Key Points
- 1.
Because of successes in treating congenital cardiac lesions, there are currently as many as or more adults than children with congenital heart disease (CHD).
- 2.
Noncardiac anesthesiologists see these patients for a vast array of ailments and injuries requiring surgery.
- 3.
If at all possible, noncardiac surgery on adult patients with moderate to complex CHD should be performed at an adult congenital heart center with the consultation of an anesthesiologist experienced with adult CHD.
- 4.
Delegation of one anesthesiologist as the liaison with the cardiology service for preoperative evaluation and triage of adult CHD patients is helpful.
- 5.
All relevant cardiac tests and evaluations should be reviewed in advance.
- 6.
Sketching out the anatomy and path(s) of blood flow is often an easy and enlightening aid in simplifying apparently very complex lesions.
Advances in perioperative care for children with congenital heart disease (CHD) over the past several decades have resulted in an ever-increasing number of these children reaching adulthood with their cardiac lesions palliated or repaired. The first paper on adult CHD, published in 1973, is of increasing interest to the medical community. The field has grown such that several texts are now devoted to it, and a dedicated specialty society, the International Society for Adult Congenital Heart Disease ( ), was formed in the 1990s. Each year an estimated 32,000 new cases of CHD occur in the United States and 1.5 million worldwide. More than 85% of infants born with CHD are expected to grow to adulthood. It is estimated that there are more than 1 million adults with CHD in the United States and 1.2 million in Europe, and this population is growing at approximately 5% per year; 55% of these adults remain at moderate to high risk, and more than 115,000 in the United States have complex disease. The increasing survival of children with complex disease has shifted the spectrum of adults with CHD. Once it was thought that adults represent milder degrees of disease, but this is now changing. Annual admissions for adults with CHD have increased significantly faster than those for children, and adults now account for 37% of admissions for those with CHD. As many adults as children have congenital cardiac defects considered severe. As an example to support the increased life expectancy of this patient group, the leading cause of death in adults with acyanotic CHD in the United States is currently coronary artery disease. (Arrhythmia remains the leading cause of death for cyanotic patients, as it was for acyanotic patients before 1990.) Not surprisingly, the mortality rate in adults with CHD is increased with increased disease severity, with 77% of deaths from cardiovascular causes. Adults with CHD are seen for common ailments of aging and trauma that require surgical intervention. Additionally, women of childbearing age with CHD may become pregnant. They must cope with the added physiologic demands of pregnancy and require analgesia for labor and anesthesia for cesarean delivery.
Even though CHD carries implications for lifelong medical problems, a significant number of patients, even those with lesions deemed severe, do not have continuing cardiology follow-up despite ongoing general medical care. These patients bring with them anatomic and physiologic complexities of which physicians accustomed to caring for adults may be unaware, as well as medical problems associated with aging or pregnancy that might not be familiar to physicians used to caring for children. This is even more complicated because a significant number of these patients are unaware of their cardiac diagnosis, and having lived with their disease for many years, these patients self-limit exercise or think of themselves as asymptomatic when in fact they are not. This problem has led to the establishment of the growing subspecialty of adult CHD (ACHD). The mortality rate for adult CHD patients decreased after the introduction of specialized ACHD centers, with less than half dying of cardiovascular diseases. Adult patients with moderate or complex CHD are therefore recommended to be cared for in specialized ACHD centers. An informed anesthesiologist is a critical member of the team required to care optimally for these patients. Despite this recommendation, the majority of adult patients with CHD having ambulatory surgery appear not to be having their surgery at ACHD centers.
Noncardiac Surgery in Adults With Congenital Heart Disease
As expected, young adults (aged 18 to 39 years) with a history of cardiac surgery have an increased risk of a series of serious morbidities and mortality after noncardiac surgery. High-risk patients include, but are not limited to, those with Fontan physiology; cyanotic disease; severe pulmonary arterial hypertension; and complex disease with residua such as heart failure, valve disease or the need for anticoagulation, or the potential for malignant arrhythmias.
Adults with CHD represent approximately 0.1% of admissions, and this has increased from about 0.07% to 0.18% from 2002 to 2009. The fraction of adult CHD admissions associated with noncardiac surgery also increased over this time period. Most were cared for in nonteaching hospitals. CHD confers an incremental mortality risk with both children and adults with CHD having noncardiac inpatient surgery. The mortality rate appears highest for those with the most complex lesions. Risk factors for noncardiac surgery include heart failure, pulmonary hypertension, and cyanosis.
General Noncardiac Issues With Long-Standing Congenital Heart Disease
A variety of organ systems can be affected by long-standing CHD; these are summarized in Boxes 8.1 and 8.2 . Because CHD can be one manifestation of a multiorgan genetic or dysmorphic syndrome, all patients require a full review of systems and examination.

Potential Respiratory Implications
- •
Decreased compliance (with increased pulmonary blood flow or impediment to pulmonary venous drainage)
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Compression of airways by large, hypertensive pulmonary arteries
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Compression of bronchioles
- •
- •
Hemoptysis (with end-stage Eisenmenger syndrome)
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Phrenic nerve injury (prior thoracic surgery)
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Recurrent laryngeal nerve injury (prior thoracic surgery; very rarely from encroachment of cardiac structures)
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Blunted ventilatory response to hypoxemia (with cyanosis)
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Underestimation of PaCO 2 by capnometry in cyanotic patients
Potential Hematologic Implications
- •
Symptomatic hyperviscosity
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Bleeding diathesis
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Abnormal von Willebrand factor
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Artifactually elevated prothrombin or partial thromboplastin times with erythrocytic blood
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Artifactual thrombocytopenia with erythrocytic blood
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Potential Renal Implication
- •
Hyperuricemia and arthralgias (with cyanosis)
Potential Neurologic Implications
- •
Paradoxical emboli
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Brain abscess (with right-to-left shunts)
- •
Seizure (from old brain abscess focus)
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Intrathoracic nerve injury (iatrogenic phrenic, recurrent laryngeal, or sympathetic trunk injury)

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Genitourinary (pregnancy)
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Any lesion that results in either increased pulmonary blood flow or pulmonary venous obstruction can cause increased pulmonary interstitial fluid with decreased pulmonary compliance and increased work of breathing. Patients with cyanotic heart disease have increased minute ventilation and maintain normocarbia. These patients have a normal ventilatory response to hypercapnia but a blunted response to hypoxemia that normalizes after corrective surgery and the establishment of normoxia. End-tidal CO 2 underestimates arterial PaCO 2 in cyanotic patients with decreased, normal, or even increased pulmonary blood flow.
Although enlarged hypertensive pulmonary arteries or an enlarged left atrium can impinge on bronchi in children, this is rare in adults. Late-stage Eisenmenger syndrome can result in hemoptysis, and patients with Eisenmenger physiology and erythrocytosis can develop thrombosis of upper lobe pulmonary arteries. Prior thoracic surgery could have injured the phrenic nerve with resultant diaphragmatic paresis or paralysis.
In an attempt to increase pulmonary blood flow, large collateral vessels originating from the aorta may have developed. These are sometimes embolized in the catheterization laboratory before thoracic surgery to prevent excessive intraoperative blood loss.
Hematologic manifestations of chronic CHD are primarily a consequence of long-standing cyanosis and incorporate abnormalities of both hemostasis and red blood cell (RBC) regulation. Long-standing hypoxemia causes increased erythropoietin production in the kidney and resultant increased RBC mass. Because solely RBC production is affected, these patients are correctly referred to as erythrocytotic rather than polycythemic. There is, however, a fairly poor relationship among oxygen saturation, RBC mass, and 2,3-diphosphoglycerate. The oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve is normal or minimally shifted to the right. Most patients have established an equilibrium state at which they have a stable hematocrit and are iron replete. Some patients, however, develop excessive hematocrits and are iron deficient, causing a hyperviscous state. Iron-deficient RBCs are less deformable and cause increased viscosity for the same hematocrit. This is a strong independent predictor of thrombosis in the setting of Eisenmenger syndrome. Symptoms of hyperviscosity are uncommon and typically develop only at hematocrits exceeding 65%, provided the patient is iron replete. Iron deficiency also shifts the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve to the right, decreasing oxygen affinity in the lungs. Iron deficiency can be the result of misguided attempts to lower the hematocrit by means of repeated phlebotomies.
Symptomatic hyperviscosity is the indication for treatment to temporarily relieve symptoms. It is not indicated to treat otherwise asymptomatic elevated hematocrits (generally hemoglobin >20 g/dL and hematocrit >65%). Treatment is by means of a partial isovolumic exchange transfusion, and it is assumed that the increased hematocrit is not related to dehydration. Partial isovolumic exchange transfusion usually results in regression of symptoms within 24 hours. It is rare to require exchange of more than 1 unit of blood. Preoperatively, phlebotomized blood can be banked for autologous perioperative retransfusion if required. Elective preoperative isovolumic exchange transfusion has decreased the incidence of hemorrhagic complications of surgery. Hyperviscosity and erythrocytosis can cause cerebral venous thrombosis in younger children, but it is not a problem in adults, regardless of the hematocrit. Protracted preoperative fasts need to be avoided in erythrocytotic patients because they can be accompanied by rapid elevations in the hematocrit.
Bleeding dyscrasias have been described in up to 20% of patients. A variety of clotting abnormalities have been described in association with cyanotic CHD but none uniformly. Bleeding dyscrasias are uncommon until the hematocrit exceeds 65%, although excessive surgical bleeding can occur at lower hematocrits. Generally, higher hematocrits are associated with a greater bleeding diathesis. Abnormalities of a variety of factors in both the intrinsic and extrinsic coagulation pathways have been described. Fibrinolytic pathways are normal.
The decreased plasma volume in erythrocytotic blood can result in spuriously elevated measures of the prothrombin and partial thromboplastin times, and the fixed amount of anticoagulant in the collection tube will be excessive because it presumes a normal plasma volume in the blood sample. Erythrocytotic blood has more RBCs and less plasma in the same volume. If informed in advance of a patient’s hematocrit, the clinical laboratory can provide an appropriate sample tube.
Platelet counts are typically normal or occasionally low, but bleeding is not due to thrombocytopenia. Platelets are reported per milliliter of blood, not per milliliter of plasma. When corrected for the decreased plasma fraction in erythrocytotic blood, the total plasma platelet count is closer to normal. That said, abnormalities in platelet function and life span have on occasion been reported. Patients with low-pressure conduits (Fontan pathway) or synthetic vascular anastomoses are often maintained on antiplatelet drugs.
Cyanotic erythrocytotic patients have excessive hemoglobin turnover, and adults have an increased incidence of calcium bilirubinate gallstones. Biliary colic can develop years after cyanosis has been resolved by cardiac surgery.
A variety of mechanical factors can also affect excessive surgical bleeding in patients with cyanotic CHD. These factors include increased tissue capillary density, elevated systemic venous pressure, aortopulmonary and transpleural collaterals that have developed to increase pulmonary blood flow, and prior thoracic surgery. Aprotinin and ε-aminocaproic acid improve postoperative hemostasis in patients with cyanotic CHD. The results with tranexamic acid have been mixed.
Some degree of renal insufficiency is common in adults with CHD, and the severity is a predictor of death. Moderate or severe renal dysfunction (estimated glomerular filtration rate [GFR] of <60 mL/min per m 2 ) carries a fivefold increased risk of death at 6-year follow-up compared with patients with normal GFR and a threefold increase over those with mild elevations in GFR. Renal dysfunction is particularly prevalent in cyanotic patients and those with poor cardiac function. Adult patients with cyanotic CHD can develop abnormal renal histology with hypercellular glomeruli and basement membrane thickening, focal interstitial fibrosis, tubular atrophy, and hyalinized afferent and efferent arterioles. Cyanotic CHD is often accompanied by elevations in plasma uric acid levels that are caused by inappropriately low fractional uric acid excretion. Decreased urate reabsorption is thought to result from renal hypoperfusion with a high filtration fraction. Despite the elevated uric acid levels, urate stones and urate nephropathy are rare. Although arthralgias are common, true gouty arthritis is less frequent than would be expected from the degree of hyperuricemia.
Adults with persistent or potential intracardiac shunts remain at risk for paradoxical embolism. Paradoxical emboli can occur even through shunts that are predominantly left-to-right because during the cardiac cycle, there can be small transient reversals of the shunt direction. It has been said that, unlike in children, adults with cyanotic CHD are not at risk for the development of cerebral thrombosis despite the hematocrit. However, this assertion has been challenged with the suggestion that an association of stroke occurs, not with RBC mass but with iron deficiency and repeated phlebotomy. Adults do, however, remain at risk for the development of brain abscess. A healed childhood brain abscess can provide the nidus for the development of seizures throughout life.
Prior thoracic surgery can result in permanent peripheral nerve damage. Surgery at the apices of the lungs is particularly associated with the risk of nerve damage. These operations would include Blalock-Taussig shunts, ligation of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), banding of the pulmonary artery, and repair of aortic coarctation. Nerves that are susceptible to injury include the recurrent laryngeal nerve, the phrenic nerve, and the sympathetic chain. The incidence of migraine headaches is higher in adults with CHD compared with a control group with acquired heart disease (45% vs. 11%) and is increased in left-to-right, right-to-left, and no-shunt groups.
Vessel abnormalities can be congenital or iatrogenic. They can affect the suitability of vessels for cannulation by the anesthesiologist or measurement of correct pressures. These abnormalities are described in Table 8.1 .
Vessel | Possible Problem |
Femoral vein(s) | May have been ligated if cardiac catheterization was done by cutdown. Large therapeutic catheters in infants often thrombose femoral veins. |
Inferior vena cava | Some lesions, particularly when associated with heterotaxy (polysplenia) have discontinuity of the inferior vena cava; will not be able to pass a catheter from the groin to the right atrium. |
Left subclavian and pedal arteries | Distal blood pressure will be low in the presence of coarctation of the aorta or following subclavian flap repair (subclavian artery only) and variably so if postoperative recoarctation; pulses can be absent or palpable with abnormal blood pressure. |
Subclavian artery | Blood pressure low with classic Blalock-Taussig shunt on that side and variably so with modified Blalock-Taussig shunt. |
Right subclavian artery | Blood pressure artifactually high with supravalvular aortic stenosis (Coanda effect). |
Superior vena cava | Risk of catheter-related thrombosis with Glenn operation. |
The physiologic changes of pregnancy, labor, and delivery can significantly alter the physiologic status of women with CHD, and mortality and morbidity are increased in mothers with CHD. Several texts are available that specifically discuss issues of pregnant women with CHD in more detail than is possible here. Management and clinical outcomes during pregnancy and delivery for several cardiac lesions are included under the later discussions of these lesions.
Although cardiac complications, spontaneous abortions, premature delivery, thrombotic complications, peripartum endocarditis, and poor fetal outcomes can occur, successful pregnancy to term with vaginal delivery is possible for most patients with congenital defects. High-risk factors for mothers and fetuses include pulmonary hypertension, depressed ventricular function, Marfan syndrome with dilated aortic root, cyanosis, severe left heart obstructive lesions, and pressure (vs. volume) lesions. Eisenmenger physiology is a particular risk factor. Up to 47% of cyanotic women have worsening of functional capacity during pregnancy. Hematocrits greater than 44% are associated with birth weights less than 50th percentile, and fetal death is about 90% or more with hemoglobin levels greater than 18 g/dL or oxygen saturation less than 85%, with most losses in the first trimester. The increases in stroke volume and cardiac output during pregnancy can stress an already pressure-overloaded ventricle. The decrease in systemic vascular resistance that accompanies pregnancy is better tolerated by women with regurgitant lesions and typically offsets the added insult of pregnancy-related hypervolemia. The decrease in systemic vascular resistance can, however, increase right-to-left shunting. Hypervolemia can be problematic in patients with poor ventricular function. Maternal cyanosis is associated with increased incidences of prematurity and intrauterine growth retardation. Profound cyanosis is associated with a high rate of spontaneous abortion. Endocarditis prophylaxis is not currently recommended for vaginal deliveries. The recurrence risk of any congenital cardiac defect in a newborn is 2.3% with one affected older sibling (any defect), 7.3% with two affected older siblings, and 6.7% if the mother has a congenital cardiac defect but only 2.1% if the father is affected. However, it has become apparent that recurrence risk can be specific to the type of maternal defect and the underlying genetic basis. If possible, pregnancies in mothers with CHD should be managed in a high-risk obstetric center with cardiologists experienced with the care of ACHD and with early consultation with the obstetric anesthesia service. Women on long-term anticoagulation likely need peripartum modifications, and postpartum thromboembolism is a potential significant problem. Anesthesiologists generally encounter pregnant patients well into the last trimester. Most of the major physiologic changes associated with pregnancy occur before the third trimester, and if patients have maintained good functional status to this point, they will have demonstrated themselves to be in a relatively low-risk group. Pregnancy is a stress test, and if they have successfully arrived at the mid to late third trimester, it is more likely that they will successfully tolerate delivery. Also, many high-risk women will have been counseled to avoid pregnancy. There is no a priori reason to favor an instrumented or cesarean delivery over a vaginal one. This is an obstetric, not cardiologic, decision. That said, there is a common belief that women with ACHD will not tolerate the “stress” of labor, particularly bearing down in the second stage. However, a well-functioning epidural makes uterine contractions easy to tolerate. Furthermore, avoidance of second-stage pushing is an option as long as progress is being made and can be combined with a maneuver such as low-outlet vacuum or forceps to facilitate delivery. The third stage can be accompanied by an autotransfusion of placental blood or potentially with hypovolemia with uterine atony and hemorrhage. If oxytocic drugs are required, the hemodynamic effects must be kept in mind. Oxytocin will decrease systemic vascular resistance and increase heart rate and pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR). Methylergonovine will increase systemic vascular resistance. These rapid changes in loading conditions can be poorly tolerated in mothers with fixed cardiac output, and pulmonary edema or heart failure can develop.
Some mothers take medications for their cardiac condition, including antiarrhythmics. In general, these are safe for the infant. Exceptions include β-blockers, which can interfere with fetal growth and the response of the fetus to the stress of labor, and amiodarone, which can affect fetal thyroid function. Maternal cardioversion appears to be safe for fetuses at all stages because of the low intensity of the electrical field at the uterus. However, fetuses should be monitored throughout the procedure. Women with implanted internal defibrillators have carried successfully to term. If cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) is required during pregnancy, it carries with it increased fetal risk, particularly if hypothermia is used.
Teenagers with CHD are certainly no different from other teenagers in that issues of denial, a sense of immortality, and risk-taking behavior can affect optimal care for these youngsters. Bodies that carry scars from prior surgery and physical limitations can complicate the body-conscious teenage years. Although most adolescents and adults with CHD function well, adults with CHD are less likely to be married or cohabitating and are more likely to be living with their parents. There are several reports of the psychosocial outcomes of adolescent and adult patients, but there are no well-done controlled studies. It has been suggested that depression is common and can exacerbate the clinical consequences of the cardiac defect.
Adolescent CHD patients have higher medical care expenses than the general population, and they can have difficulty in obtaining life and health insurance after they can no longer be covered under their parents’ policies. Life insurance is somewhat more available to adult CHD patients than in the past; however, policies vary widely among insurers.
The issue of denial or lack of awareness of their cardiac condition is very relevant in teenagers and young adults. While they are children, these patients rely on their parents to ensure regular cardiac appointments are kept and surveillance echocardiograms are done.
Unfortunately, young adults with ACHD often do not appreciate their physiologic limitations because they have lived with them their entire lives. Many often lack basic knowledge of their cardiac condition. Sadly, this can result in ACHD patients being lost to follow-up until they arrive in their local emergency department with an urgent condition requiring surgery.
Cardiac Issues
The basic hemodynamic effects of an anatomic cardiac lesion can be modified by time and by the superimposed effects of chronic cyanosis, pulmonary disease, or the effects of aging. Although surgical cure is the goal, true universal cure, without residua, sequelae, or complications, is uncommon on a population-wide basis. Exceptions include closure of a nonpulmonary hypertensive PDA or atrial septal defect (ASD), probably in childhood. Although there have been reports of series of surgeries on adults with CHD, the wide variety of defects and sequelae from prior surgery make generalizations difficult, if not impossible. Poor myocardial function can be inherent in the CHD, but it can also be affected by long-standing cyanosis or superimposed surgical injury, including inadequate intraoperative myocardial protection. This is particularly true of adults who had their cardiac repair several decades ago when myocardial protection may not have been as good and when repair was undertaken at an older age. Postoperative arrhythmias are common, particularly when surgery entails long atrial suture lines, and the incidence of atrial arrhythmias increases with time, either as a primary sequela or as an indicator of diminished cardiac function. Thrombi can be found in these atria precluding immediate cardioversion. Bradyarrhythmias can be secondary to surgical injury to the sinus node or conducting tissue or can be a component of the cardiac defect.
The number of cardiac lesions and subtypes, together with the large number of contemporary and obsolescent palliative and corrective surgical procedures, make a complete discussion of all CHD impossible. Readers are referred to one of the current texts on pediatric cardiac anesthesia for more detailed descriptions of these lesions, the available surgical repairs, and the anesthetic implications during primary repair. Some general perioperative guidelines to caring for these patients are offered in Box 8.3 . This chapter provides a discussion of the more common and physiologically important defects that will be encountered in an adult CHD population.

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The best care for both cardiac and noncardiac surgery in adult patients with congenital heart disease (CHD) is afforded in a center with a multidisciplinary team experienced in the care of adults with CHD and knowledgeable about both the anatomy and physiology of CHD and the manifestations and considerations specific to adults with CHD.
- •
Review most recent laboratory data, catheterization, and echocardiogram and other imaging data. The most recent office letter from the cardiologist is often most helpful. Obtain and review them in advance.
- •
Drawing a diagram of the heart with saturations, pressures, and direction of blood flow often clarifies complex and superficially unfamiliar anatomy and physiology.
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Avoid prolonged fast if patient is erythrocytotic to avoid hemoconcentration.
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There is no generalized contraindication to preoperative sedation.
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Large-bore IV access for redo sternotomy and cyanotic patients
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Avoid air bubbles in all IV catheters. There can be transient right-to-left shunting even in lesions with predominant left-to-right shunting. (Filters are available but will severely restrict ability to give volume and blood.)
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Apply external defibrillator pads for patients with poor cardiac function.
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Use appropriate endocarditis prophylaxis (orally or intravenously before skin incision).
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Consider antifibrinolytic therapy, especially for patients with prior sternotomy.
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Use transesophageal echocardiography for major surgery.
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Modulate pulmonary and systemic vascular resistances as appropriate pharmacologically and by modifications in ventilation.
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Provide appropriate pain control (cyanotic patients have normal ventilatory response to hypercarbia and narcotics). Maintain hematocrit appropriate for arterial saturation.
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Maintain venous pressures appropriate for altered ventricular diastolic compliance or presence of beneficial atrial level shunting.
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PaO 2 may not increase significantly with the application of supplemental oxygen in the face of right-to-left shunting. Similarly, neither will it decrease much with the withdrawal of oxygen (in the absence of lung pathology).
Aortic Stenosis
Valvar aortic stenosis is the most common congenital heart defect, but it is often not seen in that light because it typically does not cause problems until adulthood. Most aortic stenosis in adults is caused by a congenitally bicuspid valve that does not become problematic until late middle age or beyond, although endocarditis risk is lifelong. Congenital aortic stenosis can on some occasions, however, become severe enough to warrant surgical correction in adolescence or young adulthood, in addition to those severely affected valves that present in infancy. When symptoms (angina, syncope, near-syncope, heart failure) develop, survival is markedly shortened. The median survival periods are 5 years after the development of angina, 3 years after syncope, and 2 years after heart failure. Anesthetic management of aortic stenosis does not vary whether the stenosis is congenital or acquired.
Most mothers with aortic stenosis can successfully carry pregnancies to term and have vaginal deliveries. Severe stenosis (valve area <1.0 cm 2 ) can result in clinical deterioration and maternal and fetal death. Hemodynamic monitoring during delivery with maintenance of adequate preload and avoidance of hypotension is critical.
Aortopulmonary Shunts
Depending on their age, adult patients may have had one or more of several aortopulmonary shunts to palliate cyanosis during childhood. These are shown in Fig. 8.1 . Although lifesaving, these shunts had considerable shortcomings in the long term. All were inherently inefficient because some of the oxygenated blood returning through the pulmonary veins to the left atrium and ventricle would then return to the lungs through the shunt, thus volume loading the ventricle. It was difficult to quantify the size of the earlier shunts, such as the Waterston (side-to-side ascending aorta to right pulmonary artery) and Potts (side-to-side descending aorta to left pulmonary artery). If too small, the patient was left excessively cyanotic; if too large, there was pulmonary overcirculation and the risk of developing pulmonary vascular disease. Waterston shunts, in fact, could on occasion distribute blood flow unequally, resulting in a hyperperfused, hypertensive ipsilateral (right) pulmonary artery and a hypoperfused contralateral (left) pulmonary artery. There were also surgical issues when complete repair became possible. Takedown of Waterston shunts often required a pulmonary arterioplasty to correct a deformity of the pulmonary artery at the site of the anastomosis, and the posteriorly located Potts anastomoses could not be taken down from a median sternotomy. Patients with a classic Blalock-Taussig shunt almost always lack palpable pulses on the side of the shunt and arm length as well as strength can be mildly affected. Even if there is a palpable pulse (from collateral flow around the shoulder), blood pressure obtained from that arm will be artifactually low. After a modified Blalock-Taussig shunt (using a piece of Gore-Tex tubing instead of an end-to-side anastomosis of the subclavian and pulmonary arteries), there can be a blood pressure disparity between the arms. To ensure a valid measurement, preoperative blood pressure should be measured in both arms.


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