Necrosis zone: Electrically inactive zone (infarction Q)
Lesion zone: Cells markedly damaged by ischemia form abnormal potentials without participating in excitation, damaged site from which current arises — represented by ST elevation
Border zone: Cells participate in excitation with delayed repolarization (negative T wave)
If two out of three criteria are positive, then infarct is confirmed
Acute myocardial necrosis as a result of interruption of coronary perfusion
STEMI (ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction): ST-elevation at least in two limb leads ≥ 0.1 mV or in two precordial leads ≥ 0.2 mV or LBBB with typical symptoms
Zone of cell damage (injury) with abnormal resting potential. In diastole the cells are more electropositive than the healthy myocardium, causing the flow of current to the damaged zone with depression of the isoelectric line. In systole normal depolarization of the healthy myocardium, reversal of the flow of current to the healthy myocardium with ST elevation.
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