Abdominal aneurysm

An aneurysm is an abnormal dilation in an arterial wall. In the abdomen, dilation typically occurs in the aorta between the renal arteries and iliac branches. The dangers of abdominal aneurysm are twofold: dissection, in which the artery’s lining tears and blood leaks into the arterial wall, and rupture, in which the aneurysm breaks open, resulting in profuse bleeding. Rupture is a common complication in larger aneurysms.


Abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs) result from atherosclerosis, hypertension, congenital weakening, cystic medial necrosis, trauma, syphilis, and other infections. Smoking is a prominent risk factor. In children, abdominal aneurysm can result from blunt abdominal injury or Marfan syndrome.

These aneurysms develop slowly. First, a focal weakness in the muscular layer of the aorta (tunica media), caused by degenerative changes, allows the inner layer (tunica intima) and outer layer (tunica adventitia) to stretch outward. Blood pressure in the aorta continues to weaken the vessel walls and enlarge the aneurysm.

Nearly all AAAs are fusiform, which means that the arterial walls balloon on all sides. A fusiform aneurysm develops when the arterial wall weakens around its circumference, creating a spindle shape. The resulting sac fills with necrotic debris and thrombi.

Abdominal aneurysm is four times more common in men than in women and usually occurs in whites ages 40 to 70. Less than half of people with a ruptured AAA aneurysm survive.


Although abdominal aneurysms usually produce no symptoms, they typically (unless the patient is obese) produce a pulsating mass in the periumbilical area and a systolic bruit over the aorta. The patient may feel some tenderness on deep palpation.

A large aneurysm may produce symptoms that mimic renal calculi, lumbar disk disease, and duodenal compression. Unless embolization occurs, abdominal aneurysms rarely cause reduced peripheral pulses or claudication.

Lumbar pain that radiates to the flank and groin stems from pressure on the lumbar nerves and may signify enlargement and imminent rupture. A rare symptom is unrelenting testicular pain.

If an aneurysm ruptures into the peritoneal cavity, it will cause severe, persistent abdominal and back
pain, mimicking renal or ureteral colic. Signs and symptoms of hemorrhage —such as weakness, sweating, tachycardia, and hypotension— may be subtle because rupture into the retroperitoneal space produces a tamponade effect that prevents continued hemorrhage. Patients with such rupture may remain stable for hours before shock and death occur, although 20% die immediately.


• Rupture

• Dissection

• Hemorrhage

• Shock

• Obstruction of blood flow to other organs

• Embolization to a peripheral artery


Because abdominal aneurysms seldom produce symptoms, they’re commonly detected accidentally during an X-ray or a routine physical examination. Several tests can confirm a suspected abdominal aneurysm.

• Serial ultrasonography can accurately determine the aneurysm’s size, shape, and location.

• Anteroposterior and lateral X-rays of the abdomen can detect aortic calcification, which outlines the mass, at least 75% of the time.

• Aortography shows the condition of vessels proximal and distal to the aneurysm and the aneurysm’s extent, but it may underestimate the aneurysm’s diameter because it shows only the flow channel and not the surrounding clot.

• Computed tomography scanning is used to diagnose and size the aneurysm.

• Magnetic resonance imaging can be used as an alternative to aortography.


Usually, abdominal aneurysm requires resection of the aneurysm and replacement of the damaged aortic section with a Dacron graft. (See Abdominal aneurysms: Before and after surgery, and Endovascular grafting for repair of an AAA, page 6.) If the aneurysm is small and asymptomatic, surgery may be delayed and the aneurysm followed and allowed to expand to a size at which the risk from the aneurysm exceeds the risk of the surgery. However, small aneurysms may also rupture. Surgical repair is recommended for symptomatic patients and for patients with aneurysms greater than 2″ (5 cm) in diameter.

Stenting is also a treatment option. It can be performed without an abdominal incision by introducing the catheters through arteries in the groin. However, not all patients with AAAs are candidates for this treatment.

Regular physical examination and ultrasound checks are needed to detect enlargement, which may forewarn rupture. Large aneurysms or those that produce symptoms pose a significant risk of rupture and need immediate repair. In patients with
poor distal runoff, external grafting may be done.


To help prevent an abdominal aneurysm from rupturing, the patient should work to reduce risk factors, as by controlling hypercholesterolemia, reducing hypertension, and stopping tobacco use.


• Beta-adrenergic blockers to reduce the risk of aneurysm expansion and rupture


Abdominal aneurysm requires meticulous preoperative and postoperative care, psychological support, and comprehensive patient teaching. After diagnosis, if rupture isn’t imminent, elective surgery allows time for additional preoperative tests to evaluate the patient’s clinical status.

• Monitor the patient’s vital signs, and type and crossmatch his blood.

• Obtain renal function tests (blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, and electrolyte levels), blood samples (complete blood count with differential), electrocardiogram and cardiac evaluation, baseline pulmonary function tests, and arterial blood gas (ABG) analysis.


If rupture occurs, get the patient to surgery immediately. A pneumatic antishock garment may be used during transport. Surgery allows direct compression of the aorta to control hemorrhage. Large amounts of blood may be needed during the
resuscitative period to replace lost blood. Renal failure from ischemia is a major postoperative complication, and the patient may need hemodialysis.

• Before elective surgery, weigh the patient, insert an indwelling urinary catheter and an I.V. line, and assist with insertion of an arterial line and pulmonary artery catheter to monitor fluid and hemodynamic balance. Give prophylactic antibiotics.

• Explain the surgical procedure and the expected postoperative care in the intensive care unit (ICU) for patients undergoing complex abdominal surgery (I.V. lines, end tracheal [ET] and nasogastric [NG] intubation, and mechanical ventilation).

• After surgery, in the ICU, closely monitor the patient’s vital signs, in-take and hourly output, peripheral pulses, neurologic status (level of consciousness, pupil size, and sensation in arms and legs), and ABG values. Assess the depth, rate, and character of respirations and breath sounds at least every hour.

• Watch for signs of bleeding (increased pulse and respiratory rates and hypotension) and back pain, which may indicate that the graft is tearing. Check abdominal dressings for excessive bleeding or drainage. Be alert for increased temperature and other signs of infection. After NG intubation for intestinal decompression, irrigate the tube often to ensure patency. Record the amount and type of drainage.

• Suction the ET tube often. If the patient can breathe unassisted and has good breath sounds and adequate ABG values, tidal volume, and vital capacity 24 hours after surgery, he will be extubated and will need oxygen by mask.

• Weigh the patient daily to evaluate fluid balance.

• Help the patient walk as soon as he’s able (typically the 2nd day after surgery).

• Provide psychological support for the patient and his family. Help ease their fears about the ICU, the threat of impending rupture, and surgery by providing appropriate explanations and answering all questions.

Aortic insufficiency

In aortic insufficiency (also called aortic regurgitation), the aortic valve weakens or balloons, which prevents it from closing tightly. This allows blood to flow backward from the aorta into the left ventricle.


This disorder may be associated with Marfan syndrome, ankylosing spondylitis, or a ventricular septal defect, even after surgical closure. (See Types of valvular heart disease, page 8.) It also may result from rheumatic fever, syphilis, hypertension, endocarditis, trauma, or congenital abnormalities of the aortic valve (such as a bicuspid valve). Degenerative changes in aging can also lead to aortic insufficiency. In
some patients, the condition may be idiopathic.

Jul 9, 2016 | Posted by in CARDIOLOGY | Comments Off on A

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