and K. M. John Chan
Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery Hammersmith Hospital, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, London, UK
The most common indication for aortic valve replacement in the Western world is degenerative calcified aortic stenosis. In developing countries, rheumatic heart disease remains and continues to be an important indication.
The approach can be a standard sternotomy or a mini sternotomy incision. The ascending aorta should be cannulated as distally as possible, at or above the pericardial aortic reflection, so as to maximise the space available for subsequent placement of the aortic cross-clamp as well as the aortotomy. A single two-stage venous cannula is placed into the right atrium. Cardiopulmonary bypass is commenced. To optimise visualisation during the operation, a vent may be placed through the right superior pulmonary vein via the left atrium and into the left ventricle. The aortic cross-clamp is applied as close to the aortic cannula as possible. In the absence of significant aortic regurgitation, antegrade cardioplegia may be delivered to arrest the heart prior to aortotomy. Retrograde cardioplegia can also be delivered if desired for continued myocardial protection. This may also be helpful in cases of aortic regurgitation.
Exposing the Aortic Valve
An oblique or transverse aortotomy about 1–2 cm above the origin of the right coronary artery is made. An oblique incision may be extended into the middle of the non-coronary sinus of Valsalva to increase the exposure or to facilitate subsequent aortic root widening. The incision should stop at least 10 mm from the aortic annulus to facilitate easy placement of sutures and closure of the aortotomy. Pump suction is placed through the aortic valve leaflets to remove blood from the left ventricle. Cardioplegia is given at this stage, directly to the coronary ostia if it has not already been given. Typically, 600–800 ml of cold blood cardioplegia is delivered to the left coronary ostia and 250–400 ml to the right coronary ostia. Stay sutures can be placed on the aorta and an assistant can further retract the aortic wall with a leaflet retractor to maximise exposure.
Decalcification and Excision of Leaflet
The aortic valve leaflets are completely excised and can often be removed intact with the attached calcification. Residual calcification on the aortic annulus is then removed with the help of a Ronguers or similar instrument to crush the calcium, followed by the use of scissors and forceps to cut and remove the calcium. In some cases, the use of a scalpel with a No. 11 blade may be helpful. Removal of all calcium deposits is important to allow proper seating of the valve prosthesis and avoid paraprosthetic leaks.
Care must be taken during leaflet excision and decalcification so that the deeper and surrounding structures of the aortic annulus are not damaged. In general, it is safest to leave a 1-mm rim of leaflet tissue during excision. Any remaining calcium deposits can be subsequently removed. Care must be taken not to perforate the aorta, particularly in the region between the commissure of the non-coronary and left coronary leaflet and the middle of the left coronary leaflet. Other structures at risk include the right and left coronary ostia, the anterior leaflet of the mitral valve which lies below the non-coronary sinus and the conduction tissues in the region of the membranous septum around the commissure between the right and non-coronary sinus.
high-powered suction is used throughout the decalcification to remove calcium debris and ensure that these do not enter the coronary ostia or the left ventricle chamber. Placement of a small wet gauze into the left ventricle prior to decalcification can be helpful to catch any calcium deposits which may fall into the left ventricle. A washout with cold saline delivered with a 50 ml syringe is used at the end to flush out and remove any calcium deposits which may have fallen into the left ventricle.
Valve Replacement
The annulus is sized using valve obturators of the desired valve prosthesis. The valve should fit snugly onto the aortic annulus. Too loose a fit would suggest that the patient could benefit from a larger sized prosthesis while too tight a fit would make seating the prosthesis difficult and also risk disruption of the aortic annulus and closure of the aortotomy. In small aortic roots or where patient-prosthesis mismatch may occur, for example, in a large patient with a small aortic root, patch enlargement of the aortic root may be necessary, using either an anterior (Nick’s/Nunez, Manouguian procedure) or a posterior (Konno/Rastan) approach.
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