Acute Fibrinous and Organizing Pneumonia

Acute Fibrinous and Organizing Pneumonia

Anna Sienko MD

Acute fibrinous and organizing pneumonia, also considered a form of acute lung injury, shares similar clinical presentation, causes, and some histologic features with diffuse alveolar damage. No hyaline membranes are seen in acute fibrinous and organizing pneumonia. The intra-alveolar spaces show a patchy distribution of aggregates of fibrinous material, often as rounded balls, with features of organization of the fibrin by loose fibroblastic tissue. These features may be sampled on transbronchial biopsy. It is currently thought that acute fibrinous and organizing pneumonia may represent a variant of diffuse alveolar damage.

Figure 19.1: Low power of transbronchial biopsy from patient with acute fibrinous and organizing pneumonia shows dense nodular areas with fibrin and granulation tissue.

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