ASE 2015–2016 Board of Directors and Society leaders gathered for their annual meeting in Boston.

2015 ASE Scientific Sessions program chair Rebecca Hahn, MD, FASE (right) receiving her commemorative plaque from 2014–2015 ASE President, Neil J. Weissman, MD, FASE.

Dr. Patrick O’Gara, Director of Clinical Cardiology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, delivered the 2015 Edler Lecture titled “Innovation in CV Medicine: Whose Responsibility Is It?”
The five editors of ASE’s new text book Comprehensive Echocardiography were on hand Sunday morning to sign copies of the book for participants. The editors seated at the table are (top to bottom): Itzhak Kronzon, MD, FASE; Victor Mor-Avi, PhD, FASE; Bijoy K. Khandheria, MD, FASE; Roberto Lang, MD, FASE; Steven A. Goldstein, MD, FASE.
Roberto Canessa, MD, FASE, pediatric cardiologist from Montevideo, Uruguay, presented a talk titled “The Triumph of Human Spirit Over Adversity. Resilience” about his heroic survival and rescue in the well documented 1972 Andes plane crash. Dr. Canessa also received a 2015 Honorary FASE.
Leaders from echocardiography societies around the world joined in the International Roundtable discussion at ASE 2015.
2015 Recipients of the Alan D. Waggoner Student Scholarship Awards are shown here with ASE Foundation 2015–2016 Annual Appeal Committee Chair Thomas Ryan, MD, FASE. Front row (left to right): Alyssa Brooks, Yale-New Haven Hospital School of Diagnostic Ultrasound, New Haven, CT; Genevieve Hammett, Clemson University CVT Program, Clemson, SC; Steven Kiyokawa, Bellevue College DMS Program, Bellevue, WA; Hoa “Jenny” Tuyet Gip, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences DMS Program, Little Rock, AR; Dr. Ryan. Second Row (left to right): Christina Landish, Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare-St. Francis Hospital DMS Program, Milwaukee, WI; Brittney Guile, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee DMS Program, Milwaukee, WI; Cristy Murray, South Hills School of Business & Technology DMS Program, State College, PA; Meghan Wilson, Hoffman Heart & Vascular Institute School of Cardiac Ultrasound, Hartford, CT; Brian Whittemore, Bunker Hill Community College DMS Program, Boston, MA; Michelly O’Malley, University of Maryland Baltimore County DMS Program, Baltimore, MD; Madeline Schiminger, Johns Hopkins Hospital Cardiac Sonography Program, Baltimore, MD. Other winners not pictured: Rianna Herbolingo, Hudson Valley Community College DMS Program, Troy, NY; Aubrey Moder, Mayo Clinic DMS Program, Rochester, MN; Jason Morgun-Le, Grossmont College CVT Program, El Cajon, CA; Catherine Sistrunk, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center CVT Program, New Orleans, LA.
Steven A. Goldstein, MD, FASE, from MedStar Washington Hospital Center, Washington, DC, was named as the 2015 Physician Lifetime Achievement Award recipient. Dr. Goldstein (second from the left) is shown here enjoying the ASE Foundation Gala with (left to right) his daughter Lauren, his wife Simoy, and his son Derek.
Margaret (Peg) L. Knoll, RDCS, FASE, (second from the right) from the University of California-Irvine Health, Orange, CA, was named the 2015 Sonographer Lifetime Achievement Award recipient. She is shown here with her friend and family members (left to right) Greig McCulloch, sister Bridget Rubin, mother Rose Magee, and husband Jack.
Hugh D. Allen, MD, from Texas Children’s Hospital, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, shown here with his wife Elizabeth was named the 14 th recipient of the ASE Council on Pediatric and Congenital Heart Disease Founders’ Award.