1.6 ABG sampling technique
Before sampling
• Unless results are required urgently, allow at least 20 minutes after any change in O2 therapy before sampling (to achieve a steady state).
• Explain to the patient why you are doing the test, what it involves and the possible complications (bleeding, bruising, arterial thrombosis, infection and pain); then obtain consent to proceed.
• Prepare the necessary equipment (heparinised syringe with cap, 20–22G needle, sharps disposal container, gauze) and don universal precautions.
• Identify a suitable site for sampling by palpating the radial, brachial or femoral artery (Figure 18). Routine sampling should, initially, be attempted from the radial artery of the non-dominant arm.
Box 1.6.1 Contraindications to ABG analysis*
Inadequate collateral circulation at the puncture site
Should not be performed through a lesion or a surgical shunt
Evidence of peripheral vascular disease distant to the puncture site
A coagulopathy or medium- to high-dose anticoagulation therapy