Fig. 3.1
The age of all patients (x-axis) in the elderly and young groups and complete sensory (CSB, a) or motor block (CMB, b) duration (y-axis) are shown. Postoperatively, sensory and motor blocks were assessed hourly for 9 h after time zero. Recovery from sensory and motor blocks was defined as any score greater than zero in any distribution of the radial, median, musculocutaneous, or ulnar nerve. The durations of complete sensory and motor blockade were calculated for each patient as follows: (onset time to a complete sensory or motor block) – (time of recovery from complete sensory or motor block). Durations of complete sensory (ρ = 0.56; P < 0.05) were significantly correlated with aging (Adapted from Paqueron et al. [15]; with permission)
3.1.2 Procedure-Specific Local and Regional Anesthesia Arteriovenous Access for Hemodialysis and Permanent Vascular Access
Peripheral subcutaneous AV fistula or prosthetic graft is the current procedure of choice for patients requiring permanent hemodialysis access. The procedure is performed in supine position and is usually performed under local anesthesia with intravenous sedations. Elderly patients with chronic renal failure may present a great challenge to the anesthesiologists. Conditions like congestive heart failure, systemic hypertension, electrolyte imbalances, undetermined intravascular fluid volume status are fairly common in this age group. The presence of concomitant dementia, poor baseline cognitive function may make sedation and local anesthesia inadequate choice. In such patients, consideration should be made for brachial plexus block using an ultrasound-guided supraclavicular or infraclavicular approach. In a study by Mizrak et al. [16] when used for Arteriovenous Fistula (AVF) access surgery , infraclavicular brachial plexus block provides higher blood flow in the radial artery and AVF than is achieved with infiltration anesthesia. In another study by Malinzak and Gan [17, ] it was also concluded that use of regional blocks may improve the success of vascular access procedures by producing significant vasodilatation, greater fistula blood flow, sympathectomy-like effects, and decreased maturation time. Significant vasodilation after regional block administration is seen in both the cephalic and basilic veins. These vasodilatory properties may assist with AVF site selection. Minimally Invasive Vascular Surgery : Peripheral Arterial Stent Placement and Carotid Stent Placement
Anesthesia for peripheral arterial stent placement can be administered with intravenous moderate sedation and local anesthetic at the puncture site. A common combination for sedation is 1–2 mg of midazolam (Versed) and 25–50 mcg of fentanyl, depending on the patient’s size and response. Standard ASA monitoring with Monitored Anesthesia care is used for these procedures.
The anesthetic technique for Carotid artery stent involves minimal sedation with minimal or no midazolam as excessive sedation may contribute to hypotension in the post stent placement phase. Activated clotting time (ACT) is measured. After a baseline ACT, a small heparin bolus is administered IV to achieve an ACT of approximately twice as normal (250–300 s) to prevent thromboembolic complications. Protamine should be immediately available to treat hemorrhage, although it is not routinely used for the reversal of anticoagulation at the end of the case. Often an oral antiplatelet drug (ticlopidine, clopidogrel, or abciximab) is also given.
The anesthesiology team should also anticipate excessive bradycardia with carotid balloon angioplasty necessitating the pre-emptive use of Atropine 0.4–0.8 mg or Glycopyrollate 0.2–0.4 mg. Lower Extremity Vascular Procedures Including Vein Stripping and Perforator Ligation, Lower Extremity Vascular Bypass, Amputation Procedures of the Lower Extremity
The lower extremity vascular procedures can be ideally performed under regional anesthesia. Regional anesthesia involves spinal, epidural anesthesia, lumbar plexus anesthesia, and regional nerve blocks involving the sciatic, femoral, popliteal fossa nerve blocks, and ankle blocks.
Vascular operations for the lower extremity constitute infrainguinal arterial bypass procedures. Use of an autogenous vein provides the best conduit for infrainguinal arterial bypass procedures. The principle is to have an inflow target that has no significant disease proximal to it that can interfere with the inflow into the bypass. The inflow vessel is usually the common femoral artery, profunda femoris artery, the superficial femoral artery, the popliteal artery, and, in some less common instances, one of the tibial vessels. The target recipient artery is either the popliteal artery or tibial, peroneal, or pedal vessel. These can be approached at the level of the knee or below with a medial incision or at mid tibial/malleolus level depending on the target. It requires administration of 10,000 units of heparin prior to distal anastomosis, followed by proximal anastomosis, arteriogram, partial reversal of heparin, and closure.
Spinal anesthesia provides excellent analgesia but since surgery can be unpredictable in complexity and duration, it may be beneficial to either perform a continuous spinal anesthesia [18, 19] with an intrathecal catheter or perform a combined spinal/epidural or just lumbar epidural catheter [20]. This allows the duration of anesthesia to be extended and may also provide postoperative analgesia. Surgical anesthesia involves L1–4 dermatomes, and a dermatomal level of T10-T12 is required. Hoff et al. [21] showed that spinal anesthesia using bupivacaine and tetracaine mixed in a single-injection technique can last 5 h at the T12 level without added untoward effects when compared with lower dose spinal anesthetics. Cautious fluid administration and vasoconstrictors use will limit fluid overload in elderly patients especially after sympathectomy resolves. Strict adherence to American Society of Regional Anesthesia (ASRA) anticoagulation guidelines as mentioned in the previous section should be practiced before performing spinal anesthesia and prior to removal of the epidural catheter.
Yazigi et al. [22] showed in a series of 25 patients that infrainguinal bypass can be safely performed with combination femoral and sciatic nerve blockade without conversion to general anesthesia (GA ). They [23] further did a prospective, randomized study comparing peripheral nerve blockade with general anesthesia for infrainguinal bypass and showed a statistically significant reduction in intraoperative myocardial ischemia in the group randomized to peripheral nerve blockade. Local anesthesia [24] and a combination [25] of a psoas compartment block, sciatic nerve block, and ipsilateral T12-L1 paravertebral block has also been shown to be successful in performing lower limb vascularization surgeries.
Thus local anesthesia and regional nerve blocks can be safely used for lower extremity vascularization procedures but larger randomized trials are needed to confirm the benefits over spinal and general anesthesia. The regional nerve blocks, neuraxial anesthesia, and local anesthesia are limited in their benefits in patients with moderate to severe chronic low back pain and in elderly patients with dementia, as such patients may be difficult to sedate and may require general anesthesia to perform the surgical procedures safely.
Considerable controversy exists over benefits of regional anesthesia over general anesthesia and many institutions have established different standards of care in managing anesthetic care for patients undergoing the above procedures. The goal of the following section is to clearly state the benefits of regional anesthesia in vascular surgery and specifically to geriatric population.
The advantages of spinal and epidural anesthesia using local anesthetic and/or opioids include avoidance of airway manipulation and pulmonary morbidity, and lower blood loss, which leads to reduction of the surgical stress response [26–28]. Urinary cortisol excretion , a marker of the stress response, was significantly diminished during the first 24 postoperative hours in the group receiving epidural anesthesia in a landmark study by Yeager et al. [29]. Reduction of surgical stress response leads to stable hemodynamics, reduced hypercoagulability, better wound healing, and less immunosuppression.
Further, vasodilation, secondary to sympathetic blockade, should be particularly helpful in sustaining graft patency.
In the Perioperative Ischemia Randomized Anesthesia Trial (PIRAT) [30], 100 patients were randomized to undergo lower extremity grafts under either epidural or general anesthesia found that revascularization rate was high in the GA group. Rosenfeld et al. [31], using patients from the PIRAT study , reported an increase in plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI-1) in the general anesthesia patients but not in the regional anesthesia patients on the morning after surgery (Fig. 3.2).


Fig. 3.2
Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 levels in activity units per milliliter for general and regional anesthesia groups over time. Values are mean ± SEM. #P, 0.001 compared to preoperative and 72 h. *P = 0.05 general anesthesia (GA) compared to regional anesthesia (RA) (From Rosenfeld et al. [31]; with permission; Source: Longnecker et al. [112], Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved)
A review of retrospective, prospective, and meta-analysis studies by Moraca et al. [32] showed significant reduction in perioperative cardiac morbidity (30%), pulmonary infections (40%), pulmonary embolism (50%), ileus (2 days), acute renal failure (30%), and blood loss (30%). Potential complications related to epidural anesthesia/analgesia ranged from minor issues like transient paresthesias (10%) to rare potentially devastating epidural hematomas (0.0006%).
Thoracic epidural analgesia can enhance bowel motility not only by producing pain relief and lessening the systemic stress response, but also by creating a sympathectomy, resulting in unopposed parasympathetic innervations to the gut. Sympathetic stimulation, pain, opioids, nitrous oxide, inhalation anesthetics, and increased endogenous catecholamines all contribute to postoperative ileus, and all are blunted in patients treated with perioperative thoracic epidural analgesia [33].
Chery et al. [34] showed in a retrospective review of 407 consecutive patients who underwent above- or below-knee amputations at a single center. The study showed that regional anesthesia group which has older patients (76.6 vs.71.6) was associated with a lower incidence of overall postoperative pulmonary complications and postoperative arrhythmia. Duration of stay in the intensive care unit and hospital was significantly longer in the group receiving general anesthesia. No significant differences in postoperative myocardial infarction, venous thromboembolism, or mortality were seen between groups. Regional anesthesia included either spinal or combined spinal and epidural anesthesia. Nerve blocks were not used.
Singh et al. [35] did an analysis of a prospectively collected database by the National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (NSQIP) of the Veterans Affairs Medical Centers of all patients from 1995 to 2003 in the NSQIP database who underwent infrainguinal arterial bypass. Their results revealed that compared with general endotracheal tube anesthesia, spinal anesthesia (SA) was associated with superior 30-day graft patency, fewer cardiac events in patients without congestive heart failure but with normal functional status, less postoperative pneumonia, and decreased odds of returning to the operating room. In contrast, SA was significantly better than epidural anesthesia only in the incidence of return to the OR. There was no significant difference in 30-day mortality among the three groups with univariate or multivariate analyses.
The use of neuraxial regional anesthesia (epidural) has shown to decrease incidence of elevated intraoperative blood pressure and variability in heart rate and blood pressure when compared to general anesthesia [36].
However, later Ghanami et al. [37] did observational analysis of 5642 patients to evaluate the effects of regional versus general anesthesia for infrainguinal bypass. The study showed no evidence to support the systematic avoidance of general anesthesia for lower extremity bypass procedures. In particular, graft thrombosis was found in 7.3% of patients, with an equal rate in both groups. Pulmonary morbidity occurred in 4% of patients and the rate of cardiovascular complications was 2.8% of general anesthesia patients and 2.2% of regional anesthesia patients. Venous thromboembolism rates were similar. These data suggest that anesthetic choice should be governed by local expertise and practice patterns.
Although neuraxial techniques confer some protection in the reduction in the rate of thromboprophylaxis as eluded in the PIRAT trial and large study by Singh et al., anticoagulant therapy has a major role in the in the maintenance of vascular graft patency in the perioperative period. Since anticoagulation has an important role in the decision making for neuraxial anesthesia, it is important to review the 2010 American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine Evidence-Based Guidelines (Third Edition) on regional anesthesia in patient receiving anticoagulant therapy and compare them with the latest guidelines published in Regional Anesthesia Pain Medicine 2015 [38]:
- 1.
Combining neuraxial techniques with intraoperative anticoagulation with heparin during vascular surgery is acceptable with the following recommendations (Grade 1A):
- (a)
Avoid the technique in patients with other coagulopathies.
- (b)
Delay heparin administration for 1 h after needle placement.
- (c)
Remove indwelling neuraxial catheters 2–4 h after the last heparin dose and assess the patient’s coagulation status; re-heparin 1 h after catheter removal.
- (d)
Monitor the patient postoperatively to provide early detection of motor blockade and consider use of minimal concentration of local anesthetics to enhance the early detection of a spinal hematoma.
- (e)
Currently, insufficient data and experience are available to determine if the risk of neuraxial hematoma is increased when combining neuraxial techniques with the full anticoagulation of cardiac surgery. We suggest postoperative monitoring of neurologic function and selection of neuraxial solutions that minimize sensory and motor block to facilitate detection of new/progressive neurodeficits.
- (a)
Although the occurrence of a bloody or difficult neuraxial needle placement may increase risk, there are no data to support mandatory cancelation of a case. Direct communication with the surgeon and a specific risk-benefit decision about proceeding in each case is warranted.
- 2.
There are no current contraindications to using neuraxial techniques in patients on subcutaneous heparin prophylaxis twice daily. Since there is no apparent difference between twice-daily subcutaneous unfractionated Heparin (UFH) with concurrent use of compression devices and thrice-daily subcutaneous UFH, it is advised that patients not receive three times a day of subcutaneous UFH while epidural analgesia is maintained. Rather, such patients can continue to be treated with twice-daily subcutaneous UFH and the use of compression devices.
- 3.
Because heparin-induced thrombocytopenia may occur during heparin administration, we recommend that patients receiving heparin for more than 4 days have a platelet count assessed before neuraxial block and catheter removal.
- 4.
For patients on low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) , needle placement should occur at least 12 h after the last thromboprophylactic dose of LMWH and at least 24 h after the last therapeutic dose (enoxaparin 1 mg/kg every 12 h, enoxaparin 1.5 mg/kg daily, dalteparin 120 U/kg every 12 h, dalteparin 200 U/kg daily, or tinzaparin 175 U/kg daily).
- 5.
In patients administered a dose of LMWH 2 h preoperatively (general surgery patients), we recommend against neuraxial techniques because needle placement would occur during peak anticoagulant activity.
- 6.
The presence of blood during needle and catheter placement does not necessitate postponement of surgery. We suggest that initiation of LMWH therapy in this setting should be delayed for 24 h postoperatively and that this consideration be discussed with the surgeon.
- 7.
Warfarin therapy should be discontinued 4–5 days before block placement, and coagulation status should be checked.
- 8.
Clopidogrel should be discontinued for 7 days and ticlopidine for 14 days prior to neuraxial anesthesia.
- 9.
In a patient on oral anticoagulation with warfarin, discontinue oral anticoagulation and verify PT normalization before neuraxial block. Monitor the PT and INR daily. Remove indwelling neuraxial catheters when the INR is <1.5 in order to assure that adequate levels of all vitamin-K-dependent factors are present.
- 10.
In a patient on Fondaparinux , until additional clinical information is obtained, neuraxial techniques should be performed and managed under conditions utilized in clinical trials (single needle pass, atraumatic needle placement, and avoidance of indwelling neuraxial catheters). If this is not feasible, an alternate method of prophylaxis should be utilized.
- 11.
While ASRA guidelines from 2010 provide no contraindication to performance of neuraxial blocks in patients taking ASA and NSAIDs, there are specific guidelines for high-risk (interventional pain) procedures as per guidelines published in 2015 in Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine. At our institution we perform neuraxial blocks routinely on patients taking ASA and NSAIDs without stopping either of them. Please examine recommendations from 2015 closely and refer to Table 3.1.
Table 3.1
Recommended time intervals for commonly prescribed anticoagulants
Time of discontinuation
Time of resumption after pain procedure (h)
36–42 h
5 days and NR normalization
IV heparin
60–90 min
4 h
Subcutaneous heparin BID/TID
60–90 min
8–10 h
4.5 h, but prolonged in renal failure
24 h
21 h
4 days
8–17 h
4–5 days
9–13 h
9–13 h
15 ± 8.5 h
3–5 days
6 h
7 days
2–15 h
7–10 days
11 h
3 days and INR normalization
6–20 h
6 days (primary prophylaxis) for high-risk procedure
5 half-lives for high-risk procedures
Although regional anesthesia (spinal and epidural anesthesia ) has desirable effects, there is no sufficient data to recommend regional anesthesia over general anesthesia. With the advent of new anesthetic agents, general anesthesia can be safely used with attention to detail throughout the perioperative period and aggressive management of hemodynamic changes.
It is clearly evident that severe pain after amputation is clearly associated with a higher prevalence of post-amputation pain [39, 40]. While there are numerous studies available showing decrease in incidence of phantom limb pain (PLP) [41, 42] with perioperative epidural analgesia, there are studies [43] which refute this observation. In a recent study by Karanikolas et al. [44, ] optimized epidural analgesia or intravenous PCA, starting 48 h preoperatively and continuing for 48 h postoperatively, decreases PLP at 6 months.
3.2 General Anesthesia
All other major vascular procedures are performed under general anesthesia. In this section we will discuss preoperative assessment, pathophysiology, and pharmacology relevant to geriatric anesthesia and then in various subsections we will discuss vascular surgery-specific anesthesia management.
3.2.1 Preoperative Assessment
Patients undergoing peripheral and major vascular surgery constitute a particular challenge, as these patients have high prevalence of significant coronary artery disease. The usual symptomatic presentation for coronary artery disease in geriatric patients with vascular disease may be obscured by exercise limitations imposed by advanced age, intermittent claudication, or both. Perioperative hemodynamic changes like increases in blood pressure and heart rate, elevated preload, increased contractility, hypotension, tachycardia, anemia, and hypoxemia can predispose to myocardial ischemia, which is more pronounced in patients with underlying coronary disease.
The current standards for preoperative cardiac evaluation of these patients are the guidelines published by the American College of Cardiology (ACC) and these were revised in 2007 [45] and again in 2014 [46].
The 2007 Guidelines defined cardiac risk as combined incidence of cardiac death and nonfatal myocardial infarction and stratified it into low, intermediate (including carotid endarterectomy), and high risk (surgery for peripheral vascular diseases , aortic and other major vascular surgeries). In the absence of active cardiac conditions in a patient undergoing low-risk surgery, there was no indication for any further testing. The 2007 guidelines recommended that in patients undergoing intermediate risk or vascular surgery procedure, the presence of clinical risk factors determine further approach if their functional capacity was unknown or less than 4METS. Further invasive testing in patients undergoing vascular surgery should be considered only if it will change management.
The 2014 ACC guideline states that because recommendations for intermediate- and high-risk procedures are similar, classification into two categories, namely, low and elevated risk, simplifies the recommendations without loss of fidelity. A low-risk procedure is one in which the combined surgical and patient characteristics predict a risk of a major adverse cardiac event (MACE) of death or myocardial infarction (MI) of <1%. The lowest-risk operations are generally those without significant fluid shifts and stress. Plastic surgery and cataract surgery are associated with a very low risk of MACE. Procedures with a risk of MACE of >1% are considered elevated risk. Operations for peripheral vascular disease and aortic surgeries are generally performed among those with the highest perioperative risk. Some operations can have their risk lowered by taking a less invasive approach. For example, open aortic aneurysm repair has a high risk of MACE that is lowered when the procedure is performed endovascularly. In addition, performing an operation in an emergency situation is understood to increase risk.
A risk calculator has been developed that allows more precise calculation of surgical risk, which can be incorporated into perioperative decision making. The three most commonly used tools to calculate MACE risk are Revised Cardiac Risk Index (RCRI) , American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (NSQIP) , Myocardial Infarction and Cardiac Arrest (MICA) , and American College of Surgeons NSQIP Surgical Risk Calculator .
The RCRI is a simple, validated, and accepted tool to assess perioperative risk of major cardiac complications (MI, pulmonary edema, ventricular fibrillation or primary cardiac arrest, and complete heart block). It has six predictors of risk for major cardiac complications, only one of which is based on the procedure—namely, “Undergoing suprainguinal vascular, intraperitoneal, or intra thoracic surgery”. A patient with zero or one predictor(s) of risk would have a low risk of MACE. Patients with >2 predictors of risk would have an elevated risk for adverse major cardiac events (MACE).
In a nutshell, 2014 ACC guidelines recommend that in a patient with known clinical risk factors for CAD scheduled for nonemergent elevated risk surgery (MACE > 1) and with poo r(<4METS) or unknown functional capacity, further pharmacological cardiac testing should be ordered if it will impact decision making or perioperative care. This follows a similar theme as 2007 guidelines.
It is also very important to note that implementation of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association guidelines has been associated with better perioperative outcomes.
Preoperative testing should not be determined by patient age alone [47]. Clinical yield of undirected or “routine” preoperative testing protocols is extremely low [48, 49]. Undirected or routine preoperative chest radiographs are unnecessary in elderly surgical patients.
Since older surgical patients are slightly more likely to be anemic, a complete blood count is mandatory for all vascular surgeries.
The prothrombin time (PT) and partial thromboplastin time (PTT) appear to have no value as screening tests in asymptomatic patients of any age with no evidence of liver disease and not taking anticoagulants. However, since most vascular surgery patients are on anticoagulants, a baseline measure of PT/PTT is required especially if planning spinal or epidural anesthesia.
Since many elderly patients may have concomitant renal dysfunction and diastolic dysfunction, a basic blood chemistry is prudent in the management of intraoperative fluid therapy.
ECG appears to be sufficiently cost-effective to warrant routine application in a geriatric population [50]. As per ACC guidelines of 2014, routine preoperative resting 12-lead ECG is not useful for asymptomatic patients undergoing low-risk surgical procedures. Since EG carries baseline information and is a prognostic standard, it is reasonable for patients with known coronary heart disease, significant arrhythmia, peripheral arterial disease, cerebrovascular disease, or other significant structural heart disease. There is poor concordance across different observational studies as to which abnormalities have prognostic significance including arrhythmias, pathological Q-waves, LV hypertrophy, ST depressions, QTc interval prolongation, and bundle-branch blocks. Likewise, the optimal time interval between obtaining a 12-lead ECG and elective surgery is unknown. General consensus suggests that an interval of 1–3 months is adequate for stable patients.
As per AHA guidelines it is reasonable to get an ECHO in the following patients:
Class IIa, dyspnea of unknown origin; Class IIa, known Congestive heart failure (CHF) with worsening dyspnea or other change in clinical status. Echo may be considered (Class IIb), reassessment in stable patients with previously documented LV dysfunction if not assessed within 1 year.
Exercise testing for ischemia may be considered (Class IIb) for patients with elevated risk and unknown or poor (<4METS) functional capacity if it will change management. However, it is to be noted that vascular surgery patients may not be able to do exercise testing due to concomitant claudication. Patients able to achieve approximately 7 METs to 10 METs have a low risk of perioperative cardiovascular events, and those achieving <4 METs to 5 METs have an increased risk of perioperative cardiovascular events. Electrocardiographic changes with exercise are not as predictive.
Noninvasive pharmacological testing may be reasonable (Class IIa) for patients at elevated risk and have poor (<4 METs) functional capacity to undergo noninvasive pharmacological stress testing (either dobutamine stress echocardiogram (DSE) or pharmacological stress (MPI) if it will change management (Level of Evidence: B) The authors identified a slight superiority of stress echocardiography relative to nongated MPI with thallium in predicting postoperative cardiac events. In patients with abnormalities on their resting ECG for example: left bundle-branch block, LV hypertrophy with “strain” pattern, digitalis effect, concomitant stress imaging with echocardiography or MPI may be an appropriate alternative.
As per AHA guidelines consistent and clear associations exist between beta blocker administration and adverse outcomes, such as bradycardia and stroke. Beta blockers should be continued in patients undergoing surgery who have been on beta blockers chronically. In patients with intermediate- or high-risk myocardial ischemia noted in preoperative risk stratification test for instance three or more RCRI risk factors (e.g., diabetes mellitus, HF, CAD, renal insufficiency, and cerebrovascular accident), it may be reasonable to begin perioperative beta blockers 2–7 days before surgery. They recommend against starting beta blockers on the day of surgery in beta–blocker-naïve patients.
Perioperative initiation of statin use is reasonable in patients undergoing vascular surgery and statins should be continued in patients currently taking them.
The risk of coronary stent thrombosis in the perioperative period for both bare metal stent (BMS) and drug-eluting stent (DES) is highest in the first 4–6 weeks after stent implantation. Discontinuation of dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) , particularly in this early period, is a strong risk factor for stent thrombosis. In patients undergoing urgent noncardiac surgery during the first 4–6 weeks after BMS or DES implantation, DAPT should be continued unless the relative risk of bleeding outweighs the benefit of the prevention of stent thrombosis. As such, use of DAPT or aspirin alone should be individualized on the basis of the considered potential benefits and risks. All elective surgeries should be delayed for minimum 30 days for BMS and 365 days for DES.
3.2.2 Geriatric Physiology Cardiac Physiology
Changes in the cardiovascular system that accompany aging include decreased vascular and myocardial compliance due to fibrotic replacement of elastic tissues of the arteries and the ventricle. This leads to hypertension and diastolic dysfunction.
Due to hypertension there is progressive and sustained increase in left ventricular wall tension and myocardial workload resulting in symmetrical ventricular hypertrophy and increased ventricular mass. This can further complicate diastolic dysfunction.
The phases of diastole are isovolumic relaxation and the filling phase. The filling phase is divided into early rapid filling which is passive(70–80%), diastasis(5%), and atrial systole(15–25%).Early diastolic filling is driven by the left atrial (LA) to left ventricular (LV) pressure gradient.
The cause of diastolic dysfunction is that the stiffer ventricle and atrium do not permit complete chamber relaxation until relatively late in diastole. In elderly there is decreased early diastolic filling because of decreased LA-LV pressure gradient caused by impaired LV relaxation.
Consequently, passive ventricular filling, which occurs during the early phase of diastole, is significantly reduced in older adults. As a result, the elderly are particularly dependent on the synchronous atrial contraction of sinus rhythm for late ventricular filling and this also explains why cardiac rhythm other than sinus is often poorly tolerated in elderly individuals.
There is decrease in autonomic responsiveness namely there is increased vagal tone, and decreased sensitivity of adrenergic receptors leads to a decline in heart rate. Fibrosis of the conduction system and loss of sinoatrial node cells increase the incidence of dysrhythmias, particularly atrial fibrillation and flutter. In the absence of co-existing disease, resting systolic cardiac function seems to be preserved. The stiffer ventricle and atrium do not permit complete chamber relaxation until relatively late in diastole. Consequently, passive ventricular filling, which occurs during the early phase of diastole, is significantly reduced in older adults, producing a form of diastolic dysfunction. As a result, the elderly are particularly dependent on the synchronous atrial contraction of sinus rhythm for complete ventricular filling.
The elderly patient with diastolic dysfunction may poorly tolerate perioperative fluid administration, resulting in elevated left ventricular end-diastolic pressure and pulmonary congestion. Decrease venous capacitance due to stiffening reduces its ability to buffer changes in intravascular volume leading to exaggerated hypotension especially during induction of general anesthesia or spinal anesthesia.
Moderate hypotension can cause intolerable reduction in coronary, cerebral, and renal blood flow. Decreased β-receptor response in the elderly during exercise/stress cause the increased peripheral flow demand to be met primarily by preload reserve, thereby making the heart more susceptible to cardiac failure. As baseline and maximal achieved heart rate is limited, elderly patients will rely on alpha agonists to maintain blood pressure during moments of hypotension.
In older individuals, exercise-induced increases in cardiac output are achieved with a lower heart rate, higher EDV, and higher stroke volume. Respiratory Physiology
Aging decreases the elasticity of lung tissue, allowing overdistention of alveoli and collapse of small airways. Residual volume, functional residual capacity increase with aging along with increased anatomic dead space, increased closing capacity, decreased diffusing capacity all leading to impaired gas exchange. Elderly have less complaint chest wall. The elderly are more prone to respiratory impairment in the recovery after general anesthesia. Nervous System Physiology
With aging there is gray and white matter atrophy, synaptic degeneration. The synthesis of neurotransmitters like acetylcholine and dopamine is reduced. Serotonergic, adrenergic, and gamma-aminobutyric acid-binding sites are also reduced. These changes may be responsible for increased sensitivity of elderly to general anesthetic and local anesthetics.
Such changes may also lead to age-related cognitive and behavioral deficits, and contribute to postoperative cognitive dysfunction in the elderly. Renal and Hepatic Physiology
With normal aging there is progressive decrease in creatinine clearance but since muscle mass also decreases, serum creatinine remains relatively unchanged with aging. Therefore, serum creatinine is a poor predictor of renal function in elderly. Calculated creatinine clearance remains the most sensitive marker of renal function in the elderly.
Critical attention should be placed to perioperative fluid balance and electrolyte imbalance. As renal function declines with aging, the kidney’s ability to excrete drugs also declines. The decreased capacity to handle water and electrolyte loads makes proper fluid management more critical during major vascular surgery.
Hepatic blood flow decreases by 10% per decade. Liver’s ability to metabolize certain drugs also decreases with age. The rate of biotransformation and albumin production decreases. Plasma cholinesterase levels are reduced in elderly men.
3.2.3 Geriatric Pharmacology
Pharmacokinetic implies the relationship between drug dose and plasma concentration Pharmacodynamics implies the relationship between plasma concentration and clinical effect.
In older patients subtle changes in pharmacodynamics and altered age-related alpha phase redistribution pharmacokinetics are responsible for varied drug effect.
With aging [1], lean body mass decreases [2], body fat increases [3], and total body water decreases.
The reduced volume of distribution for water-soluble drugs can lead to greater plasma concentrations after rapid bolus or infusions. Conversely, an increased volume of distribution (due to increase in body fat) for lipid-soluble drugs could reduce their plasma concentration but lead to larger volume of distribution after prolonged infusions leading to increased drug effect. It is interesting to note that the decreased dose requirement of fentanyl in the elderly has a pharmacodynamic explanation, that is, elderly brain is more sensitive to opioids [51].Thus pharmacodynamics basis, increased brain sensitivity explains decreased minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) of volatile anesthetics [52, 53], decreased dosing requirement of opioids [54] and benzodiazepines [55].
The prolonged duration of action of vecuronium [56] and rocuronium [57] in the elderly surgical patients is related to altered pharmacokinetics consistent with an age-related decrease in renal and hepatic functions. Recovery from pancuronium that depends on renal excretion may be delayed due to decreased drug clearance. Hofmann elimination, an organ-independent elimination pathway, occurs in plasma and tissue, and is responsible for approximately 77% of the overall elimination of cisatracurium besilate. Therefore, it provides most consistent clinical effects in the elderly. Proper neuromuscular monitoring with meticulous attention to train of four and reversal of neuromuscular blockade along with adherence to clinical criteria for extubation must be met prior to extubation of elderly patients. Complete recovery of neuromuscular function is more likely when anticholinesterases are administered early (>15–20 min before tracheal extubation) and at a shallower depth of block (train-of-four [TOF] count, 4) [58].
3.2.4 Anesthetic Management of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair
In a large US Veterans Affairs screening study , the prevalence of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) was 1.4% [59].
Abdominal aortic aneurysms were the primary cause of 10,597 deaths and a contributing cause in more than 17,215 deaths in the United States in 2009 [60]. AAA repair involves the replacement or bypass of an aneurysmal section of abdominal aorta. There are two primary methods of AAA repair , open repair and endovascular repair (EVAR) . Open AAA repair is well established as a definitive treatment, having been in use for over 50 years. Generally, EVAR is advocated for patients who are at increased risk with open repair. Anesthetic Technique for Endovascular Repair
Many institutions initially performed endovascular surgery under general anesthesia. For both the surgeons and anesthesiologists, this was a natural choice due to the uncertain outcomes and possible complications related to the new procedure.
For the transfemoral approach, local anesthesia is well tolerated and provides greater hemodynamic stability than other anesthetic techniques. Henretta et al. [61] reported the first ever series that described the use of local anesthesia for the endovascular repair of infrarenal AAAs in patients with significant co-morbidities. They showed that the advantages of local anesthesia include decreased cardiopulmonary morbidity rates, shorter hospital stays, and lower hospital costs. Multiple other reports have shown decreased procedure times [62, 63], shorter hospital stays [62, 63], and fewer pulmonary complications [64] when local anesthesia is used in place of general anesthesia.
Spinal, epidural, and combined spinal–epidural techniques have been used for endovascular surgery especially with an iliac approach to EVAR. The sensory level at which anesthetic blockade is needed is T10 dermatome . The level of sensory anesthesia required for endovascular surgery has fewer hemodynamic side effects than the high thoracic level needed for open surgical repair.
Aadahl et al. [65] showed that a single dose of spinal anesthesia combined with epidural anesthesia was effective for EVAR with no clinically significant period of hypotension in any case.
EVAR requires brief periods of intermittent apnea to obtain optimal imaging quality in digital subtraction angiography. Therefore, patient cooperation is essential, and a fine balance between optimal sedation and alertness when needed is essential. In patients with back pain or dementia, it may not be possible to maintain such a response, leading to anesthesiologist and surgical preference for general anesthesia.
The key elements in anesthetic management of EVAR include adequate hemodynamic monitoring with arterial line along with standard ASA monitors. Large-bore intravenous access should be obtained given the potential for significant blood loss and especially if a conversion to open surgery is indicated. Central venous access is not routinely required unless indicated by a patient’s cardiac function or if a lengthy procedure is planned. General anesthesia typically consists of a balanced technique with a low-dose inhalational agent and opioids. Neuromuscular blocking agents are typically not necessary. A Foley catheter is required as a measure of volume status. Temperature should be closely monitored as patient is exposed and prepped for an open procedure if needed.

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