies will probably increase in the near future the capacity of ECG to diagnose more accurately right and left atrial enlargement. The same that has happened as we will see later with the ECG criteria for different types of interatrial block that are already well established. Therefore, although we consider that the “umbrella” term of “atrial abnormalities” may be used to encompass globally all pathological changes of P wave that include IAB and atrial enlargement, hypertrophy or dilation, we prefer in this chapter, in spite of all limitations that exist, due to low sensitivity that currently exist, to diagnose right and left atrial enlargement using these criteria, although emphasizing his low sensitivity. We hope that we can in the future increase the accuracy of this diagnosis. Later, we will comment the well‐established diagnostic criteria of all types of interatrial block (IAB). Along the last 10–15 years, to study the P wave has been considered very important to recognize that there are two aspects of the atria that have grant relevance for the diagnosis of P wave abnormalities. We have referring to: (i) the concept of P wave indices, that we have exposed already in Chapter 7 and (ii) the importance that has the abnormal ultrastructure of left atrium (LA) to explain the association of P wave abnormalities especially duration and morphology (A‐IAB) with atrial arrhythmias, stroke and even dementia and death (Bayés de Luna et al. 2020a, b). We will comment all that along the chapter. As we have commented before, due to similarities of the ECG criteria for the diagnosis of LAE and IAB, the consensus paper of AHA and HR (Hancock et al. 2009) propose the term “left atrial abnormalities” to encompass all abnormal P wave anomalies found in both processes. However, as we have said (see before), we decided to follow in this book to comment separately on the ECG criteria of LAE and IAB although having in mind that it is necessary to follow doing the research that will allow us clearly to identify the ECG criteria that assure us the diagnosis of LAE with higher sensitivity, in the presence of P wave ≥ 120 ms and if possible even with P wave <120 ms. Figure 9.1 Above: diagram of atrial depolarization in a normal P wave (A), right atrial enlargement (RAE) (B), and left atrial enlargement (LAE) (C). Below: examples of the three types of P wave. Table 9.1 Right atrial enlargement. ECG criteria with high specificity and lower sensitivity (see text) *Standards of echocardiography; **standards of cardiovascular magnetic resonance. Table 9.2 Left atrial enlargement. ECG criteria based on P wave changes with high specificity and lower sensitivity (see text) *Standards of echocardiography; **standards of cardiovascular magnetic resonance. The heart diseases most frequently associated with right atrial enlargement (RAE) are congenital heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and valvular heart disease with right ventricular involvement. It has been observed that when the right atrium enlarges, the P wave increases in voltage and becomes peaked. The duration of the P wave does not increase because although right atrial activation may be prolonged, it never exceeds the duration of left atrial activation (Figure 9.1B). In COPD, pulmonary hypertension, and pulmonary emphysema, the P loop often points to the right and downward (vertical), although not beyond +90°. This explains why the ÂP is generally deviated to the right (P pulmonale). Thus, the projection of the vertical P loop on the frontal and horizontal plane results in a low‐voltage P wave in lead I and a peaked P wave of high voltage in II, III, and aVF (P ≥ 2.5 mm) (Figures 9.2B and 9.3B). In some congenital heart diseases, such as Fallot’s tetralogy, the P loop points more to the left and forward. This explains why the ÂP is displaced somewhat to the left, and consequently the P wave voltage in lead III is lower than in leads I and II (P congenitale) (Figures 9.2A and 9.3C). Sometimes the voltage in leads I and II is of high amplitude (> 2 mm and peaked). The projection of this forward‐pointing P loop on the horizontal plane produces a P wave in V1 with a voltage that may be high and positive or present with a ± morphology but with a rapid inscription diphase Figure 9.2 Loops of the P congenitale (A) and P pulmonale (B) waves with the morphologies in each lead. These are determined by whether the loop projection lies on the positive or negative hemisphere of each lead. Figure 9.3 Examples of P wave morphology and loops in the following cases: (A) normal, (B) P pulmonale, (C) P congenitale, (D) left atrial enlargement. Figure 9.4 ECG and VCG of a one‐year‐old girl with Ebstein’s disease. Note the long PR, the high‐voltage P wave hidden in the T wave (+ − − − mimicking rS morphology in V1), and the atypical right bundle branch block morphology. Although many diagnostic criteria were described in the past based on anatomic correlations or electrophysiological hypotheses (Sodi‐Pallares 1956), the majority have been studied in the last 40 years based on echocardiography, especially with two‐dimensional measurements (Reeves et al. 1981; Kaplan et al. 1994). Recently, CMR standards have been introduced for this purpose (Tsao et al. 2008). Table 9.1 shows the ECG patterns that demonstrate a very high specificity for RAE based on these studies, although the sensitivity never is ≥ 50%. These include (Table 9.1): Figure 9.5 A 60‐year‐old woman with mitro‐tricuspid valve disease who presented with QRS criteria for RAE and right ÂQRS with rS in V6 (right ventricular enlargement). Figure 9.6 The more anterior location of the right ventricle that can be seen in right ventricular enlargement can explain how the normal first vector is seen as negative in V1. Figure 9.7 A 52‐year‐old woman with double mitral and double tricuspid lesions. The difference between the very low QRS voltage in V1 and the high voltage in V2 is striking. Figure 9.8 A patient with chronic cor pulmonale and an acute respiratory failure. A tall, peaked P wave (B) that did not previously exist (A) appeared, disappearing a few days later (C). Observe how the ST‐T negativity in inferior leads and the negativity of the T wave increase in V1 and V2 in the B tracing. These include (Kaplan et al. 1994; Tsao et al. 2008): The combined criteria PV2 > 1.5 mm + ÂQRS > 90° + R/S in V1 > 1 have a correct sensitivity (≈50%) with specificity of 100% (Kaplan et al. 1994). Figure 9.9 A 62‐year‐old woman with double mitral and double tricuspid lesions in congestive heart failure and with a history of at least 10 years of atrial fibrillation. With this rhythm, “f” waves were not seen in any lead. Unexpectedly, she changed to a sinoatrial rhythm with a PR of 0.26 sec (in atrial fibrillation and a small amount of digitalis, there was also an important AV block). The “P” wave was narrow and only visible in V1 and V2; in the other leads it appeared to be a junctional rhythm. The fact that the P wave is ± in V1 practically eliminated the possibility of ectopic rhythm. Figure 9.10 (A) A 45‐year‐old patient with subacute cor pulmonale. Note the right atrial enlargement (RAE) with the right ÂP. Some days later (B), the ÂP is directed to the left, returning to the right in a third ECG (C) recorded at 15 days. This example shows how atrial aberration may mask the P wave of clear RAE. The ECG diagnosis of RAE may be very difficult to reach for the following reasons: These are some of the reasons why changes in the atriogram are generally not very sensitive (many false negative) for the diagnosis of RAE. Although there are some factors that increase the incidence of false positives, they are usually fewer and therefore the specificity of ECG criteria for RAE is much higher. In the past, the most common associated diseases were rheumatic heart diseases, particularly mitral stenosis.In fact, the characteristic bimodal P wave of left atrial enlargement (LAE), seen especially in lead II, has been called “P mitrale.” However, this type of P wave is currently seen in the presence of other causes of LAE, such as cardiomyopathies, especially dilated cardiomyopathy, arterial hypertension, and ischemic heart disease. The P wave seen in LAE usually has a longer than normal duration due to long distance that the stimulus has to cover as a consequence of the dilated LA more than to the hypertrophy of the LA mass itself (Josephson et al. 1977; Velury and Spodick 1994). The enlarged left atrium first expands toward the back, so the vector of LAE points backward (Figure 9.11). Moreover, because of all that, the P loop is longer and often acquires a figure‐of‐eight shape in the horizontal plane (HP). All that explains that the negative component of P wave is greater than the positive, and therefore, the P wave in lead V1, in case of LA enlargement when the electrode of V1 is well located, usually has a positive–negative morphology with a prominent negative component that exceeds the positive component An abrupt dilatation of the left atrium, which occurs in acute pulmonary edema, for example, may cause +/−P wave morphology in V1. This disappears when the clinical situation improves (Heikila and Luomanmaki 1970) (Figure 9.13). Figure 9.11 P loop of left atrial enlargement and the morphology in various leads, determined by whether the loop projection lies in the respective positive or negative hemifield of each lead (see text). Figure 9.12 (A) P wave morphology in V1 and P loop in the case of left atrial enlargement, and (B) is a normal case or in case of isolated partial IAB. Figure 9.13 Above: An example of pulmonary edema in the acute phase of myocardial infarction (see X‐ray below). Three days and 12 hours later, when the clinical improvement was evident, the ECG showed a reduction of the negative P mode in V1. This can be properly evaluated only when the V1 lead is taken at the same site. In the hospital environment, this can be ensured by marking the electrode site on the patient’s skin. Historically, the majority of ECG criteria was based on necropsic or radiological correlations. Today, they are based on the standards of echocardiography and, more recently, CMR. (Josephson et al. 1977; Bartell et al. 1978; Bosch et al. 1981; Miller et al. 1983; Munuswamy et al. 1984; Bayés de Luna et al. 1985; Hazen et al. 1991; Tsao et al. 2008; Troung et al. 2011). Recently, it has been demonstrated by echo‐speckle tracking echo, that this technique may be a surrogate of CMR (Montserrat et al. 2015) to demonstrate the abnormal fibrotic ultrastructure of LA wall, and even the ECG pattern of A‐IAB may also be a surrogate of decrease of LA strain, and that means that the diagnosis of A‐IAB by ECG is an equivalent to the presence of fibrosis in the LA wall (Lacalzada‐Almeida et al. 2019) (Ciuffo et al. 2020). As we have already commented, the P wave criteria for diagnosis of LAE have low sensitivity. Having this in mind, we will now comment on the ECG criteria of LAE. In fact, recently it has been demonstrated (see before) that the morphology of Ptf V1 depends very much on the location of the electrodes of V1 (Rasmussen et al. 2019). If is too high (3rd of 2nd ICS), the morphology of P ± with great negative component is the rule. Also, the P in V1 may present a ± pattern or even all negative in cases of pectus excavatum, and other thoracic abnormalities. This may explain the discordant results obtained as a precursor of stroke. Due to that, as we are doing an observational trial to clarify this problem (Sajeev et al. 2019). Figure 9.14 Diagram contrasting normal and abnormal negative components of the P wave in V1. When the value calculated using the width in seconds and the height in millimeters of the negative mode exceeds 40 mm × ms, it is considered abnormal.
Chapter 9
Atrial Abnormalities
New concepts on P wave
Atrial enlargement
ECG criteria
QRS criteria
> 95*
QRS V1 ≤ 4 mm + QRS V2/V1 ≥ 5Reeves et al. 1981*
> 95*
> 95*
P criteria
Tsao et al. 2008**
Kaplan et al. 1994*
Tsao et al. 2008**
ECG criteria
Tsao et al. 2008**
P≥ 120 ms in I or II + Morris index (> 0.04 mm/sec) + ÂP≈0°
Bartell et al. 1978
Bosch et al. 1981
Lee et al. 2007*
Munuswamy et al. 1984*
Tsao et al. 2008**
Bayés de Luna et al. 1985*
Tsao et al. 2008**
Munuswamy et al. 1984*
Lee et al. 2007*
Tsao et al. 2008**
Right atrial enlargement
Associated diseases and the underlying mechanism of ECG changes
, the opposite to that observed in left atrial enlargement (LAE)
. Exceptionally, a
pattern or even
may appear in V1, but in V2 a predominantly positive morphology is recorded. This pattern in V1 is probably caused by the very enlarged and dilated RA, which adopts a low anterior position, and the electrode of V1 faces the negative part of the P vector. The congenital heart diseases that frequently present with these P wave characteristics in V1–V2 are Ebstein’s disease, severe pulmonary stenosis, and tricuspid atresia. In the case of Ebstein’s disease, the P wave in V1 may present with a large voltage, at times only positive and peaked, while at other times biphasic with a large negative node (P + − − −). Occasionally, the P wave voltage is similar to or even greater than the QRS voltage, with the QRS usually showing an atypical right bundle branch block (RBBB) pattern (Figure 9.4).
Electrocardiographic diagnostic criteria: imaging correlations (Table 9.1 and 9.2)
QRS criteria (indirect)
P wave criteria (direct)
Combining QRS and P criteria
False positive and false negative diagnoses of right atrial enlargement
Left atrial enlargement (Table 9.2)
Associated diseases and underlying mechanisms of ECG changes
(Figure 9.12). This is not usually the case in the presence of partial IAB without LA enlargement. However, in cases of bad location of the electrode in V1, too high, a P wave, is recorded with false final negative morphology in the absence of LA enlargement. Finally, if exist associated advanced interatrial block (see later) the P wave is be positive–negative in leads II, III, and VF, and in these cases, LAE is practically always present.
ECG diagnostic criteria: Imaging correlations (Table 9.2)

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