All recent hypertension guidelines, including those from the Japanese Society of Hypertension (JSH 2019) [253] , European Society of Hypertension/European Society of Cardiology (ESH/ESC 2018) [254] , and the 2017 American Heart Association/American College of Cardiology (AHA/ACC) [178] , recommend the practical use of out‐of‐office BP measurement for the diagnosis and management of hypertension. In particular, the JSH 2019 guidelines strongly recommend a home blood pressure measurement (HBPM)‐guided approach as the first step for the management of hypertension [253] . There are four different options for measuring blood pressure (BP) available in clinical practice (office BP, automated office BP [AOBP], HBPM, and ambulatory BP monitoring [ABPM]) (Figure 3.1) [180] . Each approach reflects different pressor effects (Figure 3.1) [156, 180] . However, all out‐of‐office BP measurements are superior to routine office BP measurements for predicting cardiovascular events. After achieving a universal BP goal of 130/80 mmHg, the ideal goal of white‐coat effect‐excluding BP may be <125 mmHg. Masked hypertension is defined as normotension based on office BP readings and hypertension based on out‐of‐office BP measurement, while white‐coat hypertension is defined as normotension based on out‐of‐office BP and hypertension based on office BP (Figure 3.2) [37] . Detection of masked and white‐coat hypertension by using the out‐of‐office BP monitoring devices is important to improve the quality of BP control and reduce the cardiovascular event risk (Figure 3.3) [41] . Table 3.1 [37] highlights different office, home, and ambulatory BP value thresholds for the definition of hypertension. The 2017 AHA/ACC guidelines recommend a universal threshold of 130/80 mmHg for office, home, and daytime ABPM (Table 3.2). Figure 3.1 Different approaches to blood pressure (BP) measurement and influencing factors. Source: Kario. Curr Hypertens Rev. 2016;12:2–10 [180] . Copyright (2017) Bentham Science Publishers Ltd. Republished with permission of Bentham Science Publishers Ltd. Figure 3.2 Out‐of‐office blood pressure (BP) monitoring. Source: Modified from Kario. Essential Manual of 24‐Hour Blood Pressure Management from Morning to Nocturnal Hypertension. UK: Wiley Blackwell; 205: 1–138 [37] . The broad definition of “morning hypertension” is having an average morning systolic BP (SBP) ≥135 mmHg and/or average morning diastolic BP (DBP) ≥85 mmHg, regardless of office BP (Table 3.3) [24, 38] . In addition, the strict definition of “morning hypertension” includes those with a morning–evening home BP difference (ME‐dif; morning SBP—evening SBP) of ≥20 mmHg [38, 51]. Morning hypertension (ambulatory morning hypertension) can also be diagnosed using ABPM [51] . Masked morning hypertension is defined as morning hypertension when office BP is <140/90 mmHg. Figure 3.3 ICT‐based strategy for “Zero Cardiovascular Events.” ABPM, ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. Source: Kario. J Hum Hypertens. 2017; 31: 231–243 [41] . Table 3.1 Different blood pressure thresholds for the diagnosis of hypertension. Source: Kario. Essential Manual of 24‐Hour Blood Pressure Management from Morning to Nocturnal Hypertension. London: Wiley–Blackwell; 2015: 1–138 [37] . Table 3.2 Corresponding values of systolic/diastolic blood pressure for office, home, and daytime, nighttime, and 24‐hour ambulatory blood pressure measurements. Source: Whelton et al. Hypertension. 2018; 71: 1269–1324 [178] . Copyright (2017), with permission from Elsevier. ABPM, ambulatory blood pressure monitoring; HBPM, home blood pressure monitoring. Table 3.3 Definition of morning hypertension. Source: Kario. Essential Manual on Perfect 24‐Hour Blood Pressure Management from Morning to Nocturnal Hypertension: Up‐to‐date for Anticipation Medicine. Wiley, 2018: 1–309 [24] . BP, blood pressure. Nocturnal hypertension is defined as average nighttime SBP ≥120 mmHg and/or DBP ≥70 mmHg (Table 3.4). Nighttime BP is that measured from bedtime to rising or over the period 1:00 AM to 6:00 AM by ABPM or HBPM (at least three readings per night for at least two days). Office‐masked nocturnal hypertension is defined as nocturnal hypertension with office BP <140/90 mmHg, while morning‐masked nocturnal hypertension is defined as nocturnal hypertension with morning home BP <135/85 mmHg. Isolated nocturnal hypertension is defined as nocturnal hypertension with office BP 140/90 mmHg and morning home BP values <135/85 mmHg. Clinical use of HBPM and ABPM increases the quality of hypertension management. HBPM is easily implemented in clinical practice. However, HBPM only measures BP at a specific time (morning and/or evening) and in a specific condition (resting while sitting), while ABPM measures dynamic ambulatory BP changes during the day and nighttime BP during sleep periods. This allows detection of both dynamic nighttime BP changes and masked nocturnal hypertension. Thus, the best clinical practice would include usage of both HBPM and ABPM [181] . Morning BP can be measured using both HBPM and ABPM. HBPM is self‐measured at home while the patient is seated, and ABPM measures BP regularly at 15–30‐minute intervals throughout each 24‐hour period. ABPM used to be the only option for measuring BP overnight, but recent HBPM device design advances mean that nighttime home BP can be measured during sleep. The advantages of HBPM over ABPM include convenience and less discomfort. Table 3.4 Definition of nocturnal hypertension. Source: Kario. Essential Manual on Perfect 24‐Hour Blood Pressure Management from Morning to Nocturnal Hypertension: Up‐to‐date for Anticipation Medicine. Wiley, 2018: 1–309 [24] . ABPM, ambulatory blood pressure monitoring; BP, blood pressure; HBPM, home BP monitoring. a Nighttime BP is the average of BP readings measured from bedtime to rising or from 1 am to 6 am by ABPM or by HBPM (at least 3 readings per night, and over at least 2 days) HBPM is recommended for all medicated hypertensive patients, those with elevated BP (office SBP 120–129 mmHg and DBP <80 mmHg), or individuals with prehypertension who have an estimated two‐year risk of new‐onset hypertension of ≥40% (calculated by the Genki–Jichi hypertension prediction model [255] (Figure 3.4 and Table 3.5). ABPM is recommended for high‐risk patients with hypertension who have any of the following: (1) home BP ≥120/80 mmHg; (2) history of cardiovascular events; (3) organ damage (e.g. left ventricular hypertrophy [LVH], albuminuria, N‐terminal pro‐brain natriuretic peptide [NT‐proBNP] level >125 pg/mL); (4) nocturnal hypertension‐suspected comorbidities (sleep apnea syndrome, diabetes, chronic kidney disease [CKD]); or (5) suspected systematic hemodynamic atherothrombotic syndrome (SHATS). Figure 3.4 Genki‐Jichi Hypertension prediction simulation (based on data from normotensive subjects [n = 93,303] examined at Genki Plaza health check examination in 2005. Source: Kario. Essential Manual on Perfect 24‐Hour Blood Pressure Management from Morning to Nocturnal Hypertension: Up‐to‐date for Anticipation Medicine. Wiley, 2018: 1–309 [24] . Table 3.5 Individuals for whom out‐of‐office blood pressure (BP) is recommended. Source: Modified from: Kario. Essential Manual on Perfect 24‐Hour Blood Pressure Management from Morning to Nocturnal Hypertension: Up‐to‐date for Anticipation Medicine. Wiley, 2018: 1–309 [24] . CKD, chronic kidney disease; LVH, left ventricular hypertrophy; NT‐proBNP, N‐terminal pro‐brain natriuretic peptide; SHATS, systemic hemodynamic atherothrombotic syndrome. a Based on the Genki‐Jichi hypertension prediction simulator [255] . In the Trial of Preventing Hypertension (TROPHY) [256] , the incidence of new‐onset Stage 2 hypertension in patients with Stage 1 hypertension (office BP 130–140/85–90 mmHg) was 40.4% at the two‐year follow‐up, and 63.0% at the four‐year follow‐up. However, the average home BP at baseline was already 134/83 mmHg, indicating that at least half of the subjects already had hypertension diagnosed based on home BP readings. In a recent analysis, subjects with elevated office BP (120–129/<80 mmHg) had >3 times the risk of hypertension than those with normal (optimal) BP (Figure 3.5) [257, 258]. The novel contribution of SHATS is the synergistic combination of various types of BP variability and hemodynamic stress in relation to vascular disease [57, 58, 157]. That is, SHATS is defined by both vascular (one or more clinical/subclinical vascular diseases) and BP components (one or more phenotypes of BP variability), although the precise definition and criteria of SHATS are not yet clearly established [57, 58,157–159]. Nonetheless, the concept highlights the fact that, in clinical practice, clinicians should recognize the synergistic risk posed by exaggerated BP variability and vascular damage (Figure 3.6). The clinical relevance of SHATS is different for younger and older subjects. SHATS is clinically important for predicting future‐sustained hypertension in younger subjects, and early detection of SHATS in this setting may allow early intervention to prevent target organ damage. In older subjects, SHATS is important as a direct trigger for cardiovascular events, and therefore suppression of SHATS could directly reduce the cardiovascular event burden. Figure 3.5 Incidence of new onset of hypertension in normotensive subjects in the Genki Plaza Medical Center for Health Care. (a) Subjects younger than 50 years. (b) Subjects 50 years and older. Blood pressure (BP) was divided into seven categories: (1) Optimal BP (OPT), SBP/DBP <120/80 mmHg; (2) Isolated systolic normal BP (ISN), 120–129/<80 mmHg; (3) Isolated diastolic normal BP (IDN), <120/80–84 mmHg; (4) Systolic diastolic normal BP (SDN), 120–129/80–84 mmHg; (5) Isolated systolic high‐normal BP (ISHN), 130–139/<85 mmHg; (6) Isolated diastolic high‐normal BP (IDHN), <130/85–89 mmHg, and (7) Systolic diastolic high‐normal BP (SDHN), 130–139/85–89 mmHg. The label of each line is the BP category and (in parentheses) the cumulative incidence of hypertension. The log‐rank test was used to calculate p‐values. Source: Reproduced with permission, from Kanegae et al. J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2017; 19: 603–610 [258] . Figure 3.6 Effect of the systematic atherothrombotic syndrome (SHATS) on cardiovascular (CV) event and organ damage worsened by the vicious cycle of hemodynamic stress and vascular damage. AI, augmentation index; BPV, blood pressure variability; CAVI, cardio‐ankle vascular index; FMD, flow‐mediated dilatation of brachial artery; HTN, hypertension; IMT, intima‐media thickness of carotid artery; PWV, pulse wave velocity. Source: Kario. J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2015; 17: 328–331 [155] . As a measure of SHATS, we use the cardio‐ankle vascular index (CAVI), which is an index of arterial stiffness that is less dependent on BP than pulse wave velocity (PWV). The cardiac and vascular screening system, VaSera device (Fukuda Denshi Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan), measures the following four parameters to evaluate cardiovascular damage: ECG, cardiac sound, and brachial and ankle pulse waves (Figure 3.7). These measures are useful to evaluate hypertensive heart disease, aortic valvular disease, central pressure, cardiac function, and the ankle‐brachial index (ABI) to calculate BP‐independent value for CAVI at one examination. This system stores the intracuff pressure wave form of four different extremities. There reference values for CAVI are as follows: <8.0, normal; >8.0 and <9.0, borderline; and >9.0, abnormal (Figure 3.8) [259] . CAVI predicts the development of hypertension (Figure 3.9) [260] , and is associated with small artery retinopathy [260] (Figure 3.10). We are now conducting a nationwide cohort study (the Cardiovascular Prognostic COUPLING study – the COUPLING Registry) to determine the effect of vascular disease and BP variability on cardiovascular prognosis [261] (Figure 3.11
Practical use of ABPM and HBPM
Concept and positioning of ABPM and HBPM in guidelines
Recent guidelines
Diagnosis of masked and white‐coat hypertension
Definition of morning hypertension
Blood pressure (mmHg)
Office (automated office)
140 (140)
90 (90)
Daytime (awake)
Nighttime (sleep)
24 hour
Daytime (awake)
Nighttime (sleep)
Daytime ABPM
Nighttime ABPM
24‐hour ABPM
Morning hypertension (home BP monitoring)
Wide definition
Average of self‐measured morning home BPs ≥135 mmHg systolic and/or ≥85 mmHg diastolic
Specific definition
Above definition plus ME difference (morning BP minus evening BP) ≥20 mmHg
Ambulatory morning hypertension (ABPM)
Average of ambulatory BPs during 2‐hours after rising ≥135 mmHg systolic and/or ≥85 mmHg diastolic
Masked morning hypertension
Morning hypertension with office BP <140/90 mmHg
Definition of nocturnal hypertension
When to use HBPM and ABPM
Nocturnal hypertension
Average of nighttime BP readingsa ≥120 mmHg systolic and/or ≥70 mmHg diastolic
Office‐masked noctural hypertension
Nocturnal hypertension with office BP <140/90 mmHg
Morning‐masked nocturnal hypertension
Nocturnal hypertension with morning home BP <135/85 mmHg
Isolated nocturnal hyptertension
Nocturnal hypertension with both office BP <140/90 mmHg and morning home BP <135/85 mmHg
Home BP monitoring
Ambulatory BP monitoring/nocturnal home BP monitoring
High‐risk patients with hypertension with:
Clinically suspected SHATS
Cardio‐ankle vascular index (CAVI)
Coupling study
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