Contrast echocardiography improves accuracy and reduces interreader variability on left ventricular (LV) functional analyses in the setting of two-dimensional (2D) echocardiography. The need for contrast imaging using three-dimensional (3D) echocardiography is less defined. The aim of this multicenter study was to define the accuracy and interreader agreement of unenhanced and contrast-enhanced 2D and 3D echocardiography for the assessment of LV volumes and ejection fraction (EF).
A multicenter, open-label study was conducted including 63 patients, using intrasubject comparisons to assess the agreement of unenhanced and contrast-enhanced 2D and 3D echocardiography as well as calibrated biplane cine ventriculography with cardiac magnetic resonance for the determination of LV volumes and EF. Each of the imaging techniques used to define LV function was assessed by two independent, off-site readers unaware of the results of the other imaging techniques.
LV end-systolic and end-diastolic volumes were underestimated by 2D and 3D unenhanced echocardiography compared with cardiac magnetic resonance. Contrast enhancement resulted in similar significant increases in LV volumes on 2D and 3D echocardiography. The mean percentage of interreader variability for LV EF was reduced from 14.3% (95% confidence interval [CI], 11.7%–16.8%) for unenhanced 2D echocardiography and 14.3% (95% CI, 9.7%–18.9%) for unenhanced 3D echocardiography to 8.0% (95% CI, 6.3%–9.7%; P < .001) for contrast-enhanced 2D echocardiography and 7.4% (95% CI, 5.7%–9.1%; P < .01) for contrast-enhanced 3D echocardiography and thus to a similar level as for cardiac magnetic resonance (7.9%; 95% CI, 5.4%–10.5%). A similar effect was observed for interreader variability for LV volumes.
Contrast administration on 3D echocardiography results in improved determination of LV volumes and reduced interreader variability. The use of 3D echocardiography requires contrast application as much as 2D echocardiography to reduce interreader variability for volumes and EF.
Left ventricular (LV) volumes and ejection fraction (EF) are major clinical parameters with respect to diagnosis and prognosis in patients with cardiac diseases. Important treatment decisions and the evaluation of therapeutic effects are based on these parameters. Several techniques have been used for the analysis of LV volumes and EF, among them cine ventriculography, echocardiography, cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) and computed tomography. CMR has evolved into the preferred reference technique because of its high spatial resolution and ability to obtain complete volumetric data sets, allowing very accurate determinations of regional and global LV function. Echocardiography has been limited by moderate reproducibility and accuracy due to poor acoustic windows as well as inadequate discrimination of the endocardial border. In addition, limited accuracy has been related to geometric assumptions resulting from the two-dimensional (2D) approach. Recent innovations in contrast and three-dimensional (3D) echocardiography have enabled significant improvements in endocardial border definition and have made it possible to overcome the geometric assumptions of native 2D echocardiography. There is only limited knowledge of the impact of contrast administration in 3D echocardiography.
The objective of this multicenter study was to determine the accuracy and interreader agreement of unenhanced and contrast-enhanced 2D and 3D echocardiography for the assessment of LV volumes and EF in comparison with CMR. In addition, cine ventriculography was performed in all patients. All echocardiographic techniques as well as cine ventriculography and CMR were performed in all patients to allow intraindividual comparative effectiveness assessment. Acquisition of cardiac images was performed at four sites. Blinded off-site reads using independent core laboratories were performed for each imaging technique according to well-defined standards.
This was a multicenter, open label study using intraindividual comparisons to assess the agreement of unenhanced and contrast-enhanced 2D and 3D echocardiography with CMR for the determination of LV volumes and EF performed between January and October 2009. In addition, calibrated biplane cine ventriculography was performed in all patients. To undergo cine ventriculography, patients had to have indications for coronary angiography due to stable chest pain but no acute myocardial infarction and no coronary intervention during the procedure. All imaging studies were performed within 48 hours.
To provide uniform and interpretable image data sets, recommendations on the performance of image acquisition were predefined for all imaging modalities and provided to all participating institutions. Adherence to the predefined imaging protocols was monitored during the enrollment period of this multicenter trial.
Each of the imaging techniques used to define LV function was assessed by two independent experienced (at least 5 years of experience in the evaluated imaging modality) off-site readers (reader 1 and reader 2) at independent core laboratories unaware of the results of the other imaging techniques. For a uniform evaluation, the evaluation procedures were predefined and provided as guidelines.
The primary objective of this study was to determine interreader variability in the assessment of LV volumes and EF using unenhanced and contrast-enhanced echocardiography, CMR, and cine ventriculography. For the primary objective, the analysis was prospectively planned considering the results of readers 1 and 2 in each modality. Correlation coefficients were compared using single-sample tests of correlation coefficients. The research protocol was approved by the local institutional ethics committees. All patients gave written informed consent to participate in the study.
Sixty-three patients were enrolled at four European centers, with balanced contributions. Patient enrollment was stratified at each center on the basis of results from angiographic ventriculography to achieve a balanced distribution within three predefined EF groups (>55%, 35%–55%, and <35%). An interpretable cine ventriculogram with the availability of at least two consecutive nonextrasystolic cardiac cycles during ventriculographic contrast administration was a prerequisite for inclusion in the study.
At all sites, 2D echocardiography was performed using a commercially available ultrasound scanner (iE33; Philips Medical Systems, Andover, MA) using tissue harmonic imaging for unenhanced and contrast-specific imaging for contrast-enhanced echocardiography. Two-dimensional apical four-chamber, two-chamber, and three-chamber views as well as 3D full-volume data sets from the apical position were acquired without and with contrast enhancement. Five consecutive cardiac cycles of each view were acquired during breath hold and digitally stored. Great care was taken to avoid apical foreshortening and to maximize the length from base to apex. A 3D full-volume data set of the ventricle was obtained with gated (five beats) acquisition. Sector size and depth were optimized to obtain the highest possible volume rates, reaching 17 to 20 frames/sec in the contrast 3D full-volume mode.
For contrast-enhanced assessment of LV function, a 20-gauge intravenous catheter was introduced into the right antecubital vein. SonoVue (Bracco Imaging, Milan, Italy) was administered using a dedicated infusion pump (VueJect; Bracco Imaging) with continuous mixing of the contrast agent suspension at a starting infusion rate of 1 mL/min and subsequent adjustment to reach homogenous LV cavity opacification without attenuation. SonoVue is a commercially available ultrasound contrast agent consisting of sulfur hexafluoride microbubbles stabilized by a highly flexible phospholipid monolayer shell.
Ultrasound machine settings were optimized for contrast specific imaging. Transmit power was set to be low (mechanical index < 0.4), and dynamic range was adjusted to achieve optimal contrast between cardiac walls and the LV cavity.
Analysis of unenhanced and enhanced echocardiograms as well as 2D and 3D echocardiography was performed in random order. All acquired 2D and 3D data sets were transferred to a dedicated workstation (TomTec 4D; TomTec Imaging Systems, Munich, Germany). Considering 2D data sets, end-diastolic and end-systolic LV volumes and EF were determined by semiautomatic tracing of end-systolic and end-diastolic endocardial borders using apical four-chamber and two-chamber views, using Simpson’s method. According to the recommendations of the American Society of Echocardiography, the tracings were performed with the papillary muscles and trabeculations allocated to the LV cavity. The mitral annulus was to be traced as deeply as possible. Considering the 3D data sets, reconstructed 2D views of the four-chamber, two-chamber, and long-axis views were obtained using the TomTec system. Within the reconstructed views, endocardial border tracing of the end-diastolic and end-systolic images was performed to obtain the corresponding LV volumes. TomTec 4D LV-Analysis software was also used for semiautomatic tracing of the endocardial borders in the full-volume data sets. For this purpose, endocardial border tracings were semiautomatically performed in three long-axis images at end-systole and end-diastole. The contouring was verified on long-axis and short-axis cine images and modified as necessary to ensure optimal endocardial tracking including analysis of the valve plane.
Cine Ventriculography
Standard biplane cine ventriculography was performed using a 30° right anterior oblique projection and a 60° left anterior oblique projection with injection of ≥30 cm 3 contrast medium at a flow rate of 12 to 14 mL/sec using 5-Fr to 6-Fr pigtail catheters. The frame rate was set at 30 Hz. Semiautomatic border tracking was used to define the end-diastolic image on the basis of the R wave on electrocardiography and the end-systolic image on the basis of the frame with the smallest ventricular silhouette. Image calibration was performed with the use of a metal ball with a diameter of 5.0 cm with identical positions of the x-ray tubes. LV end-diastolic and end-systolic volumes were determined using Simpson’s method, according to well-defined standards and after formal training for biplane analyses, using CAAS II software with the LV biplane analysis module (Pie Medical Imaging, Maastricht, The Netherlands).
Electrocardiographically triggered CMR investigations at a field strength of 1.5 T during breath hold were performed using a special volume-adapted surface coil. To assess LV function, standard steady-state free precession cine imaging (spatial resolution, 1.4 × 1.4 × 8 mm; 35 phases per cardiac cycle; repetition time, 3.1 msec; echo time, 1.6 msec; flip angle, 55°) was performed during short repetitive end-expiratory breath holding. Four-chamber, two-chamber, three-chamber, and short-axis views with a slice thickness of 10 mm were acquired in the basal-apical direction.
Evaluations were performed using Siemens Argus software (syngoMMWP VE27A and syngo VE31H; Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany). Endocardial border tracings were performed automatically by the system, with manual correction if needed for each short-axis slice separately at end-diastole and end-systole to derive LV volumes and EF. The definition of the most basal slice required continuously visible myocardium, including its transition into the LV outflow tract. Tracings were performed with the papillary muscles and trabeculations allocated to the LV cavity as performed on echocardiographic images.
Statistical Analysis
Statistical analysis was performed using Medidata (Medidata Solutions, Konstanz, Germany). Continuous variables are presented as mean ± SD and were compared using Student’s t tests. The limits of agreement (defined as ±2 SDs from the mean difference) between readers 1 and 2 on echocardiographic analysis of global LV function without and with contrast administration as well as between echocardiographic and CMR measurements of global LV function were determined using Bland-Altman analysis. Linear regression analysis was performed to determine the correlations between readers 1 and 2 and between echocardiography and CMR in the assessment of volumes and EF. In addition, the interreader variability in the assessment of LV volumes and EF between the two readers was determined as a percentage of variability. The percentage of variability was calculated as the standard deviation between two measurements divided by their mean multiplied by 100. P values ≤ .05 were considered to indicate statistical significance.

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