Eisenmenger syndrome

Cyanosis from any cause

Marfan syndrome with aortopathy

Severe/symptomatic mitral or aortic stenosis

Pulmonary arterial hypertension from any cause

Symptomatic heart failure from any cause

Adapted from Thorne et al. [20] with permission of BMJ Publishing Group Ltd and Regitz-Zagrosek et al. [17] with permission of Oxford University Press (UK) © European Society of Cardiology. www.​escardio.​org/​guidelines

During pregnancy, plasma volume increases by approximately 30–50 % [4]. This is accomplished through an increase in sodium retention and total body water. Women accumulate sodium during pregnancy from increased estrogen plus increased hepatic production of angiotensinogen and renin production in the liver, uterus, and kidney. Total body water is also increased through a variety of endocrine pathways including deoxycorticosterone, prostaglandins, prolactin, placental lactogen, growth hormone, and ACTH. Red cell mass is also increased by approximately 20–30 % and is mediated by progesterone, placental chorionic somatomammotropin and prolactin [3]. The disproportionate increase in plasma volume relative to red cell volume results in the well-recognized anemia of pregnancy. The normal range for hematocrit in pregnancy is 33–38 % [3, 4].

Cardiac output, a product of stroke volume and heart rate, is increased in pregnancy by as much as 50 %. This results from increases in both stroke volume and heart rate. Early in pregnancy, stroke volume is the predominant contributor, increasing by around 30 % [4]. Later in gestation, increases in heart rate have a larger role in maintaining cardiac output. Both atrial natriuretic peptide and brain natriuretic peptide are increased in pregnancy, which causes peripheral vasodilation and afterload reduction with resulting increase in cardiac output [3].

Systemic vascular resistance decreases during pregnancy by up to 30 % at 8 weeks [4]. This decrease is due to increased estrogens, progesterone, prostaglandins, prolactin. Increased prostacyclin decreases the vasoconstrictive effect of angiotensin II during pregnancy. Nitric oxide is also increased, resulting in vasodilation. Relaxin is also thought to contribute to decreased systemic vascular resistance [3].

In addition to changes in blood volume, there are also shifts in blood flow between organ systems. Blood flow is increased to the uterus and kidneys [3]. Changes in coronary blood flow are not well understood, though it is likely increased to meet myocardial demand from increased ventricular wall muscle mass and end diastolic volume [6, 7]. Normal physiologic changes during pregnancy, labor and delivery, and the post-partum period are summarized in Table 14.2.

Table 14.2
Physiologic changes during pregnancy, labor and delivery, and the post-partum period


Labor and delivery


Plasma volume

↑ by 30–50 %

↓ due to blood loss

Heart rate

↑ by 15–20 beats per minute

Cardiac output

↑ by up to 50 %

↑ again by up to 50 %

Stroke volume

↑ by 30 % during first and second trimesters

Blood pressure

↓ systolic and diastolic

Systemic vascular resistance

Symptoms During Pregnancy

Many symptoms that occur commonly during normal pregnancy would be concerning for cardiac disease in other settings. Pregnancy is typically associated with fatigue, dyspnea on exertion, and decreased exercise capacity due to a combination of normal physiologic changes [8]. Many women also feel lightheaded and may even experience syncope from aortocaval compression from the gravid uterus. Lower extremity edema likely results from sodium retention, and may be worsened by decreased venous return from the lower extremities due to caval compression [3].

Physical Exam of Pregnant Patient

Pertinent vital sign changes during pregnancy include tachycardia, with heart rate increasing by 15–20 beats per minute and peaking at 32 weeks gestation. Blood pressure is decreased, particularly the diastolic pressure, resulting in a widened pulse pressure [3]. Physical exam demonstrates displaced apical impulse due to increased left ventricular mass and the more horizontal position of heart due to diaphragmatic elevation from the uterus. Pregnant women have more pronounced jugular venous pulsations, which is likely related to increased volume and decreased systemic vascular resistance. Auscultation reveals a split S1, probably due to early closure of the mitral valve. The second heart sound is widely split, likely because of increased pulmonary blood flow. A systolic murmur is often audible due to increased flow and relative valvular stenosis. A physiologic third heart sound (S3), reflecting the increased blood volume, can sometimes be auscultated.

Electrocardiographic changes during pregnancy include an increase in heart rate and leftward shift of the QRS and T-wave axis because of upward and horizontal displacement of the heart by the gravid uterus [9]. Interestingly, estrogen may have a digoxin-like effect on the ECG, causing ST segment depressions [9]. Echocardiography during pregnancy may reveal an increase in left atrial size and left ventricular wall mass [10, 11]. It is important to consider the patient’s position when interpreting symptoms, vital signs, and physical exam findings due to increased inferior vena cava compression while supine. This may be relieved by having the patient move to the left lateral decubitus position, where inferior vena cava compression is minimized [3]. Up to 11 % of women are diagnosed formally with the supine hypotensive syndrome of pregnancy, which is due to the same phenomenon of inferior vena cava compression [12]. These women have tachycardia and symptomatic hypotension with weakness, lightheadedness, nausea, dizziness, and syncope [3].

Labor and Delivery

Labor and delivery are associated with dramatic hemodynamic changes, which vary with duration of labor and associated pain as well as type of anesthesia. During labor, cardiac output may increase by as much as 50 % [3]. Oxygen consumption also increases, by as much as 30 % [13]. Uterine contractions are associated with dramatic shifts in blood distribution, with autotransfusion of 300–500 ml of blood from the uterus to the systemic circulation [14]. Transient hypotension occurs in 60 % of cesarean deliveries with either epidural or spinal anesthesia [15]. Vaginal deliveries are typically result in 300–400 ml estimated blood loss, while cesarean deliveries are associated with 500–800 ml of blood loss.

Postpartum Changes

Some changes in pregnancy persist following delivery, in subsequent pregnancies, and beyond. In particular, cardiac output and left ventricular volumes increase during pregnancy and remain elevated in the year following pregnancy, with greater increase in women who have had multiple pregnancies [11]. While many of the cardiovascular changes during pregnancy appear to be adaptive, women with higher parity appear to be at increased cardiovascular risk later in life, at least based on prospective data [16]. The long-term consequences of pathologic changes to cardiovascular function such as peripartum cardiomyopathy will be addressed in a later section.

Medication Adjustment

Whether medically managing cardiac disease or an unrelated chronic or acute medical condition, the impact of the cardiovascular changes during pregnancy on medication pharmacokinetics must be considered. Plasma volume is increased and plasma proteins are decreased, which results in variable binding, delivery, and elimination of drugs. Glomerular filtration is increased, which leads to more rapid elimination of renally cleared medications. Similarly, there is increased hepatic blood flow with faster hepatic clearance [4]. Medical management of specific cardiac conditions will be addressed later in the chapter.

Summary of Cardiovascular Changes in Pregnancy

Cardiovascular disease, while rare in pregnancy, is an important cause of morbidity and mortality. Profound hemodynamic changes include increased blood volume and cardiac output, decreased systemic vascular resistance, and shifts in blood flow between different organ systems. Pregnant women have faster heart rates and lower blood pressure than their non-pregnant counterparts. Their cardiac exam also differs, with changes in point of maximum impulse and new murmurs. They may demonstrate electrocardiographic changes including T wave inversions and ST segment depression. Echocardiograms performed on pregnant women may reveal increased left ventricular mass. These changes can vary dramatically from minute to minute based on body position and from week to week based on gestational age. It is important for obstetricians, anesthesiologists, and cardiologists to be familiar with the normal changes in pregnancy and their effects on women with and without cardiac disease during their pregnancies and beyond.

Risk Stratification of Women with Pre-existing Heart Disease Considering Pregnancy


Cardiac disease is the leading cause of non-obstetric mortality in pregnancy. Given that certain pregnant women are at higher risk than others, risk assessment should be tailored to the individual patient and potential pathology. However, this is complicated by limited data on disease-specific predictors of outcome as well as changing demographics of pregnant women and advances in diagnostic testing and therapeutic interventions [17]. As there are a growing number of adults surviving with congenital heart disease, it comes as no surprise that this is the most common form of heart disease presenting to high-risk obstetrical referral centers in North America [18]. In general, the risk of pregnancy complications increases with the complexity of congenital heart disease [19]. Women of childbearing age with cardiac disease should be counseled on issues of contraception, maternal and fetal risks of pregnancy, and potential long-term maternal morbidity and mortality. Pregnancy-related risk is cumulative, therefore risk increases with each additional cardiac or non-cardiac condition (i.e. diabetes) [18, 20]. Furthermore, there is an increasing number of pregnancies complicated by advanced maternal age [21]. Capabilities exist now to detect and monitor cardiac disease in both the mother and the fetus, for instance with troponin assays and fetal echocardiography [22]. Diagnosis, management, and counseling regarding risks for the mother and fetus during pregnancy is limited by the lack of prospective or randomized studies so the onus remains on clinicians to apply available data and guidelines to individual patients [17]. First, a more generalized approach to risk stratification of women with heart disease that pre-exists pregnancy will be presented. Following this, risks of specific congenital, valvular, and rhythm abnormalities will be addressed.

Assessment of Risk in Patients with Preexisting Cardiac Disease

Siu and colleagues [18] have developed a risk stratification tool to further quantify cardiac risk during pregnancy in women with both congenital and acquired heart disease. Cardiac events in these women are most commonly pulmonary edema or arrhythmia. Four risk factors should be assessed:


Prior cardiac event, including heart failure, transient ischemic attack, stroke or arrhythmia preceding pregnancy



New York Heart Association Class III or IV, or cyanosis



Left atrial outlet obstruction with mitral valve area <2 cm2 or left ventricular outflow tract obstruction with aortic valve area <1.5 cm2 or peak left ventricular outflow gradient >30 mmHg on echocardiogram



Left ventricular systolic dysfunction with ejection fraction <40 % [18].


This validated risk score may be used to predict the risk for cardiac complications (Table 14.3). In patients with pre-existing cardiac disease and no risk factors, the risk for a maternal cardiac event during pregnancy or peripartum is 5 %. The presence of one risk factor increases this to 25 %. Women with known cardiac disease and more than one risk factor are at a significantly higher risk for a cardiac event (75 %) [18].

Table 14.3
Quantifying cardiac risk during pregnancy

Number of risk factors

Risk for cardiac event during pregnancy (%)







Adapted from Regitz-Zagrosek et al. [17]. With permission of Oxford University Press (UK) © European Society of Cardiology. www.​escardio.​org/​guidelines

Maternal functional class is an important predictor of outcome with NYHA functional class III (marked limitation of physical activity) and IV (symptomatic at rest) predicting higher maternal cardiac events.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has also developed a tool for risk stratification (Table 14.4), which has been adopted by the European Society of Cardiology [17]. In this schema, pregnancies are classified into one of four risk classifications:

Table 14.4
WHO classification of maternal cardiovascular risk

WHO class

Pregnancy risk

Frequency of cardiac follow-up


Low: risk of maternal morbidity or mortality no higher than in general population

Once or twice during pregnancy


Moderate: small increase in risk of maternal morbidity or mortality

At least every trimester


High: significant increase in risk of severe maternal morbidity or mortality

Monthly during pregnancy


Very high: pregnancy contraindicated due to very high risk of severe maternal morbidity or mortality

Every 2–4 weeks during pregnancy

Adapted from Thorne et al. [20] with permission of BMJ Publishing Group Ltd.

WHO class I is considered low risk, II corresponds to moderate risk, III is high risk, and IV is very high risk. Distinction between class II and III must be especially individualized, with increased risk with more risk factors or a combination of conditions.

It may be appropriate for women in class I to be seen by a cardiologist only one or two times during pregnancy. Cardiology follow-up for women in class II should occur at least every trimester. Due to the high risk for morbidity and mortality in class III, these women benefit from preconception counseling from an expert cardiologist and a high risk obstetrician, should be evaluated by a cardiologist approximately monthly during pregnancy, and require close monitoring postnatally [17]. Higher risk pregnancies should be managed by maternal and fetal medicine obstetricians in conjunction with cardiologists. Preferred mode of delivery for women with significant cardiac risk is usually vaginal given the smaller volume blood loss and less dramatic changes in hemodynamics. However, this should be tailored to the individual patient and in some instances early cesarean delivery is required [17]. Conditions in which pregnancy is contraindicated (WHO Class IV) are listed in Table 14.1 above. When women with these lesions reach child bearing age, they should be counseled that pregnancy is contraindicated.

Congenital, valvular, and acquired cardiac conditions are categorized into WHO classes I through IV in Table 14.5.

Table 14.5
WHO risk categories for specific cardiac conditions

WHO class



Acquired prior to pregnancy


Uncomplicated, small, or mild:

Uncomplicated, small, or mild:

Isolated ventricular extrasystoles

 Pulmonary stenosis

Mitral valve prolapse with no more than trivial mitral regurgitation

Atrial ectopic beats

 Ventricular septal defect

 Patent ductus arteriosus

Successfully repaired simple lesions

 Ostium secundum atrial septal defect

 Ventricular septal defect

 Patent ductus arteriosus

 Total anomalous pulmonary venous return


Unoperated atrial septal defect
Most arrhythmias

Repaired tetralogy of Fallot


Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

Native or tissue valvular heart disease not considered WHO class IV

Heart transplantation

Marfan syndrome without aortic root dilatation

Mild left ventricular impairment

Aorta <45 mm in aortic disease associated with bicuspid aortic valve


Systemic right ventricle

Mechanical valve

 Congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries

 Simple transposition status post Mustard or Senning repair

Complex congenital heart disease status post Fontan

Unrepaired cyanotic heart disease

Other complex congenital heart disease

Marfan syndrome with aortic dilatation of 40–45 mm

Aortic dilatation of 45–50 mm in aortic disease associated with bicuspid aortic valve


Eisenmenger syndrome

Severe mitral stenosis

Pulmonary arterial hypertension from any cause

Uncorrected cyanotic congenital heart disease with resting oxygen saturation <85 %

Severe symptomatic aortic stenosis

Severe systemic ventricular dysfunction with LVEF <30 % or NYHA class III or IV

Native severe coarctation of the aorta

Previous peripartum cardiomyopathy with residual impairment of left ventricular function

Marfan syndrome with aortic dilatation of >45 mm

Aortic dilatation of >50 mm in aortic disease associated with bicuspid aortic valve

Adapted from Thorne et al. [20] with permission of BMJ Publishing Group Ltd and Regitz-Zagrosek et al. [17] with permission of Oxford University Press (UK) © European Society of Cardiology. www.​escardio.​org/​guidelines

LVEF left ventricular rejection fraction, NYHA New York Heart Association

Very High Risk Lesions


As outlined above, one of the highest risk conditions is the Eisenmenger syndrome whereby a left to right shunt caused by a congenital heart defect causes increased flow through the pulmonary vasculature, causing pulmonary hypertension, which in turn causes increased pressures in the right side of the heart and reversal of the shunt into a right-to-left shunt. This is high risk from the combination of pulmonary hypertension and systemic cyanosis from the resultant right to left shunting. Pulmonary hypertension is generally considered to be elevated pulmonary arterial pressures (with varying cut-offs for mean pulmonary artery pressures) with impairment of right ventricular function. Potential consequences of pulmonary hypertension in pregnant and postpartum women include pulmonary hypertensive crises, pulmonary thrombosis, and refractory right heart failure [17]. Additional risks of the Eisenmenger syndrome that can be attributed to cyanosis include heart failure, supraventricular tachycardia, infective endocarditis, and thromboembolism. The risk for thromboembolism must be balanced with concurrent risk for hemoptysis and thrombocytopenia [17]. Maternal mortality in the Eisenmenger syndrome varies from 28 to 36 %, with the time period of highest risk being the month following delivery [23, 24]. Risk is increased with late presentation to the hospital, more severe pulmonary hypertension, and requirement of delivery under general anesthesia [24]. Given the significant maternal risk, women with the Eisenmenger syndrome or pulmonary hypertension should be counseled to avoid pregnancy. It is important to note that some pulmonary hypertension medications like bosentan decrease the efficacy of hormonal contraception [25]. The fetus is at risk for premature delivery or demise in the presence of maternal cyanosis, with <12 % chance of live birth with maternal oxygen saturation <85 % or polycythemia to hemoglobin of >20 g/dL preceding pregnancy [17, 26]. Management includes continuation of pulmonary hypertensive medications, possible bedrest, consideration of prophylaxis of thromboembolism, judicious use of diuretics to avoid volume depletion, treatment of iron deficiency, and frequent monitoring of oxygen saturation and complete blood counts. During delivery, regional anesthesia is preferable to general, and early cesarean delivery may become necessary if maternal or fetal deterioration is evident [17].

Severe coarctation of the aorta is also a high risk lesion. It poses a significant risk for hypertensive disease to the mother, which can result in rupture to aortic or cerebral aneurysms [17]. In one series, risk for maternal mortality during pregnancy was 2 % [27]. Good control of blood pressure is critical, though this must be balanced by avoiding placental hypoperfusion with overly aggressive blood pressure control. Percutaneous intervention for coarctation is possible during pregnancy, though the risk dissection with the procedure is higher during pregnancy. Thus, this is typically only attempted in the peripartum period when medical management has failed and there is clear evidence of fetal or maternal compromise [17].

The major risk for Marfan syndrome with aortopathy is aortic dissection during pregnancy, and patients with higher degree of aortic dilatation are considered WHO pregnancy class IV. As in non-pregnant patients, risk for dissection correlates directly with aortic root diameter, with the largest risk occurring in patients with aortic diameter >40 mm. It is thought that historically, the risk for dissection was over-estimated due to case reports with potential biases. Now, studies have demonstrated that pregnancy apparently has little effect on aortic dilatation in Marfan syndrome [28]. Complications of dissection include worsening mitral regurgitation, supraventricular arrhythmias, heart failure, and acute blood loss. Since pregnant women and the fetus have decreased ability to tolerate these complications, Marfan patients at greatest risk for dissection with aortic root diameter >45 mm should be counseled that pregnancy is contraindicated. Monitoring includes echocardiography every 1–3 months during pregnancy and again 6 months postnatally [17]. Medical management typically includes beta blockade due to potential for protection from more rapid aortic dilatation, though there is limited data confirming this effect [29]. Fetal growth must be monitored with mothers on beta blockers, with greater risk for fetal growth impairment with atenolol [17]. Both vaginal and cesarean delivery may be considered, with the primary goal of minimizing the cardiovascular stress of delivery as much as possible through continuation of beta blockade and expedition of some stages of labor and delivery [17] (Table 14.6).

Table 14.6
Maternal risk associated with pre-existing cardiac disease

Low risk

Mild pulmonic stenosis

Small ventricular septal defect

Small patent ductus arteriosus

Repaired atrial septal defect

Repaired ventricular septal defect

Repaired total anomalous pulmonary venous return

Mitral valve prolapse without significant mitral regurgitation

Isolated premature ventricular contractions

Isolated premature atrial contractions

Moderate risk

Unrepaired atrial septal defect

Repaired tetralogy of Fallot

Most arrhythmias

Moderate to high risk

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

Marfan syndrome without aortic root dilatation

Native or bioprosthetic valvular heart disease not considered very high risk

Heart transplantation

Mild left ventricular impairment

High risk

Repaired transposition of the great arteries

Previous Fontan repair

Mechanical valve

Very high risk

Eisenmenger syndrome

Uncorrected congenital cyanotic heart disease with hypoxia at rest

Severe coarctation of the aorta

Marfan syndrome with aortopathy

Severe mitral stenosis

Severe aortic stenosis with symptoms

Pulmonary hypertension

Heart failure with LVEF <30 % or NYHA Class III or IV

Adapted from Thorne et al. [20] with permission of BMJ Publishing Group Ltd and from Regitz-Zagrosek et al. [17] with permission of Oxford University Press (UK) © European Society of Cardiology. www.​escardio.​org/​guidelines


Mitral stenosis (MS) due to rheumatic heart disease is the most common valvular anomaly that becomes clinically significant in pregnancy, and if severe (with valve area <1.0 cm2), is a contraindication to pregnancy [17, 30]. Women should be counseled that their symptoms will worsen during pregnancy. The increase in heart rate and stroke volume during pregnancy increases the pressure gradient across the narrowed mitral valve. This leads to further increase in left atrial volume and pressure with subsequent pulmonary congestion, worsening dyspnea, orthopnea, reduced exercise tolerance, and potentially atrial fibrillation [17, 31]. Maternal mortality is reported between 1 and 3 % [17]. Requirement for hospitalization was uniform in one series of women with severe mitral stenosis, and 15 % required surgical repair during pregnancy [32]. Fetal risks include prematurity, intrauterine growth retardation, and fetal or neonatal demise (up to 3 %) [31]. Both severity of mitral stenosis and resulting heart failure symptoms are directly correlated with maternal and fetal complications. Maternal complications include worsening heart failure, need for surgery or balloon valvuloplasty, thromboebmolism, and death. Fetal complications include premature birth, small for gestational age, respiratory distress, and death [33, 34]. Ideally, severe mitral stenosis would be repaired prior to pregnancy, which can decrease pregnancy risk from WHO class IV to class II or III [20]. During pregnancy, echocardiograms should be performed monthly, or sooner if symptoms warrant. The goal of medical management of mitral stenosis during pregnancy is to decrease heart rate and minimize left atrial enlargement [35]. If symptomatic pulmonary hypertension develops, women should have their activity restricted and they should be started on a selective beta 1 antagonists. Selective beta 1 antagonists are preferred due to the role of beta 2 receptors in uterine relaxation. Metoprolol is preferred over atenolol due to the potential for greater fetal growth restriction with atenolol [17]. Fluid status should be monitored closely and managed with fluid restriction or gently diuresis, avoiding hypotension and potentially catastrophic placental hypoperfusion [35]. Women with mitral stenosis during pregnancy are at increased risk for atrial arrhythmias, and management of these will be addressed in the following section on acquired heart disease during pregnancy. Percutaneous mitral valve balloon valvotomy may be considered after 20 weeks gestation in women with significant heart failure symptoms (NYHA Class III or IV) who have failed medical management [35]. Delivery should be vaginal in women without pulmonary hypertension and NYHA class I or II heart failure symptoms, while cesarean delivery is favored in women with NYHA class III or IV heart failure symptoms and pulmonary hypertension [17].

Severe aortic stenosis places women at very high risk for complications during pregnancy. The most common cause of aortic stenosis in women of childbearing age is congenital bicuspid aortic valve [17]. Symptomatic severe aortic stenosis is defined as a valve area ≤1 cm2 or peak gradient ≥64 mmHg in the presence of dyspnea on exertion, chest pain, or syncope, or an abnormal exercise stress test. The risk for maternal mortality was previously thought to be as high as 17 % [36]. More recent series show that maternal mortality is rare [37]. Symptoms of aortic stenosis, including angina, dyspnea, and syncope, typically worsen or even appear for the first time during pregnancy. In all grades of aortic stenosis, increased cardiac output during pregnancy leads to increases in transvalvular aortic gradients [32]. 10 % of patients with severe aortic stenosis experience signs and symptoms of heart failure during pregnancy, and anywhere between 3 and 25 % will develop arrhythmias [38]. Such complications are rare in mild or moderate disease [37]. Women with aortic stenosis should be monitored carefully during pregnancy with monthly or bimonthly echocardiograms [17]. If signs or symptoms of heart failure develop, patients should be managed with activity restriction, gentle diuresis, and treatment of arrhythmias. Percutaneous valvuloplasty may be attempted during pregnancy in patients without evidence of calcification or aortic regurgitation [39]. Delivery in severe symptomatic aortic stenosis should be by cesarean section with general anesthesia, and in some cases early cesarean delivery with subsequent surgical aortic valve replacement is required [17].


Pulmonary hypertension from an acquired causes such as lung disease, hypoxia, and chronic thrombo-embolic disease is managed the same as pulmonary hypertension from congenital heart disease, which was addressed previously. A mean PAP ≥25 mmHg at rest is indicative of pulmonary hypertension. The risk probably increases with more elevated pulmonary pressures.

High Risk


Patients with transposition of the great arteries generally fall into WHO class III for pregnancy risk. Whether corrected in utero (known as congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries or atrioventricular and ventriculo-arterial discordance), or surgically after birth with an arterial switch operation (Senning or Mustard repair), risk is apparently similar [17]. Pregnancy complications include potentially life-threatening arrhythmias, hypertensive disease, worsening heart failure symptoms, and irreversible decline in right ventricular function [17, 40]. Patients with transposition of the great arteries are at increased risk for AV nodal blockade and bradycardia, so beta blockers must be used with caution. Cardiac follow up should occur frequently during pregnancy, with echocardiograms and ECGs every 1–2 months. Vaginal delivery is usually appropriate in the absence of any hemodynamic decompensation [17].

Pregnancy risk for women with who have had the Fontan procedure depends on the hemodynamics of the circuit, with better prognosis and lower risk in women with a more optimal circuit [17]. Maternal complications include atrial arrhythmias and worsening heart failure symptoms, and there is increased risk for fetal loss, premature birth, and small for gestational age size [41]. Patients should be evaluated by a cardiologist monthly during and immediately following pregnancy. ACE inhibitors must be discontinued, and anticoagulation to prevent thrombo-embolism should be considered. Vaginal delivery is preferred, though early cesarean delivery may be necessary if worsening heart failure occurs [17].


Mechanical valves are WHO class III. In women of child-bearing age, mechanical valves have the advantage of excellent hemodynamics and higher durability when compared with bioprosthetic valves. The major disadvantage is the risk for valve thrombosis, which can be fatal, and the potential complications of full anticoagulation during pregnancy. The risk for teratogenicity on warfarin is 6.4 %. Warfarin crosses the placenta and typically causes primarily central nervous system abnormalities. The risk for warfarin embryopathy can be effectively eliminated with substitution of heparin beginning by 6 weeks gestation through 12 weeks, and then resumption of oral anticoagulation with warfarin until delivery is planned [42]. Women requiring lower warfarin doses (<5 mg per day) have a 2.6 % risk of teratogenesis while women on higher doses (>5 mg per day) have an 8 % risk [43]. However, the risk for valve thrombosis is directly related to the time spent on heparin in place of warfarin, with 3.9 % thrombosis with only oral anticoagulation, 9.2 % for heparin in the first trimester, and 33 % for heparin throughout pregnancy [42]. These risks must be weighed by the patient and physician, and will inform the decision regarding anticoagulation regimen. Close monitoring of anticoagulation and evidence of possible valve thrombosis should be performed throughout pregnancy. Vaginal delivery is contraindicated for pregnant women on warfarin due to the risk for neonatal intracranial hemorrhage. Given the concurrent risk for maternal hemorrhage with cesarean section on warfarin, planned vaginal delivery with transition back to heparin is preferred [17].
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