Analysis of Emergency Department Visits for Palpitations (from the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey)

Palpitations is a common complaint in patients who visit the emergency department (ED), with causes ranging from benign to life threatening. We analyzed the ED component of the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey for 2001 through 2010 for visits with a chief complaint of palpitations and calculated nationally representative weighted estimates for prevalence, demographic characteristics, and admission rates. ED and hospital discharge diagnoses were tabulated and categorized, and recursive partitioning was used to identify factors associated with admission. An estimated 684,000 visits had a primary reason for visit of “palpitations” representing a national prevalence of 5.8 per 1,000 ED visits (0.58%, 95% confidence interval 0.52 to 0.64). Women and non-Hispanic whites were responsible for most visits. A cardiac diagnosis made up 34% of all ED diagnoses. The overall admission rate was 24.6% (95% confidence interval 21.2 to 28.1), with higher rates seen in the Midwest and Northeast compared with the West. Survey-weighted recursive partitioning revealed several factors associated with admission including age >50 years, male gender, cardiac ED diagnosis, tachycardia, hypertension, and Medicare insurance. In conclusion, palpitations are responsible for a significant minority of ED visits and are associated with a cardiac diagnosis roughly 1/3 of the time. This was associated with a relatively high admission rate, although significant regional variation in these rates exists.

Palpitations, defined as a sensation of irregular, rapid, or forceful pulsation in the chest, is a common presenting complaint in medical outpatients. The cause of palpitations ranges from benign causes to life-threatening cardiac conditions. The relative frequency of diagnoses associated with palpitations has been described in outpatient and inpatient populations, but only 1 single-center study has focused specifically on patients who visit the emergency department (ED)—who, because of self-selection, may be different from either of these other groups. The primary goal of this study is to describe the epidemiology of ED visits and hospitalizations for palpitations using nationally representative United States (US) data from the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NHAMCS) over a 10-year period. In addition, we sought to (1) determine diagnosis frequencies, (2) evaluate demographic and clinical factors associated with admission, and (3) investigate regional variation in admission rates.


We performed an analysis of the ED component of the 2001 to 2010 NHAMCS. The NHAMCS data set is a nationally representative sample of US ED visits obtained by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) branch of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. NHAMCS uses a 4-stage sampling strategy, covering geographic primary sampling units, hospitals within primary sampling units, EDs within hospitals, and patient visits within EDs. The ED visit is the basic sampling unit and represents a larger number of samples based on the inflation factor called the ED patient weight. This weighting is based on 4 factors: the reciprocal of the probability of selection, nonresponses adjustment, population ratio adjustment, and weight smoothing.

All visit sampling and data collection were performed by hospital staff, and review of data collection was performed by a US Census Bureau field supervisor. The data abstraction forms include information pertaining to the sampled visit including demographic information, 3 patient “reason-for-visit” fields, triage acuity, initial vital signs, ED tests and procedures performed, 3 International Classification of Diseases, ninth revision (ICD-9) ED discharge diagnoses, and, starting in 2005, 1 hospital discharge diagnosis. Further data collection methods and sampling design are described in detail on the NCHS Web site ( ). This study was exempted from review by our institutional review board.

From the 2001 to 2010 NHAMCS database, we selected all ED visits that had a primary reason for visit (RFV) of “1260.0 Abnormal pulsations and palpitations; includes rapid heartbeat, slow heartbeat, irregular heartbeat, fluttering, jumping, racing, skipped beat” coded using Reason for Visit Classification for Ambulatory Care, a standardized sourcebook used in NCHS studies. ED visits with this RFV as secondary or tertiary complaints were not included.

We collected the demographic characteristics of the patients including age, gender, race, ethnicity, insurance status, metropolitan statistical area, and geographic region. We recorded clinical data such as vital signs, triage acuity, and mode of arrival, diagnostic testing data (i.e., laboratory tests, electrocardiograms, cardiac monitoring, and x-ray imaging), and ED therapy and procedures. Additionally, ED consultations, dispositions (i.e., admit to hospital, admit to observation unit, transferred to outside hospital, and discharged), and short-term mortality in ED or in hospital were examined. We also recorded the 3 ED discharge diagnoses provided for every ED visit and the single hospital discharge diagnosis for admitted patients.

The NHAMCS data form varies in content from year to year. For example, cardiac enzyme ordering and hospital discharge diagnosis were recorded starting in 2005, respiratory rate and pulse oximetry starting in 2007. We included in our analyses only data that were available without using imputation other than what was already done by the NCHS. For simplicity, all ED visits were categorized into 2 classes: high acuity, comprising patients needing to be seen in ≤1 hour, and low acuity, comprising patients needing to be seen in 1 to 24 hours, as has been done in previous NHAMCS analyses. We created new variables to examine the frequency of abnormal initial vital signs. We defined tachycardia, bradycardia, fever, hypoxia, tachypnea, hypotension, and hypertension using standard age-adjusted clinical cutoffs used in previous NHAMCS vital sign analyses (see Appendix 1 ).

We also recorded whether the ED visits contained a cardiac ICD-9 discharge diagnoses including dysrhythmias (e.g., cardiac dysrhythmias, atrial flutter or fibrillation, and ventricular fibrillation or flutter), structural heart disease (e.g., congestive heart failure, aortic valve disorder, and endocarditis), ischemic heart disease (e.g., angina pectoris and acute myocardial infarction), and other cardiac diagnoses (e.g., complication of heart transplant, cardiac murmurs, and premature beats). Such classifications have been used in previous NHAMCS analyses. We created a new variable, “cardiac diagnosis,” defined as positive for any visit in which at least 1 of the 3 possible ICD-9 ED discharge diagnoses included a cardiac diagnosis. A complete list of recorded cardiac diagnoses is presented in Appendix 2 .

We separated all primary diagnoses into 4 categories: cardiac, psychiatric, medication or substance related, and other diagnoses or symptoms. Each diagnosis was classified independently by 2 investigators (MAP and HKK), blinded to the disposition and outcome, with a third (JRH) serving as arbitrator in cases of disagreement. Interrater agreement was assessed using a kappa statistic. We defined hospital admission as a disposition of “admit to hospital” or “transferred to outside hospital.” Admissions to the observation area and discharges were considered to be nonadmissions.

We performed all statistical analyses with Stata (version 12.1; StataCorp LP, College Station, Texas) using a standard method for analyzing survey-weighted data by way of the survey command. The survey program from Stata takes into account the multilevel sample design when producing national estimates. We determined point estimates and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for demographic and clinical characteristics of all ED visits with a primary RFV of palpitations. We additionally tabulated frequencies summarizing resource utilization with regard to ED testing, treatment, and hospital admission. We explored regional variation in clinical management with regard to testing and admission rates. Nationally representative estimates were determined using NCHS-assigned patient weights. Estimates based on <30 sample records were excluded as they are considered to be unreliable because of high relative standard errors.

Finally, using hospital admission as our binary outcome, we selected 29 candidate binary patient variables (see Appendix 3 ) based on construct validity and used survey-weighted chi-square recursive partitioning to identify factors associated with admission. Compared with logistic regression, this nonparametric technique is resistant to outliers, does not suffer from missing data, and does not rely on the independence of the explanatory variables. It involves successive univariate chi-square analyses for each of the candidate variables. The variable with the greatest discriminating power (i.e., highest chi-square value) is identified as the first criterion. Visits showing this variable are removed from further analysis, leaving a contracted database. Chi-square analyses were then performed on the contracted database to identify a second criterion from among the remaining variables, and so on. Within the recursive partitioning analysis, age was studied as a binary variable at 10-year cut-off intervals starting at age 20, and we excluded variables with a nonresponse rate of >30% threshold or with <30 sample records as per NHAMCS instructions.


The complete data set contained a total of 357,681 ED visits from 2001 to 2010, representing an estimated 118 million visits. From this sample, we found 1,998 visits with a primary RFV of palpitations, representing an estimated 684,177 visits nationally. The nationally estimated prevalence of palpitations as a chief complaint in the ED was 5.8 per 1,000 patient visits (95% CI 5.2 to 6.4). Further demographic characteristics of patients who visit the ED with palpitations are provided in Table 1 . Most patients were considered high acuity on triage (87.8%, 95% CI 85.6 to 90.0). Further clinical and testing information is presented in Table 2 .

Table 1

Demographic characteristics of emergency department (ED) visits for palpitations in the United States, 2001 to 2010

Characteristic All Visits Admitted or Transferred
Absolute No. of Cases Estimated No. of US Cases Percent Total of ED Palpitations (%) Estimated No. of Cases Weighted Percentage (%)
Overall 1,998 684,177 100 168,400 24.6
Age (yrs)
0–9 30 9,900 1.5 NR NR
10–19 106 37,300 5.5 970 2.6
20–29 218 66,300 9.7 4,700 7.1
30–39 242 84,200 12.3 11,500 13.7
40–49 325 120,000 17.6 26,300 21.9
50–59 312 100,300 14.7 25,300 25.2
60–69 272 100,100 14.6 31,300 31.3
70–79 274 93,200 13.6 37,600 40.3
80+ 219 72,800 10.6 29,500 40.5
Male 795 268,000 39.2 71,400 26.6
Female 1,203 416,000 60.8 97,000 23.3
Non-Hispanic white 1,396 486,500 71.1 122,400 25.2
Non-Hispanic black 273 90,800 13.3 17,600 19.4
Hispanic 190 67,000 9.8 14,500 21.6
Other 139 39,800 5.8 14,000 35.1
Insurance status
Private insurance 901 303,400 44.3 57,100 18.8
Medicare 558 199,600 29.2 77,700 38.9
Medicaid/SCHIP 227 66,300 9.7 1,500 22.5
Uninsured 173 64,700 9.5 8,400 13.0
Other 139 50,300 7.4 10,200 20.4
Northeast 530 147,400 21.5 44,000 29.9
Midwest 434 161,800 23.6 51,000 31.5
South 590 229,000 33.5 53,000 23.1
West 444 146,000 21.4 20,500 14.0
Metropolitan statistical area
Urban area 1,710 576,100 84.2 144,600 25.1
Nonurban 288 108,100 15.8 23,800 22.0

NR = not reportable (because of unweighted sample size <30); SCHIP = State Children’s Health Insurance Program.

Table 2

Clinical characteristics and resource utilization of emergency department visits for palpitations, 2001 to 2010 (weighted estimates)

Variable Estimated Cases Percentage (95% CI)
High triage acuity 561,400 87.8 (85.6–90.0)
Low triage acuity 77,900 12.2 (10.0–14.4)
Arrival by EMS
Yes 117,400 22.1 (19.5–24.8)
Abnormal pulse
Tachycardia 276,300 42.2 (39.4–44.9)
Bradycardia 31,400 4.8 (3.4–6.1)
Abnormal SBP
Hypotensive 17,400 2.7 (1.7–3.5)
Hypertensive 139,000 20.3 (18.1–22.5)
Oxygen saturation
Pulse oximetry <95% 19,500 6.0 (4.0–7.9)
Temperature (°F)
Febrile: T >100.3 43,200 6.3 (4.8–7.9)
Elevated RR 35,600 12.3 (9.3–15.3)
Laboratory tests
CBC 500,900 73.2 (70.6–75.8)
Electrolytes 265,700 48.0 (43.7–52.2)
BUN/creatinine 345,800 50.5 (46.6–54.5)
Glucose 304,800 44.6 (40.8–48.3)
Cardiac enzymes 224,600 54.5 (50.2–58.8)
INR 57,000 19.7 (15.0–24.4)
Cardiac monitoring 305,800 44.7 (41.1–48.3)
ECG 591,500 86.5 (84.2–88.8)
Chest x-ray 141,200 51.9 (47.2–56.6)
Any x-ray 367,700 53.7 (50.5–56.9)
IV fluids 321,000 46.9 (43.5–50.3)
Medication given 425,800 62.2 (59.5–65.0)
MD consultation §
Seen by consult MD 22,400 15.6 (10.5–20.8)
Admit to observation 20,900 3.1 (2.1–4.0)
Admit or transfer to OH 168,400 24.6 (20.9–28.3)

BUN = blood urea nitrogen; CBC = complete blood count; ECG = electrocardiogram; EMS = emergency medical services; F = Fahrenheit; INR = international normalized ratio; IV = intravenous; MD = medical doctor; OH = outside hospital; RR = respiratory rate; SBP = systolic blood pressure.

Data available from 2003 to 2010 only.

Data available from 2006 to 2010 only.

Data available from 2005 to 2010 only.

§ Data available from 2009 to 2010 only. (Defined as a physician who is called to the ED by the patient’s ED provider and who may leave a consultation note.)

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Dec 1, 2016 | Posted by in CARDIOLOGY | Comments Off on Analysis of Emergency Department Visits for Palpitations (from the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey)

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