Institute of Pathology, Medical University Graz, Graz, Austria
6.1 Tracheitis and Bronchitis
Tracheitis and bronchitis are one of the most common diseases in all ages. Acute tracheobronchitis is common in children as well as in old patients, less common in middle ages. The causes are in most instances infections. In children viral infections dominate the infectious spectrum. It usually starts at kindergarten age as a first peak. Later on children also get in contact with bacterial organisms, but most often develop immune protection. In most developed countries, due to vaccination programs, classical infections are decreasing. However, in some countries because of refusal of vaccination by parents, the situation can change.
6.1.1 Gross Morphology
In acute tracheitis/bronchitis, the mucosa is red; hemorrhage can be present especially in viral infections (Fig. 6.1). Later on, in bacterial infections, purulent exudate can be seen and necrosis of the mucosa can develop (Fig. 6.2).

Fig. 6.1
Macroscopic picture of acute tracheitis; most likely this inflammation is caused by viral infection

Fig. 6.2
Necrotizing tracheitis. Note the necrosis focally reaching the cartilages (arrows). On the surface also fibrinopurulent exudate is present
6.1.2 Histology
In acute bronchitis and tracheitis, the mucosa is infiltrated by numerous neutrophils and will show epithelial damage with/without disruption of the basal lamina (Fig. 6.3). In chronic bronchitis, lymphocytes and plasma cells dominate (Fig. 6.4), and in addition hyperplasia of smooth muscle cells is seen. In recurrent bronchitis, the basal lamina might be thickened, and smooth muscle cells are gradually replaced by fibrocytes depositing collagen, resulting in scarring of the mucosa. Hyperplasia of goblet cells of the mucosa and within bronchial glands is usually a sign of recurrent chronic bronchitis. Hyperplasia of bronchial glands does occur in those cases where the large bronchi are dominantly involved (Figs. 6.5 and 6.6). In some cases, the morphologic picture might be almost indistinguishable from asthma bronchitis. However, there are differences: squamous metaplasia and hyperplasia of bronchial glands and smooth muscle layer are quite characteristic in chronic bronchitis and chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD) and much less pronounced in asthma bronchitis, where a dense eosinophilic infiltration in the mucosa and submucosa is pronounced. However, in the course of the diseases, this might overlap [1].

Fig. 6.3
Purulent bronchitis. Focal ulceration of the bronchial mucosa; numerous neutrophils are in the lumen but also infiltrating the necrosis. H&E, bar 50 μm

Fig. 6.4
Chronic bronchitis. The infiltration is dominated by lymphocytes and few plasma cells, some of them within the epithelial layer. There is also thickening of the smooth muscle layer. H&E, ×100

Fig. 6.5
Hyperplasia of goblet cells is a sign of recurrent chronic bronchitis. There are only few lymphocytes, some eosinophils. The ratio of ciliated to goblet cells is changed to approximately 1:3, whereas the normal ratio is 6–8:1. H&E, bar 100 μm

Fig. 6.6
Hyperplasia of bronchial glands. The whole glands are expanded and increased in size. Within the glands, there is also an increase of goblet cells over the serous cells – there should be an equal amount of both cell types. H&E, bar 500 μm
In chronic recurrent bronchitis, some additional changes can occur: bronchiectasis can develop, which might pave the way for bacterial colonization and repeated bacterial infections, resulting finally in purulent bronchiectasis (Figs. 6.7 and 6.8). Another but rare finding is thickening and degeneration of nerves (Fig. 6.9). If this phenomenon is associated with a special form of chronic bronchitis and is accompanied by a characteristic type of cough, it needs to be explored.

Fig. 6.7
Bronchiectasis with purulent bronchitis. The lumina of the bronchi is filled with pus

Fig. 6.8
Bronchiectasis and purulent bronchitis. H&E, bar 1 mm

Fig. 6.9
Within the bronchial wall, thickened (hyperplastic) nerves can be seen. Most likely this represents degeneration, as there are too many Schwann cells. The type of these nerves cannot be analyzed, because antibodies for kininogens and adrenergic substances do not work on FFPE tissues. H&E, bar 20 μm
Acute bronchitis is most often caused by bacterial or viral infection, in rare instances by inhalation of noxious gases. By far the most common cause of chronic bronchitis is tobacco smoke, followed by air pollution and occupational exposure to noxious substances (will be discussed in the chapters on pneumonia, pneumoconiosis, and environmentally induced diseases). Many of the constituents of tobacco smoke are toxic to the respiratory epithelium, especially to the ciliated cells [2]. In addition heat slows down the beating frequency of the cilia. Loss of ciliated cells and lowered beating frequency together result in prolonged contact of the toxic substances to the epithelium, followed by toxic injury of increasing numbers of cells. Air pollution now very common in megacities of the developing countries is composed of gaseous substances and particulate matter. The gaseous phase is composed of combinations of sulfuric and nitric oxides, but also low amounts of ozone and polyaromatic hydrocarbons can be found [3–5]. Within the particle fraction, many different substances can be found: coal ash particles from combustion, metal oxides from industrial waste and automobile exhaust, and silica and silicates [6–10].
6.2 Bronchial Asthma
6.2.1 Etiology
Bronchial asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the conducting airways, in which the epithelium and cells of the innate and adaptive immune system are involved. Asthma affects approximately 300 million people worldwide, and its incidence is increasing especially in developed countries. The leading symptom is hyperreactivity of the airway smooth muscle cells. Clinically it is characterized by shortness of breath, wheezing, and chest tightness. Traditionally asthma was separated into allergic (intrinsic) and nonallergic (extrinsic) asthma, but in recent years within nonallergic asthma, several so-called endotypes have been identified. So asthma is no longer regarded as a single disease but rather a syndrome [11]. These endotypes differ with respect to genetic susceptibility, environmental risk factors, age of onset, clinical presentation, prognosis, and response to treatment [12].
6.2.2 Immune Mechanisms
A huge amount of literature has accumulated on different immune mechanisms involved in asthma. It is impossible to discuss these data in this book; therefore, the reader is directed to several relevant reviews on the subject [11–20]. Here we will try to summarize the most relevant aspects.
Allergic asthma is a Th2-driven disease, however, in patients Th2 high and Th2 low clusters have been identified [21], characterized by high IL4, IL5, and IL13 and eosinophilia in blood and tissues. In Th2 high clusters, there is also high IgE, which characterizes these asthma patients as driven by IL4-induced class switching of immunoglobulins synthesized by B cells – these patients will also present with a history of atopy [22]. These patients are sensitized against a wide array of allergens, such as house dust mite, tree pollen, animal dander, and fungal spores [23]. Children in a family with atopy have a higher propensity to develop asthma. These children can present with allergic eczema already within the first year of life and in a high proportion will develop asthma later in their life. A good marker for this asthma endotype is a high serum level of IL25 and periostin, which also correlates well with tissue eosinophilia [24]. In these patients, new treatment options have been opened, such as blockade of IL4 and IL5 receptors. In addition to a specific allergen-oriented immune reaction by primed lymphocytes, also cells of the innate immune system are involved: in asthma innate lymphoid cell 2 (ILC2) plays a major role. ILC2 do not have antigen-specific receptors, but they similarly produce IL13, IL5, and IL9 as Th2 cells when stimulated by epithelial-derived IL25, IL33, and thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) [12, 25, 26]. ILC2 are activated early on after allergen exposure, but can also respond to viral infection: in influenza infection, they produce IL5 and elicit an eosinophil infiltration. A recently detected player in asthma is Th9 cells; they secrete IL9 which is a survival factor for ILC2 and a proliferation factor for mast cells; IL9 also promotes IL4-driven antibody production by B cells.
Much research has also been done evaluating the role of regulatory T cells (Treg). Treg are decreased and functionally impaired in asthma; experimentally it has been shown that they can suppress asthma by secretion of IL10 and suppress IL17-induced bronchial hyperreactivity. However, their role is not entirely clear, probably because there are different populations of Treg acting such as ICOS1+Treg, which are probably the important population capable of counteracting asthma [17, 27].
One of the most important cells in asthma are dendritic cells (DCs). In the bronchial mucosa, three different types have been identified: common DC expressing CD11b+CD172+(SIRP1alpha) sufficient to induce allergic sensitization and DC expressing CD103+XCR1+ which will need additional IRF8 and BATF3 stimulation for sensitization; in contrast plasmacytoid DC counteract by inducing tolerance via FOXP3+ Treg [17, 18, 28]. However, DCs always interact with epithelial cells from the mucosa.
Epithelia among other functions are responsible to maintain an intact epithelial barrier. Many allergens possess a protease activity; for example, papain decreases epithelial barrier by cleaving tight junction proteins and stimulating innate cytokine response. Aspergillus fumigatus spore protease leads to fibrinogen cleavage, and these metabolites activate Toll-receptor 4 on epithelia; airway cells in response secrete IL33 and TSLP and GM-CSF, which in turn activates DC-CD11b+ and also ILC2. This again induces a Th2 polarization, thus orchestrating the allergic response [16, 17, 29–31]. Some allergen also can contain an endotoxin fraction. In this case an additional Th1 reaction is mounted. This links to so-called neutrophil asthma. An example has been shown in high exposure to diesel exhaust. This type of asthma is associated with Th17 cells; secretion of IL17 is also found in exacerbation in asthmatic children, which again can be stimulated by polluted air. This simultaneous activation of Th2 and Th17 profile producing CD4+ cells (CD4+IL4+IL17+ cells) has been termed overlap syndrome [12, 32–34]. It could also be produced in experimental models.
A reduced barrier function has been shown recently by genetic studies. In atopic children, a single nucleotide polymorphism has been found for filaggrin, a protein functioning in tight junction stability; filaggrin controls the production of TSLP and IL1RL1 (the receptor for IL33); this modified protein does not function properly. In this context, nonallergic asthma caused by smoking, viral infection, and air pollution acts similarly on downregulation of the epithelial barrier function and subsequently epithelial-DC interaction.
Recently also an overlap of asthma and COPD has been described [35, 36]. Probably this again refers to a combination of Th2 and Th17 polarization of the adaptive immune system and epithelial barrier disruption induced by cigarette smoke. However, much more has to be learned until this phenomenon is really understood. Initially mast cells were regarded as important in asthma. Recently the role of mast cells has been mainly attributed to Th2 high, IgEhigh, and atopy-associated asthma. But more likely basophils within the epithelia play a more prominent role. Both cells interact with eosinophils in promoting the release of cytotoxic eosinophilic granules [37]. Thus they are responsible for some of the morphologic changes seen in asthma biopsies.
6.2.3 Gross Morphology
The main finding of lung specimen of patients dying of asthma usually asthma attacks is hyperinsufflation of both lungs. Usually both lungs completely overlap the heart. Alveoli are visible at the surface. The pleura is normal unaffected. On cut surface, the only important finding is mucus impaction in the bronchi and bronchioles. If the lung is left for an hour, the trapped air vanishes and the lung shrinks to normal.
6.2.4 Histology
Biopsies or autopsy lung specimen of patients with bronchial asthma will show infiltration by eosinophils within the bronchial mucosa, spissated mucus with masses of eosinophils, Curshmann’s spirals (Figs. 6.10, 6.11, and 6.12), and different amounts of lymphocytes (depending to the disease activity). Mast cells and more important basophils highlighted by immunostains for tryptase and chymotryptase are seen in IgEhigh atopic asthma. Goblet cells within the mucosa and the bronchial glands are increased; smooth muscle cells are hyperplastic in early stages, but may be replaced by fibrosis in long-standing asthma. Epithelial disruption is another characteristic feature of asthma bronchitis: the epithelial layer shows shedding of columnar cells; only basal cells remain firmly attached to the basal membrane. The basal lamina is typically thickened and on electron microscopy will show several layers, each newly formed after repair of an acute asthma attack and induced by TGF-β (also called airway remodeling; Fig. 6.13).

Fig. 6.10
Bronchial asthma in a 2-year-old girl dying in asthma attack. There is an inspissated mucus mixed with numerous eosinophils in the bronchial lumen; eosinophils and lymphocytes are seen within the mucosa. The muscular layer is thickened, although not as much as it is seen in long-standing asthma. H&E, bar 100 μm

Fig. 6.11
Same case, showing a small bronchus densely infiltrated by eosinophils in the lumen and bronchial mucosa. There are also many lymphocytes within the bronchial wall. H&E, bar 50 μm

Fig. 6.12
Same case, the inflammatory infiltrate can be seen down to the bronchioles. H&E, bar 100 μm

Fig. 6.13
Bronchial biopsy in bronchial asthma. Within the mucosa, there is shedding of columnar cells including ciliated ones. Another feature is massive thickening of the basal lamina. Although thickening does occur also in COPD bronchitis, it is much more pronounced in asthma. Immunohistochemistry for ICAM-1 showing downregulation of this molecule in the columnar cells but not in basal cells, ×100
The major differential diagnosis is chronic bronchitis in COPD. There is no single feature which allows a certain distinction of both diseases; however, a combination of features can most likely be of help: eosinophilia, epithelial shedding, hyperplasia of smooth muscle cells, and extreme thickening of the basal membrane are together in favor of asthma bronchitis [1].
6.3 Bronchiolitis
Bronchioles are small airways defined by an inner diameter ≤1 mm. Bronchioles have a thin muscular layer and are devoid of cartilage. Bronchioles start at the 16th generation of airways. The epithelial layer is composed of a mixture of Clara, ciliated and secretory columnar, and few goblet cells. At the basal lamina, there is also a layer of triangular-shaped basal cells and atop of them polygonal reserve cells. At the larger bronchioles, the thickness of the epithelial layer is three cell layers, but toward the terminal bronchioles, the epithelial layer is reduced to two layers, basal cells and Clara cells with a few interspersed columnar cells [38]. Regeneration starts from Clara cells and reserve cells, whereas basal cells are functioning to serve as attachments for the columnar cells [39–41]. At the bronchioloalveolar junction zone (BJZ), a terminal stem cell has been identified, which expresses Clara cell protein 10 (CC10), surfactant apoprotein C, and stem cell markers [42].
Bronchiolitis most often is associated with either bronchitis such as in asthma or is associated with pneumonia; an example is organizing pneumonia. However, there are two reasons to discuss bronchiolitis separately: bronchiolitis is the underlying pathology in clinically called small airways disease, and it does occur sometimes as an isolated disease confined only to bronchioles.
6.4 The Classification
At present we best classify bronchiolitis into:
- A.
Acute bronchiolitis
- B.
Chronic bronchiolitis
- C.
COPD-associated bronchiolitis
- D.
Distinct forms of bronchiolitis
- A.
The term cellular bronchiolitis is sometimes used. However, chronic bronchiolitis can also be cellular; therefore, this term will not be used throughout this chapter. If no specific inflammatory pattern is recognized, an acute bronchiolitis NOS (not otherwise specified) can be diagnosed. It is characterized by a dense granulocytic and/or lymphocytic infiltrate within the epithelium, the subepithelial, as well as the muscular layers. The epithelium can show different degrees of degenerative as well as reactive changes, but there should be no metaplasia or hyperplasia. Usually a mixture of granulocytes and cellular debris fills the lumen. Acute bronchiolitis can be caused by a variety of infectious organisms, as respirotropic viruses, bacteria, and inhaled toxic substances. The degree of the inflammatory infiltrate might be used to sort the etiology: if granulocytic infiltrates predominate within the surface layer of the mucosa, the cause of bronchiolitis is most often infectious. If eosinophils predominate with necrosis of the epithelium, either an immune mechanism such as asthma is the underlying condition or a parasitic infection. If the inflammatory infiltrate is more pronounced in deeper layers of the mucosa, i.e., within the muscularis, other etiologies have to be considered. Within acute bronchiolitis, specific entities can be separated:
- A1.
Eosinophilic or asthmatic bronchiolitis
- A2.
Pseudomembranous and necrotizing bronchiolitis
- A3.
Granulomatous bronchiolitis
- A1.
- A1.
Eosinophilic or asthmatic bronchiolitis is characterized by a mixed infiltration of eosinophils, mast cells/basophils, plasma cells, and lymphocytes within the bronchiolar wall. The most characteristic feature is eosinophilia, which can be highlighted by a Congo red stain, picking up the basic cytotoxic proteins of eosinophilic granules. By this stain, even degranulation and extracellular granules can be seen (Fig. 6.14). Other diagnostic features of asthma bronchiolitis are mucus plugs in the lumen containing cellular debris, eosinophils, Curshmann’s spirals, and Charcot-Leyden crystals, a prominent thickening and even hyalinization of the basal lamina, and a shedding of the columnar cells. Sometimes clusters of peripheral bronchiolar cells can be seen, mainly Clara and goblet cells (Fig. 6.15). Immunohistochemically there is an upregulation of VCAM-1 on the endothelial cells of small blood vessels (Fig. 6.16) as well as a disease-specific upregulation of VLA 4 and ICAM-3 on lymphocytes and eosinophils. The shedding of columnar cells might be due to a loss of intercellular adhesion molecules like VLA 1–3, 5, and 6, and an upregulation of ICAM-1 on these cells, by which they lose contact especially to the triangular-shaped basal cells. The muscular coat can either show hyperplasia or atrophy, most likely related to the duration of the disease.
Fig. 6.14
Degranulation of eosinophils in asthma. The basic proteins are stained by Congo red, and released granules and content are still visible in the stroma of this small bronchus. Congo red stain, ×630
Fig. 6.15
Induced sputum cytology in a patient with asthma. A cluster of bronchiolar Clara cells is seen. Giemsa stain, ×630
Fig. 6.16
Upregulation of VCAM-1 in epithelial as well as endothelial cells in asthma. VCAM-1 facilitates the influx of eosinophils into the bronchial mucosa. Immunohistochemistry with VCAM-1 antibodies, ×250
- A2.
Acute necrotizing and pseudomembranous bronchiolitis is characterized by necrosis of the epithelial layer with or without disruption of the basal lamina (Fig. 6.17). Cellular infiltrates may be predominantly neutrophilic or lymphocytic or a mixture of both. The cellular composition reflects most often the specific response to the causing agent, like lymphocytic infiltration early on in viral infection. The necrotic debris is mixed with fibrin leaking out from the capillaries beneath the basal lamina. In the case of pseudomembranous bronchiolitis, this fibrin together with debris forms the pseudomembrane on the bronchiolar surface. There are certain organisms, which can cause this condition: influenza and parainfluenza and also herpes viruses (Fig. 6.18). A classical example of pseudomembranous bronchiolitis caused by a bacterium is Bordetella pertussis bronchiolitis. Pseudomembranous bronchiolitis can progress into bronchiolitis obliterans with complete or incomplete occlusion of the bronchiolar lumen. The same kind of viruses can cause also necrotizing bronchiolitis. These viruses probably belong to more virulent strains. Some inhaled toxins like SOX, NOX, and O3 at higher than ambient air concentrations can cause necrotizing bronchiolitis. Some acidic aerosols can cause this bronchiolitis, as in Mendelson syndrome, where hydrochloric acid together with pepsin is the noxious agents. Due to the fact that the basal lamina is destroyed or at least interrupted, this kind of bronchiolitis will never heal “ad integrum” and will progress into bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia.
Fig. 6.17
Necrotizing bronchiolitis. Experimental gastric aspiration syndrome in pigs. The mucosa is completely necrotic and denuded. The basal lamina remains in part intact. Trichrome stain, ×400
Fig. 6.18
Necrotizing bronchiolitis in a case of influenza A virus infection. See also the hyaline membranes in the nearby alveoli. H&E, 160
- A3.
Granulomatous bronchiolitis/bronchitis is a condition often seen in sarcoidosis and tuberculosis; however, other kinds of granulomatoses should be kept in mind. Granulomatous bronchiolitis may show the classic sarcoid granuloma with or without necrosis or a mixture of sarcoid and palisading histiocytic granulomas (Fig. 6.19). If there is necrosis, tuberculosis should be suspected, and being without necrosis mycobacteriosis or sarcoidosis is the major differential diagnoses to be considered. In rare cases, occupational exposure to beryllium or zirconium oxides may mimic sarcoidosis. If mixtures of histiocytic and epithelioid cell granulomas together with infiltrating granulocytes are seen, a diagnosis of broncho- and bronchiolocentric granulomatosis can be made. If there is substantial eosinophilic infiltration, an allergic bronchopulmonary mycosis (aspergillosis, ABPA) might be the underlying disease; however, parasitic infection has to be ruled out. If a neutrophilic infiltration predominates, bacterial infection is the most likely cause, very often mycobacterial infection. If there is a pure histiocytic granulomatous bronchiolitis, rare infectious diseases and occupational lung disease have to be considered. Granulomatous leprosy very rarely involves the lungs; more often M. avium and other slow-growing mycobacteria in the setting of immunocompromised patients might induce a pure histiocytic granulomatous bronchiolitis. Other rare examples of infectious histiocytic granulomatous bronchiolitis are involvement of the lung in Whipple’s disease and infections with Listeria monocytogenes.
Fig. 6.19
Granulomatous bronchitis/bronchiolitis with two epithelioid cell granulomas. Due to the fact that the granulomas are close to the surface epithelium and these cells do not show any inflammation-associated changes, an infectious cause is unlikely. Here it is sarcoidosis. H&E, ×200
Histiocytic granulomatous bronchiolitis is seen in occupational lung disease. It can be found in silicosis, silicatosis, coal worker’s pneumoconiosis, and asbestosis. However, granulomas are usually early lesions, more related to exposure, and not encountered in full-blown disease. In most instances, the etiologic diagnosis can be made easily by either polarized microscopy or by the proof of foreign material.
In rare instances, autoimmune disorders may underlie palisading histiocytic granulomatous bronchiolitis, especially rheumatoid arthritis with lung involvement. Most other collagen vascular diseases do not induce granuloma formation.
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- B.
Chronic bronchiolitis can be defined by a predominant lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate, a goblet cell, and a smooth muscle hyperplasia. Goblet cell hyperplasia is defined by a change of the ciliated to goblet cell ratio in favor of goblet cells (normal 6–8:1). Since there is an individual variation of this ratio in humans, a clear cutoff point is a ratio of ≤4:1 (Fig. 6.5). Muscle cell hyperplasia is not always present (Fig. 6.20): in long-standing chronic bronchiolitis and in some special forms (concentric bronchiolitis), the muscle layer may be replaced by fibrous tissue. Other features seen sometimes in chronic bronchiolitis but more often in bronchitis are nodular thickening of nerves (Figs. 6.9 and 6.21) and fibrosis of the basal lamina. The later one never reaches the extent seen in asthma bronchiolitis. Eosinophils may be present in chronic bronchiolitis, especially in bronchiolectasis; however, they do not stain with VLA 4 and ICAM-3 antibodies, as in asthma [43].