I vividly remember attending my first ASE Scientific Sessions meeting in the early 1990s in Washington DC. I was amazed that people, many of whom had written the very books and articles from which I had learned echocardiography, were so friendly and welcoming. I knew then that I had found a home and I wanted to be involved. At a presentation on grassroots advocacy, Judy Rosenbloom asked that anyone who was interested in helping please provide contact information on the legal pad she had placed at the front of the room. I had no idea what putting my name on that legal pad would lead to (more about that in a later edition), but I willingly and expectantly signed up.
It is hard to believe that over four years have passed since I was approached about serving as the secretary of the Council on Cardiovascular Sonography. It seemed then like it would be such a long time before I would step into the role of the chair and be writing the Sonographers’ Communications page. Yet, two leadership cycles have come and gone, and here I am writing that first edition. I would like to use this time to introduce you to the incoming council leadership.
I am a graduate of Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center (LSUHSC). I have a bachelors’ degree in cardiopulmonary science and a masters’ degree in health sciences administration. My bachelor’s degree training was primarily in respiratory therapy, but it also provided a foundation in cardiopulmonary diagnostic testing. My first job was as a respiratory therapist in a department that was willing to cross train me into cardiac diagnostics (electrocardiography, stress testing, Holter monitoring, and echocardiography). I quickly fell in love with echocardiography, took every opportunity provided me to learn more, and never looked back. I will always be grateful to Dr. Richard Mautner and Arna Matthews for their willingness to undertake this cross training endeavor and train me in echocardiography. I have held positions as a clinical sonographer, lead sonographer, lab manager, and have been involved in many research projects, including the Bogalusa Heart Study, where I was the cardiac sonographer from 2003–2010. Presently, I am a research sonographer at LSUHSC in New Orleans, LA and clinical faculty in the cardiovascular ultrasound program there. I also own my own cardiovascular ultrasound consulting company.
I have been actively involved in the ASE since attending my first Scientific Sessions. I have been a member of various committees and taskforces, and have served one term on the Board of Directors. I currently serve on the Awards Committee, the Advocacy Committee, and of course, the Council on Cardiovascular Sonography. Each position taught me something, opened my eyes to new issues, and increased my passion for my profession. Serving as council chair is an honor, and I look forward to what the next two years have in store for us as sonographers.