Assessing Implantable Device Function

Assessing Implantable Device Function

Laurence Guedon Moreau


Managing the primary and main function of the device is the most important function of remote evaluation that is provided by modern cardiac implantable electronic devices (CIEDs). The aim is to ensure the optimal function of the device, that is, cardiac pacing for pacemakers (PMs) and antitachycardia pacing and defibrillation for implantable cardiac defibrillators with or without cardiac resynchronization (ICD or CRT-D). We will focus in this chapter precisely on these issues because the issues of remote management relating to supraventricular arrhythmias and heart failure will be treated in other chapters of this book.

Remote monitoring (RM) offers a high-performance alert system that provides a proven benefit for patients under the condition of an optimal remote management.


For the evaluation of device function, remote management needs the remote control of three main parameters: technical parameters of the device and the lead(s),1 clinical information on the use of the device in its main function, and information on unwanted arrhythmic events.2 These checks can be carried out either periodically by
programming remote interrogations (RIs) or continuously by RM.3 It is in this faculty of RM, which relies on an alert system (Table 2.1), that the true value of remote management lies, in comparison with the follow-up performed during in-person evaluations (IPEs) carried with a programmer.

TABLE 2.1 List of Device-, Lead-, and Ventricular Arrhythmia-Related Alerts




Device-related alerts

Backup mode active

Backup mode active

MRI mode active

MRI mode active

Device in electrocautery protection mode

Device in electrocautery protection mode

Device Brady mode off

ICD therapy disabled

Therapy off

Device reset

Device reset

Emergency Brady active






Remote monitoring disabled due to limited battery capacity

Remote monitoring disabled due to limited battery capacity

Voltage too low for projected remaining capacity

Voltage too low for projected remaining capacity

Charge circuit timeout

Longevity analysis (requires tech services support)

Possible device malfunction

Possible device malfunction

Possible device malfunction

Therapy history corruption detected

Therapy history corruption detected

Programmer-triggered message received

Programmer-triggered message received

Lead-related alerts

RA pacing impedance

RA pacing impedance

RA lead check

RA sensing amplitude (daily mean)

RA sensing amplitude (daily mean)

RA pacing threshold

RA capture control repetitively failed

RV pacing impedance

RV pacing impedance

RV lead check

RV sensing amplitude (daily mean)

RV sensing amplitude (daily mean)

Sensing not fully optimized

RV pacing threshold

RV pacing threshold

RV capture control disabled

RV capture control repetitively failed

LV pacing impedance

LV pacing impedance

LV lead check

LV sensing amplitude (daily mean)

LV sensing amplitude (daily mean)

LV pacing threshold

LV pacing threshold

LV capture control disabled

LV capture control repetitively failed

RV lead integrity

RV lead noise

Shock impedance

High electrode impedance

Possible high-voltage lead issue

Ventricular noise reversion

Clinical alerts

Number of HVR episodes per day

VT episodes (V > A)

VT1 monitoring episode(s) detected

Untreated episode

ST episode detected

ST episode detected

ST type I episode detected

Episode details received

Episode details received

VT1 detected

VT2 detected

VF detected

Three or more VT/VF episodes in 24 hours

Accelerated ventricular arrhythmia episode

Successful ATP pacing delivered

Number of shocks delivered in an episode

Shock therapy delivered to convert arrhythmia

All therapies in a zone exhausted

Ineffective ventricular maximum energy shock(s)

Ventricular therapy episode with long duration

Ventricular monitoring episode with long duration

Ventricular episode with acceleration of atrial rhythm below

Right ventricular pacing

Right ventricular pacing

Each system has its own specific terms for each alert. We gathered alerts with the same function under one generic term in this table for clarity.

Abbreviations: A, atrial; ATP, antitachycardia pacing; EOS, end of service; ERI, elective replacement index; HVR, high ventricular rate; ICD, implantable cardioverter defibrillator; LV, left ventricular; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; RA, right atrial; RV, right ventricular; S-ICD, subcutaneous implantable cardioverter defibrillator; V, ventricular; VF, ventricular fibrillation; VT, ventricular tachycardia.

Dec 19, 2019 | Posted by in CARDIOLOGY | Comments Off on Assessing Implantable Device Function

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